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Dingasoid's Clan
What's an astronaut's favorite key? The SPACE bar!!!
Clan Info
Status: In College! Will post when I can.
Any pronouns
Currently making a PMD2 rom hack, wish me luck. :')
Check me out on ArtFight
Heads up, lair makes use of a lot of non lore-friendly concepts (i.e: Fandragons). This lair is more laid-back and for-fun in nature, so sorry if it bugs you a bit.
Context: There was a bit of drama about having (or seeing) non-lore friendly lairs some time ago, though I don't think it's really prevalent and that people really mind much either.
Fandragon plans!
100 Dragons on 7/22/23!
Rivulet no that's not bubble fruit
Joined on March 16th and got dragons on May 4th after solving silly complications. My antivirus kept blocking the create a dragon page and it took me a little bit and asking on the forums to see what was going on lol.
Note to Mods: I have friends that live in my area that play FR. I also travel sometimes, so my IP might change.
PineShine Inn Bed N' Breakfast is a chain of successful Inns that can be found here and there in the Sunbeam Ruins. It has been relatively successful Mostly thanks to LuminaxCon but no one dares mention that and has expanded to a staggering 3 locations!!! They're getting close to matching up with their Lanternlea Port competitors, Lumina Suites! They're only- uh... 53 locations away from the goal... But who cares? They won't have the great stuff we have! Like stone-fired pizzas (referred to as "Cheesy Breaddisks" in Sorneith as the concept seems to be foreign to other Dragons and Beastfolk alike) and Harvest Dawn from TES Oblivion on repeat in the tavern! (The concept of TES Oblivion is also completely foreign to the most of the denizens of this realm as well... Hmmm... I wonder how the workers at PineShine Inn Bed N' Breakfast know about this stuff? Hmm...)
There is a secret portal in the back of the area that only one dragon knows about, and they're dead-silent about it.
Okay okay... we may have been a little carried away there...
You are wandering around a forested area of the Sunbeam Ruins, gathering supplies for your clan. Perhaps you're looking for unique treasures? Or maybe you're looking for exotic game? Well, that's up to you.
You are getting pretty exhausted. After some time of wandering and flying around, you need somewhere to rest. You think about building a shelter, but then you get the keen smell of... pie?
After following that strange, but nice smell, it brings you to some kind of massive log cabin. You are wary to approach, but a blue and green Guardian with a bamboo hat signals you to come over with a warm smile on his face. Is it a trap? Oh well, he seems like a friendly individual.
"You seem like you've been out here for a while, stranger!" Says the big drake. "Why don't you come rest at our place and join us for dinner?"
You come into the large cabin, and find an array of strange dragons seated at a very long table. Some argue and snap at each other, others are happily sharing food. There are a few empty seats, so you take one closer to the end.
(To be continued)
Hi! I'm Dingasoid, Nice to meet ya!
I'm a fan of Stellaris, Red Dead Redemption 2, Warhammer, Digimon and Pokemon (Yes, both of them), Star Wars, Rain World, Metal Slug, Metroid, Halo, Mortal Kombat, Earthbound, Rain World, Gunstar Heroes, Twisted Wonderland, and especially Mega Man
I'm a friendly person and I like to meet new people. So you'll see me hanging around the forums.
I'm pretty active on the RP forum, so you're more than likely to see me on there.
P.S: If I buy your dragon, don't be surprised if they become a fanderg for some random character.
Other sites I use:
Poliwager - Arctictheglaceon
Egg Cave - Galactic Pigeon
Feel free to share other sites to me!
Quick scroll up
Better head back up...
Too late now
^ Shoutout to this person lol
Yes I'm a gangstar
Metal Slug characters after they run out of quarters
Plague Primal eyes be like:
MMZ players when they don't get the EX-Skill and have to restart the mission again
Who would win a fight
Labyrinth of Shremo
Me getting ascended after posting memes to #general
Me getting ascended after posting memes to #general
The great RP spectrum
Click for bigger pic
Dang I match 4/4
A photon walks into a hotel and rents a room. While heading up to their room, one of the employees offers to help them carry their luggage up. The photon says, "No need to, but thanks. I'm travelling light."
What did the painter say when they got lost in the parking lot?
Where did my Van Gogh???
I know a lot of you folks might be asking, "Hey Dingasoid, what do you identify as?" Allow me to answer your question.
To clear up any confusion, I identify as an SK-105 Kürassier. Tank you for understanding :)
Haha get it
*Pig Squealing*
Oink Oink! YOU are listening to
*Tank rolling by with marching*
*Airship dropping bombs*
Porta-Pigmask FM!
Where we play nothing but Your Highness, Marching, and even MORE Propoganda!
*Robot moving sounds*
*Drago Roar*
This ain't your Tazmillian granny's station!
>Vanessa Carlton - A Thousand Miles starts playing
Will you sign my petition?
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Gate to Luxembourg ->
Portal to Old Zealand ->
Choose wisely