Over Incubated Eggs

BlurryReflection's Clan
malovent architecture | semi-hiatus
Clan Info
xxxxxxxx |
![]() ![]() |
blur | any pronouns | formerly dragonqueenj | accents | wishlist

good luck if you scroll down, that way lies chaos

good luck if you scroll down, that way lies chaos

blur | any pronouns | formerly dragonqueenj | accents | wishlist

good luck if you scroll down, that way lies chaos
I was the 69th to join the Wiretangle walk, nice
if you ever feel like an idiot, I once looked for the gather items option in the shop section for five minutes
Please, do not scroll all the way down my profile. I'm begging you, don't even try
you'll regret it


carribean irishim
I'm here. Maybe I'm not. Is here a place?
watch as I am stupid with the long drop challenge
best thread ever
another good thread
thistle/carmine cantaloupe
gloom | tangerine | sable
Malevolent architecture

clan lore wip
The aptly-named Reflected Clan lives in the Reflected domain, another world. There, you will find places such as the Metallic forest (where one of the offshoot groups, the Denizens, live), and the Obsidian Labyrinth (beyond which lives Jaguaria, the main lair), and the Crystalline Caverns (Home to Fayne, another offshoot). There is also the Cave of Dreamers, where Jaguaria sends many willing dragons to sleep their lives away. this is also where you will find Snoedrift, who runs a business based on memories.
To anyone who made it this far: congrats! take this award!

i warned you

Recent Comments

Hollow was on the front page! I love his colors!

I love your sand undertable fanderg

Yup, same here!

Thanks! I like your lair too, nice sorta... Vibe. Y'know? Also randomly.. Do the necks of Fae bother you? They never bother me but seem to bother most people...

Hiya! Your old un is too similar to mine for me to not let yoj know

Hey! Thank you! :D I am working on Emmet and Ingo dergs but I am currently broke XD Your avatar dragon is especially cool as heck!!

Happy birthday! :D

Happy Birthday!

omg please no worries, the pa just ended up expiring and i wanted you to be able to get them!! you’re a sweetheart, thank you <3

i missed you too! and dont worry, thats perfectly fine :]

hi hi yes !! im back and kinda consistently.. we’re working on it hhgjjkdjdhdhs

Ooh yeah, there seems to be quite a few hk fans on fr, which is real cool! and as hornet would say, "shaw!"
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