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Tunadan's Clan

Alara'shinu, finding beauty in imperfection.
Mighty Lair
near the
Pox Consulate icon

Clan Info

Lore I made up for a subspecies to go with my clan. Let me know what you think! I love constructive feedback.
I also don't mind at all if anyone wants to pick up a dragon or two (or many, lol) and make them "Tree-Bound." You don't need to buy them off me, they just need to fit the genes/colors criteria. You don't need to link my clan lore or my dragon Bard (he's below). But, I'd appreciate you linking either. I can help with a link, if needed.
If you want a more flight specific tree-bound, I am perfectly fine with that. My tree-bound dragons are primarily nature flight assocated, so the more the merrier.

Tree-Bound Subspecies Lore:
There are a vast number of trees throughout Sorneith, and quite a number of different kinds. Some have big leaves, some have needles for leaves, some even have branches that hang from on high and almost touch the ground. Some have gnarled trunks and twisted branches, or are even covered in mushroom or moss.
Some of these trees have a special someone that lives with them. They are bound together, grow and live together. The dragon that is bound to their tree gives the tree a way to see the world in ways that plants cannot. In return, the dragon lives as long as the tree and gains a few powers stemmed from the bond that binds them.

(P for Primary, S for Secondary, suggestions always welcome)
P Colors: Bronze to Rust (browns like tree trunks, roots and dirt colors)
S Colors: Natural Leaf Colors (Greens, Blues, Autumn colors) or a color that represents flowering/fruit trees
Also including that they can be any color as long as there's a real-world tree to compare the blossom/fruit, leaf and trunk color to. Please mention the name of the tree for a quick google search, or a fun fact about the species of the tree.
Genes (Basic is an option for all):
P Genes: Fern, Boulder, Tapir, Skink, Orb, Wicker, Varnish, Ripple
S Genes: Paisley, Myrid, Striation, Spinner, Weaver, Woven, Lacquer
Tert: Player Choice color and gene
Ancient Breeds
There are so many Ancient breeds now!
All modern/ancient shared genes will be acceptable.
If the primary and secondary Ancient-only genes resemble a real-world tree or plant, it is welcome.
Tertiary color and gene will remain player choice.

Eye Types:
Though I am more "loose" with the genes and colors of the tree-bound, eye-types won't change. And also, I feel Button eyes would be really weird on a Tree-Bound, but I'm not going to completely exclude them. I'd like to see how someone might think it works before I condemn or accept Button eyes for my subspecies.
The most common eye types are: Common, Uncommon, Rare, Innocent, Pastel, Bright and Unusual. The majority of Tree-Bound dragons have these eye types. Bright eyed dragons are typically more gifted than the other commoner types, though still a far cry from the other eye types that have power.
Glowing: dragons have to be at least a few decades old, vast majority get their glow closer to 200 years old. Glowing-eyes are older Bright-eyed children, on their way to becoming powerful dragons.
Faceted: Faceted eyes indicate dragons good with curses, banes and hexes. These eyes also offer better peripheral vision.
Swirl: Swirls indicate stronger psychic powers. Many have become dangerously power hungry.
Goat: Dragons with these eyes can sense and use magic easier. Clairvoyance is common amongst these eyes.
Dark Sclera: these eyes are feared most of all, commonly believed to be evil spirits reborn. The very few, and even fewer documented, were powerful necromancers, and researched many very dark magics. It is believed they're the only ones that can see the deepest places of the world, though it is only a rumor. Bright-eyed younglings seldom develop this eye-type, fewer are born with them, and almost all of whom typically disappear soon after their eye color is discovered.
Mult-Gaze: able to see many things/places at once, can see spirits/elemental beings, can see somewhat into the future and past. All known Multi-Gazers have this type from day one of being a Tree-Bound.
Primal: a very old tree-bound, far more powerful than others, spends much of their time sleeping, a primal's tree is typically gargantuan.

Tree-Bound have a variety of powers and abilities.
All of them are able to access the vast network of connected roots and "project" themselves wherever the roots are close enough to the surface. They can communicate with each other in their own unique language, a language that sounds like trees swaying in the wind or grinding bark.
Rarer powers are those usually tied to the rarer eye types.

Nature, Earth and any element dragons can and do become Tree-Bound if they choose to. It's typically a permanent choice. A dragon can choose their own location, though normally take a little longer to learn how to use their abilities. They all still retain their natural-born element's basic abilities/spells and eye coloring. However, they will typically find their old powers greatly diminished, and some powers gone.
Where a natural-born tree-bound will always have it easier becoming primal-eyed, all are still able to achieve primal-eyes. While most natural-born have nature, wind, earth or occasionally fire or water eyes, some may have eyes of other flights as well. These Tree-Bound, though, will never have as much of a grasp of that flight's abilities as those not naturally born a tree-bound.

Other Info:
The trees themselves are unable to speak, and rely wholly on their bound dragon to show them the world. They share this info with their other tree friends via root systems and occasional touching with their leaves. Most of the time, the trees themselves are hibernating or asleep.
Breed isn't typically considered a permanent choice. While the physical body of a tree-bound can't easily change, they can still project themselves as other breeds/species, though the projection may not be as realistic as their own breed/species.

My clan's leader, and tree-bound, he was born one.

Recent Comments

Aarune's avatar
December 20, 2024 22:12:27
Opal was on the front page! When I saw her, I immediately went: aw! It looks like she's covered in mud! Then I read her bio. How cute!
Synapsid's avatar
December 20, 2024 22:11:12
Opal (#58268276) was on the front page! :3
noirlecrow's avatar
October 15, 2024 22:08:04
aaa thank you for letting me know!!
Bugbag's avatar
September 07, 2024 16:22:36
Chrysochite is cute
MaxOptimizer's avatar
July 30, 2024 09:32:02
I'm glad you like my Yggdrasil. He's actually the first dragon in my lair to ever make it to the front page (bar one of my hibernal den dragons earlier in February). Thank you for letting me know at any rate!
catboyfratboy's avatar
June 16, 2024 06:03:11
Dillyn was on the front page! So cute!!!
eeep's avatar
May 15, 2024 10:08:51
I love your Thundercats dragon!!!
Isyrii's avatar
May 04, 2024 17:47:36
very late but thank you for your comment! you have a great lair :)
nakopok's avatar
April 29, 2024 11:28:10
I was on a forum about the last eye update and saw Althalos with those sweet button eyes, I had to drop in and tell you I think they're super cute. I have a plush derg too, they're just so <333 Great job with them!
williwawwarden's avatar
April 20, 2024 07:29:07
Demeter is stunning, I am glad you showed her off!
Firedrake03's avatar
April 19, 2024 06:09:57
Have a fabulous day today!!
Gubyub's avatar
February 10, 2024 16:09:08
Do I have to register a derg of mine to be tree-bound, or do you sell saplings?
(interesting idea, btw)
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Date Joined
Dec 10, 2019

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RedheadRecon (#42090)

Ocean man, take me by the hand, yeet me to the land
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Blastflight (#137581)
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LameLizard (#520189)

Storm is brewing...
sugarcqnes' avatar
sugarcqnes (#524232)

game time +3 hours
tabbyraccoon's avatar
tabbyraccoon (#531931)

goofy goofy goober goofying it goofy on the roofy
tricklesnitz's avatar
tricklesnitz (#319692)

im a nerd and i love dragons
DirtHawker's avatar
DirtHawker (#183858)
Rionach's avatar
Rionach (#122482)

If you see me, it's already too late.
StrawberryFroggy's avatar
StrawberryFroggy (#610685)

Wanderin' in the forest... lookin' for frogs...
silverwell's avatar
silverwell (#672090)

Recent Activity

Mar 04
Became friends with prehistory
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.
Mar 02
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Tundra Male, 2 Tundra Female
Feb 27
Became friends with Sialias
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.

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Feb 14
Swag! (Love is in the Air)
Feb 08
Boundless Potential (300)
Jan 26
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