[discord] Flight Rising Book Club

JulyAphelion's Clan
It's my mental breakdown and I get to choose the music
Clan Info

"Dragons are quite the creatures, are they not? They pretend and pretend, acting like they're truly civilized, but are they really? That's what I like about the Hewn City. In the end, all dragons are forced to go back to their primal states, before civilization, before life became dedicated to playing and was instead dedicated to survival.
Visit, see them for yourself, for they truly are ruthless.
Welcome to Hiraeth"

Hi! July, or Aphelion, here! Welcome to my mess of a confusing lair with a bunch of lore I have to redo. I'm trying lol. I want to be a mono-vail lair but don't have it in me to yeet all my dragons aha, *crying*

Just another they/she lesbian pining for pretty girls. FR time +3
You can find my wishlist with Nascent and my hibden itmes needed with Soarse! I actually did it!

Recent Comments

Gianna is stunning! (Random Dragon spotlight.)

Tisiphone was on the front page! They're very beautiful!

Zelda was on the front page. Familiar fits her perfectly!

Erebus is amazing!

Saw Vormun on the front page as well, I love him! <3

Vormun was on the front page!

Hetira (56084580) was on the front page! She's so pretty :}

I saw Yula on the front page, and it turns out she's descended from my pair Razzle and Dazzle! Glad to see that you have their granddaughter.

Consiee was on the front page! :D

Conisee frontpage!

always happy to have more friends ^^

Hetira was on the front page!
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