Rehaul of Fest Skins (kinda)
brightmyth's Clan
Clan Info
Welcome to RELI©! Deep in the wastelands of the nuclear desert stands the nightmarish mega-capital of the New World. Built on the pedestal of capitalism upon the corpse of the First God, the city shines even at night: lit by neon fervor, by the glare reflecting off security lens, by the unfathomable stink of desperation. And like titanic beasts, their massive influence unseen, corporations wage wars of attrition in the very fabric of the city. May the half-gods who reside here not hold you in their eyes. May the hours that pass not take you, gently, like a lover, to your unmarked grave. |
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also I was just looking through your lair, your dragons are gorgeous! I was wondering about your Gaoler SHALL who is wearing a male veilspun skin? how did you manage to do that?