Blueberrypodoboo's Clan

Circus addict
Ancient Lair

Clan Info

She/her - AEST timezone
~Shatterskull Circus~
A muffled sound can be heard from behind the stage barely audible over the chorus of conversation nearby.
'We have no pyrotechnics? What are you talking about? I put it on the agenda for last week!'
'Walter, come now, we've been over this. We don't need pyrotechnics for a circus induction.'
'But think how magnificent it will look with the confetti and the doves and the flying monkeys'
'Walter, how many times have I told you: You don't need a convoluted display of-'
'Oh, come now, Vladimir, where is your sense of adventure?'
A long pause follows this. The one known as Walter continues:
'I mean, do we at least have the theme music?'
'Yes, Walter. Yes, we have-' the one known as Vladimir sighs, '-theme music.'
'Well, it's no Trickmurk Circus, but it will do. Alright, Aries, cue the lights!'
'Ho ho ho!' a third voice bellows, 'This ought to be funny to watch.'
Vladimir sighs, 'Don't encourage him, Aries. You know I'm the one who's going to get it in the neck from Nova if he goes over the top again.'
'Ha! Now that was hilarious. Nova just about roasted your tail off.'
The lights go out and the crowd silences. Before long a drum begins to roll and a figure emerges from stage left. The drum roll swells into a series of guitar chords in quick succession, each one coupled with an over-the-top lighting display. The ridgeback, donned in a dapper waistcoat and top hat combo, begins performing an eccentric dance with a cane.
The music begins to dim and the lights blare to an uncomfortable brightness. The ridgeback has stopped dancing and is now approaching the edge of the stage, hollering to the crowd.
'Welcome!' exclaims the overexcited dragon, 'I'm glad to meet you, new recruits. It fills my heart with joy to see you all here today. Today, you all begin a life of wonder and magic, the likes of which you have never seen-'
'Tone it down or so help me Walter, I will come over there and shove all manner of fish down your throat,' a female voice roars.
The ridgeback known as Walter pauses, a pout crossing his face.
'Fine,' he huffs, 'Ok, listen. You're all here as new recruits to the Shatterskull Circus. And, much as I wish I could shower praise on all of you, I suppose I'll have to make do with a brief presentation of your role here.'
Walter beckons to a figure off stage. As he does, a projector screen, lost to the ravages of time, begins to descend in front of the rear curtains.
The first image appears on screen, an aerial perspective of the circus and grounds.
'This, is Shatterskull Circus,' announces Walter, his voice deep and booming, 'A mecca of fun and mystery, a haven of joy. Indeed, a truly wonderous place.'
The next slide reveals a collection of dragons of different colours and sizes.
'These are your co-workers and, above all, your new family. Starting from the left we have Lucian,' he motions to an older pearlcatcher adorned in purple robes and wearing gold spectacles, 'he is quite the talented juggler, often using that pearl of his in quite astonishing feats.
'And next we have Julienne, the circus chef,' he gestures to a red and white skydancer with a rather intimidating blade at her side, 'she can take a bit to get used to, but she means well... I'm sure...' Walter turns away from the crowd and mutters under his breath, 'Don't know why she cooks with that disgusting meat anyway. I mean, seriously, has she even tasted it? How can something that spends its entire life in water taste so bad?'
He pauses, realising the crowd is stone silent. He clears his throat a moment and continues.
'I apologise, I'm sure you didn't need to hear that. Now back to the show.'
He motions towards another skydancer, this one wearing an intimidating brown cowl covering most of his face. 'This is Dagger, our blades expert and knife thrower. Don't worry too much about him, he tends to stick to himself. He may seem a little dark and broody, but there's charm there.'
The dragon next to him is an all-black wildclaw with a skull mask and a rather large looking text, 'and now, my fair audience, meet our resident doctor, Nova. A fiery temper, but an even more intense passion for her patients. Truly a welcome sight to our little family.'
He continues along, next gesturing to a rather peculiar looking Coatl, peculiar indeed for his attire, but also for several parts of his skin missing. 'Meet our Freak Show Host, and resident weirdo, Cato. Try not to stare. He's very sensitive about his disfigurement... I think... It's hard to tell with him. He's not all there, I think.'
He finally gestures to the huge Imperial behind them all. 'This is Aries, our scavenger and talent scout. He's a fun loving and free-spirited character. Trust me, try to make him do anything, I dare you.'
Walter skips ahead to the next slide, a picture of himself with a pearlcatcher with vibrant red wings and a cranberry hat. Between the two is a young, blue Coatl covered in gorgeous purple feathers.
'Here we see, of course, your illustrious ringleader, me, with my darling Vladimir and our adopted son, Torny. We run the circus and ensure all of our family is taken care of.'
The slideshow continues, now to a series of dragons performing various circus tricks from jugglers to magicians, from clowns to sword swallowers.
'Your role, whatever profession you follow, will be vital to the circus and its continued function. You must remember to entertain as your first priority. After all, what is a show without its performers? Not a very good one, I'll tell you that much.'
The slideshow ends and the projector screen ascends once more.
'Bottom line, my faithful recruits, this is your new home, so make sure you treat it like home and treat your family with respect. I won't be tolerating judgemental or ignorant people. Believe me, you don't want to cross me. I'll tear open your jugular soon as look at you.'
His demeanour shifts almost instantly from serious to jovial.
'So, my friends and family, are you prepared for the life that Shatterskull Circus can offer you? Well-' he pulls back the curtains behind the stage, revealing a huge circus tent and a chorus of dragons all ready to greet the newcomers.
'Why don't we step inside?'

-Amazing lore by AlexanderTaryon

Recent Comments

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March 23, 2019 12:57:59
Hearth was on the front page! His outfit and bio snippet are really cool.
March 23, 2019 12:57:08
Hearth was on front page!
October 28, 2018 23:58:41
Ahh, I totally missed your ping! TYSM for the art of Vehuiah!
October 11, 2018 05:45:28
Thanks for buying Joey lol
October 10, 2018 14:53:56
I bought the spiral baby by Zera and Jasset today and I just had to say he's so pretty and I love him and the parents are beautiful <3
October 07, 2018 19:34:55
Thanks for buying Viella! He las lore too!
June 17, 2018 19:31:52
Hi I bought one of your children and I have to say your lair is BEAUTIFUL and you lore is incredible ;u;
May 18, 2018 18:11:12
Always happy to see that Vladimir and Rose are doing well! I may have to write up some lore for their parents one of these days!
April 22, 2018 07:00:12
Thank you so much for buying and naming Nimble! The genes look good on him :D
April 16, 2018 06:08:54
Cato the great and powerful the third is so handsome😍
March 01, 2018 12:23:13
The Fox-ifyed version of Ozz was perfect!!
Thanks so much
February 12, 2018 22:41:15
a circus themed lair?! So many cool dragons. XD I love that you have every job down to slushie seller for these guys.
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Jun 1, 2016

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Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.

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