Harry Potter RP!

CaleCorvus' Clan
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Cirrus was on the front page! Gorgeous!

Kushiel was on the front page, he's cute!

Hello there! If you breed Romero and Grace again, and get a forest/sanguine/(anything) imp would you please let me know? I'm interested in buying! c:

Lovely lair, I just purchased the male skydancer you had for auction. He is very cute!

Kitty was on the front page, congrats!

cool windy quote in your signature :)


Ello :D Shemmai showed up as the random dragons and I have to say she's gorgeous!!!

Your babies are so beautiful! Thank you for giving me one of my first dragons. :D Kasurith is ADORABLE. I love him!

Hi, say you started your rookery thread. Do you have plans for breeeding Burst -- your lemon/fire/lemon male imp? I'm looking for a lemon/fire/lemon or lemon/fire/banana female to go with an accent I like.
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