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Arachnomancer's Clan

On candy stripe legs, the spiderman comes...
Ancient Lair
near the
Pox Consulate icon

Clan Info

Welcome to the hot mess that is the Clan of the Crooked Web. I am in the sporadic and arduous process of dressing up and giving lore to my lovelies. It all makes sense in my head somehow. :P

Currently planning a raffle HERE. Please give me feedback/interest/ideas!

WANTED: Weird dragons with invertebrate/fishy/amphibious/reptilian/avian-inspired genes.

Primary Genes:
  • Clown
  • Falcon
  • Lionfish
  • Poison
  • Python
  • Seraph
  • Skink
  • Slime
  • Swirl
  • Sphinxmoth (Veilspun)
  • Vipera
  • Wasp

Secondary Genes:
  • Bee
  • Butterfly
  • Current
  • Daub
  • Eye Spots
  • Hawkmoth (Veilspun)
  • Hypnotic
  • Marbled
  • Morph
  • Noxtide
  • Peregrine
  • Sludge
  • Toxin

Tertiary Genes:
  • Beetle (Veilspun)
  • Firefly
  • Koi
  • Peacock
  • Scorpion (Gaoler)

Click HERE to see my wishlist!

Seeking dragons with the following combos:
  • Platinum/Cerise/Mauve OR Shale/Cerise/Mauve OR Shadow/Cerise/Mauve
  • Murk/Copper/Teal
  • Crocodile/Bronze/Bronze
  • Moss/Tarnish/Swamp OR Moss/Tarnish/Camo OR Moss/Tarnish/Avocado OR Moss/Tarnish Green

    FR time + 2

    NOTE: I do not accept random friend requests unless we have already interacted somehow on the site. If we've chatted a bit before, though, feel free to send me a friend request! :)

    I collect/hoard CROWS/RAVENS, SPIDERS, owls, frogs, dragonflies, cicadas, moths, millipedes, turtle shells, and skulls/bones. If you love/hoard things, and want me to save stuff for you, please let me know. I like sending random critter-themed food (and other categories) to folks that collect them, because it's nice, and fun.

    I'd definitely love to get any letters from hatchlings, should you ever feel so inclined to write one for any kiddos you purchase from me! I am also very willing to write letters from any hatchlings I may purchase from you, if you might want one. Not all dragons in my lair currently have lore (in their profiles, at least), but it's a work in progress. If they're one of my "keepers", they'll eventually get some!

    Weird biologist. I like CORVIDS, spiders, "bugs," plants, amphibians, reptiles, rocks, minerals, and basically any combination of living and non-living examples of states of matter found on this amazing and sometimes horrifying RL planet.
    I love talking to other folks similarly obsessed. If you have "zomg, you should breed dergs with this theme" or think any of my dragons should get together (despite my own named/currently preferred pairings, I'm discovering that they're pretty much a "free love" kind of lair), please PM me, because I will more than likely consider doing so if I haven't already, and just because, you know, Nature is weird...it's not all just trees!

    So I don't forget, because I'm sort of all over the place:

    Moray: EELS. Duh.
    Nogivox: Squirrels

    Awakened Familiars:
    • Abyss Striker
    • Aer Phantom
    • Agol
    • Algae-Bottom Slarg
    • Amethyst King
    • Ancient Fungus
    • Animated Statue
    • Apatite Fisher
    • Baku
    • Barkback Boar
    • Basilisk
    • Bellus Glamortail
    • Black Dwarf Unicorn
    • Black-wing Hummingbird
    • Blackwing Croaker
    • Blazing Goblin
    • Bloodstone Beetle
    • Blooming Strangler
    • Blue Dragon Reef Snail
    • Blue Tang Hippogriff
    • Blue Vein Pansy
    • Bluefin Charger
    • Bramble Guardian
    • Brilliant Psywurm
    • Budwing Morpho
    • Bumble
    • Candycane Xolo
    • Cardinal Hippogriff
    • Carmine Serthis
    • Carrioncorn
    • Celestial Antelope
    • Centaur Archer
    • Chalcedony Snipper
    • Cheerful Residue
    • Cloud Chaser
    • Clouddancer
    • Clouded Mith
    • Cloudkeeper Herald
    • Clown Charger
    • Clown Hippocampus
    • Colorburst Buttersnake
    • Common Podid
    • Construction Mith
    • Coppercoil Creeper
    • Coral Carpenter
    • Corpse Cleaner
    • Corundum Chameleon
    • Cragbacked Bouldursa
    • Cragward Custodian
    • Crimson Reef Snail
    • Crowned Roc
    • Crystalhide Jester
    • Cumulus Seal
    • Dark-Tufted Sparrowmouse
    • Darktouched Chimera
    • Daydream Puffer
    • Deadland Disciple
    • Deadly Reflection
    • Death Seeker
    • Deepmine Aardvark
    • Dodo
    • Double-Tailed Warcat
    • Dreameater
    • Dryad
    • Duskthicket Bonepicker
    • Dwarf Truffle
    • Dwarf Unicorn
    • Emerald Webwing
    • Emeraldback Shardspawn
    • Ensorcelled Volume
    • Ethereal Trickster
    • Everglade Lasher
    • Fallen Streak
    • Fan Scorpion
    • Featherback Boar
    • Fluted Pukasloth
    • Frostbite Hummingbird
    • Fuiran
    • Gale Wolf
    • Gladeveins Needletooth
    • Glossy Duskrat
    • Gold-Throated Sparrow
    • Goliath Mountain Beetle
    • Granite Guardian
    • Granite Thresher
    • Graveyard Guardian
    • Great Blue Waveskimmer
    • Greater Sandstrike
    • Greenroot Janustrap
    • Grey River Flight
    • Greybeak Reaper
    • Harvest Floracat
    • Hati
    • Hawksbill Goliath
    • Heartred Croaker
    • Hibernal Starbear
    • Highreach Bonepicker
    • Hippalectryon
    • Hippocampus
    • Hippogriff
    • Hippojay
    • Hoarfrost Mauler
    • Hurricane Herald
    • Hydra Scorpion
    • Infestation Hound
    • Insubstantial Illusionist
    • Iridescent Shaleback
    • Irradiated Astronomer
    • Jadecarved Decoy
    • Jawlocker
    • Jeweled Octoflyer
    • Juvenile Starsweeper
    • Kelp Tender
    • King Parda
    • Lavaborne Hoax
    • Leafy Moth
    • Leftover Residue
    • Lesser Wisp
    • Livewire Grizzly
    • Living Sculpture
    • Loga
    • Longneck Interloper
    • Longneck Medium
    • Longneck Mender
    • Longneck Scholar
    • Longneck Skirmisher
    • Luna Mith
    • Lux Spectre
    • Malevolent Spirit
    • Manticore Screamer
    • Mantled Foo
    • Marbled Jester
    • Maren Ambusher
    • Maren Currentfinder
    • Maren Warlock
    • Maren Wavesinger
    • Marshlands Poodle Mith
    • Mesacliff Harpy
    • Mistral Minion
    • Mistwatch Shellion
    • Mock Firebird
    • Molten Marauder
    • Monkey Wrench
    • Mottled Buttersnake
    • Nature Sprite
    • Nightsky Fuiran
    • Nochnyr
    • Noggle
    • Octoflyer
    • Opheodrys Serthis
    • Opposing Forces
    • Orange Blotch Pansy
    • Otherwordly Aura
    • Painted Marionette
    • Painted Protobeast
    • Paradise Zalis
    • Parasitic Fungus
    • Peacock Firebird
    • Peacock Scorpion
    • Perching Java Sparrow
    • Petal Jumper
    • Petalwing Peryton
    • Poisonous Toridae
    • Poultrygeist
    • Pronghorn Stomper
    • Radioactive Slime
    • Rainbow Sprite
    • Rambra
    • Red-breasted Hainu
    • Red-winged Owlcat
    • Rhodochrosite Crane
    • River Muck
    • Rosetail
    • Ruby Webwing
    • Sakura Owl
    • Sapling Speaker
    • Scaleback
    • Scarlet Flycatcher
    • Scarlet Serpenta
    • Scrapmetal Tracker
    • Seawater Savior
    • Sentient Alloy
    • Serthis Potionmaster
    • Shadow Serpent
    • Shalebuck
    • Shatterbone Vulture
    • Shimmering Xolo
    • Shiny Residue
    • Silver Springbok
    • Silvermane Barbtail
    • Sköll
    • Smoke Gyre
    • Smoky Bantam Fangar
    • Snow Streak
    • Somber Spirit
    • Southmarsh Podid
    • Sparkling Stinger
    • Spellbound Tome
    • Spellwall Boran
    • Spined Cobra
    • Stardust Scholar
    • Steam Gyre
    • Storm Seeker
    • Strangler
    • Sunbeam Soldier
    • Sunsea Pseudo
    • Sunset Lasher
    • Sunspot Clouddancer
    • Swift Lumen
    • Swift Volt
    • Tar-Trooper Slarg
    • Tatterwing Carcass
    • Tengu
    • Tengu Caller
    • Tigerblood Foo
    • Timber Tender
    • Tufted Leaf Beetle
    • Tuxedo Floracat
    • Ultramel Amphithere
    • Umberhorn Qiriq
    • Umbra Wolf
    • Undying Featherback
    • Unlikely Alliance
    • Velvet Floracat
    • Venomous Toridae
    • Wandering Surgepriest
    • Warcat Protector
    • Wave Sweeper
    • Wavebreak Snarler
    • Wildwood Owl
    • Wintermane Spearman
    • Wispwillow Peryton
    • Yellow-Throated Sparrowmouse
    • Zalis

    I ran a raffle inspired by our photosynthetic friends. Click HERE to learn more!

    I TOTALLY need this moth boy in my lair. *screeches*

    Antique Tapir / Peridot Eyespots / Radioactive Stained

    Current Steampunk Robot Cowboy Dream Dragon:

    Copper Metallic / Copper Alloy / Oilslick Capsule

Recent Comments

soapsnail's avatar
August 12, 2022 23:28:04
Dianthus was on the front page! His bio made me chuckle, he sounds like quite a character! I love how vibrant he is
NekomancerOuji's avatar
April 10, 2022 14:56:19
Zephyrus looks so cool!:D
Oliss' avatar
April 10, 2022 12:21:48
Zephyrus was on the front page! I love his outfit and general look so much
Lucanidae's avatar
May 25, 2021 11:14:00
It looks really cool, a great idea, I'd love to take part when it happens ^-^
Lucanidae's avatar
May 23, 2021 06:40:08
Thank you for getting Mai ^-^
mix's avatar
May 18, 2021 18:16:00
I'm interested in the animal day raffle, please ping me when it opens! :)
ofMontreal's avatar
May 06, 2021 08:06:00
Alright, I'm okay with that!
ofMontreal's avatar
May 06, 2021 01:48:22
Hi! Sorry for the random comment, but Amrita has my dream dragon's colors so if you ever sell her I'd love if you could let me know! She's very pretty, by the way!
CascadeMirage's avatar
December 18, 2019 07:29:15
Hello! Just dropping by to say I saw Darah on the front page! I love what you've done with him, he looks great! Also had fun reading the lore, he sounds like quite the interesting fellow :D That is all, hope you have a wonderful day ^^)
FieryWave's avatar
May 17, 2019 22:17:56
Cthulhu was on the front page!!! He is outstanding. All the detail and lore. His cosmetics are put together perfectly and all on a gen 1 dragon. He is incredible!
Cetacean's avatar
May 17, 2019 22:17:33
Cthulhu was on the front page, he's amazing!
Ridashippu's avatar
April 05, 2019 17:27:12
Retch was on the front page. Oh man is he one hell of a dragon! I love the idea of a zombie subspecies!!! Give him my love!
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Date Joined
May 18, 2015

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Let the Light be with you!
Moray's avatar
Moray (#25661)

I collect EMBROIDERED OMEN. Semi-hiatus.
SavageDestiny's avatar
SavageDestiny (#3911)


Recent Activity

Jan 24
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Guardian Female, 1 Snapper Male, 1 Snapper Female
Jan 24
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Wildclaw Female, 2 Coatl Male
Jan 24
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Coatl Male, 2 Coatl Female

Recent Achievements

Jul 02
Festive Favors: Brightshine Jubilee
Jul 02
The Puppy Was Reward Enough, But I'll Take it
Jul 02
Actually, I'm Something of a Pet Expert Myself (50)
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