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Wizardry's Clan

semi hiatus, might not get to all of my PMs
Ancient Lair
among the
Colonnades of Antiquity icon

Clan Info

On hiatus, if you need me my discord is chickencornsoup!
Eli (he/him) | Adult | FR+3

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Lorwolf (Luxio #216)
4dopt (Luxio #1630)
This is an exalting lair and I am usually willing to sell or exchange my fodder dragons. CW: I have many dragons UMAs, some include anatomy alterations, body horror, weapons, blood, or insects.
Art by Grow #420321

Welcome to the Carillon Corridor
Carillon Town stands in the bones of an ancient city. The chime of the clock tower bell draws wanderers in, and the residents are always happy to see new faces. There's a cozy inn, a modest library, and plenty of music. You can also find the Carillon Confectionery, where dragons have mastered the craft of making sweets, wines, and other good foods. On the outskirts of town, you can find yourself in the relaxing Garden district.


Scene: Drakeharvest
There’s much to do outside the city in the greater Carillon Corridor. Just outside the entrance to the town stands the Autumnal Orchards. There, dragons grow and harvest fresh fruit and foods and host gatherings and celebrations. A little further out you can find the Deep Woods. While hard to navigate and rather unsettling, many strange dragons have found it to be a safe haven. While many residents of Carillon think nothing of walking through the Woods, it could spell trouble for outsiders.
But not all is well in Carillon, and not all is as it seems. Most dragons who enter the Carillon Corridor will never be seen again. Whether they meet their fate at the claws of the shapeshifting Emperor that haunts the Deep Woods, or whether they find themselves happily settling into town depends on their luck.
Copper Pocketwatch
And things seem to repeat themselves there. Dragons do not age. The seasons do not change. The sun was setting before you stepped foot into Carillon. Within the corridor, you are standing in the noon sun.
Good luck! And remember to tip your tour guide!

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EPICdragon99's avatar
August 27, 2019 21:40:29
Your avatar derg is such a perfect rainbowy kid! I'm lov
Scaramouche's avatar
August 27, 2019 21:14:50
Oh my gosh thank you! I really love my male imps so it makes me happy that other people also like them :D! <3
Purpose's avatar
August 22, 2019 13:19:16
Just wanted to pop by and say the Balwg's accent looks amazing on her ^^
Lemonie's avatar
August 14, 2019 02:26:29
I'm really glad hear that Anubis fits your dragon! I know how hard it is to find right accent sometimes ;u; !
lostgubbins' avatar
August 08, 2019 11:06:57
thank you! i do love my little turkey <3
Kintoro's avatar
August 08, 2019 10:02:05
Probably bc of the limits of her abilities :'// But I hope she'll make a comeback soon too ;;
Kintoro's avatar
August 08, 2019 09:27:10
A cameo or a tiny bit of an ep for Verity plss bc GAH I know Loki's gonna be on Earth eventually so he's gonna have to meet her somehow jdsklfsd I hope MCU can just squeeze a couple of them in the series ;;
Kintoro's avatar
August 08, 2019 09:25:56
I know it's gonna be a faarr stretch but... crossing my fingers and hoping that a couple of them miight just appear/ make a cameo in the Loki miniseries (Maybe they could just twist it like they usually do in the MCU and throw in Leah a little early??)
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May 18, 2015

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AnActualLion (#41361)

How does he use a keyboard with those paws???
possumfriend's avatar
possumfriend (#486757)

can someone tell me how to give my dragons some updog?
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Teba (#87871)

I won't fail.
Reithya's avatar
Reithya (#418)

In this season of woe, seeds of hope - they still grow...
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fourleafring (#299044)


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Nov 18
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Gaoler Female, 1 Gaoler Male
Nov 15
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Tundra Female
Jun 13
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Tundra Female, 2 Tundra Male

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Jul 15
Pop Star (100)
Jul 15
Budge and Nudge to Formulate Sludge? (Green)
Jul 15
Tuck the Muck Away for Luck (Copper)
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