scry my notn keepers (earn a 15g gift)
EPICdragon99's Clan
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Clan Info
--The Clan Of Nightfall--
Deep within the Shadowbinder's realm lives a secluded clan of dragons who allow their ranks to join and leave as they please- should they prove themselves. The clan is known for its tenacity and ambition, but also its closeness and support. The leader, Moonshadow, welcomes the rare guest with an eerie smile and a firestarter. Meanwhile, her mate, Fossil, watches over the lair during daylight hours, for the clan has adapted to a nocturnal schedule in reverence of the Shadowbinder. Carved into a bone at the front of the lair, left as a warning to those who would seek their harm, an ominous sign reads: "Step in if you are brave..."
I share IPs with @CheetahCat , my sis, @DraigTeg , my mom, and @sporkrage , my (v inactive) dad~! I also use different devices, such as my phone or tablet, often, and will occasionally log in from somewhere new, like the library. Don't worry, it's just me!
Recent Comments
Ohhhh! Yeah I know about how free living flatworms regen heads tails etc if they’re damaged. They usually have those googly eye spots or little dots on their auricles (head flaps). But there’s also parasitic flatworms (monogeans) that permanently fuse with the body of their chosen mate.
Nice festival entry! I recognize that those are supposed to be like the modified snail optical tendrils caused by parasitic worms. I’m not sure what the second entry is a reference to though?
I am from Dream Snapper forum thread and, OMYGOD your Earth Primal Snapper Scry is gorgeous!! I hope It wins! X)
I love Valentino!! :D What a sweetie <3
I love your broadcast lol
golden antlers goes incredibly hard, nice work
And, of course, I might not have previewed it at all if Ouroboros didn't look so nice in it. XDD Lucky Like 7!
I'll have you know I have never bought a skin before! Never! But then you posted Ouroboros and now I have bought a skin. Ugh it's such a cute skin ;_; I might have to abandon the outfit idea for Therylune; it clashes too much and Harvest Moon is SO CUTE.
I love that you have a fandragon of Like The Wind, I love that song and the whole search for who made it
Hello! Just wanted to let you know Glitch was on the front page ^^
HEY hi I love your broadcast message that post is classic :3
Hypo was on front page. Very pretty colors!
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