LF A vague dragon

Confusion's Clan
My lore is a hot mess and so am I
Clan Info

Ascendant Vicar: Hestia

A strong breeze pushes you almost tauntingly as you stare over the sheer cliff face. The craggy grey rock of its side plummets thousands of feet before disappearing into a wicked moat of spikes. Your vantage point is well worth the danger, though, for the view it affords you is nothing short of breathtaking.
The valley (if one can even call it that) is a sprawling bowl shape, surrounded on all sides by cliffs not unlike the one you're standing on. Some are dotted with grass and vines, but most are stark and barren save for the occasional patch of graffiti. Their towering walls have been smoothed by millennia of erosion, making them all but impossible for a ground-dweller to scale. However, impressive as these drop-offs are, they're nothing compared to what actually lies below them.
Hundreds of mismatched buildings litter the valley floor. Some are homes, others shops, and still more seem to be pavilions that one can relax in. Even from your lofty vantage, you can see countless Beastclansmen going about their daily business here. There are plenty of dragons mingling with them, but it's clear who these buildings belong to. Thanks to their small size, they only take up about half the valley's floor space; the rest is filled with a lush forest and a sprawling azure lake.
The dragons' homes are, of course, much more impressive. Great holes pockmark the middle of the cliff face adjacent to you. They vary wildly in shape and size, but even the smallest of them seems to have some sort of purpose. The local dragons have clearly added their own creative touches, too; the once-bleak stone entrances are decorated with everything from wind chimes to bones to full-on patios (most of which have horrifically flimsy scaffolding).
As you understand it, the biggest holes lead not to dens, but to a giant community cavern. You've heard it's filled with shops and services that cater exclusively to dragons. You're not sure how anyone would be able to see anything in such a place, but it still sounds pretty cool.
Most impressive of all, however, is the towering stone spike jutting from the center of the valley. It reaches above even the cliffs, its vast face dotted with dozens of apertures. Windchimes jangle noisily in the breeze as they hang in the mouths of its many entrances; bright drawings and plantlife curl around it like a chaotic, colorful sweater. You've been told this is the place where the Queen and her Council reside, but you're not sure. It seems too bright and happy to belong to a government.
Other dragons bustle around you as you stare at the giant valley. Those who are capable of flight leisurely glide to and from the cliff, while those without such privilege wait impatiently for a row of rickety lifts to lower them down. Eventually you tire of staring and begin finding your way to valley floor - this place isn't going to explore itself!

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Recent Comments

Lona was on the front page and she is beautiful!

Kaput was on the front page! Very cool dragon :D

Raven was on the front page! also, i love your pokemon fandragons they're so good

Eyroix was on the front page !!! love the genes with that colour :DD

Aureus was on the front page!

Maat#52390629 was on the front page, what a pretty greyscale :'D

Ventus is so pretty <3

Ventus was looking awesome on the front page!

Aureus was on the front page, he's beautiful!

Smoke was on the front page!

Your Latias (#71555345) is the best Latias I've ever seen! I was looking up inspiration for my own Latias fandragon, and yours stood out among all the rest.

Seems someone already mentioned this but Vice was on the front page! Very cool :3c I love his theming
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