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Niernen's Clan
I do beg your pardon, I am in your garden.
Clan Info
IF YOU GET THE REFERENCE IN THE USER MESSAGE JUST KNOW THAT YOU ARE LOVED (honestly I live for british comedy) (more than that, if you get my username reference, you're awesome and you can't let anyone tell you otherwise)
If there's one thing you must know about me, it's that I'm in love with run-on sentences. Can't live without them. Our wedding's to be in June.
My wifi flickers on and off, the temperamental thing, so my visits may be sporadic!
wishlist (for give / get and stuff):
- Some sweet sweet eggs
- Animal companions (dogs, cats, birbs etc.) honestly they're so adorable i can't resist
- Nature-y apparel with like leaves and flowers (especially kelpie manes, flowerfalls, swelters, etc.)
- I'm hopeless at fashion, if you have any apparel that would complement any of my dragons, I'm all for it!
- Gene / Breed change / Scatter scrolls (I'm a sucker for those slips of paper), specifically:
Primary: jaguar / pinstripe / tapir / wasp
Secondary: rosette / trail / spinner / striation / noxtide
Tertiary: capsule / peacock / spines
- Silks ! (esp. night sky, but i love all silks)
- Nice usermade accents to do with nature or stars make my heart flutter
- Pretty much any gem marketplace familiar (that's not a festival familiar) (e.g. xolo, fox rat, all that jazz)
- 2013 / 14 festival apparel / familiars (hahAHA you know I had to slip it in somehow)
- I love vistas! Specifically succulents or lovebird
- Bling is always nice!I am perpetually broke
- Other (always welcome): scattersight vials / scatterscrolls / prismatic tokens
- honestly, i'm good with anything! go wild!
I believe in working towards a world where humanity helps one another.
I believe that every action, no matter how small, has an impact - to brighten someone's day because of that little thing, that's the dream. Imagine reaching across the world and causing someone to smile or lighten up! It's insane that we have this power to do that.
Which is why I believe in Random Acts of Kindness. Every once in a while, I'll track down someone's wish - maybe a dream dragon or a few wishlist items, and I'll gift it to them. I only request that you pass on the favour in some shape or form, may it be in FR or in real life.
status: completed :)) searching for a project !
If there's one thing you must know about me, it's that I'm in love with run-on sentences. Can't live without them. Our wedding's to be in June.
My wifi flickers on and off, the temperamental thing, so my visits may be sporadic!
wishlist (for give / get and stuff):
- Some sweet sweet eggs
- Animal companions (dogs, cats, birbs etc.) honestly they're so adorable i can't resist
- Nature-y apparel with like leaves and flowers (especially kelpie manes, flowerfalls, swelters, etc.)
- I'm hopeless at fashion, if you have any apparel that would complement any of my dragons, I'm all for it!
- Gene / Breed change / Scatter scrolls (I'm a sucker for those slips of paper), specifically:
Primary: jaguar / pinstripe / tapir / wasp
Secondary: rosette / trail / spinner / striation / noxtide
Tertiary: capsule / peacock / spines
- Silks ! (esp. night sky, but i love all silks)
- Nice usermade accents to do with nature or stars make my heart flutter
- Pretty much any gem marketplace familiar (that's not a festival familiar) (e.g. xolo, fox rat, all that jazz)
- 2013 / 14 festival apparel / familiars (hahAHA you know I had to slip it in somehow)
- I love vistas! Specifically succulents or lovebird
- Bling is always nice!
- Other (always welcome): scattersight vials / scatterscrolls / prismatic tokens
- honestly, i'm good with anything! go wild!
I believe in working towards a world where humanity helps one another.
I believe that every action, no matter how small, has an impact - to brighten someone's day because of that little thing, that's the dream. Imagine reaching across the world and causing someone to smile or lighten up! It's insane that we have this power to do that.
Which is why I believe in Random Acts of Kindness. Every once in a while, I'll track down someone's wish - maybe a dream dragon or a few wishlist items, and I'll gift it to them. I only request that you pass on the favour in some shape or form, may it be in FR or in real life.
status: completed :)) searching for a project !
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