LF: Nature-themed Coatl~

Isidarth's Clan
Argyle is just italic plaid.
Clan Info
Sometimes I forget to check back frequently. You are more likely to catch me during festival weeks!
Shopping List:
Scales (Avanin)
Iridescent (Imposter)
Glimmer (always)
Bios WIP because I am a lazy
Thanks to Feme for the base code used for bios!
Level 25s: Treewalker (nature), Verna (earth)
WIPs: Singeri (arcane), Rogers (lightning), Cedar (wind), Ulomoy (earth)
Recent Comments

Petra was on the front page!

Momi made front page!

Sandbar was on the front page and i love them!

Kodiak was on the front page!

KorahVael was on the front page! Also, to plug my own shop because you've got bio WIPs, I do some free lore over here https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/art/2855035/1

Rannoch was on the front page, they are gorgeous oml <3

Singeri was on the front page!

Thank you :) She is a perma, and may get new genes in the future.

Merida was on the home page!

Saw you advertising the XXY metals cotl boy on someones birthday dragons thread and was wondering if you had a price in mind? He's gorgeous

Treewalker was on the front page! He's beautiful!

Thank you for Myrrh, I really love her c:
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