
Skins and Accents

Share and sell your skin creations with other players.
TOPIC | {WHIMS of frost and gold}
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wait. treasure? not gems? how many gems is it again? sorry, i'm super disorganized at the moment. I deleted what would have keep my on time and (also kept me remembering about) my accent payments and which accents - by whom - when, etc. sorry!

It have the gems probably. It is only like 500 or 550 gems, correct? or do I have to pay in treasure. I don't have enough treasure for an accent, I know that for a fact (unless it is a low priced light festival accent, but I digresss, hehe) ^^;;

wait. treasure? not gems? how many gems is it again? sorry, i'm super disorganized at the moment. I deleted what would have keep my on time and (also kept me remembering about) my accent payments and which accents - by whom - when, etc. sorry!

It have the gems probably. It is only like 500 or 550 gems, correct? or do I have to pay in treasure. I don't have enough treasure for an accent, I know that for a fact (unless it is a low priced light festival accent, but I digresss, hehe) ^^;;
*in monotonous voice* Bueller... Bueller...

p.s. It's okay to ping me. I literally don't care as long as I'm not being "used" for raffle points and that ilk. But yeah, for the most part, I'm not so "important" I can't spare the ~5 seconds it takes to check out a ping. lol.
!!!!! @Cognac could I get a previw of gold drip M on this; [img][/img] EDIT: that's what I get for trying to use plurk to juggle my preview images

@Cognac could I get a previw of gold drip M on this;


EDIT: that's what I get for trying to use plurk to juggle my preview images
Fire Flight's resident glassblowing nerd.
Volcano forges: Not just for metal anymore.
@ronnster oops, gems! 500. :> @starcrossedsky [img][/img] ;0 handsome devil
@ronnster oops, gems! 500. :>

@starcrossedsky preview_33_by_wispywaffle-d7r0s8m.png ;0 handsome devil

I spaced out and kinda skipped a step and bought one from the AH because in my head I was thinking - oh maybe I have to get it from the AH (I'm out of it, sleep problems). You can put the copy you save for me up on the AH. Sorry for any trouble/delay in sales this caused ;_;

(maybe the person above will buy it and make me feel less guilty? kinda j/k but not reallyyy xD; )

edit: whoops. the person above who is /not/ you. ninj'ad ninja'd. xD

I spaced out and kinda skipped a step and bought one from the AH because in my head I was thinking - oh maybe I have to get it from the AH (I'm out of it, sleep problems). You can put the copy you save for me up on the AH. Sorry for any trouble/delay in sales this caused ;_;

(maybe the person above will buy it and make me feel less guilty? kinda j/k but not reallyyy xD; )

edit: whoops. the person above who is /not/ you. ninj'ad ninja'd. xD
*in monotonous voice* Bueller... Bueller...

p.s. It's okay to ping me. I literally don't care as long as I'm not being "used" for raffle points and that ilk. But yeah, for the most part, I'm not so "important" I can't spare the ~5 seconds it takes to check out a ping. lol.
@Cognac oh god it's perfect

I'd need a hundred gems more before I could buy it though heck I need to get him shimmer still, but I will definitely be back
@Cognac oh god it's perfect

I'd need a hundred gems more before I could buy it though heck I need to get him shimmer still, but I will definitely be back
Fire Flight's resident glassblowing nerd.
Volcano forges: Not just for metal anymore.
@ronnster haha bb it's perfect! ;> I'll just reserve yours for Star ! And thanks for the patronage!

@starcrossedsky, I have one ready for you, in case the AH one sells out~!
@ronnster haha bb it's perfect! ;> I'll just reserve yours for Star ! And thanks for the patronage!

@starcrossedsky, I have one ready for you, in case the AH one sells out~!

What's your gem conversion rate? I'd love to buy a gold drip.

What's your gem conversion rate? I'd love to buy a gold drip.
@Cognac *^* you're most excellent

Would you be willing to do a 50/50 payment (half gems half treasure)? Because I can do that right now
@Cognac *^* you're most excellent

Would you be willing to do a 50/50 payment (half gems half treasure)? Because I can do that right now
Fire Flight's resident glassblowing nerd.
Volcano forges: Not just for metal anymore.
@starcrossedsky, yap, for sure! My policy is whatever current price you can find SELLING in the items forum at the moment! :> In bulk, ish.

@Licorne, unless you just bought it, the 3 in the AH just sold out (really fast omg ;;)
@starcrossedsky, yap, for sure! My policy is whatever current price you can find SELLING in the items forum at the moment! :> In bulk, ish.

@Licorne, unless you just bought it, the 3 in the AH just sold out (really fast omg ;;)

Rats! :( Looks like I'll have to wait.

Is it gembond-friendly?

Rats! :( Looks like I'll have to wait.

Is it gembond-friendly?
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