
Skins and Accents

Share and sell your skin creations with other players.
TOPIC | | bonivich's accent & skin shop | new!
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 105 106
[center][img][/img][/center] ----- [center][size=3][font=cambria][color=#968d7d][i][b]i[/b]ntro[/i] | [url=][b]r[/b]ules[/url] | [url=][b]c[/b]urrent [b]s[/b]kins & [b]a[/b]ccents[/url] | [url=][b]a[/b]rchives[/url] | [url=][b]s[/b]howcase[/url] | [url=][b]p[/b]inglist[/url] | [url=][b]c[/b]redits[/url] | [url=][b]c[/b]ustoms[/url][/size][/font][/color][/center] ----- [center][size=7][font=playfair display][color=#968d7d]|| [b]S[/b] A L U T A T I O N S ||[/font][/size][/color][/center] [columns] [color=transparent]....[/color] [nextcol] [font=cambria][size=4][color=#968d7d]Welcome to my Accent & Skin shop! This is where I house all of the accents I have decided to make over my course here on [I]Flight Rising[/i]. This shop is here because I found that I wanted a certain look for different dragons but either no skin or accent was made, or they may never be reprinted ever again, and it was so much easier to customize my skins for the dragons I love! This shop focuses mainly on dragons such as Gaolers, Ridgebacks, and so on, but will obviously be open to most dragon bases I like or wish to see more skins of, of the themes I love and enjoy. And I figured, if [I]I[/i] might want these skins and feel a lack of them, maybe [I]others[/i] may want them too! So, this shop was born, and I welcome you with great joy for stopping by this little shop, no matter how long you stay~ ♥[/font][/size][/color] [/columns] [center][img alt="peleus sits haunched over a cliff peering with contempt"][/img][/center]

|| S A L U T A T I O N S ||
.... Welcome to my Accent & Skin shop! This is where I house all of the accents I have decided to make over my course here on Flight Rising.

This shop is here because I found that I wanted a certain look for different dragons but either no skin or accent was made, or they may never be reprinted ever again, and it was so much easier to customize my skins for the dragons I love! This shop focuses mainly on dragons such as Gaolers, Ridgebacks, and so on, but will obviously be open to most dragon bases I like or wish to see more skins of, of the themes I love and enjoy. And I figured, if I might want these skins and feel a lack of them, maybe others may want them too! So, this shop was born, and I welcome you with great joy for stopping by this little shop, no matter how long you stay~ ♥
peleus sits haunched over a cliff peering with contempt
b o n i v i c h » light & earth • the atheneum
"You, sent out beyond your recall, go to the limits of your longing. Embody me. Flare up like flame and make big shadows I can move in. Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror."

----- [center][font=cambria][color=#968d7d][url=][b]i[/b]ntro[/url] | [i][b]r[/b]ules[/i] | [url=][b]c[/b]urrent [b]s[/b]kins & [b]a[/b]ccents[/url] | [url=][b]a[/b]rchives[/url] | [url=][b]s[/b]howcase[/url] | [url=][b]p[/b]inglist[/url] | [url=][b]c[/b]redits | [url=][b]c[/b]ustoms[/url][/url][/font][/color][/center] ----- [center][img][/img][/center] ----- [center][size=7][font=playfair display][color=#968d7d]| [b]R[/b] U L E S |[/font][/size][/color][/center] [columns] [color=transparent].................[/color] [nextcol] [center][font=cambria][size=4][color=#968d7d][i]Please read all of the rules before asking any questions, buying, etc! However, I am willing to answer any and all questions so do not hesitate to ask if you are unsure or unclear about any rules or if you do not see something here and wish to enquire![/i][/font][/color][/center] [nextcol] [color=transparent].................[/color] [/columns] [columns] [color=transparent].................[/color] [nextcol] [font=cambria][size=4][color=#968d7d][emoji=ceramic jar] || [b][i]Feel free to ping me;[/i][/b] while I am subscribed to this thread, I am fine being pinged. [emoji=ceramic jar] || [i][b]All payments will be via pre-order.[/b][/i] My [url=]self-editing pinglist[/url] will house all orders and keep track of all said orders. Most accents (not including ones that I may have already made for one reason or another) are on a pre-order basis, meaning, I will ping all people within the current run slots to send payment in a One-way CR or Private message before I submit the order. [emoji=ceramic jar] || [I][b]Accents & Skins will be delivered via Private Auction for 1 treasure.[/i][/b] This is assuming I received all payment ahead of time. If you did not send me payment I will go ahead and send it to you via private auction for print price. If you do not claim your skin within [b]one week[/b] I will post it in AH instead or to the next available person waiting for a copy. [emoji=ceramic jar] || [i][b]Declining a PA without warning can result in a block.[/b][/i] if you do not want a skin, let me know ahead of time you wish to decline it. I rely on accurate skin interest for both profit and time, especially if it is limited. if you decline a skin multiple times without warning, it may result in a block from future skin releases. [emoji=ceramic jar] || [i][b]Currently no holds.[/b][/i] I do not currently do holds unless there is some agreement made ahead of time before printing in which I accepted your hold request. [emoji=ceramic jar] || [b][i][u]Gem:Treasure ratio is set currently at 1:1000.[/u][/i][/b] However, I reserve the right to increase the ratio as needed. You will all be notified in an update if such an action should take place. [emoji=ceramic jar] || [b][i]No treasure slots at this time.[/i][/b] However, if the demand for treasure slots arrives, I will be happy to eventually add one or two treasure slots. [emoji=ceramic jar] || [b][i]Do not buy just to resell nor try to upsell my [u]non-retiring[/u] skins for a greatly higher profit.[/i][/b] My skins, unless [i]explicitly[/i] stated, do [b][i]not[/i][/b] retire, and I would prefer if you wish to sell the skin you bought from me to sell it for its [i]print price[/i]. I am not someone who likes limiting what people do with the things they buy once they buy them, but just don't be scummy is really my only rule here, lol. [/font][/color] [nextcol] [color=transparent].................[/color] [/columns]


| R U L E S |
Please read all of the rules before asking any questions, buying, etc! However, I am willing to answer any and all questions so do not hesitate to ask if you are unsure or unclear about any rules or if you do not see something here and wish to enquire!

................. || Feel free to ping me; while I am subscribed to this thread, I am fine being pinged.

|| All payments will be via pre-order. My self-editing pinglist will house all orders and keep track of all said orders. Most accents (not including ones that I may have already made for one reason or another) are on a pre-order basis, meaning, I will ping all people within the current run slots to send payment in a One-way CR or Private message before I submit the order.

|| Accents & Skins will be delivered via Private Auction for 1 treasure. This is assuming I received all payment ahead of time. If you did not send me payment I will go ahead and send it to you via private auction for print price. If you do not claim your skin within one week I will post it in AH instead or to the next available person waiting for a copy.

|| Declining a PA without warning can result in a block. if you do not want a skin, let me know ahead of time you wish to decline it. I rely on accurate skin interest for both profit and time, especially if it is limited. if you decline a skin multiple times without warning, it may result in a block from future skin releases.

|| Currently no holds. I do not currently do holds unless there is some agreement made ahead of time before printing in which I accepted your hold request.

|| Gem:Treasure ratio is set currently at 1:1000. However, I reserve the right to increase the ratio as needed. You will all be notified in an update if such an action should take place.

|| No treasure slots at this time. However, if the demand for treasure slots arrives, I will be happy to eventually add one or two treasure slots.

|| Do not buy just to resell nor try to upsell my non-retiring skins for a greatly higher profit. My skins, unless explicitly stated, do not retire, and I would prefer if you wish to sell the skin you bought from me to sell it for its print price. I am not someone who likes limiting what people do with the things they buy once they buy them, but just don't be scummy is really my only rule here, lol.
b o n i v i c h » light & earth • the atheneum
"You, sent out beyond your recall, go to the limits of your longing. Embody me. Flare up like flame and make big shadows I can move in. Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror."

----- [center][font=cambria][color=#968d7d][url=][b]i[/b]ntro[/url] | [url=][b]r[/b]ules[/url] | [i][b]c[/b]urrent [b]s[/b]kins & [b]a[/b]ccents[/i] | [url=][b]a[/b]rchives[/url] | [url=][b]s[/b]howcase[/url] | [url=][b]p[/b]inglist[/url] | [url=][b]c[/b]redits | [url=][b]c[/b]ustoms[/url][/url][/font][/color][/center] ----- [center][img][/img][/center] ----- [center][size=7][font=playfair display][color=#968d7d]| [b]N[/b] E W - [b]R[/b] E L E A S E S |[/font][/size][/color][/center] [columns] [color=transparent].................[/color] [nextcol] [center][size=4][font=cambria][color=#968d7d]All new skins will be housed here, down below. If you wish to be added to older accents that have unlimted runs please head to my [url=]self-editing pinglist[/url] and add yourself! I will check back regularly to see if a run is full![/font][/color][/center] [nextcol] [color=transparent].................[/color] [/columns] ----- [columns] [img][/img] [nextcol] [center][font=cambria][color=#968d7d] [I][b]i.[/b] priestess of the nile[/i] [b]S[/b] K I N [b]F[/b] A T H O M - [b]F[/b] E M A L E [emoji=ceramic jar] [B]UNLIMITED[/B] [font=CAMBRIA][color=#968d7d][u][b]P[/b] R I C E[/u] 900g ----- [font=cambria][color=#968d7d] [url=]| [b]S[/b] P R E A D S H E E T |[/url] [url=]| [b]P[/b] R E V I E W |[/url][/font][/color] [/columns] ----- [columns] [img][/img] [nextcol] [center][font=cambria][color=#968d7d] [I][b]i.[/b] priestess of the euphrates[/i] [b]S[/b] K I N [b]F[/b] A T H O M - [b]F[/b] E M A L E [emoji=ceramic jar] [b]UNLIMITED[/b] [font=cambria][color=#968d7d][u][b]P[/b] R I C E[/u] 900g ----- [font=cambria][color=#968d7d] [url=]| [b]S[/b] P R E A D S H E E T |[/url] [url=]| [b]P[/b] R E V I E W |[/url][/font][/color] [/columns] ----- [columns] [img][/img] [nextcol] [center][font=cambria][color=#968d7d] [I][b]i.[/b] priestess of the yukon[/i] [b]S[/b] K I N [b]F[/b] A T H O M - [b]F[/b] E M A L E [emoji=ceramic jar] [b]UNLIMITED[/b] [font=cambria][color=#968d7d][u][b]P[/b] R I C E[/u] 900g ----- [font=cambria][color=#968d7d] [url=]| [b]S[/b] P R E A D S H E E T |[/url] [url=]| [b]P[/b] R E V I E W |[/url][/font][/color] [/columns]

intro | rules | current skins & accents | archives | showcase | pinglist | credits | customs


| N E W - R E L E A S E S |
All new skins will be housed here, down below. If you wish to be added to older accents that have unlimted runs please head to my self-editing pinglist and add yourself! I will check back regularly to see if a run is full!


i. priestess of the nile
F A T H O M - F E M A L E



| S P R E A D S H E E T |
| P R E V I E W |


i. priestess of the euphrates
F A T H O M - F E M A L E



| S P R E A D S H E E T |
| P R E V I E W |


i. priestess of the yukon
F A T H O M - F E M A L E



| S P R E A D S H E E T |
| P R E V I E W |
b o n i v i c h » light & earth • the atheneum
"You, sent out beyond your recall, go to the limits of your longing. Embody me. Flare up like flame and make big shadows I can move in. Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror."

----- [center][font=cambria][color=#968d7d][url=][b]i[/b]ntro[/url] | [url=][b]r[/b]ules[/url] | [url=][b]c[/b]urrent [b]s[/b]kins & [b]a[/b]ccents[/url] | [i][b]a[/b]rchives[/i] | [url=][b]s[/b]howcase[/url] | [url=][b]p[/b]inglist[/url] | [url=][b]c[/b]redits | [url=][b]c[/b]ustoms[/url][/url][/font][/color][/center] ----- [center][img][/img][/center] ----- [center][size=7][font=playfair display][color=#968d7d]| [b]A[/b] R C H I V E S |[/font][/size][/color][/center] [center][size=4][font=cambria][color=#968d7d][i][b][url=]» find me in the skin database «[/url][/i][/b][/center] [columns] [color=transparent].................[/color] [nextcol] [center][size=4][font=cambria][color=#968d7d][i]A list of all the skins and accents I have made during my time on FR. This includes accents and skins that were personal customs, as well as any that were limited or retired, etc. If an accent is in the 'unlimited' spot feel free to head to my [url=]self-editing pinglist[/url] to be added to the list! I will print them when at least 5 slots are filled![/i][/font][/color][/center] [nextcol] [color=transparent].................[/color] [/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=5][font=playfair display][color=#968d7d][emoji=harp size=1] | [b]U[/b] N L I M I T E D | [emoji=harp][/font][/size][/color][/center] [center][size=4][font=cambria][color=#968d7d][i][b]can be reprinted by signing up in my spreadsheet[/i][/b][/font][/size][/color][/center] [center][skin=41017] [skin=41283] [skin=41458] [skin=42249] [skin=42252] [skin=42253] [skin=45082] [skin=45083] [skin=45084] [skin=45085] [skin=45907] [skin=46962] [skin=47083] [skin=47084] [skin=47085] [skin=47409] [skin=48105] [skin=48106] [skin=48107] [skin=48608] [skin=48552] [skin=48556] [skin=54629] [skin=54631] [skin=54641] [skin=54642] [skin=55681] [skin=55682] [skin=55696] [skin=57734] [skin=57735] [skin=57736] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=5][font=playfair display][color=#968d7d][emoji=old parchment] | [b]L[/b] I M I T E D | [emoji=old parchment][/font][/size][/color][/center] [center][size=4][font=cambria][color=#968d7d][i][b]never to be reprinted[/i][/b][/font][/size][/color][/center] [columns][color=transparent]+++++[/color] [nextcol] [skin=47444] [center][font=cambria][color=#968d7d][b]pearlcatcher[/b] [color=#9d7d59]twenty print [/center][nextcol] [skin=54623] [center][font=cambria][color=#968d7d][b]auraboa[/b] [color=#9d7d59]twenty print [/center][nextcol] [skin=56741] [center][font=cambria][color=#968d7d][b]imperial[/b] [color=#9d7d59]thirty print [/center][nextcol] [skin=56742] [center][font=cambria][color=#968d7d][b]imperial[/b] [color=#9d7d59]thirty print [/center][nextcol] [item=skin blueprint] [center][font=cambria][color=#968d7d][b]personal[/b] [color=#9d7d59]... print [/center][/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=5][font=playfair display][color=#968d7d][emoji=ceramic jar] | [b]C[/b] U S T O M S | [emoji=ceramic jar][/font][/size][/color][/center] [center][size=4][font=cambria][color=#968d7d][i][b]can be reprinted only by the commissioner[/i][/b][/font][/size][/color][/center] [columns][color=transparent]+++++[/color] [nextcol] [skin=45962] [center][font=cambria][color=#968d7d][b]redsparrow[/b] [color=#9d7d59]five print [/center][nextcol] [skin=46720] [center][font=cambria][color=#968d7d][b]jackaling[/b] [color=#9d7d59]one print [/center][nextcol] [skin=46805] [center][font=cambria][color=#968d7d][b]pepgarr[/b] [color=#9d7d59]ten print [/center][nextcol] [skin=47232] [center][font=cambria][color=#968d7d][b]swelter[/b] [color=#9d7d59]five print [/center][nextcol] [skin=48402] [center][font=cambria][color=#968d7d][b]askesis[/b] [color=#9d7d59]two print [/center][/columns] [columns][color=transparent]+++++[/color] [nextcol] [skin=48421] [center][font=cambria][color=#968d7d][b]personal[/b] [color=#9d7d59]one print [/center][nextcol] [skin=48607] [center][font=cambria][color=#968d7d][b]personal[/b] [color=#9d7d59]two print [/center][nextcol] [skin=49017] [center][font=cambria][color=#968d7d][b]elidibus[/b] [color=#9d7d59]five print [/center][nextcol] [skin=49064] [center][font=cambria][color=#968d7d][b]reithya[/b] [color=#9d7d59]five print [/center][nextcol] [skin=49439] [center][font=cambria][color=#968d7d][b]personal[/b] [color=#9d7d59]one print [/center][/columns] [columns][color=transparent]+++++[/color] [nextcol] [skin=49526] [center][font=cambria][color=#968d7d][b]spark[/b] [color=#9d7d59]five print [/center][nextcol] [skin=50605] [center][font=cambria][color=#968d7d][b]vulpen[/b] [color=#9d7d59]ten print [/center][nextcol] [skin=50570] [center][font=cambria][color=#968d7d][b]personal[/b] [color=#9d7d59]ten print [/center][nextcol] [skin=55577] [center][font=cambria][color=#968d7d][b]jackaling[/b] [color=#9d7d59]five print [/center][nextcol] [skin=55667] [center][font=cambria][color=#968d7d][b]creosote[/b] [color=#9d7d59]five print [/center][/columns] [columns][color=transparent]+++++[/color] [nextcol] [item=skin blueprint] [center][font=cambria][color=#968d7d][b]personal[/b] [color=#9d7d59]... print [/center][nextcol] [item=skin blueprint] [center][font=cambria][color=#968d7d][b]personal[/b] [color=#9d7d59]... print [/center][nextcol] [item=skin blueprint] [center][font=cambria][color=#968d7d][b]personal[/b] [color=#9d7d59]... print [/center][nextcol] [item=skin blueprint] [center][font=cambria][color=#968d7d][b]personal[/b] [color=#9d7d59]... print [/center][nextcol] [item=skin blueprint] [center][font=cambria][color=#968d7d][b]personal[/b] [color=#9d7d59]... print [/center][/columns] [center][img][/img][/center]


| A R C H I V E S |
A list of all the skins and accents I have made during my time on FR. This includes accents and skins that were personal customs, as well as any that were limited or retired, etc. If an accent is in the 'unlimited' spot feel free to head to my self-editing pinglist to be added to the list! I will print them when at least 5 slots are filled!
| U N L I M I T E D |
can be reprinted by signing up in my spreadsheet

| L I M I T E D |
never to be reprinted

twenty print
twenty print
thirty print
thirty print
Skin Blueprint
... print
| C U S T O M S |
can be reprinted only by the commissioner
five print
one print
ten print
five print
two print
one print
two print
five print
five print
one print
five print
ten print
ten print
five print
five print
+++++ Skin Blueprint
... print
Skin Blueprint
... print
Skin Blueprint
... print
Skin Blueprint
... print
Skin Blueprint
... print
b o n i v i c h » light & earth • the atheneum
"You, sent out beyond your recall, go to the limits of your longing. Embody me. Flare up like flame and make big shadows I can move in. Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror."

----- [center][font=cambria][color=#968d7d][url=][b]i[/b]ntro[/url] | [url=][b]r[/b]ules[/url] | [url=][b]c[/b]urrent [b]s[/b]kins & [b]a[/b]ccents[/url] | [url=][b]a[/b]rchives[/url] | [i][b]s[/b]howcase[/i] | [url=][b]p[/b]inglist[/url] | [url=][b]c[/b]redits | [url=][b]c[/b]ustoms[/url][/url][/font][/color][/center] ----- [center][img][/img][/center] ----- [center][size=7][font=playfair display][color=#968d7d]| [b]T[/b] H E - [b]S[/b] H O W C A S E |[/font][/size][/color][/center] [columns] [color=transparent].................[/color] [nextcol] [center][size=4][font=cambria][color=#968d7d]I love seeing how others have used my accents and skins on their dragons! Please feel free to show me your dragon and they might end up being featured down below~ ♥ I will ask ahead of time if it is okay to add them, but I love sharing what others have done on the dragons they love.[/font][/color][/center] [nextcol] [color=transparent].................[/color] [/columns] ----- [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [font=cambria][color=#968d7d]featuring [url=]my[/url] dragon [i]fajr[/i] wearing my skin [i][b]the apotheosis epic[/i][/b]. [/columns] [br] [columns][font=cambria][color=#968d7d]featuring [url=]rainycerdae's[/url] dragon [i]dante[/i] wearing my skin [i][b]i. desert wanderer[/i][/b]. [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/columns] [br] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [font=cambria][color=#968d7d]featuring [url=]garbagepal's[/url] dragon [i]morkov[/i] wearing my skin [i][b]i. angel of the aether[/i][/b]~ ♥ thank you! [/columns] [br] [columns][font=cambria][color=#968d7d]featuring [url=]askesis'[/url] dragon [i]nimriel[/i] wearing my skin [i][b]ii. goddess of wither[/i][/b]~ ♥ thank you! [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/columns] [br] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [font=cambria][color=#968d7d]featuring [url=]my[/url] dragon [i]symterya[/i] wearing my skin [i][b]i. lady of the forest[/i][/b] [/columns]


| T H E - S H O W C A S E |
I love seeing how others have used my accents and skins on their dragons! Please feel free to show me your dragon and they might end up being featured down below~ ♥ I will ask ahead of time if it is okay to add them, but I love sharing what others have done on the dragons they love.

89190164_350.png featuring my dragon fajr wearing my skin the apotheosis epic.

featuring rainycerdae's dragon dante wearing my skin i. desert wanderer.

58234449_350.png featuring garbagepal's dragon morkov wearing my skin i. angel of the aether~ ♥ thank you!

featuring askesis' dragon nimriel wearing my skin ii. goddess of wither~ ♥ thank you!

79711627_350.png featuring my dragon symterya wearing my skin i. lady of the forest
b o n i v i c h » light & earth • the atheneum
"You, sent out beyond your recall, go to the limits of your longing. Embody me. Flare up like flame and make big shadows I can move in. Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror."

----- [center][font=cambria][color=#968d7d][url=][b]i[/b]ntro[/url] | [url=][b]r[/b]ules[/url] | [url=][b]c[/b]urrent [b]s[/b]kins & [b]a[/b]ccents[/url] | [url=][b]a[/b]rchives[/url] | [url=][b]s[/b]howcase[/url] | [i][b]p[/b]inglist[/i] | [url=][b]c[/b]redits | [url=][b]c[/b]ustoms[/url][/url][/font][/color][/center] ----- [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] ----- [center][size=6][font=playfair display][color=#968d7d]| [url=][b]S[/b] E L F - [b]E[/b] D I T I N G - [b]P[/b] I N G L I S T[/url] |[/font][/size][/color][/center] [columns] [color=transparent].................[/color] [nextcol] [center][font=cambria][size=4][color=#968d7d][i]Feel free to click either the image or the title above to be taken to my self-editing pinglist. I welcome you to add yourself to any and all accents you want. Something wrong with my self-editing list or want me to add you manually? [b]Ping me[/b] and I'll get back to you as soon as possible! ♥ [b]Do not remove anyone's name but your own nor mess with any of my formatting, thank you![/b][/i][/font][/color][/center] [nextcol] [color=transparent].................[/color] [/columns] [center][font=cambria][color=#968d7d][size=6][emoji=ceramic jar] [i][b]on-site pinglists[/b][/i] [emoji=ceramic jar][/size] more will be added as soon as I can think of the best way for reprint on-site pinglists; until then, all reprints will be done via my spreadsheet, and all normal skin releases, customs, etc, will be done via the correlating on-site pinglist. [pinglist=269] [pinglist=276]


Feel free to click either the image or the title above to be taken to my self-editing pinglist. I welcome you to add yourself to any and all accents you want.

Something wrong with my self-editing list or want me to add you manually? Ping me and I'll get back to you as soon as possible! ♥

Do not remove anyone's name but your own nor mess with any of my formatting, thank you!
on-site pinglists

more will be added as soon as I can think of the best way for reprint on-site pinglists; until then, all reprints will be done via my spreadsheet, and all normal skin releases, customs, etc, will be done via the correlating on-site pinglist.

b o n i v i c h » light & earth • the atheneum
"You, sent out beyond your recall, go to the limits of your longing. Embody me. Flare up like flame and make big shadows I can move in. Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror."

----- [center][font=cambria][color=#968d7d][url=][b]i[/b]ntro[/url] | [url=][b]r[/b]ules[/url] | [url=][b]c[/b]urrent [b]s[/b]kins & [b]a[/b]ccents[/url] | [url=][b]a[/b]rchives[/url] | [url=][b]s[/b]howcase[/url] | [url=][b]p[/b]inglist[/url] | [i][b]c[/b]redits[/i] | [url=][b]c[/b]ustoms[/url][/font][/color][/center] ----- [center][img][/img][/center] ----- [center] [font=cambria][color=#968d7d][size=4][i]All graphics, pinglists, and artwork were made by me, [url=]bonivich[/url], unless otherwise stated/linked[/i][/size] [emoji=old parchment] [b]FONTS USED[/b] | Playfair Display / Cambria [emoji=old parchment] [b]TEXT HEXCODE[/b] | #968d7d [columns] [color=transparent].................[/color] [nextcol] [center][font=cambria][color=#968d7d]I would like to give a big [I][b]thank you[/i][/b] to my best friend [url=]Reithya[/url] as always for helping me with all things related to [i]Flight Rising[/i] and for encouraging me to make my own skins and accents. ♥[/font][/color] [nextcol] [color=transparent].................[/color] [/columns][/center] ----- [center][size=7][font=playfair display][color=#968d7d]| [b]U[/b] P D A T E S |[/font][/size][/color] [center][font=cambria][color=#968d7d][b]01.11.24[/b] | changed reprinting to quarterly releases for spring, summer, fall, & winter. [b]11.08.2021[/b] | [i]ii. desert guardian[/i], [i]ii. earthen guardian[/i], and [i]ii. dusty guardian[/i] were released. [b]09.09.2021[/b] | [I]i. autumn pilgrim[/i] was the first accent/skin to fill up all the entire run slots on my spreadsheet. That's amazing! Glad you guys love the skins I am making and can't wait to make more. c': [b]09.01.2021[/b] | First run of [i]i. desert wanderer[/i] came in. ♥ Second accent every made, I'm so happy! ;A; [b]08.28.2021[/b] | All copies of [I]i. the harvest[/i] sold for the first time! Thank you all so much~. ♥ [b]08.28.2021[/b] | Skin & Accent shop opens! ♥ [b]08.28.2021[/b] | Skin & Accent shop becomes a [I]work in progress[/i].


All graphics, pinglists, and artwork were made by me, bonivich, unless otherwise stated/linked

FONTS USED | Playfair Display / Cambria
TEXT HEXCODE | #968d7d

I would like to give a big thank you to my best friend Reithya as always for helping me with all things related to Flight Rising and for encouraging me to make my own skins and accents. ♥

| U P D A T E S |

01.11.24 | changed reprinting to quarterly releases for spring, summer, fall, & winter.

11.08.2021 | ii. desert guardian, ii. earthen guardian, and ii. dusty guardian were released.

09.09.2021 | i. autumn pilgrim was the first accent/skin to fill up all the entire run slots on my spreadsheet. That's amazing! Glad you guys love the skins I am making and can't wait to make more. c':

09.01.2021 | First run of i. desert wanderer came in. ♥ Second accent every made, I'm so happy! ;A;
08.28.2021 | All copies of i. the harvest sold for the first time! Thank you all so much~. ♥
08.28.2021 | Skin & Accent shop opens! ♥
08.28.2021 | Skin & Accent shop becomes a work in progress.
b o n i v i c h » light & earth • the atheneum
"You, sent out beyond your recall, go to the limits of your longing. Embody me. Flare up like flame and make big shadows I can move in. Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror."

----- [center][font=cambria][color=#968d7d][url=][b]i[/b]ntro[/url] | [url=][b]r[/b]ules[/url] | [url=][b]c[/b]urrent [b]s[/b]kins & [b]a[/b]ccents[/url] | [url=][b]a[/b]rchives[/url] | [url=][b]s[/b]howcase[/url] | [url=][b]p[/b]inglist[/url] | [url=][b]c[/b]redits[/url] | [i][b]c[/b]ustoms[/i][/font][/color][/center] ----- ----- [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center] [font=cambria][color=#968d7d][size=6][emoji=old parchment] [b]c u s t o m s[/b] [emoji=old parchment][/size][/color][/font][/center] [color=transparent]xxx[/color] [center][font=cambria][size=5][color=#968d7d]|| [b]. p r i c i n g .[/b] ||[/size] [size=4][color=#968d7d][b]accents.[/b] 5,000g + blueprints [b]or[/b] 50usd + blueprints* [b]skins.[/b] 10,000g + blueprints [b]or[/b] 100usd + blueprints* [i]*1-prints cost [b]double[/b] the amount of the price in which they align with.[/i][/size] [color=transparent]xxx[/color] [color=transparent]xxx[/color] [size=5][color=#968d7d]|| [b]. r u l e s .[/b] ||[/size][/center] [font=cambria][color=#968d7d][emoji=ceramic jar] [b]001.[/b] I can do accents or skincents, I will not do full coverage skins. [emoji=ceramic jar] [b]002.[/b] I do not like to do body/wing manipulations, maybe in the future but for now I'd prefer to not do either. [emoji=ceramic jar] [b]003.[/b] I can take usd or gems. I do not take treasure at this time. [emoji=ceramic jar] [b]004.[/b] Once I have accepted your custom commission here, please send me an pm or discord message (discord id is bonivich#8171 or bonivich now with new update) detailing the information, dragon, breed, gender of your dragon, along with a mood-board. I do not like to work off of only written ideas. I can work off of scries or general ideas of color schemes if no dragon is in mind. [emoji=ceramic jar] [b]005.[/b] Please look at my skinography for an idea of what I enjoy doing. I am willing to work with most themes so long as they tend to feature: jewelry, floral, silks, smoke, desert, royal, egyptian, greek, medieval themes, etc. I am willing to try to do secondary wings, and bones, etc, it just isn't as strong a forte of mine at the moment. [emoji=ceramic jar] [b]006.[/b] below is the number of copies I hold for artist copies. I do not do 1-prints except for friends or a large bribe (see below in pricing). [b]note. //[/b] I still reserve the right to print myself an artist copy of your 1-print, however, I [b]never[/b] sell it. [indent][font=cambria][color=#968d7d][emoji=old parchment] [b]2 prints [/b]I take [u]one[/u] copy [emoji=old parchment] [b]5 prints [/b]I take [u]two[/u] copies [emoji=old parchment] [b]10 prints[/b] I take [u]three[/u] copies[/indent] [font=cambria][color=#968d7d][emoji=ceramic jar] [b]007.[/b] payment is made after you are satisfied with sketch/lines. blueprints are not due until finished with skin as sometimes what looks like a skin is an accent and vice versa. [emoji=ceramic jar] [b]008.[/b] please be patient with me, I work full-time and don't get much personal time on the computer until after work/weekends. I will always be communicative/transparent if things might take a bit longer, but hopefully you understand! I am quicker to respond on discord than fr! [color=transparent]xxx[/color] [color=transparent]xxx[/color] [center][font=cambria][size=5][color=#968d7d]|| [b]. s l o t s .[/b] ||[/size] [color=#968d7d]slots are currently unlimited, but do know that it has been taking me months to finish my customs, only because of real life. [b]05.15.24[/b] after may 24th I will have more free time to work on customs! [b]001.[/b] kael [b]002.[/b] creosete [b]003.[/b] vortexbreakdown [b]004.[/b] emanuele [b]005.[/b] [url=]shimmyshim[/url] [b]006.[/b] [ username ] [b]007.[/b] [ username ] [b]008.[/b] [ username ] [b]009.[/b] [ username ] [b]010.[/b] [ username ][/center] [center][font=cambria][color=#968d7d][size=6][emoji=old parchment] [b]c u s t o m // r e c o l o r s[/b] [emoji=old parchment][/size][/color][/font][/center] [color=transparent]xxx[/color] [center][font=cambria][size=5][color=#968d7d]|| [b]. p r i c i n g .[/b] || [/size] [size=4][color=#968d7d][b]skins & accents.[/b] 3,000g + blueprints* [i]*1-prints cost [b]double[/b] the amount of gems.[/i][/size] [color=transparent]xxx[/color] [color=transparent]xxx[/color] [size=5][color=#968d7d]|| [b]. r u l e s .[/b] ||[/size][/center] [font=cambria][color=#968d7d][emoji=ceramic jar] [b]001.[/b] all public skins can be recolored except for [b]gods of blood, dirt, antiquity, and tarnish[/b], [b]the harvest[/b], & [b]desert wanderer[/b] as these files do not have very good recolor abilities any longer and painstaking in redoing. [emoji=ceramic jar] [b]002.[/b] you can request a one-print but these will cost double the amount that 2+ blueprints do (so 6kg instead of 3kg); this is to cover some of the cost for me to print an artist copy for myself, which like with normal customs, I never sell. [emoji=ceramic jar] [b]003.[/b] I do not take usd for custom recolors. I am willing to accept treasure. [emoji=ceramic jar] [b]004.[/b] Once I have accepted your custom recolor here in my thread, please send me an pm or discord message (discord id is bonivich#8171 or bonivich now with new update) detailing which skin you'd like recolored and either a color palette or dragon to base it off of. [emoji=ceramic jar] [b]005.[/b] I will send approval for the recolor where you can ask for adjustments. [emoji=ceramic jar] [b]006.[/b] payment and blueprints are due after you are satisfied with the recolor. [center][font=cambria][size=5][color=#968d7d]|| [b]. s l o t s .[/b] ||[/size] [color=#968d7d]slots are currently unlimited. recolors take less time than customs; turn-around is within 3 days - 1 week. [b]001.[/b] [ username ] [b]002.[/b] [ username ] [b]003.[/b] [ username ] [b]004.[/b] [ username ] [b]005.[/b] [ username ] [b]006.[/b] [ username ] [b]007.[/b] [ username ] [b]008.[/b] [ username ] [b]009.[/b] [ username ] [b]010.[/b] [ username ][/center]

c u s t o m s
|| . p r i c i n g . ||
accents. 5,000g + blueprints or 50usd + blueprints*
skins. 10,000g + blueprints or 100usd + blueprints*

*1-prints cost double the amount of the price in which they align with.

|| . r u l e s . ||

001. I can do accents or skincents, I will not do full coverage skins.

002. I do not like to do body/wing manipulations, maybe in the future but for now I'd prefer to not do either.

003. I can take usd or gems. I do not take treasure at this time.

004. Once I have accepted your custom commission here, please send me an pm or discord message (discord id is bonivich#8171 or bonivich now with new update) detailing the information, dragon, breed, gender of your dragon, along with a mood-board. I do not like to work off of only written ideas. I can work off of scries or general ideas of color schemes if no dragon is in mind.

005. Please look at my skinography for an idea of what I enjoy doing. I am willing to work with most themes so long as they tend to feature: jewelry, floral, silks, smoke, desert, royal, egyptian, greek, medieval themes, etc. I am willing to try to do secondary wings, and bones, etc, it just isn't as strong a forte of mine at the moment.

006. below is the number of copies I hold for artist copies. I do not do 1-prints except for friends or a large bribe (see below in pricing). note. // I still reserve the right to print myself an artist copy of your 1-print, however, I never sell it.

2 prints I take one copy
5 prints I take two copies
10 prints I take three copies

007. payment is made after you are satisfied with sketch/lines. blueprints are not due until finished with skin as sometimes what looks like a skin is an accent and vice versa.

008. please be patient with me, I work full-time and don't get much personal time on the computer until after work/weekends. I will always be communicative/transparent if things might take a bit longer, but hopefully you understand! I am quicker to respond on discord than fr!
|| . s l o t s . ||
slots are currently unlimited, but do know that it has been taking me months to finish my customs, only because of real life. 05.15.24 after may 24th I will have more free time to work on customs!

001. kael
002. creosete
003. vortexbreakdown
004. emanuele
005. shimmyshim
006. [ username ]
007. [ username ]
008. [ username ]
009. [ username ]
010. [ username ]

c u s t o m // r e c o l o r s
|| . p r i c i n g . ||

skins & accents. 3,000g + blueprints*

*1-prints cost double the amount of gems.

|| . r u l e s . ||

001. all public skins can be recolored except for gods of blood, dirt, antiquity, and tarnish, the harvest, & desert wanderer as these files do not have very good recolor abilities any longer and painstaking in redoing.

002. you can request a one-print but these will cost double the amount that 2+ blueprints do (so 6kg instead of 3kg); this is to cover some of the cost for me to print an artist copy for myself, which like with normal customs, I never sell.

003. I do not take usd for custom recolors. I am willing to accept treasure.

004. Once I have accepted your custom recolor here in my thread, please send me an pm or discord message (discord id is bonivich#8171 or bonivich now with new update) detailing which skin you'd like recolored and either a color palette or dragon to base it off of.

005. I will send approval for the recolor where you can ask for adjustments.

006. payment and blueprints are due after you are satisfied with the recolor.

|| . s l o t s . ||
slots are currently unlimited. recolors take less time than customs; turn-around is within 3 days - 1 week.

001. [ username ]
002. [ username ]
003. [ username ]
004. [ username ]
005. [ username ]
006. [ username ]
007. [ username ]
008. [ username ]
009. [ username ]
010. [ username ]
b o n i v i c h » light & earth • the atheneum
"You, sent out beyond your recall, go to the limits of your longing. Embody me. Flare up like flame and make big shadows I can move in. Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror."

| R E S E R V E D |
| R E S E R V E D |
b o n i v i c h » light & earth • the atheneum
"You, sent out beyond your recall, go to the limits of your longing. Embody me. Flare up like flame and make big shadows I can move in. Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror."

YES OMG cant wait till you open! Im so exited >:O
YES OMG cant wait till you open! Im so exited >:O
GaHno4v.png @RainyCerdae | rain brain
>> accent shop | insta
>> avatar
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