Eeeee, that'll be fun!! I can only imagine how excited Codi will be about learning magic himself. He may end up going down a rabbit hole or two, we'll see ;) And he can definitely get past prickles, absolutely XD You'd have to do something really, really bad for him to not be able to get past you lol
I can see him wanting to alter his staff at some point! Or replace it if it breaks at any point during the story, which I can kinda see happening. It's non-enchanted wood, only a matter of time before that snaps in half- there's only tiny chunks of amethyst in there, not enough to protect it, so yeah! Future staff upgrade most likely inbound!
Eeeeee, I think Axel, Lavinia and Codi would make a fun trio of combat learners! I remember when I first read through Lavinia's bio, one of my first thoughts was, "If Codi ever hears her singing, he'll probably ask if he can play music to go with it and get confused when she runs off"
Eeeee, that'll be fun!! I can only imagine how excited Codi will be about learning magic himself. He may end up going down a rabbit hole or two, we'll see ;) And he can definitely get past prickles, absolutely XD You'd have to do something really, really bad for him to not be able to get past you lol
I can see him wanting to alter his staff at some point! Or replace it if it breaks at any point during the story, which I can kinda see happening. It's non-enchanted wood, only a matter of time before that snaps in half- there's only tiny chunks of amethyst in there, not enough to protect it, so yeah! Future staff upgrade most likely inbound!
Eeeeee, I think Axel, Lavinia and Codi would make a fun trio of combat learners! I remember when I first read through Lavinia's bio, one of my first thoughts was, "If Codi ever hears her singing, he'll probably ask if he can play music to go with it and get confused when she runs off"
Made a couple edits to Admaruq/Qinastos' entry, if that's okay--
I'm reading up on other refs, and I felt like the two were a bit lacking in comparison. Was worried about keeping things balanced, but accidentally made then a little lame in doing so
Changes are; One extra skill labeled in Qinastos' skill section, and one extra skill labeled in Admaruq's skill section
Made a couple edits to Admaruq/Qinastos' entry, if that's okay--
I'm reading up on other refs, and I felt like the two were a bit lacking in comparison. Was worried about keeping things balanced, but accidentally made then a little lame in doing so
Changes are; One extra skill labeled in Qinastos' skill section, and one extra skill labeled in Admaruq's skill section
Neato, look at her and her lil drago! Well, age wise anyways lol.
For clarification about her backstory: since her dad is a rider, but seems to be present in her life, why doesn’t she know about rider stuff or magic? Obviously the simple answer can be ‘he never told her because he wanted her safe’, I was just curious!
Which, her father came from a rider family? Or did he and his group just somehow bond with dragons separately, and thus never knew all the magic and stuff? Making it where they couldn’t have taught her even if they wanted?
Just curious! Because the answer will determine how much other riders know about her dad and his group. Also depending on did he maintain a relationship with other riders and their wider community? Or did he and his group cut away completely? Because there is a place where the remainder of them were for the most part. Which he and those who were his group could have left of course, assuming they weren’t already completely separated from the beginning.
So many Q’s! The specifics just have an impact on many other bits! How much Allo knows, as well as other characters, will depend on the answers.
Other main thing is that I need to know the nature of her enchanted item. In a GM sense. ^^’ Just for making sure it’s fitting with how magic works in this. You can send it via PM if you don’t wanna post it here.
Just for clarification about dragons, which I may have misunderstood, is that each one is an individual! They don’t have ‘kinds’. Appearance plus abilities get determined purely by the genetics of their family which they inherit! :>
That said, I am interested by the prospect of her dragon being related to her father’s! Especially since all of the apprentices will be first meeting their dragons in a specific place. >:)c
That’s fine! Although I really wouldn’t be concerned about either ‘lacking’. Both seemed okay for the start. They are becoming apprentices. Room to grow, learn, and gain more skills will be part of the RP for both sides of the bonds. ^^
Neato, look at her and her lil drago! Well, age wise anyways lol.
For clarification about her backstory: since her dad is a rider, but seems to be present in her life, why doesn’t she know about rider stuff or magic? Obviously the simple answer can be ‘he never told her because he wanted her safe’, I was just curious!
Which, her father came from a rider family? Or did he and his group just somehow bond with dragons separately, and thus never knew all the magic and stuff? Making it where they couldn’t have taught her even if they wanted?
Just curious! Because the answer will determine how much other riders know about her dad and his group. Also depending on did he maintain a relationship with other riders and their wider community? Or did he and his group cut away completely? Because there is a place where the remainder of them were for the most part. Which he and those who were his group could have left of course, assuming they weren’t already completely separated from the beginning.
So many Q’s! The specifics just have an impact on many other bits! How much Allo knows, as well as other characters, will depend on the answers.
Other main thing is that I need to know the nature of her enchanted item. In a GM sense. ^^’ Just for making sure it’s fitting with how magic works in this. You can send it via PM if you don’t wanna post it here.
Just for clarification about dragons, which I may have misunderstood, is that each one is an individual! They don’t have ‘kinds’. Appearance plus abilities get determined purely by the genetics of their family which they inherit! :>
That said, I am interested by the prospect of her dragon being related to her father’s! Especially since all of the apprentices will be first meeting their dragons in a specific place. >:)c
That’s fine! Although I really wouldn’t be concerned about either ‘lacking’. Both seemed okay for the start. They are becoming apprentices. Room to grow, learn, and gain more skills will be part of the RP for both sides of the bonds. ^^
Ooo yes, ofc, I'd be happy to answer to answer those questions! Sorry that I left the character sheets a lil vague, I was in a lil bit of a hurry when I was writing it at the time. ×_×
Some questions I'll answer via DM though, as I like to have stuff that would only be known by my character be kept that way until it becomes relevant, or they decide to open up about it!
That said, lemme get to answerin'!
"since her dad is a rider, but seems to be present in her life, why doesn’t she know about rider stuff or magic?"
So, she does know about rider stuff and magic, I forgot to specify that part. (my bad! ":x) I personally thought it went without saying that that sort of stuff is just kinda common knowledge. She grew up learning about her peoples' history with dragons and about magic from her parents, and from other members of her tribe. They know a fair bit about that kind of stuff, they've just never leaned into it because they've never really had the time to do so between having to help provide for her family and tribe.
The Ahangbari do know of and use magic, but not by much. Very few in the tribe tend to have the time to learn about magic while providing for themselves and the tribe, thus leaving magic to the leaders, elders and healers of the tribe, who may provide magic items once in a while to them to make life a little easier. The Ahangbari do have a deep respect for magic, and revere it, but as I said, don't really have the time to learn it themselves. Admaruq was definitely one of those people that simply didn't have the time to learn much magic related stuff growing up. The Ahangbari were in a pretty rough patch during her younger years, and needed to spend as much time as they could to provide for one another.
As far as her relationship goes with her old man, and what he was up to after leaving the large scale crime life, I'll DM you about that. :0
"Did he maintain a relationship with other riders and their wider community? Or did he and his group cut away completely?"
So, her father did come from a family of riders. For context, the Ahrangbari have their own group of hidden dragon riders separate from the other hidden group you're referring to. The ahrangbari riders, once they earned their dragons, would always stay in solitude away from the tribe, as not to bring the people in charge of the ban to their families' doorsteps while they preserved their culture. It's really friggin cold, like arctic temps for half of the year, and just super cold, wet, rainy, snowy and awful for the rest of it except for one short little stretch of a couple months.
Foreigners don't really go that way unless they have a dang good reason to do so, so they've remained pretty well hidden for a long time. The riders only come back to the tribe once or twice a year to bring them a whale, or other huge aquatic animal below the sea ice, that they rely on their dragons to hunt for. Other times, they return to their tribe without their dragon for holidays, or to replenish supplies. (This is where the dragon flute whistle comes in handy btw. The tribe's riders use these whistles to relay commands to their dragons from long distances.)
Regarding how much others may know about Her father and his gang,
The year that Saqiridion earned his dragon, those in charge of the ban had ended up finding out about the tribe's riders, and threatened to do some really bad stuff if they didn't turn them in. The old riders, wanting to protect their families and the younger generation of riders, turned themselves in willingly.
It's unclear what happened to them for now, as I don't know what the punishment was for illegal dragonriding back in the day, but whatever happened, it was bad enough that Saqiridion and his partner in crime, Gannikau, finished training and went straight to attacking places that belonged to the people behind the ban, and robbing them of anything of value. They'd completely separated themselves from the tribe by then. They wore the clothes of foreigners, covered their tracks, and severed their ties to begin their revenge mission against the people that took their loved ones and tried to strip them of what made them Ahrangbari... just... not in the way they probably should have. In all fairness, they never knew there would be a lift on the ban, but that's no excuse. Merely an explanation. To them, they were fighting an endless battle against people that wanted dragon riders, such as their people, lost to obscurity.
Over time, more rogue riders (dragonriders, gryphon riders, Pegasus, you name it) saw them and wanted in on it. Some wanted it to fight for what they thought was right. Some wanted in for the money to be made. Some wanted in for the sake of killing. It was pretty messy, but it was all very well orchestrated and led by Saqiridion and Gannikau.
It wasn't long before other secret groups of dragon riders caught wind of their exploits, and their battle with the ban. It drew in a lot of new members for them, but it also drew a lot of unwanted attention. To both his group, and other dragonriders. They became a pretty scary presence to places they were traveling through pretty fast.
A wide range of people were affected by Saqiridion and his partner's hatred towards the ban, and those who supported it. The wealthy as a whole were also at risk from his gang. Trade routes were practically under siege in some places. They were also just overall pretty opportunistic. If they knew of something that would help them in any way, such as weapons, armor, money, provisions, etc. they would swoop in and take it (or try to in some cases. Some places held them off pretty good.)
They were known about on a fairly large scale.
I'd imagine that the other dragon riding groups straight up wanted nothing to do with them, so that the law wouldn't come down harder on them. Heck, it's also up to you if they've also sent their own riders to try and take them down. Hell, maybe it was other dragon riders that took out Saqiridion's friend. I haven't exactly decided what happens to him here yet, to be frank.
Whatever it was that happened to his brother (metaphorically), though, changed his views on his actions. So much so that he'd disappeared back into obscurity from the public to return to his people.
That about sums up the context for Admaruq's father and his impact on things. Homie had a lot of wanted posters that he complained about never getting his face right, lol.
"I need to know the nature of her enchanted item."
Admaruq's enchanted item is basically the fantasy version of a phone. A rockie talkie, if you will, lol. The item itself doesn't have a name. There are only three others just like it. Admaruq has one. Her mother has the second, and the third had disappeared along with Admaruq's father.
Basically, when someone wants to send a message to another holder of an amber disc, they talk into it. When the other person receives a message, and is ready to read it, the enchanted dust within the amber will move around as if the core of the stone is liquid, forming words in any language that the owner of the stone can read. Admaruq can read in both the common language, and the language of her folks, so it could go either way depending how she's feeling, for those that like to eavesdrop. >:}c
Fair warning though, if anybody tries to go touching it without her permission, or taking it, she'll get suuuper cranky. That's her only means of communicating with her family, and she's never been far from home for long, so homesickness will absolutely be a thing here, when it's appropriate.
Other bits of info without the walls of text.
Regarding the dragon 'breeds' thing, that's super good to know, actually, ty! I'll go make a couple tweaks to the character ref once I send in my DM! :D
And as far as how her father's dragon's little guy got there... let's just say there may have been a little bit of help from someone in the background, lurkin and watchin. >:} (another thing I'll go over in the DM I'm sending.)
With all of that said, I hope this answers the first chunk of your questions, the rest is coming in a DM here in a bit. Please feel free to let me know if anything needs to be changed, and do ask more questions if you need or want to, I wanna help things run as smoothly as possible!
Ooo yes, ofc, I'd be happy to answer to answer those questions! Sorry that I left the character sheets a lil vague, I was in a lil bit of a hurry when I was writing it at the time. ×_×
Some questions I'll answer via DM though, as I like to have stuff that would only be known by my character be kept that way until it becomes relevant, or they decide to open up about it!
That said, lemme get to answerin'!
"since her dad is a rider, but seems to be present in her life, why doesn’t she know about rider stuff or magic?"
So, she does know about rider stuff and magic, I forgot to specify that part. (my bad! ":x) I personally thought it went without saying that that sort of stuff is just kinda common knowledge. She grew up learning about her peoples' history with dragons and about magic from her parents, and from other members of her tribe. They know a fair bit about that kind of stuff, they've just never leaned into it because they've never really had the time to do so between having to help provide for her family and tribe.
The Ahangbari do know of and use magic, but not by much. Very few in the tribe tend to have the time to learn about magic while providing for themselves and the tribe, thus leaving magic to the leaders, elders and healers of the tribe, who may provide magic items once in a while to them to make life a little easier. The Ahangbari do have a deep respect for magic, and revere it, but as I said, don't really have the time to learn it themselves. Admaruq was definitely one of those people that simply didn't have the time to learn much magic related stuff growing up. The Ahangbari were in a pretty rough patch during her younger years, and needed to spend as much time as they could to provide for one another.
As far as her relationship goes with her old man, and what he was up to after leaving the large scale crime life, I'll DM you about that. :0
"Did he maintain a relationship with other riders and their wider community? Or did he and his group cut away completely?"
So, her father did come from a family of riders. For context, the Ahrangbari have their own group of hidden dragon riders separate from the other hidden group you're referring to. The ahrangbari riders, once they earned their dragons, would always stay in solitude away from the tribe, as not to bring the people in charge of the ban to their families' doorsteps while they preserved their culture. It's really friggin cold, like arctic temps for half of the year, and just super cold, wet, rainy, snowy and awful for the rest of it except for one short little stretch of a couple months.
Foreigners don't really go that way unless they have a dang good reason to do so, so they've remained pretty well hidden for a long time. The riders only come back to the tribe once or twice a year to bring them a whale, or other huge aquatic animal below the sea ice, that they rely on their dragons to hunt for. Other times, they return to their tribe without their dragon for holidays, or to replenish supplies. (This is where the dragon flute whistle comes in handy btw. The tribe's riders use these whistles to relay commands to their dragons from long distances.)
Regarding how much others may know about Her father and his gang,
The year that Saqiridion earned his dragon, those in charge of the ban had ended up finding out about the tribe's riders, and threatened to do some really bad stuff if they didn't turn them in. The old riders, wanting to protect their families and the younger generation of riders, turned themselves in willingly.
It's unclear what happened to them for now, as I don't know what the punishment was for illegal dragonriding back in the day, but whatever happened, it was bad enough that Saqiridion and his partner in crime, Gannikau, finished training and went straight to attacking places that belonged to the people behind the ban, and robbing them of anything of value. They'd completely separated themselves from the tribe by then. They wore the clothes of foreigners, covered their tracks, and severed their ties to begin their revenge mission against the people that took their loved ones and tried to strip them of what made them Ahrangbari... just... not in the way they probably should have. In all fairness, they never knew there would be a lift on the ban, but that's no excuse. Merely an explanation. To them, they were fighting an endless battle against people that wanted dragon riders, such as their people, lost to obscurity.
Over time, more rogue riders (dragonriders, gryphon riders, Pegasus, you name it) saw them and wanted in on it. Some wanted it to fight for what they thought was right. Some wanted in for the money to be made. Some wanted in for the sake of killing. It was pretty messy, but it was all very well orchestrated and led by Saqiridion and Gannikau.
It wasn't long before other secret groups of dragon riders caught wind of their exploits, and their battle with the ban. It drew in a lot of new members for them, but it also drew a lot of unwanted attention. To both his group, and other dragonriders. They became a pretty scary presence to places they were traveling through pretty fast.
A wide range of people were affected by Saqiridion and his partner's hatred towards the ban, and those who supported it. The wealthy as a whole were also at risk from his gang. Trade routes were practically under siege in some places. They were also just overall pretty opportunistic. If they knew of something that would help them in any way, such as weapons, armor, money, provisions, etc. they would swoop in and take it (or try to in some cases. Some places held them off pretty good.)
They were known about on a fairly large scale.
I'd imagine that the other dragon riding groups straight up wanted nothing to do with them, so that the law wouldn't come down harder on them. Heck, it's also up to you if they've also sent their own riders to try and take them down. Hell, maybe it was other dragon riders that took out Saqiridion's friend. I haven't exactly decided what happens to him here yet, to be frank.
Whatever it was that happened to his brother (metaphorically), though, changed his views on his actions. So much so that he'd disappeared back into obscurity from the public to return to his people.
That about sums up the context for Admaruq's father and his impact on things. Homie had a lot of wanted posters that he complained about never getting his face right, lol.
"I need to know the nature of her enchanted item."
Admaruq's enchanted item is basically the fantasy version of a phone. A rockie talkie, if you will, lol. The item itself doesn't have a name. There are only three others just like it. Admaruq has one. Her mother has the second, and the third had disappeared along with Admaruq's father.
Basically, when someone wants to send a message to another holder of an amber disc, they talk into it. When the other person receives a message, and is ready to read it, the enchanted dust within the amber will move around as if the core of the stone is liquid, forming words in any language that the owner of the stone can read. Admaruq can read in both the common language, and the language of her folks, so it could go either way depending how she's feeling, for those that like to eavesdrop. >:}c
Fair warning though, if anybody tries to go touching it without her permission, or taking it, she'll get suuuper cranky. That's her only means of communicating with her family, and she's never been far from home for long, so homesickness will absolutely be a thing here, when it's appropriate.
Other bits of info without the walls of text.
Regarding the dragon 'breeds' thing, that's super good to know, actually, ty! I'll go make a couple tweaks to the character ref once I send in my DM! :D
And as far as how her father's dragon's little guy got there... let's just say there may have been a little bit of help from someone in the background, lurkin and watchin. >:} (another thing I'll go over in the DM I'm sending.)
With all of that said, I hope this answers the first chunk of your questions, the rest is coming in a DM here in a bit. Please feel free to let me know if anything needs to be changed, and do ask more questions if you need or want to, I wanna help things run as smoothly as possible!
Holy mother of text walls, I didn't realize it was gonna be that long, sorry about that one, chief [emoji=aberration scared size=1]
Edit; Gonna send the DM in the morning, it's super late, oof
Edit edit; Tweeked my wall of china length reply above with bold parts and better breaking down of the paragraphs. Easier to digest. Also completely forgot to explain Admaruq's familiarity with magic, and added that in.
Holy mother of text walls, I didn't realize it was gonna be that long, sorry about that one, chief
Edit; Gonna send the DM in the morning, it's super late, oof
Edit edit; Tweeked my wall of china length reply above with bold parts and better breaking down of the paragraphs. Easier to digest. Also completely forgot to explain Admaruq's familiarity with magic, and added that in.
Ehhhhh, round for the outermost petals, then they slowly get pointier as they move towards the center of the flower. Maybe.
As for the possibility of riders in their past, they might not have originally thought of themselves as "riders". The Navarre probably thought themselves in sort of symbiotic relationship à la wolves and ravens, but ya'know between them and the dragons.
Ehhhhh, round for the outermost petals, then they slowly get pointier as they move towards the center of the flower. Maybe.
As for the possibility of riders in their past, they might not have originally thought of themselves as "riders". The Navarre probably thought themselves in sort of symbiotic relationship à la wolves and ravens, but ya'know between them and the dragons.
awww thats so cute! They can spend time together! I think Livinia might be excited but also nervous? Because Kato rarely spoke of his family she might be wary of them initially. I feel like she might initially get alng better with the nephew because of this because they can nerd over their smithing work and then she will get to know the neice as Kato stops being so stubborn (hes a big stupid sometimes)
hahaha actually thats what i thought of too and creature is just like [emoji=aberration scared size=1] as she gets swung around like its nothing hehe. Honestly Livinia is going to end up being better at magic than she thinks, but not in a way anyone else might expect. I kinda vibe with the idea her magic is tied to her creativity, so she has to always be thinking of using her magic creatively somehow. Like.. other people might just use fire magic to warm something up, Livnia has to instead vibrate air molecules really really fast to warm something up lol. Otherwise her [s](idk if that works with the magic system, but it is funny to think about her having to think of 100 steps to make her magic do what others would do in like 1 step lmao)[/s]
Lmao baking forge sweets with Dimitri thats so cute lmao.
waaa im excited for the magic system so our dorks working toghether. Honestly, Livinia is fine with people having a wood staff, but shes going to perform a lecture on the types of wood probably
Livinia: "oak is entirely the wrong kind of wood to make a staff if you do make one out of wood. You have to go for willow or hickory. They have more bend, while also being more resilient!" and then send him off to a woodworker she knows because a staff is out of her wheelhouse.
As for her singing, tbh Livinia just doesn't take compliments well. She runs away and hides and turns beat red. So when people are like 'dang that voice came from you its nice' she wants to die. Same as with anyone complimenting her blacksmithing stuff. She just... awkwardly shouts something about it being her job and then goes and hides somewhere so she can blush in private. Eventually though i can see her warming up enough to trust that she can sing before him and it won't make her want to crawl in a hole and hide.
awww thats so cute! They can spend time together! I think Livinia might be excited but also nervous? Because Kato rarely spoke of his family she might be wary of them initially. I feel like she might initially get alng better with the nephew because of this because they can nerd over their smithing work and then she will get to know the neice as Kato stops being so stubborn (hes a big stupid sometimes)
hahaha actually thats what i thought of too and creature is just like

as she gets swung around like its nothing hehe. Honestly Livinia is going to end up being better at magic than she thinks, but not in a way anyone else might expect. I kinda vibe with the idea her magic is tied to her creativity, so she has to always be thinking of using her magic creatively somehow. Like.. other people might just use fire magic to warm something up, Livnia has to instead vibrate air molecules really really fast to warm something up lol. Otherwise her
(idk if that works with the magic system, but it is funny to think about her having to think of 100 steps to make her magic do what others would do in like 1 step lmao)
Lmao baking forge sweets with Dimitri thats so cute lmao.
waaa im excited for the magic system so our dorks working toghether. Honestly, Livinia is fine with people having a wood staff, but shes going to perform a lecture on the types of wood probably
Livinia: "oak is entirely the wrong kind of wood to make a staff if you do make one out of wood. You have to go for willow or hickory. They have more bend, while also being more resilient!" and then send him off to a woodworker she knows because a staff is out of her wheelhouse.
As for her singing, tbh Livinia just doesn't take compliments well. She runs away and hides and turns beat red. So when people are like 'dang that voice came from you its nice' she wants to die. Same as with anyone complimenting her blacksmithing stuff. She just... awkwardly shouts something about it being her job and then goes and hides somewhere so she can blush in private. Eventually though i can see her warming up enough to trust that she can sing before him and it won't make her want to crawl in a hole and hide.
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I'm low key excited to build up Zayah as something closer to a spellblade, leaning more on the spells. But like, I can see her legit fiddling with her own basic weapons to create some monstrosity of fire and electricity that makes you wonder how this poor blade is even holding up. The mere act of drawing this sword is considered dangerous, but we're all too scared to try and take it on the off chance it explodes into sizzling and shocking shrapnel.
Mistakes were made and the refusal to admit that was among them.
As umm... Her magic was always intended to be themed around Dagny to some extent and be on the more destructive side. Tho I'll hold off on truly defining anything outside of jokes until I actually lay eyes on this magic system. Since I don't at all mind that you wanna reveal it in character given how normal and friendly the vibes are here.
I'm low key excited to build up Zayah as something closer to a spellblade, leaning more on the spells. But like, I can see her legit fiddling with her own basic weapons to create some monstrosity of fire and electricity that makes you wonder how this poor blade is even holding up. The mere act of drawing this sword is considered dangerous, but we're all too scared to try and take it on the off chance it explodes into sizzling and shocking shrapnel.
Mistakes were made and the refusal to admit that was among them.
As umm... Her magic was always intended to be themed around Dagny to some extent and be on the more destructive side. Tho I'll hold off on truly defining anything outside of jokes until I actually lay eyes on this magic system. Since I don't at all mind that you wanna reveal it in character given how normal and friendly the vibes are here.
LOOK AT HIM. Oh, that lad is very nice, I like how colorful he is!!!
Works for me! Tbh, I’ll probably stick a pin on what exactly they did before the ban ended just for now and we’ll circle back around once a bit more lore is revealed. So it’ll be a bit easier to morph around it lol.
Although one last question around it, do you think his parent is around still or no? I’d be happy to make a character or use an older NPC for them? If you want someone to write against for her. Which I know you said you’d write for her dad, were you also planning to write Jason?
Point about his parent being around or not, is that it would impact possible directions within the story. If they aren’t, odds are things won’t change much background wise but could in the story itself.
If they ARE, then in the meantime while your gal is doing all her stuff, he could have some possible shuffles. Because if they’re close, unless again the ‘distance for safety’ thing is at play here, it’s possible they’d invite him to live around or at least visit where the riders live? Which makes it possible when your gal sees him again, he might have a dragon. Either because he stays there, or ends up getting close with one quickly lol. They do have to be chosen by the dragon.
Or he could end up, after said visit or stay, caring for an orphaned egg or hatchling. Which idk, seems very endearing to me for some reason lol. Just imaging this alchemist with a tiny dragon fumbling all over, can’t even use their element yet because they’re young haha.
Like said though, it would be dependent on a handful of what-ifs. Depending on your preferences. If you wanted, they could also be kinda combined! Make for a story beat where he’s not reconnected through his parent, but then gia something happening involving the apprentices he gets a dragon when one involved chooses to stay alongside him. Or an egg or hatchling for him to care for. ^^
Just some possibilities! I think I may be partial for the combined option? Could make for a fun ark with your gal and her family in story.
OH. Actually if you do like the combo version, I just got a very IDEA for what the situation could be *rubbing hands together*.
You can decide though, and if you do wanna go with any of those you can decide the dragon’s age plus design and such. Just going to add, hatchlings usually don’t have their element discovered yet, if you vibe with an idea a little one.
That one last inquiry got super long oof.
Also, finally remembered to ask, their hometown. Did you have a name or description for it, or do you want me to put something together? Accounting for the bits you’ve mentioned of course.
Yeah, that’s cool! Plasma is the hottest element for a reason on the list haha.
Good news, she can absolutely have a CHAOS BLADE lol. And it can. Very much be on the verge of breaking from one wrong move because of how magic functions. Allo will be so proud. Others. Not so much LMAO.
Although for reasons, it’ll probably have to be a new sword or her original that’s indeed heavily modified. Which like you said, will be revealed!
LOOK AT HIM. Oh, that lad is very nice, I like how colorful he is!!!
Works for me! Tbh, I’ll probably stick a pin on what exactly they did before the ban ended just for now and we’ll circle back around once a bit more lore is revealed. So it’ll be a bit easier to morph around it lol.
Although one last question around it, do you think his parent is around still or no? I’d be happy to make a character or use an older NPC for them? If you want someone to write against for her. Which I know you said you’d write for her dad, were you also planning to write Jason?
Point about his parent being around or not, is that it would impact possible directions within the story. If they aren’t, odds are things won’t change much background wise but could in the story itself.
If they ARE, then in the meantime while your gal is doing all her stuff, he could have some possible shuffles. Because if they’re close, unless again the ‘distance for safety’ thing is at play here, it’s possible they’d invite him to live around or at least visit where the riders live? Which makes it possible when your gal sees him again, he might have a dragon. Either because he stays there, or ends up getting close with one quickly lol. They do have to be chosen by the dragon.
Or he could end up, after said visit or stay, caring for an orphaned egg or hatchling. Which idk, seems very endearing to me for some reason lol. Just imaging this alchemist with a tiny dragon fumbling all over, can’t even use their element yet because they’re young haha.
Like said though, it would be dependent on a handful of what-ifs. Depending on your preferences. If you wanted, they could also be kinda combined! Make for a story beat where he’s not reconnected through his parent, but then gia something happening involving the apprentices he gets a dragon when one involved chooses to stay alongside him. Or an egg or hatchling for him to care for. ^^
Just some possibilities! I think I may be partial for the combined option? Could make for a fun ark with your gal and her family in story.
OH. Actually if you do like the combo version, I just got a very IDEA for what the situation could be *rubbing hands together*.
You can decide though, and if you do wanna go with any of those you can decide the dragon’s age plus design and such. Just going to add, hatchlings usually don’t have their element discovered yet, if you vibe with an idea a little one.
That one last inquiry got super long oof.
Also, finally remembered to ask, their hometown. Did you have a name or description for it, or do you want me to put something together? Accounting for the bits you’ve mentioned of course.
Yeah, that’s cool! Plasma is the hottest element for a reason on the list haha.
Good news, she can absolutely have a CHAOS BLADE lol. And it can. Very much be on the verge of breaking from one wrong move because of how magic functions. Allo will be so proud. Others. Not so much LMAO.
Although for reasons, it’ll probably have to be a new sword or her original that’s indeed heavily modified. Which like you said, will be revealed!
So we shall! >:)
On the bright side, he may be able to repurpose the amethysts! Another fun thing for consideration, especially if breaking the staff is more ‘when’ than ‘if’ lol.
Although mentioning his musicality… I am thinking, but shall wait on saying more at least until magic is explained.
So we shall! >:)
On the bright side, he may be able to repurpose the amethysts! Another fun thing for consideration, especially if breaking the staff is more ‘when’ than ‘if’ lol.
Although mentioning his musicality… I am thinking, but shall wait on saying more at least until magic is explained.