

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Montana Wolf Rp : Roleplay thread!

The wolf laid near Axel as he explained what Autumn had already told him. He figured she was hiding some other stuff, but he didn't have the right to pry in her own personal feelings about things.

The wolf laid near Axel as he explained what Autumn had already told him. He figured she was hiding some other stuff, but he didn't have the right to pry in her own personal feelings about things.
Autumn | Interaction w: open|

Autumn lays in the den still not able to fall asleep, sighing she gets to her paws and step out of the den, deciding to get a late night drink and maybe even a snack for herself. She noticed Frost isn’t back yet but figured she could catch something for the two of them to share. Heading out of camp the opposite way of the valley towards the small creek, where they were before playing with firefly.

Autumn sniffs the air letting the breeze go though her fur. It felt so good. She leans down to start to lap up the water and possibly catch a fish. She was and had been thinking long and hard about asking Frost to be alpha male, if he would like too. She couldn’t run the pack by herself, she did have the betas though. She thought back to what her sister said about not going out without anyone. The cream wolf sighs, as she paces along the creek lost in thought.

Axel | interaction w: Frost |

Axel listened to the white wolf tell him about what he already knew, was surprised he even knew anything about it. He supposed autumn was going to spill at some point. He sighs, before basically telling him everything. Axel started at when they were just pups and the training their father had them go through then eventually, when their mother found out they where being hurt by Boris and he killed his own mate. Of course that's when the alphas kicked well.. Exiled Boris from the pack.

'Basically he was alway rough on autumn. Didn't think she was or would be capable of anything. He was rough on both of them.'
Autumn | Interaction w: open|

Autumn lays in the den still not able to fall asleep, sighing she gets to her paws and step out of the den, deciding to get a late night drink and maybe even a snack for herself. She noticed Frost isn’t back yet but figured she could catch something for the two of them to share. Heading out of camp the opposite way of the valley towards the small creek, where they were before playing with firefly.

Autumn sniffs the air letting the breeze go though her fur. It felt so good. She leans down to start to lap up the water and possibly catch a fish. She was and had been thinking long and hard about asking Frost to be alpha male, if he would like too. She couldn’t run the pack by herself, she did have the betas though. She thought back to what her sister said about not going out without anyone. The cream wolf sighs, as she paces along the creek lost in thought.

Axel | interaction w: Frost |

Axel listened to the white wolf tell him about what he already knew, was surprised he even knew anything about it. He supposed autumn was going to spill at some point. He sighs, before basically telling him everything. Axel started at when they were just pups and the training their father had them go through then eventually, when their mother found out they where being hurt by Boris and he killed his own mate. Of course that's when the alphas kicked well.. Exiled Boris from the pack.

'Basically he was alway rough on autumn. Didn't think she was or would be capable of anything. He was rough on both of them.'
[Mahonia] Interacting w: Frost, Axel

Waking as she heard Frost’s voice, the young wolf went out to great her sister. Noting her disappearance she strode over to Frost and Axel, dipping her head in greeting to the two wolves she sat near them.
“Axel, a moment please,” the delta hated to use her rank on him but she had no choice, “as Delta I am ordering you to come with me for a moment.” Trotting over to the entrance of her den, she knew what she had to do. She would explain to Axel of the plans and what Boris was forcing her to do. And after, she’d try to explain to Frost.
[Boris] Interactions: Autumn

“Finally,” the black wolf pulled his muzzle in to a twisted snarl as he spotted his daughter. It took him no time at all to work his way down the rocky outcrop and slink through the trees like a shade. “Hello daughter,” his words dripped with venom like the saliva dripping from his snarled teeth. A maniacal look was in his eyes as he saw the fear in Autumn’s’. Fear, it was what fueled and drove the black wolf. Snarling he lashed his tail as his eyes gleamed bright.
“Mahonia did well, telling me where your weak points were,” pushing his nose to Autumn’s’ aggressively he growled, “you were always weak, pathetic.” He slammed her to the ground by her throat growling lowly in her ear.
“You’re just as pathetic as that wretched mother of yours,” he spat, “a whelping dame that’s all she was. Provided me one good pup and then, whatever you are.” His eyes shone with excitement as he dug his claws in the soft part of her throat.
“Tell that worthless clump of fur when you see her, I regret nothing.” With that he bit in to Autumn’s’ throat and picked her up throwing her across the clearing.
[Mahonia] Interacting w: Frost, Axel

Waking as she heard Frost’s voice, the young wolf went out to great her sister. Noting her disappearance she strode over to Frost and Axel, dipping her head in greeting to the two wolves she sat near them.
“Axel, a moment please,” the delta hated to use her rank on him but she had no choice, “as Delta I am ordering you to come with me for a moment.” Trotting over to the entrance of her den, she knew what she had to do. She would explain to Axel of the plans and what Boris was forcing her to do. And after, she’d try to explain to Frost.
[Boris] Interactions: Autumn

“Finally,” the black wolf pulled his muzzle in to a twisted snarl as he spotted his daughter. It took him no time at all to work his way down the rocky outcrop and slink through the trees like a shade. “Hello daughter,” his words dripped with venom like the saliva dripping from his snarled teeth. A maniacal look was in his eyes as he saw the fear in Autumn’s’. Fear, it was what fueled and drove the black wolf. Snarling he lashed his tail as his eyes gleamed bright.
“Mahonia did well, telling me where your weak points were,” pushing his nose to Autumn’s’ aggressively he growled, “you were always weak, pathetic.” He slammed her to the ground by her throat growling lowly in her ear.
“You’re just as pathetic as that wretched mother of yours,” he spat, “a whelping dame that’s all she was. Provided me one good pup and then, whatever you are.” His eyes shone with excitement as he dug his claws in the soft part of her throat.
“Tell that worthless clump of fur when you see her, I regret nothing.” With that he bit in to Autumn’s’ throat and picked her up throwing her across the clearing.
Axel | interaction w: Frost |

Axel jumped again from Mahonia sneaking up on him. He glared having enough of being snuck up on. Sighing he looks back at frost.

' I hope that helps you.. as I am being called away ..'

Axel gets up and looks at Mahonia before following her back to camp grumbling silently. Once back in camp her looks at her, wondering why she pulled him away from this conversation. Axel sits down grumpily.

Autumn | interaction w: boris |

Autumn didn't have time to react, she stood frozen as her father approached her. Calling her horrible names, it was her nightmare coming true. As she was thrown across the clearing she let out a loud yelp, before hitting the ground. She was dazed and slowly lost conscious. She hurt feeling the blood drip down. She felt betrayed.. by her own sister..
Axel | interaction w: Frost |

Axel jumped again from Mahonia sneaking up on him. He glared having enough of being snuck up on. Sighing he looks back at frost.

' I hope that helps you.. as I am being called away ..'

Axel gets up and looks at Mahonia before following her back to camp grumbling silently. Once back in camp her looks at her, wondering why she pulled him away from this conversation. Axel sits down grumpily.

Autumn | interaction w: boris |

Autumn didn't have time to react, she stood frozen as her father approached her. Calling her horrible names, it was her nightmare coming true. As she was thrown across the clearing she let out a loud yelp, before hitting the ground. She was dazed and slowly lost conscious. She hurt feeling the blood drip down. She felt betrayed.. by her own sister..

Frost watched Mahonia trying to take Axel away. He moved to look at the moon once again before he straightened. His ears flickered upward before they pinned back on his head. Why did he have a dreadful feeling at the moment? What was it? He swiveled his head around the area before the wolf was on all fours. He jumped over Axel as he made his way to the alpha den. The white wolf didn't like this feeling in the slightest. He paused as he saw that she wasn't in the den.

"No," he said.

The male wolf howled before his nose caught scent of Autumn. He swiveled his head in that direction before racing to the creek. He didn't care if the other two would follow him or not. He didn't care about much of anything at the moment. The white wolf paused as he saw Boris throwing Autumn across the clearing. His eyes followed the cream and tan wolf before his eyes fell on the black wolf. Frost was normally calm and collected.


His aura completely changed. His expression dropped to one of disgust and livid anger. He snarled at Boris.

"Do you have an inferiority complex? Cause it certainly sounds like you do."

His steps were small and calculating. The wolf moved himself between Autumn and Boris.

"Afraid that your little plan will fall through if you don't convince the alpha?"

His words leaked with venom and anger. Though, he didn't show his anger. It was scary how calm Frost was at the moment. His claws dug into the ground. He had been his own pack's strongest beta for a reason, and they kicked him out because he didn't want to play that part anymore.

"Well, it's to late," he said with a bark of a life. "You decided your own fate when you decided to lay a paw on her."

Frost watched Mahonia trying to take Axel away. He moved to look at the moon once again before he straightened. His ears flickered upward before they pinned back on his head. Why did he have a dreadful feeling at the moment? What was it? He swiveled his head around the area before the wolf was on all fours. He jumped over Axel as he made his way to the alpha den. The white wolf didn't like this feeling in the slightest. He paused as he saw that she wasn't in the den.

"No," he said.

The male wolf howled before his nose caught scent of Autumn. He swiveled his head in that direction before racing to the creek. He didn't care if the other two would follow him or not. He didn't care about much of anything at the moment. The white wolf paused as he saw Boris throwing Autumn across the clearing. His eyes followed the cream and tan wolf before his eyes fell on the black wolf. Frost was normally calm and collected.


His aura completely changed. His expression dropped to one of disgust and livid anger. He snarled at Boris.

"Do you have an inferiority complex? Cause it certainly sounds like you do."

His steps were small and calculating. The wolf moved himself between Autumn and Boris.

"Afraid that your little plan will fall through if you don't convince the alpha?"

His words leaked with venom and anger. Though, he didn't show his anger. It was scary how calm Frost was at the moment. His claws dug into the ground. He had been his own pack's strongest beta for a reason, and they kicked him out because he didn't want to play that part anymore.

"Well, it's to late," he said with a bark of a life. "You decided your own fate when you decided to lay a paw on her."
[Mahonia] Interacting w: Frost, Axel

“Listen, I need to explain a few things,” she sighed and pinned her ears down. “I was sent here by Boris, I was meant to betray you all. But I can’t, I can’t do that to Autumn and I can’t do that to you.” She looked at the gruff older wolf and pleaded with him. “I know I joined the pack for horrible reasons, but as I got to know all of you all over again. I just I don’t know Axel.” She touched her paw to his gently and parting her jaws to taste the air, she got it.
The taste of blood. Not wasting any time she ran over to Frost in anger.
“You weren’t paying attention, you let her leave,” the she wolf howled in anger as she booted out of the camp hot on her sister’s trail.
The smell of blood and Boris got stronger as she approached.
[Boris] Interactions: Autumn

“What a pity I sired you,” he scuffed dirt on her corpse as he sniffed at her. Assuming she was dead and his problem was over with the male trotted off. With the thudding paw steps getting louder the male took off quicker, not bothering to stop and see who could be coming his way.

Snarling as Frost challenged him the wolf puffed up and lashed his tail. “What your words, rogue, you’ll learn your place when it’s your time. My fight is not with you for now naive whelp. Pity your precious alpha had to die.”

Making it a safe distance away the male panted and smiled. That pack would pay for how they had wronged him.

((Ooof I can edit this but I thought the Frost Boris showdown was later??))
[Mahonia] Interacting w: Frost, Axel

“Listen, I need to explain a few things,” she sighed and pinned her ears down. “I was sent here by Boris, I was meant to betray you all. But I can’t, I can’t do that to Autumn and I can’t do that to you.” She looked at the gruff older wolf and pleaded with him. “I know I joined the pack for horrible reasons, but as I got to know all of you all over again. I just I don’t know Axel.” She touched her paw to his gently and parting her jaws to taste the air, she got it.
The taste of blood. Not wasting any time she ran over to Frost in anger.
“You weren’t paying attention, you let her leave,” the she wolf howled in anger as she booted out of the camp hot on her sister’s trail.
The smell of blood and Boris got stronger as she approached.
[Boris] Interactions: Autumn

“What a pity I sired you,” he scuffed dirt on her corpse as he sniffed at her. Assuming she was dead and his problem was over with the male trotted off. With the thudding paw steps getting louder the male took off quicker, not bothering to stop and see who could be coming his way.

Snarling as Frost challenged him the wolf puffed up and lashed his tail. “What your words, rogue, you’ll learn your place when it’s your time. My fight is not with you for now naive whelp. Pity your precious alpha had to die.”

Making it a safe distance away the male panted and smiled. That pack would pay for how they had wronged him.

((Ooof I can edit this but I thought the Frost Boris showdown was later??))
| Heather | Open for Interaction |

Heather caught some food and delivered it to the elders. His own stomach growled, and he managed to find a rat to keep it quiet for thr night. How long had it been since he'd had a good rest? The omega curled up by one of the camp walls and fell asleep.
| Heather | Open for Interaction |

Heather caught some food and delivered it to the elders. His own stomach growled, and he managed to find a rat to keep it quiet for thr night. How long had it been since he'd had a good rest? The omega curled up by one of the camp walls and fell asleep.
| Kofi | Interaction: Heather |

Kofi was up late again, his insomnia wasn't doing him any favors whatsoever and he wished he didn't have it. Then again he always wished he didn't have it. He spotted Heather lying down next to a wall, and a tang of guilt came over him seeing the pup out in the colder climate. He checked around, 'I'm not supposed to do this. But I'll be damned if I leave one out like this.' Kofi heads back to where he slept, the small remains of deer he had been given lay nearby. He picked it up, bringing it back and laying it next to the small animal. Maybe his sympathy for others was his downfall, there was no getting him to understand that.

(I'm terrible at inclusion, and just don't know how to join back in. My bad if this feels wrong or anything of the sorts.)
| Kofi | Interaction: Heather |

Kofi was up late again, his insomnia wasn't doing him any favors whatsoever and he wished he didn't have it. Then again he always wished he didn't have it. He spotted Heather lying down next to a wall, and a tang of guilt came over him seeing the pup out in the colder climate. He checked around, 'I'm not supposed to do this. But I'll be damned if I leave one out like this.' Kofi heads back to where he slept, the small remains of deer he had been given lay nearby. He picked it up, bringing it back and laying it next to the small animal. Maybe his sympathy for others was his downfall, there was no getting him to understand that.

(I'm terrible at inclusion, and just don't know how to join back in. My bad if this feels wrong or anything of the sorts.)
Space was so Cool~
So Cool~
But it won't even live in a Memory
Universe Unspooled~
So Cruel~
To be Leaving with only a Melody~
| Heather | Interactions: Kofi |

Heather woke, confused. A few slices of deer lay before him. He sniffed the air. "Thank you, Honorable Healer." His voice was soft. The omega gently left the meat by Kofi again. "I cannot accept this food."
| Heather | Interactions: Kofi |

Heather woke, confused. A few slices of deer lay before him. He sniffed the air. "Thank you, Honorable Healer." His voice was soft. The omega gently left the meat by Kofi again. "I cannot accept this food."
| Kofi | Interactions : Heather |

"Please, It's my job to make sure your health. I can't stand the guilt I'd feel just leaving you here." He bowed his head, nudging the meat back towards Heather. 'They really do just get the bottom of the barrel don't they,' he thought to himself. "I can't fix where you sleep, so at least let me provide you with something to help you. It's the least I can do."
| Kofi | Interactions : Heather |

"Please, It's my job to make sure your health. I can't stand the guilt I'd feel just leaving you here." He bowed his head, nudging the meat back towards Heather. 'They really do just get the bottom of the barrel don't they,' he thought to himself. "I can't fix where you sleep, so at least let me provide you with something to help you. It's the least I can do."
Space was so Cool~
So Cool~
But it won't even live in a Memory
Universe Unspooled~
So Cruel~
To be Leaving with only a Melody~