

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Montana Wolf Rp : Roleplay thread!
| Heather | Interactions: Kootenail |

Hesther smiled a bit. "I-I really enjoyed it too." He returned her lick and sloely started limping towards camp. Before he did though, the omega stared at the house, and saw a human face smile at him.
| Heather | Interactions: Kootenail |

Hesther smiled a bit. "I-I really enjoyed it too." He returned her lick and sloely started limping towards camp. Before he did though, the omega stared at the house, and saw a human face smile at him.
Autum | interaction w: Frost |

The she wolf woke with a start in the middle of the night panting and sweating, she shivered before gently licking her fur downwards to calm herself. She had a nightmare.. or was it a memory..yes.. it was a memory, a horrible one at that. Looking out of the den she realizes its late night, perhaps midnight?

The cream she wolf looks beside her at the white wolf, seeing he had shifted to make her sleep more comfortable. She smiles and gently leans down to give him a lick on the head.

'he is so adorable as he sleeps'

She blinked realizing she had said that aloud. Autumn paws at her muzzle in embarrassment before laying back down to try to go back to sleep but had no luck. The she wolf just lays her head back down hoping to go back to sleep before the early morning. Though still no luck.

Axel | Interaction w: open|

The older wolf sleeps peacefully out beneath the rock outcrop in the night cool air. The wind blows through his fur as he squints under the moonlight before waking up. Axel didn't even fight the instinct and let out a deep long howl at the full moon.


His grey specks of fur are seen in the moonlight. After his long howl he settles back down looking out over towards the human settlement. He sniffs the air smelling the wood burning from the twolegs homes. Then his thoughts went to Mahonia, thinking how much she has grown since her training.


Somewhere in the upper mountains the blackish wolf looks down from a perch eyeing the land way down bellow him. He snarls in annyoance of how long its taking to just over throw his weak daughter.

'She was the weak one how long does this take?!'

He snarls pacing back and forth reaching his patients limit.. not that her really ever had one. ~at least on of my daughters are of use to me..~ The blackish wolf was thinking of Mahonia, thinking of touching in again.
Autum | interaction w: Frost |

The she wolf woke with a start in the middle of the night panting and sweating, she shivered before gently licking her fur downwards to calm herself. She had a nightmare.. or was it a memory..yes.. it was a memory, a horrible one at that. Looking out of the den she realizes its late night, perhaps midnight?

The cream she wolf looks beside her at the white wolf, seeing he had shifted to make her sleep more comfortable. She smiles and gently leans down to give him a lick on the head.

'he is so adorable as he sleeps'

She blinked realizing she had said that aloud. Autumn paws at her muzzle in embarrassment before laying back down to try to go back to sleep but had no luck. The she wolf just lays her head back down hoping to go back to sleep before the early morning. Though still no luck.

Axel | Interaction w: open|

The older wolf sleeps peacefully out beneath the rock outcrop in the night cool air. The wind blows through his fur as he squints under the moonlight before waking up. Axel didn't even fight the instinct and let out a deep long howl at the full moon.


His grey specks of fur are seen in the moonlight. After his long howl he settles back down looking out over towards the human settlement. He sniffs the air smelling the wood burning from the twolegs homes. Then his thoughts went to Mahonia, thinking how much she has grown since her training.


Somewhere in the upper mountains the blackish wolf looks down from a perch eyeing the land way down bellow him. He snarls in annyoance of how long its taking to just over throw his weak daughter.

'She was the weak one how long does this take?!'

He snarls pacing back and forth reaching his patients limit.. not that her really ever had one. ~at least on of my daughters are of use to me..~ The blackish wolf was thinking of Mahonia, thinking of touching in again.

The white wolf woke with a start as he felt Autumn awaken from her slumber. He yawned before stretching out slightly. An eye opened before he smiled at her.

"Couldn't sleep, Lady Autumn?"

She looked shaken -- perhaps from a nightmare. Those couldn't hurt her when she was awake. He moved to nuzzle the wolf before looking out of the den as he heard a howl. Axel. He knew that intonation of voice. His ears flickered before he stood. The wolf stared at Autumn before smiling at her.

"I'll be back. Going to get a midnight snack."

He would leave the den in the direction of Axel. He wanted to have a chat with the wolf -- one without hostility between the two of them. They had gotten off on the wrong paw, and he wanted to right it. The wolf found Axel easy enough with his nose. He stepped onto the perch that Axel occupied before he sat on his haunches. His tail curled around his back legs and paws.

"Can we talk?"

The white wolf woke with a start as he felt Autumn awaken from her slumber. He yawned before stretching out slightly. An eye opened before he smiled at her.

"Couldn't sleep, Lady Autumn?"

She looked shaken -- perhaps from a nightmare. Those couldn't hurt her when she was awake. He moved to nuzzle the wolf before looking out of the den as he heard a howl. Axel. He knew that intonation of voice. His ears flickered before he stood. The wolf stared at Autumn before smiling at her.

"I'll be back. Going to get a midnight snack."

He would leave the den in the direction of Axel. He wanted to have a chat with the wolf -- one without hostility between the two of them. They had gotten off on the wrong paw, and he wanted to right it. The wolf found Axel easy enough with his nose. He stepped onto the perch that Axel occupied before he sat on his haunches. His tail curled around his back legs and paws.

"Can we talk?"
Axel | Interaction w: Frost|

The older wolf jumped in surprise , he hadn't heard the white wolf approach possible because he was distracted. He huffs, he had thought everyone was asleep..though his howl probably woke some up. Darn. The brown wolf sighed knowing he wasn't going to get out of this conversation.

'what do you want to talk about?'

Axel sighs grumbling silently. But wasn't annoyed yet, by the white wolf's presents. He sideways glances at the wolf.
Axel | Interaction w: Frost|

The older wolf jumped in surprise , he hadn't heard the white wolf approach possible because he was distracted. He huffs, he had thought everyone was asleep..though his howl probably woke some up. Darn. The brown wolf sighed knowing he wasn't going to get out of this conversation.

'what do you want to talk about?'

Axel sighs grumbling silently. But wasn't annoyed yet, by the white wolf's presents. He sideways glances at the wolf.

"We got off on the wrong paw before," he said. "I apologize for my actions."

He bowed his head toward Axel as a sign of good faith and respect for the elder wolf. If he was going to stay in the pack, then he would have to make sure he got along with everybody.

"Apologies for startling you as well. One of my best features is that I'm not very easily detectable when hunting or attempting a sneak attack on an enemy wolf."

He grinned at Axel. It wasn't a threat, and he had warned him now that he was light and quiet on his feet. He sighed before moving to sit closer to the older wolf.

"I came to say that you're a powerful fighter, and I acknowledge it."

"We got off on the wrong paw before," he said. "I apologize for my actions."

He bowed his head toward Axel as a sign of good faith and respect for the elder wolf. If he was going to stay in the pack, then he would have to make sure he got along with everybody.

"Apologies for startling you as well. One of my best features is that I'm not very easily detectable when hunting or attempting a sneak attack on an enemy wolf."

He grinned at Axel. It wasn't a threat, and he had warned him now that he was light and quiet on his feet. He sighed before moving to sit closer to the older wolf.

"I came to say that you're a powerful fighter, and I acknowledge it."
Axel | Interaction w: Frost|

The older wolf blinked not expecting that response from the younger male. Most younger wolves he had come across where all really "I am better than you", tones and attitude and never apologized. Though he had started their bickerment in the first place. The brown wolf stares at Frost in bewilderment, before changing his face features back to his grumpy self.

'Hm.. maybe I judged you to don't act like a rogue at all..'

He realized he was being nicer and snorted going back to being grumpy.

' dont get used to this me being nice' his lip curls upward as he says it going back being grumpy. He sighs before looking at Frost.

'word travels fast I heard you had an encounter with Boris... that is pretty rare, actually coming back in one piece.. perhaps he was in a good mood for once..'

Axel rambles off before stoping and clamping his mouth shut.

Axel | Interaction w: Frost|

The older wolf blinked not expecting that response from the younger male. Most younger wolves he had come across where all really "I am better than you", tones and attitude and never apologized. Though he had started their bickerment in the first place. The brown wolf stares at Frost in bewilderment, before changing his face features back to his grumpy self.

'Hm.. maybe I judged you to don't act like a rogue at all..'

He realized he was being nicer and snorted going back to being grumpy.

' dont get used to this me being nice' his lip curls upward as he says it going back being grumpy. He sighs before looking at Frost.

'word travels fast I heard you had an encounter with Boris... that is pretty rare, actually coming back in one piece.. perhaps he was in a good mood for once..'

Axel rambles off before stoping and clamping his mouth shut.


Frost grinned as he heard Boris' words. Ah. It was worth apologizing to the older wolf. He moved even closer to Axel before smiling at him.

"You can be of help in my endeavor then," he hummed. "I need to know about Boris if I wish to defeat him if he tries anything with this pack."

He rolled his shoulders before a neutral expression settled on his face. Frost was a lot more calculating than he had appeared to be. The neutral expression he wore almost broke into one of excitement and anticipation. He had been the ones to form the strategies and attack plans of his old pack. He was the one they came to when problems need to be solved.

"I won't take Boris down with brute strength alone. I'm not stupid. I know he'd overpower me. I took him off guard in that fight, because he wasn't expecting me too fight. Therefore, I need to make sure I'm ready for him next time."

Frost grinned as he heard Boris' words. Ah. It was worth apologizing to the older wolf. He moved even closer to Axel before smiling at him.

"You can be of help in my endeavor then," he hummed. "I need to know about Boris if I wish to defeat him if he tries anything with this pack."

He rolled his shoulders before a neutral expression settled on his face. Frost was a lot more calculating than he had appeared to be. The neutral expression he wore almost broke into one of excitement and anticipation. He had been the ones to form the strategies and attack plans of his old pack. He was the one they came to when problems need to be solved.

"I won't take Boris down with brute strength alone. I'm not stupid. I know he'd overpower me. I took him off guard in that fight, because he wasn't expecting me too fight. Therefore, I need to make sure I'm ready for him next time."
Axel | Interaction w: Frost|

Axel blinked at the white wolf wonder if he heard him correctly. He turns to look at Frost.

'You want to what?.. Are you crazy?' his tone of shock before going back to gruffness.

Axel held back a bark of laughter, that was the funniest thing he had heard all day, or like ever. He cocked his head, this wolf had asked him for information about the awful black wolf. He figured why not, he had seen so much of how the wolf just raised his pups.

'ahh why not.. what do you want to know?'
Axel | Interaction w: Frost|

Axel blinked at the white wolf wonder if he heard him correctly. He turns to look at Frost.

'You want to what?.. Are you crazy?' his tone of shock before going back to gruffness.

Axel held back a bark of laughter, that was the funniest thing he had heard all day, or like ever. He cocked his head, this wolf had asked him for information about the awful black wolf. He figured why not, he had seen so much of how the wolf just raised his pups.

'ahh why not.. what do you want to know?'

"Do I look like I'm joking?" asked Frost in a tone of annoyance and irritation.

He watched Axel before sighing as the wolf finally asked him what he wanted to know for the moment. He moved to look at the moon before staring back at Axel. His eyes seemed to glow slightly from the reflected light of the moon.


"Do I look like I'm joking?" asked Frost in a tone of annoyance and irritation.

He watched Axel before sighing as the wolf finally asked him what he wanted to know for the moment. He moved to look at the moon before staring back at Axel. His eyes seemed to glow slightly from the reflected light of the moon.

Axel | Interaction w: Frost|

Axel noticed how determined this young male was about taking down Boris. He shivered, from the breeze yes.. not cause he was afraid of the white wolf .. heck no way! Axel shook the thought away, focusing back on Frost.

‘Everything? Woah.. well that’s goin to be a lot.. ah i suppose so .. though I don’t feel like repeating anything. How much do you know already?’

The brown wolf asks. He had shifted down to laying having a feeling they where going to be here for awhile.
Axel | Interaction w: Frost|

Axel noticed how determined this young male was about taking down Boris. He shivered, from the breeze yes.. not cause he was afraid of the white wolf .. heck no way! Axel shook the thought away, focusing back on Frost.

‘Everything? Woah.. well that’s goin to be a lot.. ah i suppose so .. though I don’t feel like repeating anything. How much do you know already?’

The brown wolf asks. He had shifted down to laying having a feeling they where going to be here for awhile.