

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | FR Casual RP-Secrets of the Wetlands
((Ooo I love the art!!)) [url=][img][/img][/url] Jakal stared, wide-eyed at the brutal display of violence by the ridgeback as the remaining harpy spiraled to the ground. Her demeanor was aggressive, and she seemed like she'd rather be left alone. Under normal circumstances, Jakal would have left the lumbering giant to her own devices... but her symptoms were suspicious, and he wondered if she had been attacked by the mysterious force his party was hunting. The colorful spiral squinted, analyzing the ridgeback as he drew closer. His suspicious ebbed as he caught a whiff of her breath-- it smelled like the fermented berries at the end of their season. Any creature that ate them (or any mischievous dragons that pressed them and drank their juices) tended to become disoriented, off balance, and ornery. As the Aether reappeared with the injured harpy, Jakal wrinkled his nose in doubt. What information would this creature be willing to give them, after nearly killing it? His attention instead returned to the ridgeback, catching a glimpse of her downing mystery liquid from a vial so large, Jakal could fit in it comfortably. He flew in a corkscrew pattern toward her. Taking note of his party's attempts to help her, he decided against offering her any assistance. Instead, a challenge. While Zephyr and Theo were preoccupied with healing the harpy, he took his chance. "You there! Cantankerous drunkard!" He jeered in her ear, making sure to leave enough distance that he could dodge a snap of her jaws, or a swipe of her massive claws. Though he was certain her movements would be slow and clunky, he was tiny in comparison, and feared a fate similar to the harpy, who was much closer to his size. "Interested in a bit of coin? We're looking for the source of all these missing dragons. Nobody's sure what's doing it." He said, speaking over a bit of thunder. The storm drew closer, and he suspected they would land soon. Lightning flashed distantly, lighting up Jakal's face ominously as he spoke his next words; "the fewer dragons there are to split the reward, the bigger your share." He spoke low, so that only the ridgeback could hear him.
((Ooo I love the art!!))


Jakal stared, wide-eyed at the brutal display of violence by the ridgeback as the remaining harpy spiraled to the ground. Her demeanor was aggressive, and she seemed like she'd rather be left alone. Under normal circumstances, Jakal would have left the lumbering giant to her own devices... but her symptoms were suspicious, and he wondered if she had been attacked by the mysterious force his party was hunting.
The colorful spiral squinted, analyzing the ridgeback as he drew closer. His suspicious ebbed as he caught a whiff of her breath-- it smelled like the fermented berries at the end of their season. Any creature that ate them (or any mischievous dragons that pressed them and drank their juices) tended to become disoriented, off balance, and ornery.

As the Aether reappeared with the injured harpy, Jakal wrinkled his nose in doubt. What information would this creature be willing to give them, after nearly killing it? His attention instead returned to the ridgeback, catching a glimpse of her downing mystery liquid from a vial so large, Jakal could fit in it comfortably.
He flew in a corkscrew pattern toward her. Taking note of his party's attempts to help her, he decided against offering her any assistance. Instead, a challenge. While Zephyr and Theo were preoccupied with healing the harpy, he took his chance.
"You there! Cantankerous drunkard!" He jeered in her ear, making sure to leave enough distance that he could dodge a snap of her jaws, or a swipe of her massive claws. Though he was certain her movements would be slow and clunky, he was tiny in comparison, and feared a fate similar to the harpy, who was much closer to his size.
"Interested in a bit of coin? We're looking for the source of all these missing dragons. Nobody's sure what's doing it." He said, speaking over a bit of thunder. The storm drew closer, and he suspected they would land soon.
Lightning flashed distantly, lighting up Jakal's face ominously as he spoke his next words; "the fewer dragons there are to split the reward, the bigger your share." He spoke low, so that only the ridgeback could hear him.
*Gasp, it lives! I can't think of a way to respond so have some [i]backstory[/i]. Love the art! If you don't want to read the text wall, interactions start on the third devider.* [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [size=6][color=826f4d]Celes[/color][/size] Of memories -----[/center] "[i][color=af8dd9]Don't chase the rabbit darling[/color][/i]". His mother cautions, never far behind. Her voice is melodious, sweet, and warm, brunted slightly by her wooden mask. It covers most of her face, but he can still see the smile lifting on the edges of her lips. Talons still a bit soft from the egg slam into the ground, tearing up bits of grass. The bobbing snow white tail seems to tease him as it disappears off into the grass, it sounds like [i]chase me, chase me, come and get lost in the infinite[/i], it sounds like laughter, it sounds like a game he knows he really shouldn't play, but wants to so bad his stomach wraps itself up in knots. A whine escapes his throat before he even thinks to turn around to face his mother, just fast enough to catch the sadness in her face before it disappears, but not enough to notice the rabbit didn't leave any tracks. He dissolves into giggles at the face she's making before trotting back over to her, slamming his face into the feathers on her shoulders, expertly sticking his nose between the branches tangled there. He's barely weeks old and still already half her size. "[color=826f4d]But I was so close this time mom![/color]", comes his muffled reply, "[color=826f4d]I almost got it's tail![/color]". His mother sighs, lovingly, runs a talon through his mane, scraping at dirt and weeds that will take hours later to separate from tight, pumpkin orange curls. "[i][color=af8dd9]I don't think you'll ever catch that little bugger, it's too fast.[/i][/color]". They shift so his head is over her shoulder, so he can stare off into the grass, and she rubs the little lumps between his ears and his mane. It turns out horns coming in for the first time itches like gods d*mned fire ant bites. She finishes with a whisper, almost too quiet to hear, "[i][color=af8dd9]I hope you never do.[/color][/i]". He can't remember her name anymore, thinks it was a flower, associates it with five golden petals and fuzzy pollen, grassy stems and branching leaves, making flower crowns and warm afternoons filled with love. She was glittering orange with feathers of palest yellow, but wrapped herself in branches ivory white and apple flower pink. She is warm, like a fire, but comfortably so, and always a little sad, but it would be hard not to be, when only one egg in a nest of four hatches and the sisters before that left for war as soon as they could. Celes has never managed to braid his hair as nice as she could, never managed to fully tame the curls like she could with a simple brush of talons. The silver beads she woven into his mane are still there, held tight near his horns. He misses her warmth the most. [center]~~~~~~~~~~~~[/center] "[i][color=7d0606]Don't chance the rabbit pup.[/color][/i]". His father scolds, managing to slap his nose hard enough to sting with a wing-tip. His voice is dull and gravely, ruined by smoke and scars that carve deep, almost a hiss. Celes makes a face into the sky, whickers twitching in irritation. He hadn't been chasing! Had barely been tilting his wings enough to lean away. He hisses in return as the snow white tail disappears over the hump of a cloud, too far away in seconds to even consider now. "[i][color=7d0606]It'll never be worth it.[/color][/i]". He turns to look at his father, catching the tail end of sorrow and even a bit of anger he mistakes as jealousy on the older's face, and he grins with all his almost all adult teeth. That's it, father's just envious the rabbit won't run for him anymore, that's it's more interested in Celes. The satisfaction sours quickly as copper meets his nose, brushing the underside of his wings in a way that makes him shudder. They're supposedly away on a 'business' trip, racing along the air from their den, a maze of ladders strung between hollowed out spires, to a nearby neighbor, under the pretense of selling the wind chimes his father has painstakingly carved, but he knows the truth. Some savage band of blood-mad Mirrors decided the Wind territories would be an easier hunting ground and so they tore through the weaker clans that littered the plains. But Celes was a baby, not even at his first horn shed, and his father wasn't a warrior, all trembling talons and music, so they left, unlike the rest of the clans weaker members, who got to hide above, perched on the tips of the spires where the air got thin and violent. "[color=826f4d]How would you know, mom says you never even got close.[/color]". He grumps quietly, more upset about being weak than anything. And it's not like he hasn't been practicing! No, he trains with the warriors, and he can even call fourth small blasts of wind to make his strikes harder, but he's still too weak, too little, too interested in the stupid rabbit to fight. But he wants to, and when they beat the invaders, he'll grab that stupid rabbit and tear it to bloody ribbons. The next slap hits against a bit of stuck shed in his nose, tears it away fast enough it starts to bleed. He doesn't look at his father when they land, miles from home. His clearest memories of his father are being shooed away from a workshop, a plain blanket held fast over the entrance. Sometimes it would be crying that perked his interest, his mother mourning those that came before him and those that had failed to join him, or his father, short and choked, drowning in pain and memories. Most often it was a snow white rabbit, that somehow managed to pinpoint the sharp little sliver of a knife, sharp enough to cut bone like paper, even when it was hidden in locked drawers, under papers and sacks of bone. It was from the balcony of that workshop where Celes learned to fly, tossed over the edge like a sack of rotten potatoes until his wings caught wind and he soared, where he got his first haircut, screaming and crying the whole way through, where they hung his first shed, bloody and lopsided, having never managed to come in right. He misses the way his father would fill that workshop with broken humming the most. [center]~~~~~~~~~~~~[/center] "[i][color=d4ba2a]Don't chase the rabbit doofus![/color][/i]". A tiny voice yells from between his ears, somehow both screeching and monotone at the same time. Talons sharp as needles stab between the scales on his nose and he jolts back to awareness with a sharp snap of the neck, almost throwing his tiny passenger from between his horns. He gets another jab to his nose for that, then an eye full of yellow face ringed in widely flared black frills with patterns that make the brain swim. He returns with a sneer, one that pulls at the splits in his lips and other fresh cuts enough to ache, one he knows his passenger can't see. "[color=826f4d]And who says I was?[/color]". A snow white tail disappears over the crest of a wave, one that won't crash far enough onto the beach to catch his chest, but one he still leans away from. His passengers frills drop in what he recognizes as disappointment before the face disappears from sight, as the rest of its weight shifts from between his horns to on his nose, the black wings it spreads barely big enough to block his view of the ocean. "[i][color=d4ba2a]You were making the face again,[/color][/i]", it pauses for breath, then continues in a mockery of his voice, "[i][color=d4ba2a]What face?[/color][/i]", it mocks a gasp of surprise, he can see just enough of its frills to know it's putting on a show, "[i][color=d4ba2a]The doofy looking one that means you're a thousand miles away, and you're about to jump face first into the water to try and drown me.[/color][/i]". Celes only hums and lowers his face to take another drink of port wine from a lidless barrel. There's enough there to drown the both of them, should they try, and he's pretty sure they didn't pay for it. "[i][color=d4ba2a]You know, you could always come stay with us. It's not that hard to carve more dens into the sandstone.[/color][/i]". He earns more prickles in his nose when he takes a moment to respond. "[color=826f4d]Mmm, I don't think I'm ready to settle yet, there's still a lot to see. Besides, I don't think your Guardian would like someone who gets you in so much trouble to stay so close.[/color]". And as if on cue, a dark blue crested head pokes up through the waves, just far enough away she probably can't rest her talons on the sand, and boy oh boy is that a face she's making. The dark wings drop and he's face to face with a giant blue eye set in a bright yellow face once again. It smells like spices and cooking things, salt and sand, almost home, but not yet, not if he doesn't let it be. "[i][color=d4ba2a]Just promise me you'll visit once in a while, no one tells stories good as you do. And don't dye your hair without me again![/color][/i]". He laughs to cover the regret, manages to rumble it enough that it'll feel real. He's rewarded with a flare of frills that means the same thing as a smile, and a tiny body flops down flat on his snout, warm in a sun-baked way, not terribly unlike a fire. "[color=826f4d]Promise.[/color]". It can't be home if he doesn't let it be, right? The memory of their first meet is blurry now, lost to months of laughter and sun-baked joy. The blue Guardian slowly begins to tolerate this loud stranger, slowly lets him be more than that, though she claims it's all out of love for her charge, and both of them pretend she's not lying. Celes dips in and out of their lives, is eventually persuaded to carve a den next to theirs, and if it merges days later, no one in the little clan they've built says anything. The clatter of treasure exchanging talons says enough. He brings back trinkets, stories, and the occasional horrible wound, and the sun circles the planet, and the little clan on the edge of the ocean lives, a lot more sound in their sleep when he's around, and he pretends not to notice, because it's not home, not if he doesn't let it be, even if it feels more like it than anywhere else, even if he wouldn't settle anywhere else. It doesn't mean anything, not if he doesn't let it. When he leaves he promises not to chase the rabbit, even though it's the closest its been since he first broke shell and he can taste it's blood on his tongue, and promises to bring back neat trinkets and no more scars. He misses how the rise and fall of her breath pushes her ribs into his, and the weight between his horns he has to take his hat off for the most. [center]~~~~~~~~~~~~[/center] It's like clockwork that he finds himself following a snow white tail over the crests of clouds, brights against the stormy grey, and wishes he could just speed up a little, it's [i]right there[/i], but that would mean leaving his companions behind. Little dragons, little wings, slow flight. Despite being children of the Lightweaver, Celes has always felt his breed better matched the bill of the Windslinger. Built for days on end of flight, even the ache of his ruined muscles subsides in the air. He didn't land once on his journey from the Sea, a couple hours means nothing really. Only the familiar pain that rests across his shoulders like a blanket or his scarf will be a little worse when he wakes up the next day. And who's fault is it really that they hurt in the first place? The air is so thick with petrichor, he thinks he'll choke on it if he breaths too deep. He finds his talons tracing the familiar motions of sliding a sandstone door into place and lighting lanterns, a motion memory enough that it stops his talons from shaking. If a storm gets particularly bad, they'll slip under the waves, to the quiet hush of the seaweed. He needs spells to breath there, that the others are quick to provide, even if he has to bite down shame everytime. It might not be home, not if he doesn't let it, but he's there often enough the spells should have been adopted into the runes permanently carved into his sides. Perhaps he'll spend a little longer there next time. Maybe even drag his Guardian along to steal port wine, never enough to drown in though, never again. His attention is groggily dragged back to the group at a growl. Since when was there a Ridgeback? He ignores the pit in his throat at the loss of the hunt very pointedly, watches Harpy feathers explode in the air with a disjointed interest. Does it matter enough to really care? He ponders this a moment, decides no, it won't even make for a good campfire tale, but they're circling around to land before he can refocus on the clouds, something about ringing a maybe-alive Harpy for information. Looked dead, looked young. Bled red. Downy feathers slicked flat, clumped together in vibrant red. Bled red same as the rest of them. Maybe dead, maybe alive. Not good enough for a campfire story either way. Were they intending on landing or had it simply been a thought spoken aloud? Celes is tired, tired enough it doesn't matter, so he points his wings down at what could be a break in the trees or what he might make be a break in the trees should need be. Luckily enough, it's a break in the trees, a mini clearing where the trees have grown in too big around it, with roots too knobbly for anything else to grow within. It's barely big enough for him to stand straight out with his wings stretched all the way, but it's enough. Imperial sized. His thoughts spin a little faster as his talons touch the ground, more coherent, but still not all together there. He should .... he should start a fire. He could do that with his eyes close and a talon tied behind his back. It's certainly not hard in the lush garden of horrors. There's enough dead wood on the ground to run a funeral pyre for a god, since the storms knocked the trees about. It's easy enough to find a spot where the roots aren't too thick to dig a scrape in the dirt. There aren't any rocks scattered about, so it goes unbound, but he takes the time to swipe nearby leaf litter away with his tail. He'd feel bad if the forest were to burn after all. It's seconds after that he's got a fire pit, devouring a bed of tinder, small sticks and dried grasses within a small wooden box made by alternating stacking logs on top of each other. There's a fire starter in his bag, a rock and a piece of metal, a starter that won't get ruined if it gets wet, on the Guardian's insistence of course, and it works a charm. Celes isn't fireborn after all, he's got no blaze in his gut. With a few quick breaths, that may be a little bit magic, excuse him, he's got a decent fire going. "[color=826f4d]I've got jerky and dried fruit if anyone's hungry.[/color]". He offers amiably, trying to keep the sleep from his voice. He's not hungry, just tired. That stupid rabbit. He's very good at ignoring it, even as it just sits there between some branches. It can play its games, only to haunt him. Eyes drooping, he rests his head on his arms. He'd hoped it would be quick.
*Gasp, it lives! I can't think of a way to respond so have some backstory. Love the art! If you don't want to read the text wall, interactions start on the third devider.*
Of memories
"Don't chase the rabbit darling". His mother cautions, never far behind. Her voice is melodious, sweet, and warm, brunted slightly by her wooden mask. It covers most of her face, but he can still see the smile lifting on the edges of her lips. Talons still a bit soft from the egg slam into the ground, tearing up bits of grass. The bobbing snow white tail seems to tease him as it disappears off into the grass, it sounds like chase me, chase me, come and get lost in the infinite, it sounds like laughter, it sounds like a game he knows he really shouldn't play, but wants to so bad his stomach wraps itself up in knots. A whine escapes his throat before he even thinks to turn around to face his mother, just fast enough to catch the sadness in her face before it disappears, but not enough to notice the rabbit didn't leave any tracks. He dissolves into giggles at the face she's making before trotting back over to her, slamming his face into the feathers on her shoulders, expertly sticking his nose between the branches tangled there. He's barely weeks old and still already half her size. "But I was so close this time mom!", comes his muffled reply, "I almost got it's tail!". His mother sighs, lovingly, runs a talon through his mane, scraping at dirt and weeds that will take hours later to separate from tight, pumpkin orange curls. "I don't think you'll ever catch that little bugger, it's too fast.". They shift so his head is over her shoulder, so he can stare off into the grass, and she rubs the little lumps between his ears and his mane. It turns out horns coming in for the first time itches like gods d*mned fire ant bites. She finishes with a whisper, almost too quiet to hear, "I hope you never do.".

He can't remember her name anymore, thinks it was a flower, associates it with five golden petals and fuzzy pollen, grassy stems and branching leaves, making flower crowns and warm afternoons filled with love. She was glittering orange with feathers of palest yellow, but wrapped herself in branches ivory white and apple flower pink. She is warm, like a fire, but comfortably so, and always a little sad, but it would be hard not to be, when only one egg in a nest of four hatches and the sisters before that left for war as soon as they could. Celes has never managed to braid his hair as nice as she could, never managed to fully tame the curls like she could with a simple brush of talons. The silver beads she woven into his mane are still there, held tight near his horns. He misses her warmth the most.
"Don't chance the rabbit pup.". His father scolds, managing to slap his nose hard enough to sting with a wing-tip. His voice is dull and gravely, ruined by smoke and scars that carve deep, almost a hiss. Celes makes a face into the sky, whickers twitching in irritation. He hadn't been chasing! Had barely been tilting his wings enough to lean away. He hisses in return as the snow white tail disappears over the hump of a cloud, too far away in seconds to even consider now. "It'll never be worth it.". He turns to look at his father, catching the tail end of sorrow and even a bit of anger he mistakes as jealousy on the older's face, and he grins with all his almost all adult teeth. That's it, father's just envious the rabbit won't run for him anymore, that's it's more interested in Celes. The satisfaction sours quickly as copper meets his nose, brushing the underside of his wings in a way that makes him shudder. They're supposedly away on a 'business' trip, racing along the air from their den, a maze of ladders strung between hollowed out spires, to a nearby neighbor, under the pretense of selling the wind chimes his father has painstakingly carved, but he knows the truth. Some savage band of blood-mad Mirrors decided the Wind territories would be an easier hunting ground and so they tore through the weaker clans that littered the plains. But Celes was a baby, not even at his first horn shed, and his father wasn't a warrior, all trembling talons and music, so they left, unlike the rest of the clans weaker members, who got to hide above, perched on the tips of the spires where the air got thin and violent. "How would you know, mom says you never even got close.". He grumps quietly, more upset about being weak than anything. And it's not like he hasn't been practicing! No, he trains with the warriors, and he can even call fourth small blasts of wind to make his strikes harder, but he's still too weak, too little, too interested in the stupid rabbit to fight. But he wants to, and when they beat the invaders, he'll grab that stupid rabbit and tear it to bloody ribbons. The next slap hits against a bit of stuck shed in his nose, tears it away fast enough it starts to bleed. He doesn't look at his father when they land, miles from home.

His clearest memories of his father are being shooed away from a workshop, a plain blanket held fast over the entrance. Sometimes it would be crying that perked his interest, his mother mourning those that came before him and those that had failed to join him, or his father, short and choked, drowning in pain and memories. Most often it was a snow white rabbit, that somehow managed to pinpoint the sharp little sliver of a knife, sharp enough to cut bone like paper, even when it was hidden in locked drawers, under papers and sacks of bone. It was from the balcony of that workshop where Celes learned to fly, tossed over the edge like a sack of rotten potatoes until his wings caught wind and he soared, where he got his first haircut, screaming and crying the whole way through, where they hung his first shed, bloody and lopsided, having never managed to come in right. He misses the way his father would fill that workshop with broken humming the most.
"Don't chase the rabbit doofus!". A tiny voice yells from between his ears, somehow both screeching and monotone at the same time. Talons sharp as needles stab between the scales on his nose and he jolts back to awareness with a sharp snap of the neck, almost throwing his tiny passenger from between his horns. He gets another jab to his nose for that, then an eye full of yellow face ringed in widely flared black frills with patterns that make the brain swim. He returns with a sneer, one that pulls at the splits in his lips and other fresh cuts enough to ache, one he knows his passenger can't see. "And who says I was?". A snow white tail disappears over the crest of a wave, one that won't crash far enough onto the beach to catch his chest, but one he still leans away from. His passengers frills drop in what he recognizes as disappointment before the face disappears from sight, as the rest of its weight shifts from between his horns to on his nose, the black wings it spreads barely big enough to block his view of the ocean. "You were making the face again,", it pauses for breath, then continues in a mockery of his voice, "What face?", it mocks a gasp of surprise, he can see just enough of its frills to know it's putting on a show, "The doofy looking one that means you're a thousand miles away, and you're about to jump face first into the water to try and drown me.". Celes only hums and lowers his face to take another drink of port wine from a lidless barrel. There's enough there to drown the both of them, should they try, and he's pretty sure they didn't pay for it. "You know, you could always come stay with us. It's not that hard to carve more dens into the sandstone.". He earns more prickles in his nose when he takes a moment to respond. "Mmm, I don't think I'm ready to settle yet, there's still a lot to see. Besides, I don't think your Guardian would like someone who gets you in so much trouble to stay so close.". And as if on cue, a dark blue crested head pokes up through the waves, just far enough away she probably can't rest her talons on the sand, and boy oh boy is that a face she's making. The dark wings drop and he's face to face with a giant blue eye set in a bright yellow face once again. It smells like spices and cooking things, salt and sand, almost home, but not yet, not if he doesn't let it be. "Just promise me you'll visit once in a while, no one tells stories good as you do. And don't dye your hair without me again!". He laughs to cover the regret, manages to rumble it enough that it'll feel real. He's rewarded with a flare of frills that means the same thing as a smile, and a tiny body flops down flat on his snout, warm in a sun-baked way, not terribly unlike a fire. "Promise.". It can't be home if he doesn't let it be, right?

The memory of their first meet is blurry now, lost to months of laughter and sun-baked joy. The blue Guardian slowly begins to tolerate this loud stranger, slowly lets him be more than that, though she claims it's all out of love for her charge, and both of them pretend she's not lying. Celes dips in and out of their lives, is eventually persuaded to carve a den next to theirs, and if it merges days later, no one in the little clan they've built says anything. The clatter of treasure exchanging talons says enough. He brings back trinkets, stories, and the occasional horrible wound, and the sun circles the planet, and the little clan on the edge of the ocean lives, a lot more sound in their sleep when he's around, and he pretends not to notice, because it's not home, not if he doesn't let it be, even if it feels more like it than anywhere else, even if he wouldn't settle anywhere else. It doesn't mean anything, not if he doesn't let it. When he leaves he promises not to chase the rabbit, even though it's the closest its been since he first broke shell and he can taste it's blood on his tongue, and promises to bring back neat trinkets and no more scars. He misses how the rise and fall of her breath pushes her ribs into his, and the weight between his horns he has to take his hat off for the most.
It's like clockwork that he finds himself following a snow white tail over the crests of clouds, brights against the stormy grey, and wishes he could just speed up a little, it's right there, but that would mean leaving his companions behind. Little dragons, little wings, slow flight. Despite being children of the Lightweaver, Celes has always felt his breed better matched the bill of the Windslinger. Built for days on end of flight, even the ache of his ruined muscles subsides in the air. He didn't land once on his journey from the Sea, a couple hours means nothing really. Only the familiar pain that rests across his shoulders like a blanket or his scarf will be a little worse when he wakes up the next day. And who's fault is it really that they hurt in the first place?

The air is so thick with petrichor, he thinks he'll choke on it if he breaths too deep. He finds his talons tracing the familiar motions of sliding a sandstone door into place and lighting lanterns, a motion memory enough that it stops his talons from shaking. If a storm gets particularly bad, they'll slip under the waves, to the quiet hush of the seaweed. He needs spells to breath there, that the others are quick to provide, even if he has to bite down shame everytime. It might not be home, not if he doesn't let it, but he's there often enough the spells should have been adopted into the runes permanently carved into his sides. Perhaps he'll spend a little longer there next time. Maybe even drag his Guardian along to steal port wine, never enough to drown in though, never again.

His attention is groggily dragged back to the group at a growl. Since when was there a Ridgeback? He ignores the pit in his throat at the loss of the hunt very pointedly, watches Harpy feathers explode in the air with a disjointed interest. Does it matter enough to really care? He ponders this a moment, decides no, it won't even make for a good campfire tale, but they're circling around to land before he can refocus on the clouds, something about ringing a maybe-alive Harpy for information. Looked dead, looked young. Bled red. Downy feathers slicked flat, clumped together in vibrant red. Bled red same as the rest of them. Maybe dead, maybe alive. Not good enough for a campfire story either way.

Were they intending on landing or had it simply been a thought spoken aloud? Celes is tired, tired enough it doesn't matter, so he points his wings down at what could be a break in the trees or what he might make be a break in the trees should need be. Luckily enough, it's a break in the trees, a mini clearing where the trees have grown in too big around it, with roots too knobbly for anything else to grow within. It's barely big enough for him to stand straight out with his wings stretched all the way, but it's enough. Imperial sized. His thoughts spin a little faster as his talons touch the ground, more coherent, but still not all together there. He should .... he should start a fire. He could do that with his eyes close and a talon tied behind his back. It's certainly not hard in the lush garden of horrors. There's enough dead wood on the ground to run a funeral pyre for a god, since the storms knocked the trees about. It's easy enough to find a spot where the roots aren't too thick to dig a scrape in the dirt. There aren't any rocks scattered about, so it goes unbound, but he takes the time to swipe nearby leaf litter away with his tail. He'd feel bad if the forest were to burn after all. It's seconds after that he's got a fire pit, devouring a bed of tinder, small sticks and dried grasses within a small wooden box made by alternating stacking logs on top of each other. There's a fire starter in his bag, a rock and a piece of metal, a starter that won't get ruined if it gets wet, on the Guardian's insistence of course, and it works a charm. Celes isn't fireborn after all, he's got no blaze in his gut. With a few quick breaths, that may be a little bit magic, excuse him, he's got a decent fire going. "I've got jerky and dried fruit if anyone's hungry.". He offers amiably, trying to keep the sleep from his voice. He's not hungry, just tired. That stupid rabbit. He's very good at ignoring it, even as it just sits there between some branches. It can play its games, only to haunt him. Eyes drooping, he rests his head on his arms. He'd hoped it would be quick.
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adverb (ARCHAIC)
long ago; formerly.
"the friends whom erst you knew"

columns can suck my butt
it is just me here
Do you love the color of the sky?
[url=][img][/img][/url] Zephyr was almost unusually quiet, looking down at the harpy they were carrying in their talons. They felt something, almost like...a pang of guilt? Yes, they did have their fair share of experiencing attacks by things before, but they usually didn't have to deal with the aftermath. Harpies [i]did[/i] have a culture of their own, after all...that, and the nagging question of whether the party was going to have to torture the harpy for info. They were shaken out of their thoughts by the sight of the old Imperial landing, and followed suit. Landing on their hind legs (as their front ones were occupied), they quickly went over to a tree, and leaned the unconscious harpy against it, while making sure it didn't die in their arms and staying close so that it wouldn't try to run away when it awoke. They turned their head to the fire, and then the storm beginning to converge above, thunderous clouds roaring in the sky.

Zephyr was almost unusually quiet, looking down at the harpy they were carrying in their talons. They felt something, almost like...a pang of guilt? Yes, they did have their fair share of experiencing attacks by things before, but they usually didn't have to deal with the aftermath. Harpies did have a culture of their own, after all...that, and the nagging question of whether the party was going to have to torture the harpy for info.

They were shaken out of their thoughts by the sight of the old Imperial landing, and followed suit. Landing on their hind legs (as their front ones were occupied), they quickly went over to a tree, and leaned the unconscious harpy against it, while making sure it didn't die in their arms and staying close so that it wouldn't try to run away when it awoke.

They turned their head to the fire, and then the storm beginning to converge above, thunderous clouds roaring in the sky.

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At the sound of the clouds rolling over the now star scattered sky, Theo decided it'd be best to find a way to set up camp. Pulling a canvas tarp tucked away in his back saddle, gifted to him by his mentor, he scanned the land around them. Ah yes, there. Thankfully there, not to far from the party stood two fairly sizeable trees, perfect to drape the tarp from for some quick shelter. Gathering his tools to set up, laying next to the weary imperial resting by the fire, he watched as Zephyr gently set the harpy against a nearby tree trunk. It was weak, he felt some sort of sympathy for the small creature. But he couldn't let feelings get in the way of the mission, not when so many were relying on them. Shaking the thought, he hurriedly started setting up a spot for them to settle down for the night.

Taking in long labored breaths of air, the feathered warrior faintly opened her eyes to see the soft grass. They tried to move their wing, a talon, something... But to no avail. Long brown wavy hair, and ivory robes stained with blood hung from it as she shifted in place. Taking in her surroundings, it wasn't long until she spotted the pale green beast from the corner of her eye. She wasn't dead? Torn limb from limb? She stayed silent as best she could, no sense in testing how far she could make it around these mongrels. Many dragon-kind she had encountered on her travels proved to be barbaric. Probably best for her to lie low, wait for an opportunity to signal her companions. But for now, she would rest.

@Erst / @Chrysocolla / @ChaoticFriendzy/ @Fishtastic
At the sound of the clouds rolling over the now star scattered sky, Theo decided it'd be best to find a way to set up camp. Pulling a canvas tarp tucked away in his back saddle, gifted to him by his mentor, he scanned the land around them. Ah yes, there. Thankfully there, not to far from the party stood two fairly sizeable trees, perfect to drape the tarp from for some quick shelter. Gathering his tools to set up, laying next to the weary imperial resting by the fire, he watched as Zephyr gently set the harpy against a nearby tree trunk. It was weak, he felt some sort of sympathy for the small creature. But he couldn't let feelings get in the way of the mission, not when so many were relying on them. Shaking the thought, he hurriedly started setting up a spot for them to settle down for the night.

Taking in long labored breaths of air, the feathered warrior faintly opened her eyes to see the soft grass. They tried to move their wing, a talon, something... But to no avail. Long brown wavy hair, and ivory robes stained with blood hung from it as she shifted in place. Taking in her surroundings, it wasn't long until she spotted the pale green beast from the corner of her eye. She wasn't dead? Torn limb from limb? She stayed silent as best she could, no sense in testing how far she could make it around these mongrels. Many dragon-kind she had encountered on her travels proved to be barbaric. Probably best for her to lie low, wait for an opportunity to signal her companions. But for now, she would rest.

@Erst / @Chrysocolla / @ChaoticFriendzy/ @Fishtastic


[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [size=5][color=#55826c]- P A N D O R A -[/color][/size] [size=3][color=#55826c]Interacting with: Jakal[/color][/size][/center] Pandora was very much interested in what the group had in store for the harpy. What questions could they possibly have that required a half-bird to answer? How were they planning on getting those answers anyhow? Everyone here appeared far too soft to do anything of use in that regard. She scoffed at the foolish plans she imagined them employing. The two dragons she had spoken to dove carefully towards the cover of the trees. She swore she saw something else follow them. Something much larger- an imperial perhaps? It was hard to be sure in the dim light. Of course, the fog over her senses did not help either. She tilted her wings to follow suit when a dart of color flashed across her vision. She went back to hovering and threw her head around in bewilderment. There was the buzzing of an insect in her ears and she turned towards it in a jerking motion. There square between her eyes was a painfully bright spiral. Her face twitched in a fleeting show of anger, that buzzing bug was a voice and a rude one at that. The rage in her eyes subsided quickly at the mention of coin. Everything that followed the word was frilly nonsense. The corners of her mouth pulled back in a pointed smile. [color=#eb7e60]”Solvin' a mystery eh? I'll bite.”[/color] She agreed immediately, as she was accustomed to do whenever a reward was involved. At the small dragons next words her expression faltered ever so slightly. There was a quiet moment as she checked to make sure the others were well and truly out of earshot. They were strangers to her and she wouldn't mind taking their share of the profit. [color=#eb7e60]”What did you have in mind?”[/color] Her voice was low out of habit for these kinds of things. The sound rumbled like the encroaching storm. Deep and dangerous. Just how far she was willing to go with was hidden behind an amateurish dead-pan expression. (Do any of you want pings from me?)
- P A N D O R A -
Interacting with: Jakal

Pandora was very much interested in what the group had in store for the harpy. What questions could they possibly have that required a half-bird to answer? How were they planning on getting those answers anyhow? Everyone here appeared far too soft to do anything of use in that regard. She scoffed at the foolish plans she imagined them employing.

The two dragons she had spoken to dove carefully towards the cover of the trees. She swore she saw something else follow them. Something much larger- an imperial perhaps? It was hard to be sure in the dim light. Of course, the fog over her senses did not help either.

She tilted her wings to follow suit when a dart of color flashed across her vision. She went back to hovering and threw her head around in bewilderment. There was the buzzing of an insect in her ears and she turned towards it in a jerking motion. There square between her eyes was a painfully bright spiral. Her face twitched in a fleeting show of anger, that buzzing bug was a voice and a rude one at that.

The rage in her eyes subsided quickly at the mention of coin. Everything that followed the word was frilly nonsense. The corners of her mouth pulled back in a pointed smile.

”Solvin' a mystery eh? I'll bite.” She agreed immediately, as she was accustomed to do whenever a reward was involved. At the small dragons next words her expression faltered ever so slightly. There was a quiet moment as she checked to make sure the others were well and truly out of earshot. They were strangers to her and she wouldn't mind taking their share of the profit.

”What did you have in mind?” Her voice was low out of habit for these kinds of things. The sound rumbled like the encroaching storm. Deep and dangerous. Just how far she was willing to go with was hidden behind an amateurish dead-pan expression.

(Do any of you want pings from me?)
[url=][img][/img][/url] Jakal grinned, partially relieved that the ridgeback hadn't swatted him into oblivion, but mostly, he was thrilled that this new stranger was on board to scheme. "Well, we need Theo alive. He's the Skydancer, and the contact for the payer. The others, though," Jakal's gaze jumped between the Aether and the Imperial, his thoughts racing on the best way to be rid of them. He was entirely too small to outright fight anyone here, but the Ridgeback would be a formidable force. However, even with her size and brutal tactics, they might be outmatched. "We'll have to be smart about it." He mulled. "Time it right. Besides, dragons keep going missing in this maze." Lightning flashed again, and the wind picked up as the storm drew closer. "They may all be of use for now. At least, until we know what's taking out all the missing dragons." Following suit with the others, he fluttered to the ground. Droplets of rain speckled his nose, and the scent of a downpour hung heavy in the wind.

Jakal grinned, partially relieved that the ridgeback hadn't swatted him into oblivion, but mostly, he was thrilled that this new stranger was on board to scheme.
"Well, we need Theo alive. He's the Skydancer, and the contact for the payer. The others, though," Jakal's gaze jumped between the Aether and the Imperial, his thoughts racing on the best way to be rid of them. He was entirely too small to outright fight anyone here, but the Ridgeback would be a formidable force. However, even with her size and brutal tactics, they might be outmatched.
"We'll have to be smart about it." He mulled. "Time it right. Besides, dragons keep going missing in this maze." Lightning flashed again, and the wind picked up as the storm drew closer. "They may all be of use for now. At least, until we know what's taking out all the missing dragons."
Following suit with the others, he fluttered to the ground. Droplets of rain speckled his nose, and the scent of a downpour hung heavy in the wind.
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [size=6][color=826f4d]Celes[/color][/size] Of scars -----[/center] It's not much to say the floor of the clearing is incredibly uncomfortable. It's plenty large for their purposes, large enough to fit both his Imperial behind and a mystery Ridgeback, who happens to smell heavily enough of booze it rises a sharp little pinpoint of a headache at the point of his skull. Not even the worst port wine smells that strongly of spoil. The roots that shape the clearing in the first place are knobbly, sticking up through the thin soil like the wrinkled knuckles of the eldest scribe in the Arcanist's tower, leaving no space for aching and ancient ribs to rest easily. What little grass has managed to grow is thin, more blade than leaf, will probably leave some with him, tangled in the fibers of his shirt, he'll have to beat out with stones later. Ah, but the fire is warm, nothing compared to the heat of the sun, but enough. The thunder that echos through the sky is familiar, only the barest drops of rain managing to make it through the canopy to spatter across his leather. Really, more leaves spatter across his spine than rain, but it's the few raindrops that find scars to chill that bother him. The movement of the melon bright Skydancer pup at his side is a welcome distraction compared to the sizzle of raindrops hitting the fire. One set of eyelids closes, then the other, both opening lazily. The pup's got so much stuff under his decorative saddle it's a wonder he can fly at all. Slowly, his attention drifts to the Harpy, away from the clatter of whatever Theo is doing. They sure beat it to hell, even now some of the blood that coats it's feathers looks wet, but that might just be the rain. The smell of copper makes his jaws ache. Celes shifts, lifts his head up just enough to jam his nose into his scarf, where the whole world blurs into the smell of salt and the incense his Guardian likes to burn. With his face this close to the bae of his throat, it's in reach of his talons.theres an ache already building in his neck from being contorted in such a way, what's a little more matter? He traces the scars along his jaw first, the ones that cut through his beard, where the hair grows thin, silky, and light. They shift to his lips, so covered in small scrapes and larger scars every smile tugs into a smirk, and if stretched far enough, his teeth show through without his jaws having to part. He turns his attention to the wrinkles at the edges of his lips, at the corners of his eyes, lucky enough to be smile made rather than cut. The chips taken out of his ears are not so lucky, hell he's lucky there's enough left for the gifted earrings to hang onto. He sighs, tangling his talons in the hanging chain, charm tapping against worn scales. Perhaps he's done this too many times, it's too easy to settle in strange places with strange dragons. And then the Harpy's breath catches in its chest. To notice, a skill built after an ambush happens in one pub too many, when sleep is pretend. If it's saved him a few times being sprung upon passing his bed, he won't say anything. Little beast thinks it's sneaky. "[color=826f4d]How hard did it go down anyway?[/color]". He hums, mostly just to warn Theo he intends to stand and move. And so he does, with numerous crackled complaints, mostly from the vertebra in his neck. He will regret sitting like that latter! Tossing his head just enough to resettle his hat, he makes his slow way over to the Harpy. Settling his wings as close as he can, he scrunches down a bit, trying to look small. He can't remember being that small, but understands that coming face to face with a giant predator who's teeth alone are most of your size could be unsettling. Stuffing down a laugh at the thought, he swaps to the language of the Harpies. The number of Longneck his parents had had to bribe to even consider teaching a dragon was incredible, but hey, he could barter himself over the price of goods, rather than have an interpreter screw them over. "[color=826f4d][i]Greetings kindred.[/i][/color]". The accents of the seas made the words feel thick in his mouth, tongue colliding with teeth more often than not. It'd been a bit since he'd had to practice, but he was still well enough to be understood. "[color=826f4d][i]Your breath betrays you. I am Celes, wanderer of Forgotten Waters, second son of Vecna, Soundcraft of Han-Bu. May I ask why your Wing has wandered so far from the roosts?[/i][/color]". Both clans were pretty prolific traders, so there was an off chance at least one'd be recognized. Green eyes flash, thunder rumbles mutely overhead, and wind sings through the trees. His bones ache, not even a day into hunting a monster, and he's interrogating a Harpy. What a day.
Of scars
It's not much to say the floor of the clearing is incredibly uncomfortable. It's plenty large for their purposes, large enough to fit both his Imperial behind and a mystery Ridgeback, who happens to smell heavily enough of booze it rises a sharp little pinpoint of a headache at the point of his skull. Not even the worst port wine smells that strongly of spoil. The roots that shape the clearing in the first place are knobbly, sticking up through the thin soil like the wrinkled knuckles of the eldest scribe in the Arcanist's tower, leaving no space for aching and ancient ribs to rest easily. What little grass has managed to grow is thin, more blade than leaf, will probably leave some with him, tangled in the fibers of his shirt, he'll have to beat out with stones later. Ah, but the fire is warm, nothing compared to the heat of the sun, but enough. The thunder that echos through the sky is familiar, only the barest drops of rain managing to make it through the canopy to spatter across his leather. Really, more leaves spatter across his spine than rain, but it's the few raindrops that find scars to chill that bother him.

The movement of the melon bright Skydancer pup at his side is a welcome distraction compared to the sizzle of raindrops hitting the fire. One set of eyelids closes, then the other, both opening lazily. The pup's got so much stuff under his decorative saddle it's a wonder he can fly at all. Slowly, his attention drifts to the Harpy, away from the clatter of whatever Theo is doing. They sure beat it to hell, even now some of the blood that coats it's feathers looks wet, but that might just be the rain.

The smell of copper makes his jaws ache. Celes shifts, lifts his head up just enough to jam his nose into his scarf, where the whole world blurs into the smell of salt and the incense his Guardian likes to burn. With his face this close to the bae of his throat, it's in reach of his talons.theres an ache already building in his neck from being contorted in such a way, what's a little more matter? He traces the scars along his jaw first, the ones that cut through his beard, where the hair grows thin, silky, and light. They shift to his lips, so covered in small scrapes and larger scars every smile tugs into a smirk, and if stretched far enough, his teeth show through without his jaws having to part. He turns his attention to the wrinkles at the edges of his lips, at the corners of his eyes, lucky enough to be smile made rather than cut. The chips taken out of his ears are not so lucky, hell he's lucky there's enough left for the gifted earrings to hang onto. He sighs, tangling his talons in the hanging chain, charm tapping against worn scales. Perhaps he's done this too many times, it's too easy to settle in strange places with strange dragons.

And then the Harpy's breath catches in its chest. To notice, a skill built after an ambush happens in one pub too many, when sleep is pretend. If it's saved him a few times being sprung upon passing his bed, he won't say anything. Little beast thinks it's sneaky. "How hard did it go down anyway?". He hums, mostly just to warn Theo he intends to stand and move. And so he does, with numerous crackled complaints, mostly from the vertebra in his neck. He will regret sitting like that latter! Tossing his head just enough to resettle his hat, he makes his slow way over to the Harpy.

Settling his wings as close as he can, he scrunches down a bit, trying to look small. He can't remember being that small, but understands that coming face to face with a giant predator who's teeth alone are most of your size could be unsettling. Stuffing down a laugh at the thought, he swaps to the language of the Harpies. The number of Longneck his parents had had to bribe to even consider teaching a dragon was incredible, but hey, he could barter himself over the price of goods, rather than have an interpreter screw them over. "Greetings kindred.". The accents of the seas made the words feel thick in his mouth, tongue colliding with teeth more often than not. It'd been a bit since he'd had to practice, but he was still well enough to be understood. "Your breath betrays you. I am Celes, wanderer of Forgotten Waters, second son of Vecna, Soundcraft of Han-Bu. May I ask why your Wing has wandered so far from the roosts?". Both clans were pretty prolific traders, so there was an off chance at least one'd be recognized. Green eyes flash, thunder rumbles mutely overhead, and wind sings through the trees. His bones ache, not even a day into hunting a monster, and he's interrogating a Harpy. What a day.
55073809p.png |
adverb (ARCHAIC)
long ago; formerly.
"the friends whom erst you knew"

columns can suck my butt
it is just me here
Do you love the color of the sky?
Even with all their tricks, she hadn't even the strength to pretend properly. Her mentor would be ashamed. Hearing the shuffling, the harpy knew she had been discovered. Who stood before her now was new, an imperial. A rather large breed of dragon, this one seemed more worn than others she had come across in her time. The creak of it's bones told her so. Just as she expected to be snapped into little bite sized pieces, it spoke to her. In her own tongue none the less. "Ah... so you heard me did you?"

Though her heart beat so hard it felt close to bursting, she managed to crack a small smirk. Her eyes scanned his face, studying it for any sign of aggression. Dragon kind couldn't be trusted, within seconds her life could end. Crushed between any one of these horrid mongrel's jaws, just like her companion. She didn't dare reveal her flocks intentions, she could only hope other scouts managed to find her fellow sister's remains. And traced them back here to the ridgeback...

"Don't supposed you lot dragged my companion here as well? No... you didn't did you? She's back there in the forest somewhere." There was a bitterness to her tone, she maybe at a disadvantage but she wasn't one to let her fear show. Just stall and hope a scouting patrol tracked her down, that's all she could do.

Theo had finally managed to secure the tarp between the two trees, gifting the party some coverage from the rain. Just as he heard Celes's question, they watched as they raised and strolled over to where the harpy and Zephyr stood. Seeing its limp and pathetic body over the imperials shoulder caused some distribence to stir in their cheast. Poor thing might not even make it through the night. Which also meant they only had this time to hopefully get some clues as to the disappearences. Doubt crept along his spine, had he made the right decision? What if this creature had just been traveling through and felt threatened by their presence? He wasn't quite sure how harpys interacted, this was the first one he had seen in the flesh after all. Listening to Celes speak in another language tore his attention away from his worries. What a talent, surely it was no essy task to learn the speech of harpies. How lucky he was to have wonderfully gifted dragons such here to aid the flights of this land.

@Erst / @Chrysocolla / @ChaoticFriendzy/ @Fishtastic
Even with all their tricks, she hadn't even the strength to pretend properly. Her mentor would be ashamed. Hearing the shuffling, the harpy knew she had been discovered. Who stood before her now was new, an imperial. A rather large breed of dragon, this one seemed more worn than others she had come across in her time. The creak of it's bones told her so. Just as she expected to be snapped into little bite sized pieces, it spoke to her. In her own tongue none the less. "Ah... so you heard me did you?"

Though her heart beat so hard it felt close to bursting, she managed to crack a small smirk. Her eyes scanned his face, studying it for any sign of aggression. Dragon kind couldn't be trusted, within seconds her life could end. Crushed between any one of these horrid mongrel's jaws, just like her companion. She didn't dare reveal her flocks intentions, she could only hope other scouts managed to find her fellow sister's remains. And traced them back here to the ridgeback...

"Don't supposed you lot dragged my companion here as well? No... you didn't did you? She's back there in the forest somewhere." There was a bitterness to her tone, she maybe at a disadvantage but she wasn't one to let her fear show. Just stall and hope a scouting patrol tracked her down, that's all she could do.

Theo had finally managed to secure the tarp between the two trees, gifting the party some coverage from the rain. Just as he heard Celes's question, they watched as they raised and strolled over to where the harpy and Zephyr stood. Seeing its limp and pathetic body over the imperials shoulder caused some distribence to stir in their cheast. Poor thing might not even make it through the night. Which also meant they only had this time to hopefully get some clues as to the disappearences. Doubt crept along his spine, had he made the right decision? What if this creature had just been traveling through and felt threatened by their presence? He wasn't quite sure how harpys interacted, this was the first one he had seen in the flesh after all. Listening to Celes speak in another language tore his attention away from his worries. What a talent, surely it was no essy task to learn the speech of harpies. How lucky he was to have wonderfully gifted dragons such here to aid the flights of this land.

@Erst / @Chrysocolla / @ChaoticFriendzy/ @Fishtastic


[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [size=6][color=826f4d]Celes[/color][/size] Of questions -----[/center] "[color=826f4d][i]Saw.[/i][/color]". He corrects, thoughtlessly. It doesn't matter now anyways. "[color=826f4d][i]There's a pause and a greater rise of the chest when breath catches[/i][/color]". Perhaps he pitties this bloody little creature, filling his sinuses with copper enough that his vision is beginning to spin. The few Harpies he's known were proud, bullheaded in their stubbornness, only secretly taking critique to heart. They'd offered him more than he had them, secrets to catching drafts and staying silent on the ground, mostly in exchange for enchanted trinkets. He was good at enchantment, back when his talons didn't shake so. Now, the lines wobbled so badly none of the runes could channel more than the barest minimum of magic. "[color=826f4d][i]My mate is rather,[/i][/color]", he hums, looking for a word, "[color=826f4d][i]rambunctious[/i][/color]". He offers by way of explanation, knowing it isn't one, not really. Not like he could hear the breath of such a small thing over the roar of the wind anyways. It's much easier to hear the breath of a Guardian, almost the same size as he is, in the muffle of a carved sandstone cave, tapestries on the walls, and a thick blanket draped over the entry. She'd gotten wise to his spotting trick fast, started hiding under blankets, so he'd had to learn to listen for breath. But, spotting the hitch in another's chest was still useful in the day to day of a wanderer. He might not have been able to hear it breathing, but this close, he can certainly hear as it's heart begins to rush, even as the blood in his ears roars in response. It's a base instinct, to be driven to hunt by the fear of pretty, one tangled in his very blood. Based on the way the Harpy is twitching, it's thinking the same thing. About how easy it would be for him to lunge forward, snap brittle bones between teeth designed to just that, drown the animalistic need in droplets of blood. But the Harpy is small, not even a snack, and when white fur bobs behind it's shoulders, he forces the thoughts from his mind, the twitch of his tail tip the only sign it had ever crossed his mind The muscles in his legs begin to whine, still unrecovered from the more than a week of flight it'd taken to get from the Sea to the Labyrinth. And as it turns out, a few moments rest and the intention for hours more doesn't do anything to ease the cramps of limbs locked in place for days without being stretched properly. It's his fault really. Settling into his belly again, he releases his tight hold on his wings so they can unfold some, and faces his palms to the sky. It's some old mediation training, settled deep in his bones, make sure whoever can see your talons to prove you're , at the very least, not an active threat. They certainly don't cut an intimidating figure, not in this light. It's too dim to see the scars that trace almost each individual scale, the color shifts where claws have been broken and regrown. Black linen wraps around palms, dull purple leather tacked to the backs of his hands, protecting worn skin from metal bones, that clamp each talon near the claw. The metal bones help his hands function, but do nothing to dull the shake, which with how tired he is, clatter together. Most importantly, between the shaking light from lighting between tree branches and firelight make his talons appear dull, accentuating the wear, disguising a razors edge. He scraps at the healing pit of a blister along one finger with his thumb. "[color=826f4d][i]And no,[/i][/color]", he hums, pauses to think for a polite way to put it, "[color=826f4d][i]my 'lot' did not retrieve the remains of your sister.[/i][/color]". He pauses, pulls in a hiss of breath, shooting a look down at his claws. He's caught a scab, ripped it off, and it stings in the air. It's a welcome distraction, his copper is more salty, familiar compared to the Harpy blood, but its an irritation over anything. Shaking his hand to try and banish the pain, he continues. "[color=826f4d][i]I can send one of mine to try and find what's left, though I imagine you're hoping the rest of your wing will stumble upon it, and then find you.[/i][/color]". Harpies flock in groups of up to fifteen. The likelihood of a lone pair, this far from home, is low. There will be more and they'll probably want vengeance. With a scoff, he settles the talons he'd been shaking back down, careful to place the cut away from where the spiny grass or stones could dig in and make it worse. There was no love in him for this headache inducing Ridgeback, whispering secretively at the opposite edge of the clearing, he just didn't want to get caught in the middle. "[color=826f4d][i]And though I must wonder what possessed you to attack in the first place, I can assure you, you need not wait for rescue.[/i][/color]". Lazily, his head drifts to where he can look at Theo, watching the green glitter in the firelight. The poor pup looks anxious, and it makes sense, he's got a group of coin and adventure hungry fools alongside him and the weight of lives in his shoulders. Just as slowly, he returns his gaze to the Harpy, taking in bloodied feathers and broken bones. It probably won't last terribly long, if left alone. He wonders offhandedly if it realizes that. "[color=826f4d][i]I can personally offer you a Greater Potion of Restoration and and escort away from my group in exchange for information.[/i][/color]". He flicks an ear, clicks his tongue against his teeth as he considers for a moment. "[color=826f4d][i] Information first, of course.[/i][/color]". The shaking in his talons has stilled a little, enough the claws don't make audible clicks as they hit against each other. As well as he can he, he is relaxed, there's nothing to lose from this conversation, and he honestly doubts how much there is to gain. "[color=826f4d][i]The others and I have come together under the Skydancer in order to hunt whatever it is that's causing dragons to go missing, leaving even the returned incomplete. The best we have is general hunting range and we intend to scour the wetlands.[/i][/color]". He gestures about with his claws tips as he speaks, voice flat, borderline disinterested. "[color=826f4d][i]If you know anything of use, it would be highly appreciated. Our 'companion'[/i][/color]" and even he has to wince at that, "[color=826f4d][i]appears to be one of the victims, if that helps at all[/i][/color]".
Of questions
"Saw.". He corrects, thoughtlessly. It doesn't matter now anyways. "There's a pause and a greater rise of the chest when breath catches". Perhaps he pitties this bloody little creature, filling his sinuses with copper enough that his vision is beginning to spin. The few Harpies he's known were proud, bullheaded in their stubbornness, only secretly taking critique to heart. They'd offered him more than he had them, secrets to catching drafts and staying silent on the ground, mostly in exchange for enchanted trinkets. He was good at enchantment, back when his talons didn't shake so. Now, the lines wobbled so badly none of the runes could channel more than the barest minimum of magic. "My mate is rather,", he hums, looking for a word, "rambunctious". He offers by way of explanation, knowing it isn't one, not really. Not like he could hear the breath of such a small thing over the roar of the wind anyways. It's much easier to hear the breath of a Guardian, almost the same size as he is, in the muffle of a carved sandstone cave, tapestries on the walls, and a thick blanket draped over the entry. She'd gotten wise to his spotting trick fast, started hiding under blankets, so he'd had to learn to listen for breath. But, spotting the hitch in another's chest was still useful in the day to day of a wanderer.

He might not have been able to hear it breathing, but this close, he can certainly hear as it's heart begins to rush, even as the blood in his ears roars in response. It's a base instinct, to be driven to hunt by the fear of pretty, one tangled in his very blood. Based on the way the Harpy is twitching, it's thinking the same thing. About how easy it would be for him to lunge forward, snap brittle bones between teeth designed to just that, drown the animalistic need in droplets of blood. But the Harpy is small, not even a snack, and when white fur bobs behind it's shoulders, he forces the thoughts from his mind, the twitch of his tail tip the only sign it had ever crossed his mind

The muscles in his legs begin to whine, still unrecovered from the more than a week of flight it'd taken to get from the Sea to the Labyrinth. And as it turns out, a few moments rest and the intention for hours more doesn't do anything to ease the cramps of limbs locked in place for days without being stretched properly. It's his fault really. Settling into his belly again, he releases his tight hold on his wings so they can unfold some, and faces his palms to the sky. It's some old mediation training, settled deep in his bones, make sure whoever can see your talons to prove you're , at the very least, not an active threat. They certainly don't cut an intimidating figure, not in this light. It's too dim to see the scars that trace almost each individual scale, the color shifts where claws have been broken and regrown. Black linen wraps around palms, dull purple leather tacked to the backs of his hands, protecting worn skin from metal bones, that clamp each talon near the claw. The metal bones help his hands function, but do nothing to dull the shake, which with how tired he is, clatter together. Most importantly, between the shaking light from lighting between tree branches and firelight make his talons appear dull, accentuating the wear, disguising a razors edge. He scraps at the healing pit of a blister along one finger with his thumb.

"And no,", he hums, pauses to think for a polite way to put it, "my 'lot' did not retrieve the remains of your sister.". He pauses, pulls in a hiss of breath, shooting a look down at his claws. He's caught a scab, ripped it off, and it stings in the air. It's a welcome distraction, his copper is more salty, familiar compared to the Harpy blood, but its an irritation over anything. Shaking his hand to try and banish the pain, he continues. "I can send one of mine to try and find what's left, though I imagine you're hoping the rest of your wing will stumble upon it, and then find you.". Harpies flock in groups of up to fifteen. The likelihood of a lone pair, this far from home, is low. There will be more and they'll probably want vengeance. With a scoff, he settles the talons he'd been shaking back down, careful to place the cut away from where the spiny grass or stones could dig in and make it worse. There was no love in him for this headache inducing Ridgeback, whispering secretively at the opposite edge of the clearing, he just didn't want to get caught in the middle.

"And though I must wonder what possessed you to attack in the first place, I can assure you, you need not wait for rescue.". Lazily, his head drifts to where he can look at Theo, watching the green glitter in the firelight. The poor pup looks anxious, and it makes sense, he's got a group of coin and adventure hungry fools alongside him and the weight of lives in his shoulders. Just as slowly, he returns his gaze to the Harpy, taking in bloodied feathers and broken bones. It probably won't last terribly long, if left alone. He wonders offhandedly if it realizes that. "I can personally offer you a Greater Potion of Restoration and and escort away from my group in exchange for information.". He flicks an ear, clicks his tongue against his teeth as he considers for a moment. " Information first, of course.". The shaking in his talons has stilled a little, enough the claws don't make audible clicks as they hit against each other. As well as he can he, he is relaxed, there's nothing to lose from this conversation, and he honestly doubts how much there is to gain. "The others and I have come together under the Skydancer in order to hunt whatever it is that's causing dragons to go missing, leaving even the returned incomplete. The best we have is general hunting range and we intend to scour the wetlands.". He gestures about with his claws tips as he speaks, voice flat, borderline disinterested. "If you know anything of use, it would be highly appreciated. Our 'companion'" and even he has to wince at that, "appears to be one of the victims, if that helps at all".
55073809p.png |
adverb (ARCHAIC)
long ago; formerly.
"the friends whom erst you knew"

columns can suck my butt
it is just me here
Do you love the color of the sky?
The harpy paused, worried thoughts from before soon rushed back to her. A healing potion, and more than that a way out. Truth was, she didn't particularly care for the orders of her flock's new companions. Yes, she despised dragon kind for the pain they had inflicted onto her in the past. The weight of loosing more than just the riff raff that tailed her just hours ago. More so the agony of loosing a nest, and a loved one. It stained her soul with a hatred so intense she thought it'd forever fuel her resolve to the bitter end. That was before she actually came face to face with the scourge this resentful band she had taken too planned to inflict upon these clans. And what sacrifices they were willing to give in order to reach that goal.

Her loyalty to her flock was unshakable, but these new partners of theirs... She'd be lying if the thought to ditch this operation hadn't crossed her mind various times. Still, the brutality of the ridgeback and aether served as a horrid reminder of what their kind was capable of. What these terrors of the sky could do when left unchecked. The ridgeback in particular, she may have fought her way from certain doom once before. She pondered if the proud beast could manage it again. And by midnight, the hunting would soon begin.

How shameful it would be if a patrol caught her trying to escape this land during their expedition. Unless... they thought she was dead as well. A throbbing pain blanketed her left side, making her face wrinkle in discomfort. Such an overwhelming feeling caused her eyelids to shutter, even so she refused to break eye contact with the imperial. She was fading fast, and staying here provided her with nothing but a place to rot. The world seemed to sway around her, and frustration crept at the back of her throat. What was she supposed to do? Breathing had become burdensome, and she struggled to speak. Pushing the words out as she did so, "Give me back... my sister's corpse... then we talk." One thing was for certain, riff raff may she be, her companion still deserved more than to waste away in the thicket among the scavengers.

@Erst / @Chrysocolla / @ChaoticFriendzy/ @Fishtastic
The harpy paused, worried thoughts from before soon rushed back to her. A healing potion, and more than that a way out. Truth was, she didn't particularly care for the orders of her flock's new companions. Yes, she despised dragon kind for the pain they had inflicted onto her in the past. The weight of loosing more than just the riff raff that tailed her just hours ago. More so the agony of loosing a nest, and a loved one. It stained her soul with a hatred so intense she thought it'd forever fuel her resolve to the bitter end. That was before she actually came face to face with the scourge this resentful band she had taken too planned to inflict upon these clans. And what sacrifices they were willing to give in order to reach that goal.

Her loyalty to her flock was unshakable, but these new partners of theirs... She'd be lying if the thought to ditch this operation hadn't crossed her mind various times. Still, the brutality of the ridgeback and aether served as a horrid reminder of what their kind was capable of. What these terrors of the sky could do when left unchecked. The ridgeback in particular, she may have fought her way from certain doom once before. She pondered if the proud beast could manage it again. And by midnight, the hunting would soon begin.

How shameful it would be if a patrol caught her trying to escape this land during their expedition. Unless... they thought she was dead as well. A throbbing pain blanketed her left side, making her face wrinkle in discomfort. Such an overwhelming feeling caused her eyelids to shutter, even so she refused to break eye contact with the imperial. She was fading fast, and staying here provided her with nothing but a place to rot. The world seemed to sway around her, and frustration crept at the back of her throat. What was she supposed to do? Breathing had become burdensome, and she struggled to speak. Pushing the words out as she did so, "Give me back... my sister's corpse... then we talk." One thing was for certain, riff raff may she be, her companion still deserved more than to waste away in the thicket among the scavengers.

@Erst / @Chrysocolla / @ChaoticFriendzy/ @Fishtastic
