

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | FR Casual RP-Secrets of the Wetlands
Theo glided back to the group, "What a fine choice! Chocolate dipped fruits here are delicacy. Come, let us feast before our journey!" With muster in his step, he trotted forward into the crowd of marts and stalls. Eager to see the other's reaction to the food of his flight. "Some extra potions and medical wraps wouldn't be to troublesome to carry, and may come in handy for later."

(sorry for late reply, life got crazy)

@Erst / @Chrysocolla / @ChaoticFriendzy
Theo glided back to the group, "What a fine choice! Chocolate dipped fruits here are delicacy. Come, let us feast before our journey!" With muster in his step, he trotted forward into the crowd of marts and stalls. Eager to see the other's reaction to the food of his flight. "Some extra potions and medical wraps wouldn't be to troublesome to carry, and may come in handy for later."

(sorry for late reply, life got crazy)

@Erst / @Chrysocolla / @ChaoticFriendzy


((Hey all, I'm going somewhere with very limited internet access for a week, and I won't be back until roughly June 12th. Please assume that Jakal will move with the group for now!))
((Hey all, I'm going somewhere with very limited internet access for a week, and I won't be back until roughly June 12th. Please assume that Jakal will move with the group for now!))
[url=][img][/img][/url] Zephyr was already looking through the stalls, gazing at the small trinkets being sold and pondering the foodstuffs there. When they returned, they were munching on a veggie wrap, and holding out a bag of beads. "The bag has the exact amount of beads for the members in our group. I decided to make this fun and have us randomly choose a bead from the bag without looking. I wonder what fate decides what beads we have! Here." Zephyr held out the bag, motioning for the first dragon to pick.

Zephyr was already looking through the stalls, gazing at the small trinkets being sold and pondering the foodstuffs there.

When they returned, they were munching on a veggie wrap, and holding out a bag of beads.

"The bag has the exact amount of beads for the members in our group. I decided to make this fun and have us randomly choose a bead from the bag without looking. I wonder what fate decides what beads we have! Here."

Zephyr held out the bag, motioning for the first dragon to pick.
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With enthusiasm Theo reached in, eyes closed and pulled a purple bead from the bag. A dark shade of violet, with a glossy coating on it. "How lovely!" Reaching over, he gently tugged a single string from his saddle, tying the bead to it. Then attaching it firmly to his horn, so as not to slip during their journey. "What a wonderful momento, thank you greatly!"

While tucking away some extra health drinks and such, he rejoiced. " Right, I've stored away some excess supplies in case we run into trouble once we reach our destination! "

@Erst / @Chrysocolla / @ChaoticFriendzy
With enthusiasm Theo reached in, eyes closed and pulled a purple bead from the bag. A dark shade of violet, with a glossy coating on it. "How lovely!" Reaching over, he gently tugged a single string from his saddle, tying the bead to it. Then attaching it firmly to his horn, so as not to slip during their journey. "What a wonderful momento, thank you greatly!"

While tucking away some extra health drinks and such, he rejoiced. " Right, I've stored away some excess supplies in case we run into trouble once we reach our destination! "

@Erst / @Chrysocolla / @ChaoticFriendzy


[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [size=6][color=826f4d]Celes[/color][/size] Everbloom Grove |:| Interactions: Theo, Jakal, Zephyr [/center] A delicacy huh? He gives a short puff of a laugh. He's been most everywhere by now, carved every type of soil with his talons, and even within the nature element, he's yet to have been to a place that could claim something simple as chocolate dipped fruit as a delicacy. In the Gladevines he had tried berries roasted on spits over fires made solely of dried flour petals, in the marsh lands, sweet seaweed wraps. To him though, nothing would ever be at the cuisine of the land he currently called home, the sea. Stone grilled fish, muscles soaked in gin, and a thousand other ways to present seafood. One could eat a different dish every day for years and still have new ways to eat a fish. Now, chocolate is a rarity in the sea, the humidity, heat, and weather mean it doesn't keep, so badly so that he's visited deep sea clans that have never tried it, so it could very well be the best chocolate in the world, but he would never have the chance to know, considering the shipping capital of the world didn't carry it. For the beads, what Celes intended to do was find a seller and have the group help him pick from the larger selection, as most are much to small, some for him to even see. But the little green Ather is gone and back before he can even think to suggest as such, offering a little bag full of beads. He offers a face halfway between consternation and a smile. His hand dwarfs the bag offered, worn and stained talons tremble slightly as they reach, and he grasps as what feels like the biggest bead in the bag, no larger than a glass bead to him. It's a flower in full bloom, trapped in a glass sphere, overlapping petals dark maroon with a warm yellow center, with feathery bits of pollen still trapped in miniature spines surrounded a seed head. It's been drilled through the side, so that flower is facing outwards. "[color=826f4d]Ah, it's lovely.[/color]". He muses quietly, almost under his breath. It's not even close to the last time he did this, looming over a blanket spread on sweltering sand, while a hot pink Coatl argues with a distressed looking vendor over the quality of his gold while the rest of the group laughs raucous in the background. It's nothing like the first time, a much smaller Celes trembled head to tail, curls brushed and burned until they resembled a straight mane, bowing before the head of his clan, trying not to giggle as long strands of grash brushed against his belly, dancing in time to tornado song, while the rest of his clan stood off to the side, each with a bead to tie to him, the promise of adventure a ceremony away, an old, old Guardian leaning down to meet his eye, glittering with excitement of her own, whispering advice, don't rush into it too fast, you're bound to crash. It's good luck to take on new beads for every adventure. That's a mantra drilled into him since birth, by a mother who had so many that she couldn't move without the chatter of metal on glass on wood. He'd forgotten once, and we'll look what that had got him, needing an aid for his spine and a shake in his hands that wouldn't still. He had to sit, or well lay down, to put the bead in, grabbing half a tuft of the hair that sprouted from his cheekbones, 5 tries to actually get the bead on, but only one to tie a miniscule knot, one that assured it would stay there forever, unless the hair was cut. It never would be if he had his way. Celes had many, not nearly as many as his mother, not enough to constantly make noise, but enough that were few portions of his mane that didn't sparkle when hit by the light. Patterned cuffs on braids, beads woven in in a thousand different sizes, but no dangles. Dangles got caught and made tangles. Tangles were bad, ment lost bits of collection. He wouldn't let that happen, not when his already curly hair caused enough problems. He stood slowly, joints popping quietly, less than they had earlier, and shook himself out, settling everything back into place. Turning to the tiny green Ather, he bowed his head. "[color=826f4d]Thank you.[/color]". The smells of chocolate hits with a soft breeze. Rumbling softly, he begins towards the mango stand. "[color=826f4d]Now, it is time for treats.[/color]". If he's faster than the others, he'll account it to the fact his strides are bigger. He'd offer them the perch between his horns, but none of them have earned it yet. It takes a few turns to get to the mango stand, so Celes tucks his wings close, mostly to avoid getting burnt by a stary pan, but a bit to fit better between hanging silk. He hast to duck to speak to the vendor. The dragon running the chocolate mango stand is a purple Tundra with grey-orange wings, still looking flushed with heat despite being almost bald by Tundra standards. He orders 7 mangos, let's glimmering bits of treasure trickle trough his talons, and presents a mango each to the others. The remaining 4 disappear into his maw, and sure enough, despite expectations, they're incredible. The chocolate, though dark and rich, is sweet, sprinkled ever so slightly with salt, with the sort of sparking taste that tells of the outer shore of the Shifting Expanse, to balance. The mangoes themselves are at the peak of their ripeness, soft, but not so that they melt, with a tang and a bite to them, expertly cut to get the most off the pit. They're fresh, the chocolate still molten on the inside, but not hot enough to burn an unsuspecting pallet, so it melts into the juice of the mango. It's all over too soon, in Celes opinion. He resists the urge to buy more, save his treasure for something more meaningful than sweet mangos. With a sigh, he faces the wall of jungle, something that looks impeneraterable to his foreign eye. "[color=826f4d]I am ready now.[/color]".
Everbloom Grove |:| Interactions: Theo, Jakal, Zephyr

A delicacy huh? He gives a short puff of a laugh. He's been most everywhere by now, carved every type of soil with his talons, and even within the nature element, he's yet to have been to a place that could claim something simple as chocolate dipped fruit as a delicacy. In the Gladevines he had tried berries roasted on spits over fires made solely of dried flour petals, in the marsh lands, sweet seaweed wraps. To him though, nothing would ever be at the cuisine of the land he currently called home, the sea. Stone grilled fish, muscles soaked in gin, and a thousand other ways to present seafood. One could eat a different dish every day for years and still have new ways to eat a fish. Now, chocolate is a rarity in the sea, the humidity, heat, and weather mean it doesn't keep, so badly so that he's visited deep sea clans that have never tried it, so it could very well be the best chocolate in the world, but he would never have the chance to know, considering the shipping capital of the world didn't carry it.

For the beads, what Celes intended to do was find a seller and have the group help him pick from the larger selection, as most are much to small, some for him to even see. But the little green Ather is gone and back before he can even think to suggest as such, offering a little bag full of beads. He offers a face halfway between consternation and a smile. His hand dwarfs the bag offered, worn and stained talons tremble slightly as they reach, and he grasps as what feels like the biggest bead in the bag, no larger than a glass bead to him. It's a flower in full bloom, trapped in a glass sphere, overlapping petals dark maroon with a warm yellow center, with feathery bits of pollen still trapped in miniature spines surrounded a seed head. It's been drilled through the side, so that flower is facing outwards. "Ah, it's lovely.". He muses quietly, almost under his breath.

It's not even close to the last time he did this, looming over a blanket spread on sweltering sand, while a hot pink Coatl argues with a distressed looking vendor over the quality of his gold while the rest of the group laughs raucous in the background. It's nothing like the first time, a much smaller Celes trembled head to tail, curls brushed and burned until they resembled a straight mane, bowing before the head of his clan, trying not to giggle as long strands of grash brushed against his belly, dancing in time to tornado song, while the rest of his clan stood off to the side, each with a bead to tie to him, the promise of adventure a ceremony away, an old, old Guardian leaning down to meet his eye, glittering with excitement of her own, whispering advice, don't rush into it too fast, you're bound to crash.

It's good luck to take on new beads for every adventure. That's a mantra drilled into him since birth, by a mother who had so many that she couldn't move without the chatter of metal on glass on wood. He'd forgotten once, and we'll look what that had got him, needing an aid for his spine and a shake in his hands that wouldn't still.

He had to sit, or well lay down, to put the bead in, grabbing half a tuft of the hair that sprouted from his cheekbones, 5 tries to actually get the bead on, but only one to tie a miniscule knot, one that assured it would stay there forever, unless the hair was cut. It never would be if he had his way.

Celes had many, not nearly as many as his mother, not enough to constantly make noise, but enough that were few portions of his mane that didn't sparkle when hit by the light. Patterned cuffs on braids, beads woven in in a thousand different sizes, but no dangles. Dangles got caught and made tangles. Tangles were bad, ment lost bits of collection. He wouldn't let that happen, not when his already curly hair caused enough problems.

He stood slowly, joints popping quietly, less than they had earlier, and shook himself out, settling everything back into place. Turning to the tiny green Ather, he bowed his head. "Thank you.". The smells of chocolate hits with a soft breeze. Rumbling softly, he begins towards the mango stand. "Now, it is time for treats.".

If he's faster than the others, he'll account it to the fact his strides are bigger. He'd offer them the perch between his horns, but none of them have earned it yet. It takes a few turns to get to the mango stand, so Celes tucks his wings close, mostly to avoid getting burnt by a stary pan, but a bit to fit better between hanging silk. He hast to duck to speak to the vendor. The dragon running the chocolate mango stand is a purple Tundra with grey-orange wings, still looking flushed with heat despite being almost bald by Tundra standards. He orders 7 mangos, let's glimmering bits of treasure trickle trough his talons, and presents a mango each to the others. The remaining 4 disappear into his maw, and sure enough, despite expectations, they're incredible. The chocolate, though dark and rich, is sweet, sprinkled ever so slightly with salt, with the sort of sparking taste that tells of the outer shore of the Shifting Expanse, to balance. The mangoes themselves are at the peak of their ripeness, soft, but not so that they melt, with a tang and a bite to them, expertly cut to get the most off the pit. They're fresh, the chocolate still molten on the inside, but not hot enough to burn an unsuspecting pallet, so it melts into the juice of the mango. It's all over too soon, in Celes opinion. He resists the urge to buy more, save his treasure for something more meaningful than sweet mangos. With a sigh, he faces the wall of jungle, something that looks impeneraterable to his foreign eye. "I am ready now.".
55073809p.png |
adverb (ARCHAIC)
long ago; formerly.
"the friends whom erst you knew"

columns can suck my butt
it is just me here
Do you love the color of the sky?

Please note that I'm currently on vacation, so I may not reply until I get back home.

Please note that I'm currently on vacation, so I may not reply until I get back home.
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Once again lifting himself into the air, Theo slowly made his up above the treetops. Sending some of the leafs showering down from their branches. Unraveling the map and retrieving a compass he had purchased fom the marketplace as well, he held it as still as possible. "Right! Off we go." Surfing the air gently, as to allow his companions to catch up, he started east. Towards the small patch of marsh, farley of the dank swamp.

"Nice clear skys, and strong bright sun! This should make it easier for us to see once we reach the wetlands! "

@Erst / @Chrysocolla / @ChaoticFriendzy
Once again lifting himself into the air, Theo slowly made his up above the treetops. Sending some of the leafs showering down from their branches. Unraveling the map and retrieving a compass he had purchased fom the marketplace as well, he held it as still as possible. "Right! Off we go." Surfing the air gently, as to allow his companions to catch up, he started east. Towards the small patch of marsh, farley of the dank swamp.

"Nice clear skys, and strong bright sun! This should make it easier for us to see once we reach the wetlands! "

@Erst / @Chrysocolla / @ChaoticFriendzy


@VibinFrogFolk @Erst @ChaoticFrenzy

Jakal sat peacefully in the shade of broad-leafed trees-- a rare moment for the animated spiral-- while he waited for his party to browse the vendors and their various wares. His eyes trailed over the colorful tents and displays, each meant to be as eye-catching as possible. The smells of freshly cut fruit drifted on the wind, and for a moment Jakal regret turning down the opportunity to grab a quick snack.


The colorful spiral's green eyes snapped open. The other dragons had returned, and the green aether was holding out a bag to draw beads from. The skydancer had drawn a smooth, glossy purple bead, the imperial a clear one with a flower preserved in it, and both promptly made apparel of them.
Intrigued, Jakal thrust his hand into the bag, nearly knocking it from Zephyr's claws with excitement. He withdrew his closed fist as quickly as he had reached in. Pinched between his claws was a firey red bead. Gold and orange flecks of curled metal sparkled and flashed in the sunlight as he turned it. It glowed ever so slightly, like an ember adrift in the smoke of a campfire.
"Fantastic!" He hissed excitedly, and begun searching himself frantically for a place to fasten the new trinket. He pulled a thin, brown vine from his decorative wing pieces, slipped it through the eye of the bead, and tied a secure knot. It was just large enough to slip comfortably over his wrist.
"I wonder what fortune it will bring." He mused curiously, his sparkling eyes examining his new accessory. Jakal nearly ignored the imperial's outstretched paw, offering him chocolate covered... fruit of some kind. The sharp, tangy scent tickled the spiral's nostrils, and his eyes were finally drawn away from the bead. He sniffed it again, curious about how the chocolate notes would pair with the citrus. He graciously took the treat from Celes, dipping his head in thanks.
For a brief moment, Jakal felt a pang of guilt for not offering the other dragons any gifts. He shook his head, clearing away the thought. I'll make it up to them later! I'm sure we'll find some treasures on this mission. The Labrynth was a place filled with stories of bandits and pirates looking to hide their loot in a place it'll be hard to find.
Jakal bit into the treat, his mouth watering the instant the juices of the mystery fruit flooded his mouth. Some juices dribbled down his chin and neck, and he wiped the sticky liquid away with his arm, slightly embarrassed.
"What are these?" He buzzed at Celes as they began to take flight. "I've never tasted anything quite like it. It's different than the berries and apples you'd find in the Windswept Plateau." His green eyes flashed, betraying his origins.
@VibinFrogFolk @Erst @ChaoticFrenzy

Jakal sat peacefully in the shade of broad-leafed trees-- a rare moment for the animated spiral-- while he waited for his party to browse the vendors and their various wares. His eyes trailed over the colorful tents and displays, each meant to be as eye-catching as possible. The smells of freshly cut fruit drifted on the wind, and for a moment Jakal regret turning down the opportunity to grab a quick snack.


The colorful spiral's green eyes snapped open. The other dragons had returned, and the green aether was holding out a bag to draw beads from. The skydancer had drawn a smooth, glossy purple bead, the imperial a clear one with a flower preserved in it, and both promptly made apparel of them.
Intrigued, Jakal thrust his hand into the bag, nearly knocking it from Zephyr's claws with excitement. He withdrew his closed fist as quickly as he had reached in. Pinched between his claws was a firey red bead. Gold and orange flecks of curled metal sparkled and flashed in the sunlight as he turned it. It glowed ever so slightly, like an ember adrift in the smoke of a campfire.
"Fantastic!" He hissed excitedly, and begun searching himself frantically for a place to fasten the new trinket. He pulled a thin, brown vine from his decorative wing pieces, slipped it through the eye of the bead, and tied a secure knot. It was just large enough to slip comfortably over his wrist.
"I wonder what fortune it will bring." He mused curiously, his sparkling eyes examining his new accessory. Jakal nearly ignored the imperial's outstretched paw, offering him chocolate covered... fruit of some kind. The sharp, tangy scent tickled the spiral's nostrils, and his eyes were finally drawn away from the bead. He sniffed it again, curious about how the chocolate notes would pair with the citrus. He graciously took the treat from Celes, dipping his head in thanks.
For a brief moment, Jakal felt a pang of guilt for not offering the other dragons any gifts. He shook his head, clearing away the thought. I'll make it up to them later! I'm sure we'll find some treasures on this mission. The Labrynth was a place filled with stories of bandits and pirates looking to hide their loot in a place it'll be hard to find.
Jakal bit into the treat, his mouth watering the instant the juices of the mystery fruit flooded his mouth. Some juices dribbled down his chin and neck, and he wiped the sticky liquid away with his arm, slightly embarrassed.
"What are these?" He buzzed at Celes as they began to take flight. "I've never tasted anything quite like it. It's different than the berries and apples you'd find in the Windswept Plateau." His green eyes flashed, betraying his origins.
[url=][img][/img][/url] Zephyr watched as each of the other dragons in the group took a bead from the bag they had brought, and looked at each of said beads with appreciation of their beauty. But the bag...there was only one bead left... And it was for them. Carefully reaching down into the bag, Zephyr took it out of the bag into the light. A gorgeous bead of dark teal, with specks of bright turquoise that looked like the glowing flashes of lightning in a great storm. Zephyr stared at it in awe, before quickly grabbing some spare leather string, weaving it through the small hole in the bead, and tying it around their neck; mostly for safekeeping to add to their collection later. "Alright" Zephyr straightened up a bit. "I feel like I'm ready to go without more delay. How's anyone else feeling?"

Zephyr watched as each of the other dragons in the group took a bead from the bag they had brought, and looked at each of said beads with appreciation of their beauty.

But the bag...there was only one bead left...

And it was for them.

Carefully reaching down into the bag, Zephyr took it out of the bag into the light.

A gorgeous bead of dark teal, with specks of bright turquoise that looked like the glowing flashes of lightning in a great storm.

Zephyr stared at it in awe, before quickly grabbing some spare leather string, weaving it through the small hole in the bead, and tying it around their neck; mostly for safekeeping to add to their collection later.

"Alright" Zephyr straightened up a bit. "I feel like I'm ready to go without more delay. How's anyone else feeling?"

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[center]The gaggle of dragons made their way to the skys, above the green treetops. Theo stumbled a bit as the wind gave a great gust towards the group, in the far distance dark clouds had begun to gather. [img][/img] [i]"We should reach our destination before the storm reaches over us... hopefully." [/i] Flocks of webwings approached, dispersing in order to avoid getting to close to the group as they scattered pass. Trying to escape the approaching storm. Thunder rumbled within the ominous clouds. They could only guess it was still over the north ocean front, slowly making it's way over the wetlands. And prehapes by night, towards the crew themselves. @Erst / @Chrysocolla / @ChaoticFriendzy[/center] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [i][b][emoji=spiral tongue size=1] Message to Everyone - updates![/b] sorry for the late reply, Ive gotten the chance to fully fleshed out more of this rp concept and I'm excited to share it! I'll be working on some concept art hopefully will have the time in between to complete it! I've also been working on my own clans lore which may come into play as a source of medicine or shelter over the course of the plot! I also added a supporting characters post, the second post on the front page [url=]here[/url]. I have an idea where I want to take this story but the whole fun of roleplay is that we change it together and see where it goes! So feel free to add your own supporting characters at any point during the story within reason - of course! (that is to say they have a purpose and a reason for being added) I will add them to the cast list for reference! PS I am also going to add some setting references for the journey for emersion and I will also be adding it on the same post, seperate. And thank you all so much for joining this rp with me and helping me rediscover the joy of doing this. Now that we all are starting this journey I am excited to see how it will play out for us! [/i]
The gaggle of dragons made their way to the skys, above the green treetops. Theo stumbled a bit as the wind gave a great gust towards the group, in the far distance dark clouds had begun to gather.


"We should reach our destination before the storm reaches over us... hopefully."
Flocks of webwings approached, dispersing in order to avoid getting to close to the group as they scattered pass. Trying to escape the approaching storm. Thunder rumbled within the ominous clouds. They could only guess it was still over the north ocean front, slowly making it's way over the wetlands. And prehapes by night, towards the crew themselves.

@Erst / @Chrysocolla / @ChaoticFriendzy

Message to Everyone - updates!
sorry for the late reply, Ive gotten the chance to fully fleshed out more of this rp concept and I'm excited to share it! I'll be working on some concept art hopefully will have the time in between to complete it! I've also been working on my own clans lore which may come into play as a source of medicine or shelter over the course of the plot!

I also added a supporting characters post, the second post on the front page here. I have an idea where I want to take this story but the whole fun of roleplay is that we change it together and see where it goes! So feel free to add your own supporting characters at any point during the story within reason - of course! (that is to say they have a purpose and a reason for being added) I will add them to the cast list for reference!

PS I am also going to add some setting references for the journey for emersion and I will also be adding it on the same post, seperate. And thank you all so much for joining this rp with me and helping me rediscover the joy of doing this.

Now that we all are starting this journey I am excited to see how it will play out for us!
