Name: Ember sultan(Eba Surutan for the japanese version)
Quirk Name: Overwhelmimg Tempest
Quirk Details: Ember's quirk is mostly from her mothers side but it is noticeable her father has some influence. As ember can generate wind from her body and through this manipulate the wind to an extent. She currently has enough control over them to help with her mobility or send in a direction(her current max on how fast she can make them is 50 mph, 40 mph being her preferred speed). Unlike her mother though, ember can also heat the wind as well, allowing her to heat it up for as much as she pleases. Later through training, she will be able to use this heat as a way to make her winds more flexible and powerful, creating blasts similar to explosives and even increasing how fast she can go as examples.
1 Her blasts of wind allow ember to utilize a hard and fast combat style, often battering opponents and keeping them off balance with the ferocity of her winds. She also prefers ambushing her opponents rather then giving them a chance to ready themselves.
2 Her control over the wind can also help her mobility, being able to propel herself quickly through the air and to glide as examples.
3 Ember has no problems with fighting alone, preferring to be reactive. Also because of her preferred style of combat, she is great in dealing with ambushes when they are sprung onto her.
1 Ember can only heat the air around her and is unable to cool it. This also means that her quirk is weakened if she can't heat the air higher then its current temperature.
2 Ember’s combat strategy is all about overwhelming a enemy, breaking away from a fight, then coming in again(preferably by ambush). Those who can keep up with her attacks or prevent her from leaving a fight are highly problematic for her.
3 Truth of the matter ember is selfish. She only really cares about her good friends and her mom, and has no problems with fighting dirty. This is a major problem since she is trying to graduate the UA high school.
4 Ember can have a issue with others giving commands. Unless she trusts them fully(like her mom) then she will deviate from their orders. This varies by how different the command is from what she believes is right or what she wants.
5 Most of ember's generation and manipulation of the wind relies on body movement in order to carry out. This means if she is physically immobile she loses most of her ability to generate winds(Not to mention the physical work can be tiring eventually).

(Her face claim is haruko from FLCL in case you can't see the image) Her body shape is wiry and on the leaner side, a sign of her active hobbies. Besides her school uniform, her normal wear reflects on a more active lifestyle with a usual wear of shorts and a T-shirt(she will dress in warmer clothes if needed). She favors bright browns, tan, and red along with black for the colors of her clothing.
Personality: Ember’s personality has been largely shaped by living in a poor neighborhood. To begin this means she is selfish to a degree. She is not likely to do something for the virtue of it, but rather if it helps her in some way. Lifestyle there also teaches one to always improve and know timing, meaning she knows how her quirk works for the most part. She also enjoys relaxation when she decides to, often trying to find the most comfortable stop when doing so. She has also found the less doubt you had the better when it came to your own abilities, and is confident to the point of being competitive when it comes to some competitions.
Apart from what she has learned growing up, ember has always been unafraid, not easily intimidated overall. This means that she is usually unafraid of what she says around people, and usually will do whatever she pleases unless there is enough reason not to do it. However she also has a special interest in beings who consider them self important or all powerful, as she likes to poke fun at these types more. She will though avoid causing trouble if it’s absolutely clear they have enough bite to back up their bark so to speak and if she can’t deal with it. When angered or annoyed she is not afraid to express it with violence or get personal, though she will have some hesitation against the feeble or frail. And while she is selfish, she will put herself aside if it means to care for those she consider her family or good friends, including admitting her faults if it means those she cares about can avoid trouble.
Stats: Power=4 Speed=4 Intelligence=3 Cooperativeness=2 Technique=4
Refs: (Alas the only reference I really got is the FC, hope it ain't too much of a problem).
Hero Costume Design (with refs): (No pictures, but do have description so hope that's enough) A tan skin tight suit that covers her from head to toe. It comes with a helmet similar in design to a motorcycle helmet in that it protects the wearers head while offering as little air resistance as possible. This also comes with high quality martial art shoes to help with movement. The whole suit itself is intended to be extremely heat resistant and be able to retain it, along with being aerodynamic and durable to help move and slide with as little damage as possible.
-Ember herself is a immigrant from america to where she and her mom came from. She for most of her life had grown up in the ghettos of a california neighborhood with no father. With the lack of attention from police and rotten people, ember had to deal with other quirk users who were more then happy to fight and conquer. The only way she real survived was utilizing her own quirk fully, and with a few pointers from her mom she soon become the one girl that no one wanted to fight. Not unless they wanted to keep hitting air and keep being battered by it at the same time. While life after was easier there for her, she didn’t like the stress her mom had from this. In fact she loves her mom a lot for not only being a cool person but also help keep ember well fed and clothed, even if she had to sacrifice her own for it.
So when ember heard about the chance to transfer to the UA high school japan she jumped at the opportunity. She would fake her passion to be a hero and stride to be trained in the toughest school she could be in. The reason for this is that she knew not only would her and her mom move there, but also they would receive funding which should had been better than where they currently were at. Not to mention it would give her mom and her a chance for a better life. Besides, upon hearing the news that she would have a chance on enrolling into UA, her mom was incredibly happy for it. So ember had no issues with her plan of faking her dream of being a hero until she graduated, if she made it in.
-Ember’s mother, Aasma, was more than happy to hear her daughter wanted to be a hero and supported the move. Of course, her mother was worried about the move. More so as she was once a notorious villain 20 years ago in iraq who she imagined is still wanted to this day since she was never caught. Of course she had did well with covering her tracks for her daughters sake's, and it was japan they were moving too. So hopefully keeping her head low would allow her daughter enough time to become a hero she apparently wanted to be, and hoped her past won’t interfere with that.
-Ember is trilingual, she can write, speak, read and understand english and japanese without too much trouble. She can only speak and understand arabic when spoken however.
-Ember has a deep fear of becoming physically immobile permanently