

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Your Dragons Meet Mine! (Open)

Sam tilted his head to the side as he heard the soft lilt as the skydancer spoke. Obviously higher borne, he wondered if she'd even be interested in the cuddle he thought of.

Giving Howlite an smile he answered her question, "I'm quite well, and this day just got more gorgeous now that you're in the general area. As for who I am, my name is Samhain, from the Lost Souls Tribe." He thought it best not to tell Howlite that he was a seasoned warrior, it might scare her, "How are you today, bhean mo?"*

*irish for My Lady

Sam tilted his head to the side as he heard the soft lilt as the skydancer spoke. Obviously higher borne, he wondered if she'd even be interested in the cuddle he thought of.

Giving Howlite an smile he answered her question, "I'm quite well, and this day just got more gorgeous now that you're in the general area. As for who I am, my name is Samhain, from the Lost Souls Tribe." He thought it best not to tell Howlite that he was a seasoned warrior, it might scare her, "How are you today, bhean mo?"*

*irish for My Lady
"Well I have a Janustrap named Carl, Roses, Dandelions, an Orange Blotch Pansy, Some Aerial Plants and A Very Hyper Strangler that acts like a Dwarf Hainu Macaw." Galford said.
"Well I have a Janustrap named Carl, Roses, Dandelions, an Orange Blotch Pansy, Some Aerial Plants and A Very Hyper Strangler that acts like a Dwarf Hainu Macaw." Galford said.
Hold on tighter with my lighter shining through!
She giggled lightly.What a charmer,she thought. “Well, my name is Howlite, and I am from the Lunashard clan.My clan is called so because we have the moon goddess’ child among us.” She paused. The Imperial-Sam- was very handsome, in her opinion, and quite the charmer too. She wouldn’t mind if he tried anything- he was cute.
She giggled lightly.What a charmer,she thought. “Well, my name is Howlite, and I am from the Lunashard clan.My clan is called so because we have the moon goddess’ child among us.” She paused. The Imperial-Sam- was very handsome, in her opinion, and quite the charmer too. She wouldn’t mind if he tried anything- he was cute.
We build walls up to protect ourselves from the demons outside... but what about the ones inside? - Lunashard

Every Rose has its Thorns~
Ifan laughed so hard that he stumbled, landing across from Galford.“Your Strangler..” he paused between fits of laughter.“Acts like that?!” As he caught his breath, he rummaged through his bag, pulling out some tea leaves, then a tea set he stored in a special pocket. Sprinkling some leaves into one cup, he added some water he had boiled earlier. Stirring the tea, he then handed one to the other Coatl.
Ifan laughed so hard that he stumbled, landing across from Galford.“Your Strangler..” he paused between fits of laughter.“Acts like that?!” As he caught his breath, he rummaged through his bag, pulling out some tea leaves, then a tea set he stored in a special pocket. Sprinkling some leaves into one cup, he added some water he had boiled earlier. Stirring the tea, he then handed one to the other Coatl.
We build walls up to protect ourselves from the demons outside... but what about the ones inside? - Lunashard

Every Rose has its Thorns~
Dr. Hayden Followed her into the tunnel. He seemed uncertain about something, however he didn't voice his concern. Instead he directed his attention to the dragons in front of him.

"Which one of these dragons is Abismo?"
Dr. Hayden Followed her into the tunnel. He seemed uncertain about something, however he didn't voice his concern. Instead he directed his attention to the dragons in front of him.

"Which one of these dragons is Abismo?"
""I feel I should apologize for what's happened here... some of my employees took things too far."

Sam smiled and pulled his upper body onto the boulder, "If my Lady would permit it, may I join you on the boulder? You see I am quite tired. My own lair has been running me ragged for the past several months and this was a lucky coincidence that my job has become a kind of respite from the day to day life."

Sam continued to talk quietly, he didn't need to be loud and overly obnoxious though he had been like that when he was younger. He had learned lots over his years of service in Lost Souls, and one of them was that you didn't always need to draw attention to ones self. "And of course if your familiar would allow me that honor as well?" he added as he watched the puppet. They'd been known to scratch up dragon faces and his was scarred enough as it was.

Sam smiled and pulled his upper body onto the boulder, "If my Lady would permit it, may I join you on the boulder? You see I am quite tired. My own lair has been running me ragged for the past several months and this was a lucky coincidence that my job has become a kind of respite from the day to day life."

Sam continued to talk quietly, he didn't need to be loud and overly obnoxious though he had been like that when he was younger. He had learned lots over his years of service in Lost Souls, and one of them was that you didn't always need to draw attention to ones self. "And of course if your familiar would allow me that honor as well?" he added as he watched the puppet. They'd been known to scratch up dragon faces and his was scarred enough as it was.
Midnight walked over to a black and blue Tundra dragon, whispering softly and nudging him gently, before motioning the Guardian to come closer.
This is Abismo.He-he’s like my son, in a way... I hate seeing him like this.” She said, her eyes filled with sorrow and voice torn in grief.One of the Faes came over and comforted her, murmuring gently. The dark green Fae looked over and saw him, then quietly introduced herself as Kelp.
Midnight walked over to a black and blue Tundra dragon, whispering softly and nudging him gently, before motioning the Guardian to come closer.
This is Abismo.He-he’s like my son, in a way... I hate seeing him like this.” She said, her eyes filled with sorrow and voice torn in grief.One of the Faes came over and comforted her, murmuring gently. The dark green Fae looked over and saw him, then quietly introduced herself as Kelp.
We build walls up to protect ourselves from the demons outside... but what about the ones inside? - Lunashard

Every Rose has its Thorns~
Howlite smiled.“Sure, go ahead. I’ll make sure my familiar keeps his manners straight and his claws put away.” She gave the puppet a warning look, and he backed away, eyes flicking from him to her. She helped him up, then went to lay back down again, pausing to adjust her feathers back in place.
Howlite smiled.“Sure, go ahead. I’ll make sure my familiar keeps his manners straight and his claws put away.” She gave the puppet a warning look, and he backed away, eyes flicking from him to her. She helped him up, then went to lay back down again, pausing to adjust her feathers back in place.
We build walls up to protect ourselves from the demons outside... but what about the ones inside? - Lunashard

Every Rose has its Thorns~
Galford takes a sip on the cup of tea.
"Hmm, I like this. By the way is your clan leader friends with a deity?" Galford asked and drank the cup of tea until it was empty.
Galford takes a sip on the cup of tea.
"Hmm, I like this. By the way is your clan leader friends with a deity?" Galford asked and drank the cup of tea until it was empty.
Hold on tighter with my lighter shining through!
Nyx gave a light purr as she gently flicked her tail. “Well, my offer to help you with whatever you need is still open, if that’s anything. I sort of feel like I have to now because you got me such a nice gift.” The dragoness then brushed a paw against the scarf and enjoyed the texture of the fabric. “Out of curiosity, what do you do in your clan?”
Nyx gave a light purr as she gently flicked her tail. “Well, my offer to help you with whatever you need is still open, if that’s anything. I sort of feel like I have to now because you got me such a nice gift.” The dragoness then brushed a paw against the scarf and enjoyed the texture of the fabric. “Out of curiosity, what do you do in your clan?”