

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Lodging Hidden in the Grotto (Open RP)
@Xaron @Koenya @SStickperson @UniverseWanderer @hikarinomemori Rhinaho grinned. "More guests! Welcome!" "Ah, quite a crowd tonight, hmm?" [url=] [img][/img] [/url] A beautiful silk-garbed Skydancer with a crystalline body wandered over. "I believe this is the most crowded one of our nights has been. How lovely." Rhinaho nodded. "Yeah, I'm sure Kaza will be happy that our little place here is helping so many others." He then turned to Margarita. "Hey, go cook up something special. Something for all these new friends here!" Margarita grinned. "You got it!" She then ran off towards a room in the back, which likely was the kitchen.
@Xaron @Koenya @SStickperson @UniverseWanderer @hikarinomemori

Rhinaho grinned. "More guests! Welcome!"

"Ah, quite a crowd tonight, hmm?"


A beautiful silk-garbed Skydancer with a crystalline body wandered over. "I believe this is the most crowded one of our nights has been. How lovely."

Rhinaho nodded. "Yeah, I'm sure Kaza will be happy that our little place here is helping so many others." He then turned to Margarita. "Hey, go cook up something special. Something for all these new friends here!"

Margarita grinned. "You got it!" She then ran off towards a room in the back, which likely was the kitchen.
After the manager introduced himself and explained the prices, Chai took the offer for a shared room. "But we told Maple we'd be back by sundown!" Melon protested. "I'm sure he'll understand when he learns about the new clan," Chai reassured. He peeked up when he heard his name behind him.

"Tyraegos! Hey, small world!" He smiled, greeting the old friend, "this is Melon, a clan-mate. We used to live here before moving to Lightning, so we regularly check on the place. Our more orderly dragons even tidy it up every once in a while. And what brings you?"

As they were talking, Melon muttered "What a busy place," after a group of four came. He watched the cook disappear into the tavern. "I bet Sylvia would like this place," he thought.

@BlueFairyKino@Koenya @SStickperson @UniverseWanderer @hikarinomemori
After the manager introduced himself and explained the prices, Chai took the offer for a shared room. "But we told Maple we'd be back by sundown!" Melon protested. "I'm sure he'll understand when he learns about the new clan," Chai reassured. He peeked up when he heard his name behind him.

"Tyraegos! Hey, small world!" He smiled, greeting the old friend, "this is Melon, a clan-mate. We used to live here before moving to Lightning, so we regularly check on the place. Our more orderly dragons even tidy it up every once in a while. And what brings you?"

As they were talking, Melon muttered "What a busy place," after a group of four came. He watched the cook disappear into the tavern. "I bet Sylvia would like this place," he thought.

@BlueFairyKino@Koenya @SStickperson @UniverseWanderer @hikarinomemori
@BlueFairyKino @Xaron @Koenya @SStickperson @UniverseWanderer [img][/img] [b]"The [i]demon[/i]..."[/b] He motions to the Arcane-element Guardian next to him. [b]"...wished to catch up with me. And yes, I call him that all the time, Chai. He isn't exactly the [i]nicest[/i] dragon in my clan... but, oddly enough, usually he's [i]worse[/i]."[/b] [img][/img] Diablostrasz scoffed. [b]"It's Diablostrasz. And like you're any better, [i]angel[/i]; you're such a goody two-shoes that it puts the [i]Light[/i]-elements to shame!"[/b] Tyraegos sighed. [b]"...and yes, he calls me 'angel' all the time, too..."[/b]
@BlueFairyKino @Xaron @Koenya @SStickperson @UniverseWanderer


"The demon..." He motions to the Arcane-element Guardian next to him. "...wished to catch up with me. And yes, I call him that all the time, Chai. He isn't exactly the nicest dragon in my clan... but, oddly enough, usually he's worse."


Diablostrasz scoffed. "It's Diablostrasz. And like you're any better, angel; you're such a goody two-shoes that it puts the Light-elements to shame!"

Tyraegos sighed. "...and yes, he calls me 'angel' all the time, too..."
@BlueFairyKino @UniverseWanderer
Cordelia tilted her head a bit to one side, blinking soft green eyes that all dragons born of the wind flight carried. "Oh, sounds fun! What do you think, Allene?"
"You think everything is fun." Allene rolled her eyes, adjusting the scarf around her neck. "Why should we stay? Phyllis said we need to get back as soon as possible from the Sunbeam Ruins..."
The Skydancer sighed. "You think everything is boring! We can just tell Phyllis we got delayed trying to come around through the Tangled Wood and had to turn back because we didn't want to cross The Scarred Wasteland." The story was convincing enough. "I even brought some treasure with me to pay - "
"I don't want to lie to my mom, Cordelia," Allene interrupted.
"Then I will! You won't have to say a thing." Cordelia lowered her head so Allene could slide off of her snout. "Shared room is 500 treasure. Here." She pushed a clawful of treasure toward her clanmate, although she turned at the sound of the door opening again, giggling at the sight of Fallore on the ground. "Be right back, Allene." She bounded over to the gembound Mirror dragon, a friendly smile on her face as she offer to help him up.. "You okay? Oh, what's your name? I'm Cordelia." The electric blue colored eyes told her he was a lightning dragon. Well, at least he wasn't a plague.
Allene only rolled her eyes and turned to face the Skydancer, who hadn't yet introduced herself, that had approached. "Hi, I'm Allene. Could I pay for a shared room for the Skydancer - " she waved a short arm at Cordelia - "and I?"
@BlueFairyKino @UniverseWanderer
Cordelia tilted her head a bit to one side, blinking soft green eyes that all dragons born of the wind flight carried. "Oh, sounds fun! What do you think, Allene?"
"You think everything is fun." Allene rolled her eyes, adjusting the scarf around her neck. "Why should we stay? Phyllis said we need to get back as soon as possible from the Sunbeam Ruins..."
The Skydancer sighed. "You think everything is boring! We can just tell Phyllis we got delayed trying to come around through the Tangled Wood and had to turn back because we didn't want to cross The Scarred Wasteland." The story was convincing enough. "I even brought some treasure with me to pay - "
"I don't want to lie to my mom, Cordelia," Allene interrupted.
"Then I will! You won't have to say a thing." Cordelia lowered her head so Allene could slide off of her snout. "Shared room is 500 treasure. Here." She pushed a clawful of treasure toward her clanmate, although she turned at the sound of the door opening again, giggling at the sight of Fallore on the ground. "Be right back, Allene." She bounded over to the gembound Mirror dragon, a friendly smile on her face as she offer to help him up.. "You okay? Oh, what's your name? I'm Cordelia." The electric blue colored eyes told her he was a lightning dragon. Well, at least he wasn't a plague.
Allene only rolled her eyes and turned to face the Skydancer, who hadn't yet introduced herself, that had approached. "Hi, I'm Allene. Could I pay for a shared room for the Skydancer - " she waved a short arm at Cordelia - "and I?"
@Xaron @Koenya @SStickperson @UniverseWanderer @hikarinomemori

The crystalline dragon nodded. "Of course, Miss Allene...ah, I am Kristalina, but please, call me Kris."

Rhinaho chuckled. "Never wanna be called by your real name...that's the kinda woman you are, Kris."

A good smell then came from the kitchen. Margarita peeked out with a grin. "Is anyone hungry? Dinner's ready!"

A couple plain looking dragons pushed out a cart. Toasted Grasshoppers, Spiced Tolbunt Rooster, Serpae Tetra Soup, and Potash Peach Salad.

Kris smiled. "Your specialties! And I assume we'll be able to expect cake once the dinner is finished off, correct?" The coatl smiled brightly and nodded.
@Xaron @Koenya @SStickperson @UniverseWanderer @hikarinomemori

The crystalline dragon nodded. "Of course, Miss Allene...ah, I am Kristalina, but please, call me Kris."

Rhinaho chuckled. "Never wanna be called by your real name...that's the kinda woman you are, Kris."

A good smell then came from the kitchen. Margarita peeked out with a grin. "Is anyone hungry? Dinner's ready!"

A couple plain looking dragons pushed out a cart. Toasted Grasshoppers, Spiced Tolbunt Rooster, Serpae Tetra Soup, and Potash Peach Salad.

Kris smiled. "Your specialties! And I assume we'll be able to expect cake once the dinner is finished off, correct?" The coatl smiled brightly and nodded.
@Xaron @Koenya @SStickperson @UniverseWanderer @hikarinomemori @BlueFaityKino [url=] [img][/img] [/url] An old wildclaw entered the tavern. His left eye missing and with a limp on his leg he slowly walked inside while looking around with his remaining eye, a frown on his face. His body was covered in old scars. The old wildclaw glanced at the dragons in the tavern. Paranoia always resided in his bones, but he had traveled far and needed to rest. ''Hey Shamu! Wait up will you!?' [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Not far after a young mirror ran in after Shamu. His blue eyes sparkling when he saw all the dragons in there. He liked it here, he and Shamu had wandered a long way indeed and he hadn't seen many friendly faces in what felt like ages. Shamu however hissed at him. ''Shut up, will you, Cirius? We never know what intentions these dragons might have...'' He whispered to him as his eye narrowed. Cirius sighed and shook his head. ''No matter what place we go to your always so paranoid.'' ''With good reason.'' Cirius huffed. ''Well im starving anyways! And im not gonna let you ruin what could be a good time for me again.'' Shamu sighed, clearly bothered. If he got to decide they would just sleep on the road like before. But the kid had insisted. ''Very well... But I'll be keeping my eyes open. Cirius chuckled. ''You mean your eye.'' Shamu sent a glare his way.
@Xaron @Koenya @SStickperson @UniverseWanderer @hikarinomemori @BlueFaityKino


An old wildclaw entered the tavern. His left eye missing and with a limp on his leg he slowly walked inside while looking around with his remaining eye, a frown on his face. His body was covered in old scars. The old wildclaw glanced at the dragons in the tavern. Paranoia always resided in his bones, but he had traveled far and needed to rest. ''Hey Shamu! Wait up will you!?'


Not far after a young mirror ran in after Shamu. His blue eyes sparkling when he saw all the dragons in there. He liked it here, he and Shamu had wandered a long way indeed and he hadn't seen many friendly faces in what felt like ages. Shamu however hissed at him. ''Shut up, will you, Cirius? We never know what intentions these dragons might have...'' He whispered to him as his eye narrowed. Cirius sighed and shook his head. ''No matter what place we go to your always so paranoid.''

''With good reason.''

Cirius huffed. ''Well im starving anyways! And im not gonna let you ruin what could be a good time for me again.'' Shamu sighed, clearly bothered. If he got to decide they would just sleep on the road like before. But the kid had insisted. ''Very well... But I'll be keeping my eyes open. Cirius chuckled. ''You mean your eye.'' Shamu sent a glare his way.
@Xaron @Koenya @SStickperson @UniverseWanderer @hikarinomemori @BlueFaityKino @Armsfodinner [img][/img] "Oh, look. There's a place we can stop for the night." Gummy said turning to her clan mate. "I hope they have food and a good bed." Gummy entered the tavern and looked around, "Wow, this place is really busy. Look at all these dragons and we have to hurry because there might be no place for us." Gummy sought out the manager and he explained the prices. After booking a room, she flew back to her clan mate. "Lets see what they have for us to eat," She exclaimed. [img][/img] Majesty and her clan mate hurriedly went into the tavern to book a room before the manager runs out of room for all these dragons. "Sure are a lot of dragons here," She mummered to herself as she carefully stepped over dragon's tails and feet.
@Xaron @Koenya @SStickperson @UniverseWanderer @hikarinomemori @BlueFaityKino @Armsfodinner


"Oh, look. There's a place we can stop for the night." Gummy said turning to her clan mate. "I hope they have food and a good bed." Gummy entered the tavern and looked around, "Wow, this place is really busy. Look at all these dragons and we have to hurry because there might be no place for us." Gummy sought out the manager and he explained the prices. After booking a room, she flew back to her clan mate. "Lets see what they have for us to eat," She exclaimed.


Majesty and her clan mate hurriedly went into the tavern to book a room before the manager runs out of room for all these dragons. "Sure are a lot of dragons here," She mummered to herself as she carefully stepped over dragon's tails and feet.
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[center][url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] ----- [size=3]"Ah, it seems we have made to one of lodges here in Wind territory." [i]The Skydancer spoke, his light green eyes beamed with delight as he glanced over to the entrance. He had taken note that there were already dragons entering the building for the night as well. Perhaps they could take the time to get to know the other dragons who were visiting then. He turned his head to face the Nocturne whom was following behind. A gentle chuckled emerged from his throat as he watched her try to catch up. [/i]"I apologize if I have flown too quickly, but I hope you understand that visiting my old homeland is quite exciting." [i]The Skydancer stretched his wings while he waited. The black and white Nocturne growled, keeping her head low to try to hide as much annoyance as she could from her companion. She, too, stretched out her wings, feeling them ache already from their long flight. The strong winds put enough strain on her wing muscles, making her wonder how any other dragon can handle this much strain when visiting the lands of Wind. Instead of wanting an answer, she grunted, standing beside the Skydancer and glancing over to spot the other guests.[/i] "It seems that we might not be the only ones excited to visit." [i]A sigh from the Nocturne.[/i] "Oh come, Eowyn. We shall have a wonderful time. Perhaps you'll get the chance to hear stories from the other dragons!"[i] He seemed to have leaped for joy as he started walking over to the entrance of the lodge, ignoring the groan that was obviously from his companion.[/i] "We are in the lands of Wind.. Where stories seem to pop up no matter where you go and you have no choice but to listen.." [i]She muttered, dragging herself behind the Skydancer, trying to keep her gaze on him in hopes to not catch anyone's attention. [/i]"Remember.. we're only staying here for the night, then we must return." [i]The Skydancer simply nodded, a bit distracted by the other guests around him, wondering who to talk to first. [/i]"Of course, but try to relax. That's what the dragons here in Wind are about. Relaxation and enjoying yourself."[/size] ----- [center][size=2]@Xaron @Koenya @SStickperson @UniverseWanderer @hikarinomemori @BlueFaityKino @Armsfodinner @Digimon11[/size][/center]

"Ah, it seems we have made to one of lodges here in Wind territory." The Skydancer spoke, his light green eyes beamed with delight as he glanced over to the entrance. He had taken note that there were already dragons entering the building for the night as well. Perhaps they could take the time to get to know the other dragons who were visiting then.

He turned his head to face the Nocturne whom was following behind. A gentle chuckled emerged from his throat as he watched her try to catch up.
"I apologize if I have flown too quickly, but I hope you understand that visiting my old homeland is quite exciting." The Skydancer stretched his wings while he waited.

The black and white Nocturne growled, keeping her head low to try to hide as much annoyance as she could from her companion. She, too, stretched out her wings, feeling them ache already from their long flight. The strong winds put enough strain on her wing muscles, making her wonder how any other dragon can handle this much strain when visiting the lands of Wind. Instead of wanting an answer, she grunted, standing beside the Skydancer and glancing over to spot the other guests.
"It seems that we might not be the only ones excited to visit." A sigh from the Nocturne.

"Oh come, Eowyn. We shall have a wonderful time. Perhaps you'll get the chance to hear stories from the other dragons!" He seemed to have leaped for joy as he started walking over to the entrance of the lodge, ignoring the groan that was obviously from his companion.

"We are in the lands of Wind.. Where stories seem to pop up no matter where you go and you have no choice but to listen.." She muttered, dragging herself behind the Skydancer, trying to keep her gaze on him in hopes to not catch anyone's attention. "Remember.. we're only staying here for the night, then we must return."

The Skydancer simply nodded, a bit distracted by the other guests around him, wondering who to talk to first. "Of course, but try to relax. That's what the dragons here in Wind are about. Relaxation and enjoying yourself."


they/them | faq | wishlist | +2
@Xaron @Koenya @SStickperson @UniverseWanderer @hikarinomemori @Armsfodinner @Digimon11 @Zoroark Rhinaho grinned. "So many wonderful!" "Yes, how lovely. We haven't had this many new friends in quite a while." The entire tavern turned quiet, aside from small whispers, as two new dragons entered the building. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] 'hey its lady kazarial!' 'what is she doing here?' [url=] [img][/img] [/url] 'sir auren too?' 'this is a surprise!' Rhinaho smiled politely. "Lady Kaza. Sir Auren. Good day. Were you not in your rooms in the tower?" Kazarial smiled. "Yes, but we heard that many dragons had arrived, so we felt it would be polite to introduce ourselves." Auren nodded. "It's only polite, yes, as matriarch and adviser." Kazarial then looked over the crowd and smiled. "Listen, you all. Here in this clan, we have a goal. To bring complete peace to even a small area, even if it is just this clan. To us, everyone is a friend and family member. Therefore, we hope you all feel free to relax and act at home here, surrounded by kindness." The fae bowed, then left with Auren. The tavern instantly buzzed to life. 'did you hear that? kazarial is soooo smart and cool!' 'auren didn't speak, but he obviously listened! such dedication!' But one line, if heard, may catch a dragon's curiousity. 'I wonder where that winged creature is? Isn't she normally with them?'
@Xaron @Koenya @SStickperson @UniverseWanderer @hikarinomemori @Armsfodinner @Digimon11 @Zoroark

Rhinaho grinned. "So many wonderful!"

"Yes, how lovely. We haven't had this many new friends in quite a while."

The entire tavern turned quiet, aside from small whispers, as two new dragons entered the building.


'hey its lady kazarial!' 'what is she doing here?'


'sir auren too?' 'this is a surprise!'

Rhinaho smiled politely. "Lady Kaza. Sir Auren. Good day. Were you not in your rooms in the tower?"

Kazarial smiled. "Yes, but we heard that many dragons had arrived, so we felt it would be polite to introduce ourselves."

Auren nodded. "It's only polite, yes, as matriarch and adviser."

Kazarial then looked over the crowd and smiled. "Listen, you all. Here in this clan, we have a goal. To bring complete peace to even a small area, even if it is just this clan. To us, everyone is a friend and family member. Therefore, we hope you all feel free to relax and act at home here, surrounded by kindness."

The fae bowed, then left with Auren. The tavern instantly buzzed to life.

'did you hear that? kazarial is soooo smart and cool!'

'auren didn't speak, but he obviously listened! such dedication!'

But one line, if heard, may catch a dragon's curiousity.

'I wonder where that winged creature is? Isn't she normally with them?'
Fallore had managed to pick herself up off the floor before any of the newcomers arrived and smiled at Cordelia, "I'm good. My name is Fallore, that's Guine," she replied, gesturing to the gembound Mirror standing next to her.
"Nice ta meet you," Guine said to Cordelia, nodding at her before rummaging around in one of his bags.

Razel went up to Rhinaho and bowed his head in greeting, "Hello. My name is Razel, I'm traveling with three companions and was wondering if you had a room we could share available?"

"Winged creature?" Trieste mused to himself. "Not another dragon?"

@Xaron @Koenya @SStickperson @BlueFairyKino @hikarinomemori @Armsfodinner @Digimon11 @Zoroark
Fallore had managed to pick herself up off the floor before any of the newcomers arrived and smiled at Cordelia, "I'm good. My name is Fallore, that's Guine," she replied, gesturing to the gembound Mirror standing next to her.
"Nice ta meet you," Guine said to Cordelia, nodding at her before rummaging around in one of his bags.

Razel went up to Rhinaho and bowed his head in greeting, "Hello. My name is Razel, I'm traveling with three companions and was wondering if you had a room we could share available?"

"Winged creature?" Trieste mused to himself. "Not another dragon?"

@Xaron @Koenya @SStickperson @BlueFairyKino @hikarinomemori @Armsfodinner @Digimon11 @Zoroark