
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
TOPIC | Alex's Creepy Cookout! - Finished!
[center][url=]Rules[/url] | [url=]Tickets[/url] | [url=]Badges[/url] | [url=]Bump Raffle[/url] | [url=]UMA Prizes[/url] | [url=]Item Prizes[/url] | [url=]Other Prizes[/url] [url=]FAQ[/url] | [url=]Pinglists[/url] | [url=]Credits and Thanks[/url][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center]Satisfied with your visit to the cookout, you turn to leave, only for the setting sun to reflect off a much more professional and sturdy poster hanging at the entrance. You didn't pay much attention to it earlier due to everyone around you, but with relative silence in the air, you give it a nice long look. It's a list of names, all from those who appeared to have helped in setting up the cookout in one way or another.[/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [size=4][b]Please note that Alex, Virgil, and Alec are my personal OCs. Do not use their likeness without my permission.[/b][/size] I wanted to dedicate an individual post to everyone who helped make this raffle possible. Whether through words of encouragement, helping out with setting up and running the raffle, providing prizes, or simply being really cool people, you guys deserve this section. [LIST] [*]Shoutout to @/Drymm for raffle banners and @/NeosiAxiom for badges used in the thread! You both did a fantastic job and I appreciate your effort and having to deal with my personal struggles. [*]Second shoutout goes to @/Murrain and @/Auralyx with help monitoring Bump Tickets, as well as @/Galehaut for helping receive items. I appreciate your help preventing me from being overwhelmed entirely. [*]Credit to @/HollowedRabbit for the apple dividers used in the thread. Their resource thread can be found [url=]here[/url] (or by clicking any of the banners used). [*]@/BlueLatios for spreadsheet magic as well as dealing with me asking for holds on some of the more expensive UMAs in this raffle. I know this was mostly for the spreadsheet and form to be used in the mass hatch, but I feel the thanks fits better here. [*]@/SageHoney and @/SilkenElk for reprinting a couple of the Custom UMAs I'd commissioned. [*]A thank you to a specific user I'll keep anonymous out of respect for providing a separate custom UMA that serves as a prize in this raffle. [*]@/EnderGremlin, @/Flaminchi, @/LadyBlep, @/Lenoria01, @/RipPip, @/bugcrimes, @/NeosiAxiom, @/Murrain, @/BirdeeBee, @/Elerinwen and many more for providing prizes, no matter how small for the raffle. You saved me so much time and treasure I'd need to grind. [s]I plan on finding as many names as possible so no one's left out but I'm sorry if I forget anyone here.[/s] [*]The entirety of the GBBR server for constantly dealing with my madness. Not only when it comes to my planning for this raffle, but in general. I know I talk a LOT and a majority of my rambles tend to fold back into TMA in one way or another and I appreciate you guys for putting up with it. [*]Finally, like with the first mass hatch that kickstarted this entire thing, a very special thank you to both @/moonlitknots and @/Galehaut for being with me through this. You're both fantastic people and I wouldn't be into FR without one of you, and TMA without the other. I don't want to sound too long winded here but I truly appreciate every day that I'm friends with such awesome people as you two. [/LIST]
Satisfied with your visit to the cookout, you turn to leave, only for the setting sun to reflect off a much more professional and sturdy poster hanging at the entrance. You didn't pay much attention to it earlier due to everyone around you, but with relative silence in the air, you give it a nice long look.

It's a list of names, all from those who appeared to have helped in setting up the cookout in one way or another.

Please note that Alex, Virgil, and Alec are my personal OCs. Do not use their likeness without my permission.

I wanted to dedicate an individual post to everyone who helped make this raffle possible. Whether through words of encouragement, helping out with setting up and running the raffle, providing prizes, or simply being really cool people, you guys deserve this section.
  • Shoutout to @/Drymm for raffle banners and @/NeosiAxiom for badges used in the thread! You both did a fantastic job and I appreciate your effort and having to deal with my personal struggles.
  • Second shoutout goes to @/Murrain and @/Auralyx with help monitoring Bump Tickets, as well as @/Galehaut for helping receive items. I appreciate your help preventing me from being overwhelmed entirely.
  • Credit to @/HollowedRabbit for the apple dividers used in the thread. Their resource thread can be found here (or by clicking any of the banners used).
  • @/BlueLatios for spreadsheet magic as well as dealing with me asking for holds on some of the more expensive UMAs in this raffle. I know this was mostly for the spreadsheet and form to be used in the mass hatch, but I feel the thanks fits better here.
  • @/SageHoney and @/SilkenElk for reprinting a couple of the Custom UMAs I'd commissioned.
  • A thank you to a specific user I'll keep anonymous out of respect for providing a separate custom UMA that serves as a prize in this raffle.
  • @/EnderGremlin, @/Flaminchi, @/LadyBlep, @/Lenoria01, @/RipPip, @/bugcrimes, @/NeosiAxiom, @/Murrain, @/BirdeeBee, @/Elerinwen and many more for providing prizes, no matter how small for the raffle. You saved me so much time and treasure I'd need to grind. I plan on finding as many names as possible so no one's left out but I'm sorry if I forget anyone here.
  • The entirety of the GBBR server for constantly dealing with my madness. Not only when it comes to my planning for this raffle, but in general. I know I talk a LOT and a majority of my rambles tend to fold back into TMA in one way or another and I appreciate you guys for putting up with it.
  • Finally, like with the first mass hatch that kickstarted this entire thing, a very special thank you to both @/moonlitknots and @/Galehaut for being with me through this. You're both fantastic people and I wouldn't be into FR without one of you, and TMA without the other. I don't want to sound too long winded here but I truly appreciate every day that I'm friends with such awesome people as you two.
And we're live! Super happy to get this open before Halloween, and I hope everyone has fun with it! I'd try and make a more glamorous and in-character post about this opening but I'm trying not to stress myself out more than I have already.
And we're live! Super happy to get this open before Halloween, and I hope everyone has fun with it! I'd try and make a more glamorous and in-character post about this opening but I'm trying not to stress myself out more than I have already.
OoOooOo! Spooky text~
bonks you
bonks you
gRzB0Di.pngmx2DApb.pnghFZSb6U.pngPWAbOMs.png FRT +9
WOOOO! Time to drown you in FOOD!
WOOOO! Time to drown you in FOOD!
Bump #1!
Bump #1!
1 Bump
1 Bump