
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
TOPIC | Advent Calendar Raffle - DONE!
[center]----- [b]QUICK LINKS[/b] | [url=][i]daily event[/i][/url] | [url=][i]ticket tracker[/i][/url] | [url=][i]pinglists[/i][/url] | [url=][i]calendar[/i][/url] ----- [img][/img][/center] It's never too early for some Christmas cheer and festive fun! All players are welcome to join us this December for 24 days of games, events, prizes, and surprises. [center][img][/img] This raffle grows over time -- donated currency and items will return as prizes or will be sold and used to purchase even more goodies! We begin with 10 prize packs. None of our staff profits from this raffle. Everything gets recycled back in. The raffle runs from [b][color=b47d5d]December 1 to December 24[/color][/b], with a new daily event to earn tickets posted on each of those days. The Big Ones (treasure and gem pots) will be awarded on December 25 and the first prize pack winners will be drawn on December 26. Prize Pack delivery will begin on 12/27.[/center] [list][*]You can only earn tickets for the current day’s event. You may not go back and complete previous events or preemptively respond to a future event. [*]Events start/end each day at 6 FRT. [*]You may participate in any and all events. There is no limit. [*]Please add yourself to the [url=]self-editing pinglist[/url] if you’d like notifications. You may remove yourself at any time. [/list] [center][size=4][b][color=d5a787]When in doubt, ping me![/color][/b][/size] I'm here to help. But please be patient with me -- the holiday season tends to be busy for everyone and I'm no exception.[/center] [list][*]You may win [b]one[/b] Christmas Eve prize and [b]one[/b] Prize Pack -- should you be drawn again, you will be passed over. Winning any prize is not guaranteed. [*]All prize drawings are done with [url=][/url][/list] [center][img][/img] [i]My infinite thanks to everyone who made this event possible![/i][/center]

It's never too early for some Christmas cheer and festive fun! All players are welcome to join us this December for 24 days of games, events, prizes, and surprises.


This raffle grows over time -- donated currency and items will return as prizes or will be sold and used to purchase even more goodies! We begin with 10 prize packs. None of our staff profits from this raffle. Everything gets recycled back in.

The raffle runs from December 1 to December 24, with a new daily event to earn tickets posted on each of those days. The Big Ones (treasure and gem pots) will be awarded on December 25 and the first prize pack winners will be drawn on December 26. Prize Pack delivery will begin on 12/27.

  • You can only earn tickets for the current day’s event. You may not go back and complete previous events or preemptively respond to a future event.
  • Events start/end each day at 6 FRT.
  • You may participate in any and all events. There is no limit.
  • Please add yourself to the self-editing pinglist if you’d like notifications. You may remove yourself at any time.

When in doubt, ping me!
I'm here to help. But please be patient with me -- the holiday
season tends to be busy for everyone and I'm no exception.

  • You may win one Christmas Eve prize and one Prize Pack -- should you be drawn again, you will be passed over. Winning any prize is not guaranteed.
  • All prize drawings are done with

My infinite thanks to everyone who made this event possible!
[center][img][/img][/center] Please read through this post to see what's in store. [b][color=d5a787]Don't hesitate to ask any questions you may have.[/color][/b] [center][img][/img][/center] [size=4][i][color=b47d5d]Participate in Events[/color][/i][/size] [indent]Each day, a new event will be revealed alongside a prize to win. The revealed prize can only be won by participants in the day’s event, so be sure to check in every day! You will earn 75 tickets for the main raffle for your participation each day. You can earn a total of 1800 tickets from this method of participation![/indent] [size=4][i][color=d5a787]Donate Items[/color][/i][/size] [indent]You will receive tickets for any items or currency donated to the raffle. You will receive 1 ticket for every 1kt worth of items. We use the lowest AH value to determine the worth of most items. Specialty items, however, which can only be bought from the Marketplace will be valued at their full price (we will not take dominance discounts into consideration). You will also receive bonus tickets for items worth more than 100k ([i]50 extra tickets per full 100k[/i]). Our gem to treasure ratio for this event is 1:1200. At any time, you can send items or currency to @Kitanya as a donation, and it will be recorded and stored. However, keep an eye out -- we do have Double Ticket donation days once a week. Keep any items set aside for those days to earn extra tickets! There is no limit to how many tickets you can earn by donating items.[/indent] [center][img][/img] [img][/img][/center] [size=4][i][color=d5a787]Christmas Eve Prizes[/color][/i][/size] [indent]The winners of these two prizes are drawn from the ranks of those who donate items and currency. If you can't do either of these, you unfortunately won't be entered into the running for these prizes. [/indent] [size=4][i][color=b47d5d]Grand Prize Packs[/color][/i][/size] [indent]Any and all tickets you’ve earned over the course of this raffle are used to draw the winners of the Prize Packs. Specifically, the tickets from daily participation and item or currency donation are all used in this drawing. [/indent]

Please read through this post to see what's in store. Don't hesitate to ask any questions you may have.

Participate in Events
Each day, a new event will be revealed alongside a prize to win. The revealed prize can only be won by participants in the day’s event, so be sure to check in every day! You will earn 75 tickets for the main raffle for your participation each day. You can earn a total of 1800 tickets from this method of participation!

Donate Items
You will receive tickets for any items or currency donated to the raffle. You will receive 1 ticket for every 1kt worth of items. We use the lowest AH value to determine the worth of most items. Specialty items, however, which can only be bought from the Marketplace will be valued at their full price (we will not take dominance discounts into consideration). You will also receive bonus tickets for items worth more than 100k (50 extra tickets per full 100k).

Our gem to treasure ratio for this event is 1:1200.

At any time, you can send items or currency to @Kitanya as a donation, and it will be recorded and stored.

However, keep an eye out -- we do have Double Ticket donation days once a week. Keep any items set aside for those days to earn extra tickets! There is no limit to how many tickets you can earn by donating items.



Christmas Eve Prizes
The winners of these two prizes are drawn from the ranks of those who donate items and currency. If you can't do either of these, you unfortunately won't be entered into the running for these prizes.

Grand Prize Packs
Any and all tickets you’ve earned over the course of this raffle are used to draw the winners of the Prize Packs. Specifically, the tickets from daily participation and item or currency donation are all used in this drawing.
[center][img][/img][/center] All done!

All done!
[center][img][/img] We have [b][color=d5a787]2 special prizes[/color][/b] to raffle off on Christmas Eve. These prize pots grow over time as everyone participates and donates.[/center] [quote=CONGRATS SINJIN][center][size=7][color=b47d5d][b]The Treasure Chest[/b][/color][/size] [img][/img] [size=7][b]5000000[/b][/size] [i]treasure total[/i][/quote] [quote=CONGRATS SLYTHERINPRINCE][center][size=7][color=b47d5d][b]The Gem Pouch[/b][/color][/size] [img][/img] [size=7][b]7000[/b][/size] [i]gems total[/i][/quote]

We have 2 special prizes to raffle off on Christmas Eve. These prize pots grow over time as everyone participates and donates.

The Treasure Chest
treasure total
The Gem Pouch
gems total
[center][img][/img][/center] [center]All Delivered![/center]
All Delivered!
[center][img][/img] [url=][img][/img][/url] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [img][/img] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/center]




Is there a way to reserve a spot?
Is there a way to reserve a spot?
Some of you will be pinged again tomorrow for the first daily event, but I wanted to make sure those who didn't sign up for the daily pings remember that this starts tomorrow at 6:00 server time!

@thegrinningcrow @tulmultuous @lyricalmyxteries @Sinjin @Winterize @mayanaz @Siritys @Loreka @TaviStars @BlackStarfire @BarbaraFett @Xirei @Lyel @zenhugz @Seonais @Eeree @SlytherinPr1nce @PaintedFeathers @Cantertothewinds @Pazazz @BlueStopSigns @EmotionalTree @MrsBear @Mandragorum @Firra @Sollo @Pallida @vanillaa @Artichoke @miniquiny999 @crescentstar711 @KhepriRose @Blushunt @dragonpals @Asimiii @Gaze @Magnoliahybrid @divitineo @CupcakeCass
Some of you will be pinged again tomorrow for the first daily event, but I wanted to make sure those who didn't sign up for the daily pings remember that this starts tomorrow at 6:00 server time!

@thegrinningcrow @tulmultuous @lyricalmyxteries @Sinjin @Winterize @mayanaz @Siritys @Loreka @TaviStars @BlackStarfire @BarbaraFett @Xirei @Lyel @zenhugz @Seonais @Eeree @SlytherinPr1nce @PaintedFeathers @Cantertothewinds @Pazazz @BlueStopSigns @EmotionalTree @MrsBear @Mandragorum @Firra @Sollo @Pallida @vanillaa @Artichoke @miniquiny999 @crescentstar711 @KhepriRose @Blushunt @dragonpals @Asimiii @Gaze @Magnoliahybrid @divitineo @CupcakeCass

I'm not sure what you mean? Everyone is welcome to participate. :)

I'm not sure what you mean? Everyone is welcome to participate. :)