
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | [GG24] Decorative Dragons [CLOSED]
[center][img alt="Tuesday"][/img] [size=5][u][b]Tuesday 28 May - Treesday?[/b][/u][/size] [url=]original prompt post[/url][/center] boy cicadas really do have an impact on the tree ecosystem. for better and for worse, depending on when you look at it. [b]SCRYING[/b] [indent]scry a tree dragon, it's a classic. doesn't have to be a particularly healthy tree though, that's on theme. sometimes you're just minding your own business and bugs eat you. part of the tree lifecycle, really [/indent] [b]DRESSING[/b] [indent]incorporate either a bird (or bird byproduct) or anything made of wood (or plausibly made of wood). doesn't need to have a theme, do whatever floats your boat, just please include a bird or wood product. could be a skin, even[/indent] [img alt="A pair of periodical cicada wings displayed between two oak branches leaking tree sap."][/img] [center][img alt="Statistics"][/img][/center] 2nd Tuesday had 19 scries and 10 outfits. In terms of our tree dragon scries, we had: 12 healthy trees | 6 unhealthy trees | 1 tree of unspecified health 13 in-season (green/blooming) trees | 3 autumnal trees | 3 non-specific trees | 0 winter trees (for the record, I counted 'dead' as unhealthy, because even if it's fine for the environment, it's not really productive for the tree itself, y'know?) Out of our 10 outfits, I believe we only had 1 that didn't explicitly include a bird in the apparel, just the byproducts (feathers) - otherwise it looks like everyone went for both birds and wood/trees! Sometimes I thought there wasn't a bird, but when I checked in the dressing room it was the [gamedb item=2954]. This happened at least twice, though I'm sure it wouldn't have if I only could hear and speak wyrmpeckese. Out of 8 random outfits, these items were kept: [indent][gamedb item=10723] x8 [gamedb item=30844] x6 [gamedb item=55344] x6 [gamedb item=31984] x6 [gamedb item=2564] x6 [gamedb item=42921] x5 [gamedb item=25024] x5 [gamedb item=947] x4 [gamedb item=31583] x3 [gamedb item=5671] x2[/indent] [img alt="A pair of periodical cicada wings displayed between two oak branches leaking tree sap."][/img] [center][img alt="Highlights"][/img][/center] long one today because apparently I just had to include every single image... oh well. they were worth it. ----- I liked the shape and color distribution in [url=]Ajgreelyfan3[/url]'s random outfit... I'm not good at articulating these things, but it's neat! [center][img],946,426,949,30844,55344,31984,42921,10723,947,30059,22832&xt=dressing.png[/img][/center] ------ we lost [url=]BadPearl[/url]'s outfits to a scry deletion (would love to see scry url support for the dressing room tbh), but again thanks to skin use I was able to recreate it on the right base! I thought this was really clever as a showcase for macaws [quote][center][img],52280,52281,50750,24736,50751,10536,26275,24737,24741&xt=dressing.png[/img][/center] May have gone a little overboard, but I wanted the dragon to serve more as an environment for the birds. I don't see many non-pirate dragons with macaws, so I wanted to have them as the main focus rather than over-encumbering the outfit with seven different smaller birds. [/quote] ----- if you click through, be warned that [url=]Aprycus[/url] bundled Monday through Wednesday, so you'll have lots of cool creations to look at! today's feature is the outfit: [quote][center]Bird + Wood? That has to equal a Cuckoo Clock right? [img],51340,25024,49311,50753,2954,49310,25025,41519,31997,362,386&xt=dressing.png[/img][outfit=2587585] [/center][/quote] ------ [url=]BlossomWyvern[/url] was efficient enough to dress their scry so I could feature both in one image! A mossy dead tree can still be a home to so many kinds of life, like this Snapper shows. [center][img],34617,2957,42114,22166,21059,50751,49306,15306&xt=dressing.png[/img][/center] ------ I'm featuring [url=]BrutusCourt[/url]'s outfit based around a 2023 GG fest skin, but I also really loved the scry! [center][img],2955,2957,22672,957,22665,24705,24710,22667&xt=dressing.png[/img][/center] ------ [url=]DismasYves[/url] presented 3 very aesthetic options, but I'm featuring the outfit for being absolutely not tree aesthetic at all while fulfilling the bird AND wood parts of the prompt. shoutout to your classmate's Very Gender aesthetic, as well! [center][img],42695,1630,20830,17908,17917,17899,15751,28776,30829&xt=dressing.png[/img][/center] ------ my notes on [url=]Doozie[/url]'s outfit was just an allcaps "YES" in the spreadsheet, and on coming back to do the write-ups, I completely agree! YES! WOW! (also I really like the colors distribution in the random outfit) [center][img],770,770,46539,15311,50751,5157,25058,28812,24736,945,948&xt=dressing.png[/img][/center] ------ [url=]Golden[/url]'s scry titled "Old Maple" had a variety of lovely fall colors - click through for a snapper-shaped bird sanctuary and an intriguing take on the random outfit as well! [center][img][/img][/center] ------ presented with a laugh and without further comment, [url=]tigressRising[/url]'s outfit submission: [quote] [center][img],280,25059,25061,21862,284,283,25060,25063&xt=dressing.png[/img][outfit=2587536][/center] Nothing says wood like a giant wooden club to beat people over the head with, I guess. [/quote] ------ [url=]VioletWhirlwind[/url] made a concerningly sap-covered pine tree dragon... hope it'll recover! [center][img][/img][/center] [center][img alt="A pair of periodical cicada wings displayed between two oak branches leaking tree sap."][/img] [size=4][b]Daily Draw Raffle Prize[/b][/size] There were 33 tickets into Tuesday's daily prize drawing-- and the winner of that daily raffle is [color=transparent]@/Golden[/color] [quote][center][item=Maple Caterpillar][/center][/quote] [/center]
Tuesday 28 May - Treesday?
original prompt post
boy cicadas really do have an impact on the tree ecosystem. for better and for worse, depending on when you look at it.
scry a tree dragon, it's a classic. doesn't have to be a particularly healthy tree though, that's on theme. sometimes you're just minding your own business and bugs eat you. part of the tree lifecycle, really
incorporate either a bird (or bird byproduct) or anything made of wood (or plausibly made of wood). doesn't need to have a theme, do whatever floats your boat, just please include a bird or wood product. could be a skin, even
A pair of periodical cicada wings displayed between two oak branches leaking tree sap.
2nd Tuesday had 19 scries and 10 outfits.

In terms of our tree dragon scries, we had:
12 healthy trees | 6 unhealthy trees | 1 tree of unspecified health
13 in-season (green/blooming) trees | 3 autumnal trees | 3 non-specific trees | 0 winter trees
(for the record, I counted 'dead' as unhealthy, because even if it's fine for the environment, it's not really productive for the tree itself, y'know?)

Out of our 10 outfits, I believe we only had 1 that didn't explicitly include a bird in the apparel, just the byproducts (feathers) - otherwise it looks like everyone went for both birds and wood/trees! Sometimes I thought there wasn't a bird, but when I checked in the dressing room it was the Yelling Wyrmpeck. This happened at least twice, though I'm sure it wouldn't have if I only could hear and speak wyrmpeckese.

Out of 8 random outfits, these items were kept:
A pair of periodical cicada wings displayed between two oak branches leaking tree sap.
long one today because apparently I just had to include every single image... oh well. they were worth it.
I liked the shape and color distribution in Ajgreelyfan3's random outfit... I'm not good at articulating these things, but it's neat!

we lost BadPearl's outfits to a scry deletion (would love to see scry url support for the dressing room tbh), but again thanks to skin use I was able to recreate it on the right base! I thought this was really clever as a showcase for macaws
May have gone a little overboard, but I wanted the dragon to serve more as an environment for the birds. I don't see many non-pirate dragons with macaws, so I wanted to have them as the main focus rather than over-encumbering the outfit with seven different smaller birds.

if you click through, be warned that Aprycus bundled Monday through Wednesday, so you'll have lots of cool creations to look at! today's feature is the outfit:
Bird + Wood? That has to equal a Cuckoo Clock right?
Treesday Cuckoo Clock

BlossomWyvern was efficient enough to dress their scry so I could feature both in one image! A mossy dead tree can still be a home to so many kinds of life, like this Snapper shows.

I'm featuring BrutusCourt's outfit based around a 2023 GG fest skin, but I also really loved the scry!

DismasYves presented 3 very aesthetic options, but I'm featuring the outfit for being absolutely not tree aesthetic at all while fulfilling the bird AND wood parts of the prompt. shoutout to your classmate's Very Gender aesthetic, as well!

my notes on Doozie's outfit was just an allcaps "YES" in the spreadsheet, and on coming back to do the write-ups, I completely agree! YES! WOW! (also I really like the colors distribution in the random outfit)

Golden's scry titled "Old Maple" had a variety of lovely fall colors - click through for a snapper-shaped bird sanctuary and an intriguing take on the random outfit as well!

presented with a laugh and without further comment, tigressRising's outfit submission:
Wood you rather
Nothing says wood like a giant wooden club to beat people over the head with, I guess.

VioletWhirlwind made a concerningly sap-covered pine tree dragon... hope it'll recover!
A pair of periodical cicada wings displayed between two oak branches leaking tree sap.
Daily Draw Raffle Prize
There were 33 tickets into Tuesday's daily prize drawing--
and the winner of that daily raffle is @/Golden
Maple Caterpillar

alyblaith / aly
NatDom org team

• they/her
• queer
• neurodivergent
avatar dragons
trade adopts
Magical Meteorite Mayhem - Arcane & Nature 2024
[center][img alt="Wednesday"][/img] [size=5][u][b]Wednesday 29 May - Buggy Beastclan Bonanza[/b][/u][/size] [url=]original prompt post[/url][/center] bug beastclans! (so insects but also, like, come on, arthropods and arachnids are bugs too)! [b]SCRYING[/b] [indent]scry a dragon as if you were scrying to match a buggy beastclan familiar! you can pick an existing familiar from a group you might want to argue deserves to have beastclan lore (looking at you, miths) or invent one yourself! we're looking for sapient non-dragon species who can have a society, either from you elevating an existing FR bug familiar to that level or just making something up.[/indent] [b]DRESSING[/b] [indent]kind of the same as the scrying challenge - make an outfit for a buggy beastclan familiar, or a dragon who's been trading with them (imagine what kind of things they might produce!)[/indent] [img alt="A pair of periodical cicada wings displayed between two oak branches leaking tree sap."][/img] [center][img alt="Statistics"][/img][/center] For our 19 buggy scries, over half were Miths / moths (why does the [gamedb item=33202] tool tip call it a moth when its name is a Mith pun?) which is not super surprising because there are so many to choose from! For the rest, we had 2 ants, 2 mantises, an assassin bug, the spring millifae, and a mottled buttersnake. This might be surprising in light of the scry distribution, but for the 9 outfits, we had only 3 based on miths. There were 2 outfits each inspired by mantises and by the bugs of the Silk-Strewn Wreckage, and our final outfit was an Ink Ant. For our 10 random outfits, here's what was kept: [indent][gamedb item=24067] x9 [gamedb item=6967] x8 [gamedb item=23724] x8 [gamedb item=349] x7 [gamedb item=53577] x7 [gamedb item=20563] x6 [gamedb item=35192] x6 [gamedb item=20611] x4 [gamedb item=24247] x3 [gamedb item=28360] x2[/indent] [img alt="A pair of periodical cicada wings displayed between two oak branches leaking tree sap."][/img] [center][img alt="Highlights"][/img][/center] [url=]BadPearl[/url] turned out two great scries for the Assassin Bug and Colony Killer familiars -- unfortunately I'm not able to recreate the missing outfit, because I don't know which mannequin to use in this case. The scries are still very cool though! ----- [url=]Aprycus[/url] dressed up a lovely Luna Mith Squire: [center][img],25871,40864,12269,27558,47413,47416,27994&xt=dressing.png[/img] [size=2][url=]morphology[/url][/size][/center] ------ [url=]BrutusCourt[/url] made an amazing, flame-including Curious Mith, taking advantage of the elemental fire tertiary! (Also there are some bonus scries if you go through to the post.) [center][img][/img][/center] ----- I like the Goldenplains Poodle Mith, I like [url=]April9th[/url]'s scry of the Goldenplains Poodle Mith. I am a simple creature like this. [center][img][/img][/center] ----- everything in [url=]Rosie1450[/url]'s post was a banger; big fan of these three. Go look! ----- I thought [url=]CaptainDrakken[/url]'s Brown-Spotted Mith was bang-on as well! Maybe a new gene project ... ? ------ [url=]Ajgreelyfan3[/url]'s Geartoggle Smith outfit was a great interpretation! [center][img],40838,35202,36165,13833,16236,35217,36175,13841,27142,31986,35192,54718,54713,6029,34154&xt=dressing.png[/img] [size=2][url=]morphology[/url][/size][/center] ------ [url=]Golden[/url]'s Glowwyrm Trainer is such a perfect series of colors and lighting effects: [center][img],36156,49104,36166,36176,36175,36165,36155,40435,40430,25044,25046,25048,25043,1749,29242&xt=dressing.png[/img][/center] ----- [url=]tigressRising[/url] did some great worldbuilding exploration for her outfit: [quote][center][img],50776,3636,34633,3635,3699,3688,3638&xt=dressing.png[/img][outfit=2588114][/center] The tooltips for various drops from the Silk-Strewn Wreckage venue mention both dragons and Beastclan collecting silk spun by the insects that live there, so I imagine that silk products would be a major export of the miths that live there. And silk is associated with luxury and expense, so naturally I had to give my trader a pile of gold coins too.[/quote] ------ [url=xx]Zalva[/url]'s post features clever dressing, but most importantly, it made me laugh! [quote][url=][img],32725,13079,20601,22410,27201,51606,53079,6033,32730,1152,20602,2852,24717,22046,437&xt=dressing.png[/img][/url] A Volt-scythe Mantid who happens to trade in pelts and such. This can sometime be an issue for potential customers due to static build up. Problematic, but funny.[/quote] ----- [url=]charliesneeze[/url]'s post is just linked today despite being a great interpretation of a Spring Millifae, simply because the Scuttle gene still kinda weirds me out sometimes and I have to look at this coding a lot to get the posts out. It's perhaps a little *too* evocative of Mx. Manylegs there. ------ and our last feature is [url=]VioletWhirlwind[/url]'s orchid mantis: [quote][img][/img] [morphology=4572721] Mantid Beastclan, orchid varient. Much as I love Miths, I wanted to take a different approach and do a mantis-based beastclan. They are probably primarily hunters with a cautious/defensive relationship to dragons...not seeking out conflict, but willing to defend their territory.[/quote] [center][img alt="A pair of periodical cicada wings displayed between two oak branches leaking tree sap."][/img] [size=4][b]Daily Draw Raffle Prize[/b][/size] There were 34 tickets into Wednesday's daily prize drawing-- and the winner of that daily raffle is [color=transparent]@/charliesneeze[/color] [quote][center][item=Primrose Mith][item=Brown-Spotted Mith][/center][/quote]
Wednesday 29 May - Buggy Beastclan Bonanza
original prompt post
bug beastclans! (so insects but also, like, come on, arthropods and arachnids are bugs too)!
scry a dragon as if you were scrying to match a buggy beastclan familiar! you can pick an existing familiar from a group you might want to argue deserves to have beastclan lore (looking at you, miths) or invent one yourself! we're looking for sapient non-dragon species who can have a society, either from you elevating an existing FR bug familiar to that level or just making something up.
kind of the same as the scrying challenge - make an outfit for a buggy beastclan familiar, or a dragon who's been trading with them (imagine what kind of things they might produce!)
A pair of periodical cicada wings displayed between two oak branches leaking tree sap.
For our 19 buggy scries, over half were Miths / moths (why does the War Smith tool tip call it a moth when its name is a Mith pun?) which is not super surprising because there are so many to choose from! For the rest, we had 2 ants, 2 mantises, an assassin bug, the spring millifae, and a mottled buttersnake.
This might be surprising in light of the scry distribution, but for the 9 outfits, we had only 3 based on miths. There were 2 outfits each inspired by mantises and by the bugs of the Silk-Strewn Wreckage, and our final outfit was an Ink Ant.

For our 10 random outfits, here's what was kept: A pair of periodical cicada wings displayed between two oak branches leaking tree sap.
BadPearl turned out two great scries for the Assassin Bug and Colony Killer familiars -- unfortunately I'm not able to recreate the missing outfit, because I don't know which mannequin to use in this case. The scries are still very cool though!
Aprycus dressed up a lovely Luna Mith Squire:
BrutusCourt made an amazing, flame-including Curious Mith, taking advantage of the elemental fire tertiary! (Also there are some bonus scries if you go through to the post.)

I like the Goldenplains Poodle Mith, I like April9th's scry of the Goldenplains Poodle Mith. I am a simple creature like this.

everything in Rosie1450's post was a banger; big fan of these three. Go look!
I thought CaptainDrakken's Brown-Spotted Mith was bang-on as well! Maybe a new gene project ... ?
Ajgreelyfan3's Geartoggle Smith outfit was a great interpretation!
Golden's Glowwyrm Trainer is such a perfect series of colors and lighting effects:

tigressRising did some great worldbuilding exploration for her outfit:
Silk trader
The tooltips for various drops from the Silk-Strewn Wreckage venue mention both dragons and Beastclan collecting silk spun by the insects that live there, so I imagine that silk products would be a major export of the miths that live there. And silk is associated with luxury and expense, so naturally I had to give my trader a pile of gold coins too.

Zalva's post features clever dressing, but most importantly, it made me laugh!

A Volt-scythe Mantid who happens to trade in pelts and such. This can sometime be an issue for potential customers due to static build up. Problematic, but funny.

charliesneeze's post is just linked today despite being a great interpretation of a Spring Millifae, simply because the Scuttle gene still kinda weirds me out sometimes and I have to look at this coding a lot to get the posts out. It's perhaps a little *too* evocative of Mx. Manylegs there.
and our last feature is VioletWhirlwind's orchid mantis:
GG day 11 scry: Mantid BC

Mantid Beastclan, orchid varient. Much as I love Miths, I wanted to take a different approach and do a mantis-based beastclan. They are probably primarily hunters with a cautious/defensive relationship to dragons...not seeking out conflict, but willing to defend their territory.
A pair of periodical cicada wings displayed between two oak branches leaking tree sap.
Daily Draw Raffle Prize
There were 34 tickets into Wednesday's daily prize drawing--
and the winner of that daily raffle is @/charliesneeze
Primrose Mith Brown-Spotted Mith

alyblaith / aly
NatDom org team

• they/her
• queer
• neurodivergent
avatar dragons
trade adopts
Magical Meteorite Mayhem - Arcane & Nature 2024
[center][img alt="Thursday"][/img] [size=5][u][b]Thursday 30 May - Homeward Bound[/b][/u][/size] [url=]original prompt post[/url][/center] [b]SCRYING[/b] [indent]the Magicicada species are endemic to the northeastern / "midwest" United States. scry a species (plant, animal, ... idk bacterium??) endemic to that region![/indent] [b]DRESSING[/b] [indent]for the dressing portion, we'll look to Flight Rising - make an outfit inspired by (or composed of materials plausibly from) your Flight! If your flight lore involves dual allegiances that's ok too :3 [/indent] [img alt="A pair of periodical cicada wings displayed between two oak branches leaking tree sap."][/img] [center][img alt="Statistics"][/img][/center] we had a good distribution across our 10 scries: 3 birds, 3 mammals, 1 reptile, 1 amphibian, 1 arthropod, and even a plant! of our 9 outfits, we had the following elemental allegiances: 3 Earth, 2 Nature, and 1 each of Arcane, Plague, Water, and Wind one item managed to stay on all 6 of the random outfits: [indent][gamedb item=34617] x6 [gamedb item=30821] x5 [gamedb item=10877] x5 [gamedb item=17904] x4 [gamedb item=35210] x4 [gamedb item=2501] x4 [gamedb item=25212] x2 [gamedb item=25035] x2 [gamedb item=17882] x2 [gamedb item=21805] x1[/indent] [img alt="A pair of periodical cicada wings displayed between two oak branches leaking tree sap."][/img] [center][img alt="Highlights"][/img][/center] I like the vibe of [url=]Ackie[/url]'s random outfit fix! [center][img],30821,35202,35217,10877,21853,2501,29801&xt=dressing.png[/img][/center] -------- [url=]Ajgreelyfan3[/url]'s random outfit also kind counts as a Water flight outfit, but either way is a cool piratical creation! [center][img],30821,29801,45489,35207,19651,17906,35210,34617,10877,25035,17915&xt=dressing.png[/img][/center] ---------- [url=]DismasYves[/url] turned out two cool outifts - one Earth rep ready to go on an adventure, and one Pied Piper type creation - hopefully not luring said adventurer to any doom or anything -------- it might be the home-flight bias showing, but I agree with [url=]Doozie[/url] [quote][center][img],957,2502,42113,11226,10536,32974,25058,1748,24736,15311,24741,26539,25063&xt=dressing.png[/img][outfit=2588889][/center] You can never go wrong with a woodsy tree dragon [/quote] -------- I liked the bits of blue (blue-green? teal? cyan? whatever) intespersed with the warmer colors in [url=]tigressRising[/url]'s random outfit fix [center][img],2501,21869,35210,34617,30821,10877,25212,25035,3292,25040,35199,27145,27148,27200,26941,27492&xt=dressing.png[/img][/center] ------- [url=]extinction[/url]'s outfit seems like A Character to me - I want them to tell me about what they've dug up! [center][img],921,34633,663,28024,28029,23022&xt=dressing.png[/img][/center] ------ I had to spotlight [url=]Golden[/url]'s "Earth Angel" outfit - both for getting the song stuck in my head, and also because it's neat! I like the way the dragon wings peeking out from behind the feathered wings mimics the points of the halo. [center][img],50503,28506,1750,3698,3630,5161,3683,28365,28817,40430,3631,22659,10882&xt=dressing.png[/img][/center] ------ honestly I agree with [url=]jbapple[/url] - a nice deep red halo *would* be nice for Plague purposes. maybe someday we'll get halo recolors? one can hope, at least. ----- [i]psst - hey![/i] you like frogs? [url=]Rosie1450[/url] post has a frog.... ------ I thought [url=]charliesneeze[/url]'s plant creation was cool! The additional environment/context makes the white plant stand out more :3 [quote]I live in the Northeastern US, and the prompt today made me think of a plant I came across on a walk in the woods one day, [url=]monotropa uniflora[/url]! Apparently they are found over most of the States, not just the midwest/northeast, but I like them so here is my scry! [img][/img][morphology=4574010] I had another busy day and only have time for a scry, I picked the body color to look like a mossy forest floor, the wings to hopefully look like just a bit of sunshine peeking through the trees above, and white branches to represent the actual plant! [/quote] ------ [url=]VioletWhirlwind[/url]'s deer spirit seems to have a tag-along.... [center][img],21046,48177,50680,18030,24709,30204,1627,14886,56936,10536,926,30205,24707,15139,24706,24705,24711,22168,24710&xt=dressing.png[/img] [size=2][url=]morphology[/url][/size][/center] [center][img alt="A pair of periodical cicada wings displayed between two oak branches leaking tree sap."][/img] [size=4][b]Daily Draw Raffle Prize[/b][/size] There were 22 tickets into Thursday's daily prize drawing-- and the winner of that daily raffle is [color=transparent]@/Doozie[/color] [quote][center][item=Petalprayer Mantis][/center][/quote] [/center]
Thursday 30 May - Homeward Bound
original prompt post
the Magicicada species are endemic to the northeastern / "midwest" United States. scry a species (plant, animal, ... idk bacterium??) endemic to that region!
for the dressing portion, we'll look to Flight Rising - make an outfit inspired by (or composed of materials plausibly from) your Flight! If your flight lore involves dual allegiances that's ok too :3
A pair of periodical cicada wings displayed between two oak branches leaking tree sap.
we had a good distribution across our 10 scries: 3 birds, 3 mammals, 1 reptile, 1 amphibian, 1 arthropod, and even a plant!

of our 9 outfits, we had the following elemental allegiances: 3 Earth, 2 Nature, and 1 each of Arcane, Plague, Water, and Wind

one item managed to stay on all 6 of the random outfits: A pair of periodical cicada wings displayed between two oak branches leaking tree sap.
I like the vibe of Ackie's random outfit fix!

Ajgreelyfan3's random outfit also kind counts as a Water flight outfit, but either way is a cool piratical creation!

DismasYves turned out two cool outifts - one Earth rep ready to go on an adventure, and one Pied Piper type creation - hopefully not luring said adventurer to any doom or anything
it might be the home-flight bias showing, but I agree with Doozie
In the Woods

You can never go wrong with a woodsy tree dragon

I liked the bits of blue (blue-green? teal? cyan? whatever) intespersed with the warmer colors in tigressRising's random outfit fix

extinction's outfit seems like A Character to me - I want them to tell me about what they've dug up!

I had to spotlight Golden's "Earth Angel" outfit - both for getting the song stuck in my head, and also because it's neat! I like the way the dragon wings peeking out from behind the feathered wings mimics the points of the halo.

honestly I agree with jbapple - a nice deep red halo *would* be nice for Plague purposes. maybe someday we'll get halo recolors? one can hope, at least.
psst - hey! you like frogs? Rosie1450 post has a frog....
I thought charliesneeze's plant creation was cool! The additional environment/context makes the white plant stand out more :3
I live in the Northeastern US, and the prompt today made me think of a plant I came across on a walk in the woods one day, monotropa uniflora! Apparently they are found over most of the States, not just the midwest/northeast, but I like them so here is my scry!
Ghost Plant

I had another busy day and only have time for a scry, I picked the body color to look like a mossy forest floor, the wings to hopefully look like just a bit of sunshine peeking through the trees above, and white branches to represent the actual plant!

VioletWhirlwind's deer spirit seems to have a tag-along....
A pair of periodical cicada wings displayed between two oak branches leaking tree sap.
Daily Draw Raffle Prize
There were 22 tickets into Thursday's daily prize drawing--
and the winner of that daily raffle is @/Doozie
Petalprayer Mantis

alyblaith / aly
NatDom org team

• they/her
• queer
• neurodivergent
avatar dragons
trade adopts
Magical Meteorite Mayhem - Arcane & Nature 2024