
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | [coli] Pixel Scavenger Hunt (badges)
Oh sweet! I don't think I've ever won a PSH raffle before :O
Thank you for hosting this event; it's been fun as always <3

1. Breed Change: Wildclaw
2. Baby Bundle
Oh sweet! I don't think I've ever won a PSH raffle before :O
Thank you for hosting this event; it's been fun as always <3

1. Breed Change: Wildclaw
2. Baby Bundle
oh cool, ty for hosting.

1: Breed Change: Wildclaw

for me please :)
oh cool, ty for hosting.

1: Breed Change: Wildclaw

for me please :)

Hope you guys get to feeling better and RL leaves you alone for a while!

Hope you guys get to feeling better and RL leaves you alone for a while!
@Pixel Scavenger Hunt Pinglist

Hello every one, in the hope of getting the sheets to you all sooner rather than later this post will not have much formatting, I do apologize. As mentioned on the main post of this thread, life is throwing some wrenches into our plans but we have been working to get things up and running.

Sheets should be working -crosses fingers- , and badges are on the way but are still missing for now, as we get them updated on our end they should naturally appear on your sheet and the updated badge builder and once they are all here we will also make another post to let you know and show off the beautiful badges we hope you will enjoy.

As I typically don't handle the updates on the badge builder and have been in a rush to get it updated for you all it may contain a few bugs despite my efforts to squash them, if you do run into any issues please let us know!

Happy hunting!

Also we have decided to keep 2021 badges available for points with increasing requirements , but also include an option to donate for them, the checkboxes are on the badge builder however he have not come to a consensus on donation amounts, however we make a post for that as soon as we make a final decision.
@Pixel Scavenger Hunt Pinglist

Hello every one, in the hope of getting the sheets to you all sooner rather than later this post will not have much formatting, I do apologize. As mentioned on the main post of this thread, life is throwing some wrenches into our plans but we have been working to get things up and running.

Sheets should be working -crosses fingers- , and badges are on the way but are still missing for now, as we get them updated on our end they should naturally appear on your sheet and the updated badge builder and once they are all here we will also make another post to let you know and show off the beautiful badges we hope you will enjoy.

As I typically don't handle the updates on the badge builder and have been in a rush to get it updated for you all it may contain a few bugs despite my efforts to squash them, if you do run into any issues please let us know!

Happy hunting!

Also we have decided to keep 2021 badges available for points with increasing requirements , but also include an option to donate for them, the checkboxes are on the badge builder however he have not come to a consensus on donation amounts, however we make a post for that as soon as we make a final decision.
Thank you for your continued effort on this silly game that brings so much joy. Excited to participate this month for the first time in a while. <3
Thank you for your continued effort on this silly game that brings so much joy. Excited to participate this month for the first time in a while. <3
[BSJ 2024] Main Hub[BSJ 2024] Out-of-Flight Raffle
[BSJ 2024] Illuminarti[BSJ 2024] Public Buy
I found this challenge on the first day I decided to record all my Coli drops! Guess it wasn't useless after all, I'm in! :)
I found this challenge on the first day I decided to record all my Coli drops! Guess it wasn't useless after all, I'm in! :)


A stick of yellow butter with blue butterfly wings. At by MythicalViper!
[size=0][size=0][size=0][size=0][size=0]@dark78660 @Golden @Rokkan @Meadbhb @leilay @eflat @Coffeedrip @Cerberus38 @WinterMouse @Swarmed @Dracobkhan @ultrasuede @melabee @harpyja @Deladria @MoonFlames @Juxta13 @Latigirl @tehstripe @CaptainDrakken @Doozie @Beatoriche @nevvermore @paladinpass @Kothra @aura12 @MagickalKat @Chronicles @Ryulyn @meowmoths @pyrluna @noddddd @KiyuoHonoo @cinderrain @iceburg770 @LeggoMyEggos @Laetificat @linin @givemeyourbones @HurricaneWinds @Elaendorlien @theVer @Beezarre @Saronai @Sonnenblum @catalyticgenesis @Nessai @StarNovas @eiz @Angelino @squiddysquid @SleepyHoneybee @IndigoStarshine @hawkfeather[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size] [center]@pinglist-3873 Hello hunters! Apologies for the delayed ping; life has been life-ing at the team, as it does. I'm afraid I have some not super news regarding the future of the Pixel Scavenger Hunt event. (Short version at the bottom if you're short on time.) The PSH event started [url=]January of 2021[/url], when I had an idea for an all-flight coliseum event to help people get motivated for that month's festival. With feedback from that first event, I set about completely redoing the spreadsheets to make it something more similar to what we use today. (The new sheet wasn't actually ready until April. [emoji=obelisk laughing size=1]) The Discord server some of you may be in was an idea I had that first event - it's always been a bit quiet except for when it comes alive during events. May of 2021 I decided I needed some help, and got some beta testers on board. A number of folks volunteered, all appreciated. @dark78660, who most of your will remember as our awesome thread host, had already been helping out on the Discord, so it was a no-brainer to welcome him onto the beta testing squad before later handing off thread hosting duties. @Galactina rounded out the team you may recognize from the [url=]questions pinglists[/url]; her keen eye and spreadsheet expertise have been instrumental in making the event what it is. For a while in there, Dark and Gala were running the event basically on their own as life stuff kept me busy. You can thank the two of them for keeping the event running. As we went, Dark's spreadsheet know-how grew exponentially - he's easily better than I am at this point. (Don't let him be humble. [emoji=obelisk laughing size=1]) His enthusiasm and energy has always been instrumental. Gala added a ton of QoL upgrades - you can thank her for the badge builder tab almost exclusively, and I can thank her for the method she developed of recoloring our template sheets super fast. (Seriously, helps SO much.) A lot of the behind the scenes stuff is all Galactina. Dark has always insisted on crediting me as well, with the idea and much of the original coding. (Thanks Dark. [emoji=familiar heart size=1]) I would be completely remiss if I did not also thank my good friend @dreamingcity - Max worked with me from the beginning, bouncing ideas with me, listening to my woes, and perhaps most notably in this context, making the amazing badges we've enjoyed the past several years. The Pixel Scavenger Hunt event would not be what it is without him. I'd also like to thank all of you - if the event didn't have participants, we simply wouldn't do it. Your feedback and comments have the been the lifeblood of this whole thing. Here comes the part that sucks: the Scavenger Hunt is going to have to change. It doesn't necessarily have to end, but a lot has changed since it started and a lot will have to change now. The entire team, including my good friend @FLEETWAY who has been working on badges for the most recent event, is having a Time, individually in our own lives. We're goin' through it, if you will. Dark, who has been instrumental in keeping the event going since he took over thread hosting in September 2021 and before, will be stepping down as thread host. I hope you all join me in my appreciation for all he's done to make this event happen. Fantastic artist Max has shifted his interests to other things. Galactina has been super busy with her own life, and my life has not been uneventful either. For this event to continue in any capacity, a lot of things will have to change. The plan at this time is to continue with badges and prizes for this most recent event, as going into it no one necessarily realized things were reaching the place they're at now. Unless some additional volunteers step up to make it happen, Pixel Scavenger Hunt XXXVII, Crystalline Gala 2024, may be both our 37th and final event. For previous events, badges were commissioned almost entirely by myself, largely paid for in real life currency. I'm no longer in a position where this is feasible. If future events are to have new badges, it may require that an artist step up who doesn't mind their compensation being mostly sincere gratitude and in-game currency as available. Likewise, the prizes have largely been donated from my own vault, Dark's vault, or been provided by a handful of generous donors. (Donations, while incredibly appreciated, have never been expected or consistent.) Future events, should they happen, may no longer have a prize raffle component. If they continue will depend a lot on who steps up to the plate to make that happen - I'm happy to take up hosting again, but I can't make any promises as to how long that will work out if this ends up being a one person show. That being said, I haven't given up hope on the event. If folks are still enthusiastic even without new badges and prizes to be raffled, we can keep doing everything else, having a leaderboard and a Discord server and cheering each other on. Myself and the rest of the team won't be vanishing, just perhaps less attentive than before, so we'll need some additional hands on deck. If an artist or artists are willing to spend some time on badges, we may continue as we were, just no prizes. There's a lot up in the air right now. [size=5][b]Short version[/b] - PSH as an event is either changing or ending due to increasing life demands on our team of volunteers. Help is wanted; see the next bit of the post for details.[/size] If you would like to volunteer in some capacity to keep the Pixel Scavenger Hunt event going, please reach out to me - the best ways to reach me are [url=]sending me a PM onsite[/url], reaching me in the [url=]Discord server[/url] for the event, or some combination of those (such as exchanging Discord handles via PM potentially). We would be happy to receive assistance in the form of [b]badge creation[/b] or [b]spreadsheet help[/b] primarily. We are also hoping to receive feedback from you the participant on what you'd be excited for the event to be in the future, bearing our current limitations in mind. Without further ado and to end on a positive note, our [b]PSH 37 prize winners[/b] are: [list=1][*] @noddddd [*] @LeggoMyEggos [*] @iceburg770[/list] Congratulations! To refresh your memory, the prize packs are as follows: [quote][item=Unhatched Ice Egg][/quote][quote][item=Spirit of Ice][item=Snowfall Robe][/quote][quote][item=Frigid Emblem][item=Chillspike Collar][/quote] As in the past, please post your top x prize preferences in the thread, x being your drawing number. Thank you to everyone who's stuck with us this far - it really does mean the world.[/center]
@dark78660 @Golden @Rokkan @Meadbhb @leilay @eflat @Coffeedrip @Cerberus38 @WinterMouse @Swarmed @Dracobkhan @ultrasuede @melabee @harpyja @Deladria @MoonFlames @Juxta13 @Latigirl @tehstripe @CaptainDrakken @Doozie @Beatoriche @nevvermore @paladinpass @Kothra @aura12 @MagickalKat @Chronicles @Ryulyn @meowmoths @pyrluna @noddddd @KiyuoHonoo @cinderrain @iceburg770 @LeggoMyEggos @Laetificat @linin @givemeyourbones @HurricaneWinds @Elaendorlien @theVer @Beezarre @Saronai @Sonnenblum @catalyticgenesis @Nessai @StarNovas @eiz @Angelino @squiddysquid @SleepyHoneybee @IndigoStarshine @hawkfeather
@Pixel Scavenger Hunt Pinglist

Hello hunters! Apologies for the delayed ping; life has been life-ing at the team, as it does.

I'm afraid I have some not super news regarding the future of the Pixel Scavenger Hunt event. (Short version at the bottom if you're short on time.)

The PSH event started January of 2021, when I had an idea for an all-flight coliseum event to help people get motivated for that month's festival. With feedback from that first event, I set about completely redoing the spreadsheets to make it something more similar to what we use today. (The new sheet wasn't actually ready until April. ) The Discord server some of you may be in was an idea I had that first event - it's always been a bit quiet except for when it comes alive during events.

May of 2021 I decided I needed some help, and got some beta testers on board. A number of folks volunteered, all appreciated. @dark78660, who most of your will remember as our awesome thread host, had already been helping out on the Discord, so it was a no-brainer to welcome him onto the beta testing squad before later handing off thread hosting duties. @Galactina rounded out the team you may recognize from the questions pinglists; her keen eye and spreadsheet expertise have been instrumental in making the event what it is.

For a while in there, Dark and Gala were running the event basically on their own as life stuff kept me busy. You can thank the two of them for keeping the event running. As we went, Dark's spreadsheet know-how grew exponentially - he's easily better than I am at this point. (Don't let him be humble. ) His enthusiasm and energy has always been instrumental. Gala added a ton of QoL upgrades - you can thank her for the badge builder tab almost exclusively, and I can thank her for the method she developed of recoloring our template sheets super fast. (Seriously, helps SO much.) A lot of the behind the scenes stuff is all Galactina. Dark has always insisted on crediting me as well, with the idea and much of the original coding. (Thanks Dark. )

I would be completely remiss if I did not also thank my good friend @dreamingcity - Max worked with me from the beginning, bouncing ideas with me, listening to my woes, and perhaps most notably in this context, making the amazing badges we've enjoyed the past several years. The Pixel Scavenger Hunt event would not be what it is without him.

I'd also like to thank all of you - if the event didn't have participants, we simply wouldn't do it. Your feedback and comments have the been the lifeblood of this whole thing.

Here comes the part that sucks: the Scavenger Hunt is going to have to change. It doesn't necessarily have to end, but a lot has changed since it started and a lot will have to change now.

The entire team, including my good friend @FLEETWAY who has been working on badges for the most recent event, is having a Time, individually in our own lives. We're goin' through it, if you will. Dark, who has been instrumental in keeping the event going since he took over thread hosting in September 2021 and before, will be stepping down as thread host. I hope you all join me in my appreciation for all he's done to make this event happen. Fantastic artist Max has shifted his interests to other things. Galactina has been super busy with her own life, and my life has not been uneventful either.

For this event to continue in any capacity, a lot of things will have to change. The plan at this time is to continue with badges and prizes for this most recent event, as going into it no one necessarily realized things were reaching the place they're at now. Unless some additional volunteers step up to make it happen, Pixel Scavenger Hunt XXXVII, Crystalline Gala 2024, may be both our 37th and final event.

For previous events, badges were commissioned almost entirely by myself, largely paid for in real life currency. I'm no longer in a position where this is feasible. If future events are to have new badges, it may require that an artist step up who doesn't mind their compensation being mostly sincere gratitude and in-game currency as available. Likewise, the prizes have largely been donated from my own vault, Dark's vault, or been provided by a handful of generous donors. (Donations, while incredibly appreciated, have never been expected or consistent.) Future events, should they happen, may no longer have a prize raffle component. If they continue will depend a lot on who steps up to the plate to make that happen - I'm happy to take up hosting again, but I can't make any promises as to how long that will work out if this ends up being a one person show.

That being said, I haven't given up hope on the event. If folks are still enthusiastic even without new badges and prizes to be raffled, we can keep doing everything else, having a leaderboard and a Discord server and cheering each other on. Myself and the rest of the team won't be vanishing, just perhaps less attentive than before, so we'll need some additional hands on deck. If an artist or artists are willing to spend some time on badges, we may continue as we were, just no prizes. There's a lot up in the air right now.

Short version - PSH as an event is either changing or ending due to increasing life demands on our team of volunteers. Help is wanted; see the next bit of the post for details.

If you would like to volunteer in some capacity to keep the Pixel Scavenger Hunt event going, please reach out to me - the best ways to reach me are sending me a PM onsite, reaching me in the Discord server for the event, or some combination of those (such as exchanging Discord handles via PM potentially). We would be happy to receive assistance in the form of badge creation or spreadsheet help primarily. We are also hoping to receive feedback from you the participant on what you'd be excited for the event to be in the future, bearing our current limitations in mind.

Without further ado and to end on a positive note, our PSH 37 prize winners are:
  1. @noddddd
  2. @LeggoMyEggos
  3. @iceburg770

Congratulations! To refresh your memory, the prize packs are as follows:
Unhatched Ice Egg
Spirit of Ice Snowfall Robe
Frigid Emblem Chillspike Collar

As in the past, please post your top x prize preferences in the thread, x being your drawing number.

Thank you to everyone who's stuck with us this far - it really does mean the world.
@Mysteriously First of all thanks to all you guys for what you do. I know pixel scavhunt is loved by a lot of people and I'm sorry to hear life has been rough (i totally get it in a general sense though.). While I can't draw (and spreadsheets Hate me) i will pm you to see if theres anything else I can help with.

Prize pack requests in order:
1. Ice Egg
2. Frigid Emblem / Chillspike collar
3. Spirit of Ice / Snowfall Robe
@Mysteriously First of all thanks to all you guys for what you do. I know pixel scavhunt is loved by a lot of people and I'm sorry to hear life has been rough (i totally get it in a general sense though.). While I can't draw (and spreadsheets Hate me) i will pm you to see if theres anything else I can help with.

Prize pack requests in order:
1. Ice Egg
2. Frigid Emblem / Chillspike collar
3. Spirit of Ice / Snowfall Robe

I hate that RL has gotten to busy. I've loved this event, but am unable to contribute any skills/time to help run this. If it is decided that this challenge must close, there is no guilt/anger from me. You folks have other's in the RL that need to take precedence over us.

May all your nests hatch what you want!

I hate that RL has gotten to busy. I've loved this event, but am unable to contribute any skills/time to help run this. If it is decided that this challenge must close, there is no guilt/anger from me. You folks have other's in the RL that need to take precedence over us.

May all your nests hatch what you want!
Thanks to this team for all the hard work. Kind of wild to have participated back in 2021 and to come back from a hiatus just to see a closing of a chapter. I love doing this little hunt though and was really excited to participate for the first time in a while. Very memorable and engaging <3

Excited to see what happens next. Going to evaluate my own commitments and see how much capacity I would have to help with badges possibly. I'll send a PM if that ends up being something I can do. :)
Thanks to this team for all the hard work. Kind of wild to have participated back in 2021 and to come back from a hiatus just to see a closing of a chapter. I love doing this little hunt though and was really excited to participate for the first time in a while. Very memorable and engaging <3

Excited to see what happens next. Going to evaluate my own commitments and see how much capacity I would have to help with badges possibly. I'll send a PM if that ends up being something I can do. :)
[BSJ 2024] Main Hub[BSJ 2024] Out-of-Flight Raffle
[BSJ 2024] Illuminarti[BSJ 2024] Public Buy