[NatDom] Decorate the Behemoth: Closed
Ryulyn's Clan
Home of the Dragon Cats
Clan Info
Dragons in "The Barracks" are fodder.
Want one? Make me an offer, but be quick. They may not be there for long.
Will I sell X for treasure instead of gems? Usually, drop me a PM and I will set up a PA.
As you push back the leaves you are greeted by a dainty green and red Fae.
"Welcome to the RuneCat's lair." She says. "I am Sunrise, matriarch of the Runecat Clan."
She leads you into a little village full of dragons bustling about. You see Fae and Guardians and Wildclaws and many other breeds going about daily tasks.
She leads you to the nesting grounds where an enormous lilac colored Guardian is checking the eggs.
"How is the clutch, Camille" Sunrise asks.
"Very good. They should hatch tomorrow. Four new little ones to join our clan." Camille answers.
Just then a grey Guardian hatchling comes running into the clearing. While still quite small for his kind, he is almost 10 feet long with oversized butterfly wings flapping behind him. Chasing after him is a tiny Fae with beautiful jewel tone wings. She darts ahead of him cutting him off before he can go stomping through the nest.
"Stop right there," she scolds him. "What have I told you about running in the nesting grounds"
"But Mamma," he whines. "I heard there were guests."
"I don't care," she tells him. "Go back with your siblings. Maybe if you behave yourself you can meet our guest later." She efficiently herds him back along the path.
"Elaine has her hands full with that one," Camille sighs. "He has his grandfather's spirit. And his father's grace, or lack there of." She and Sunrise share a laugh, before Sunrise leads you off toward the rest of the village.
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