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TOPIC | Treasure disappearing
I was in the auction house, browsing, and I had a little over 41000 treasure. I didn't buy anything, or click anything by accident, and now suddenly I'm at 35312 treasure. I've had treasure go missing before and I reported it. Nothing was done. I know it's not the same as the gems, but I'd really appreciate it if somebody would do something about this. I know I'm not the only one who has lost treasure at random, and we work to get what we have.
I was in the auction house, browsing, and I had a little over 41000 treasure. I didn't buy anything, or click anything by accident, and now suddenly I'm at 35312 treasure. I've had treasure go missing before and I reported it. Nothing was done. I know it's not the same as the gems, but I'd really appreciate it if somebody would do something about this. I know I'm not the only one who has lost treasure at random, and we work to get what we have.
The same thing happened to me and it's very annoying, because I was trying to save up for a skydancer scroll ... When I logged in I had over 310k tr and now I only have 288k. I pretty positive I didn't buy anything even accidentally.
The same thing happened to me and it's very annoying, because I was trying to save up for a skydancer scroll ... When I logged in I had over 310k tr and now I only have 288k. I pretty positive I didn't buy anything even accidentally.
I had around 50-100k disappear too. All I know is I lost a figure without buying anything. 400-something-k turned into 300-something-k.
I don't know the exact amount I lost, where or when, but it's gone.

I'm tracking this now, how much treasure I have and whatnot.

I do not remember buying anything, but then again it was 3am when I know I had 400k and I was trying to grab sky scrolls, so I admit my memory may not be the best.
I had around 50-100k disappear too. All I know is I lost a figure without buying anything. 400-something-k turned into 300-something-k.
I don't know the exact amount I lost, where or when, but it's gone.

I'm tracking this now, how much treasure I have and whatnot.

I do not remember buying anything, but then again it was 3am when I know I had 400k and I was trying to grab sky scrolls, so I admit my memory may not be the best.