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TOPIC | Coliseum rework
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People might get mad at me for this but I really don't care. The coliseum as it exists now is in desperate need of a rebalance. The difficulty spike between areas is at best frustrating and at worst actively hostile to new or casual players. I am well aware that this would be a large undertaking but I know that I am far from the only person who thinks it's something that needs to happen.

Ideally the coliseum should be supportive of any playstyle, as long as you're at the approximate level of the area you're trying to battle in. As it is currently, unless you meticulously follow strategy guides (which not everyone has the time or energy to hunt down and follow), you're not going to be able to make any progress past a certain point. It's frustrating and makes it hard to have a good time with something that would otherwise be very enjoyable and rewarding.
People might get mad at me for this but I really don't care. The coliseum as it exists now is in desperate need of a rebalance. The difficulty spike between areas is at best frustrating and at worst actively hostile to new or casual players. I am well aware that this would be a large undertaking but I know that I am far from the only person who thinks it's something that needs to happen.

Ideally the coliseum should be supportive of any playstyle, as long as you're at the approximate level of the area you're trying to battle in. As it is currently, unless you meticulously follow strategy guides (which not everyone has the time or energy to hunt down and follow), you're not going to be able to make any progress past a certain point. It's frustrating and makes it hard to have a good time with something that would otherwise be very enjoyable and rewarding.
Not sure about how a full rebalance would work, but I'd definitely support decreasing the jump in difficulty between Woodland Path and Scorched Forest, I remember finding in very difficult when I was started out [more so than any other new venue].
Not sure about how a full rebalance would work, but I'd definitely support decreasing the jump in difficulty between Woodland Path and Scorched Forest, I remember finding in very difficult when I was started out [more so than any other new venue].
!! signature under construction !!
Yes I just swapped between woodland path and scorched forest a little while ago, it's a very large jump, support
Yes I just swapped between woodland path and scorched forest a little while ago, it's a very large jump, support
Do I have an addiction to impulsively buying pretty dragons selling for fodder price of the AH? Yes Do I need help? Maybe Do I want help? NO NONE AT ALL (I want to change this but people have commented on it so now it feels stuck here)
LIo8D8G.gif R9ehyxp.png
Support. The coli desperately needs a full rehaul; it's just not a fun minigame at all.
Support. The coli desperately needs a full rehaul; it's just not a fun minigame at all.
Suport! It'd probably take a ton of time for it to actually be really revamped but better balancing could really help with the reliance on eliminate too.
Suport! It'd probably take a ton of time for it to actually be really revamped but better balancing could really help with the reliance on eliminate too.
A small flight banner, halve being fire and halve being wind.

^ Fandragon ^
I do coli fairly frequently so I've got my eliminate builds down, but I'd like for different builds to be viable at high levels. It gets kinda monotonous so it'd be cool to be able to have a variety of dragons with different stones and strategies!
I do coli fairly frequently so I've got my eliminate builds down, but I'd like for different builds to be viable at high levels. It gets kinda monotonous so it'd be cool to be able to have a variety of dragons with different stones and strategies!
Yeah, I agree with the _general_ premise that the coli should be overhauled. It's not fun, especially because dodge is pure RNG rather than having AGI (I once had balanced stats and it took a long time to grind and train fodder but also I got dodged at exactly the same rate that I do now, AGI does nothing as the game currently stands). I don't have any specific solutions for how to rework coli, apart from:

1. I'd like every venue to have an "easy" mode (toggle off bosses) and a "hard/level 25" mode so if I want to train fodder to 25 in Blooming Grove because I like the aesthetic, I can.

2. Scorched Forest was the bane of my existence when I leveled my first coli team from scratch in 2017 (because I didn't know when I started to have a trainer and level them in the Mire or whatever) and when I was grinding there for this past NOTN with my 25s we got dodged at a ridiculously high rate which shouldn't be happening. I don't know why Scorched Forest is so OP compared to other venues but it's really ridiculous.
Yeah, I agree with the _general_ premise that the coli should be overhauled. It's not fun, especially because dodge is pure RNG rather than having AGI (I once had balanced stats and it took a long time to grind and train fodder but also I got dodged at exactly the same rate that I do now, AGI does nothing as the game currently stands). I don't have any specific solutions for how to rework coli, apart from:

1. I'd like every venue to have an "easy" mode (toggle off bosses) and a "hard/level 25" mode so if I want to train fodder to 25 in Blooming Grove because I like the aesthetic, I can.

2. Scorched Forest was the bane of my existence when I leveled my first coli team from scratch in 2017 (because I didn't know when I started to have a trainer and level them in the Mire or whatever) and when I was grinding there for this past NOTN with my 25s we got dodged at a ridiculously high rate which shouldn't be happening. I don't know why Scorched Forest is so OP compared to other venues but it's really ridiculous.
pings off | plz no random friend requests/PMs/profile comments
Scorched Forest is one of the difficult areas, but as someone who trained up multiple teams of no-Eliminate dragons, one after the Forgotten Cave revamp, the FC's gotten pretty bad, too. The new enemies especially are so tanky— the bosses are fine, they're intended to be hard, but the new enemies take so many hits even with many many points pumped into STR. This has been a distinct (though not 100%) pattern for revamps, and it's very discouraging— my first experience leveling a no-Elim team was very positive overall but the more revamps we get the more it veers away from positive and into a long, drawn-out struggle. It has to be even more discouraging for someone starting from scratch. Even before the revamps I'd see many, many comments from new players who thought they were bad at Coli and should stop just because the Scorched Forest hit them in the face with an unexpected and sharp difficulty spike.

My theory is that the major issue is that, in trying to curtail reliance on Eliminate by making it less OP, the enemies have to be so tanky that it means Eliminate feels more necessary because operating without it is so hard. I could be wrong, but that's how it feels to me.

If that's even a little true, I would definitely love for the devs to consider a different approach to how OP Eliminate is— personally, I would push for accepting it, ignoring it, and instead focusing on making a different variety of battlestones available to promote build experimentation and the enemies themselves not so OP that Eliminate feels necessary to newbies. Even if there's not a total revamp, I think less tank-centric revamps in the early/middle stages would be appreciated by any of us who level as intended! Encouraging newbies to be able to do these things on their own instead of feeling they have to rely on unsupported dragon lending would be fantastic.
Scorched Forest is one of the difficult areas, but as someone who trained up multiple teams of no-Eliminate dragons, one after the Forgotten Cave revamp, the FC's gotten pretty bad, too. The new enemies especially are so tanky— the bosses are fine, they're intended to be hard, but the new enemies take so many hits even with many many points pumped into STR. This has been a distinct (though not 100%) pattern for revamps, and it's very discouraging— my first experience leveling a no-Elim team was very positive overall but the more revamps we get the more it veers away from positive and into a long, drawn-out struggle. It has to be even more discouraging for someone starting from scratch. Even before the revamps I'd see many, many comments from new players who thought they were bad at Coli and should stop just because the Scorched Forest hit them in the face with an unexpected and sharp difficulty spike.

My theory is that the major issue is that, in trying to curtail reliance on Eliminate by making it less OP, the enemies have to be so tanky that it means Eliminate feels more necessary because operating without it is so hard. I could be wrong, but that's how it feels to me.

If that's even a little true, I would definitely love for the devs to consider a different approach to how OP Eliminate is— personally, I would push for accepting it, ignoring it, and instead focusing on making a different variety of battlestones available to promote build experimentation and the enemies themselves not so OP that Eliminate feels necessary to newbies. Even if there's not a total revamp, I think less tank-centric revamps in the early/middle stages would be appreciated by any of us who level as intended! Encouraging newbies to be able to do these things on their own instead of feeling they have to rely on unsupported dragon lending would be fantastic.
I'm going to be the bad guy here and point out that if you've leveled 70+ dragons who actively get stopped by the same venue so much that you never level them further using the same stat distribution every time that the game may be telling you early that what you're doing doesn't work.

Real Time Strategy games will eat you alive if your APM is low and LARP games will shun you if you're too much of a jerk when you play. Different games reward different playstyles.

While there are many downsides to the coli having it point out early (as opposed to several hours in) that what you're doing isn't optimal and is much better than waiting until you get up to Forgotten Caves or Bamboo Falls where you've spent 7+ hours getting there.
I'm going to be the bad guy here and point out that if you've leveled 70+ dragons who actively get stopped by the same venue so much that you never level them further using the same stat distribution every time that the game may be telling you early that what you're doing doesn't work.

Real Time Strategy games will eat you alive if your APM is low and LARP games will shun you if you're too much of a jerk when you play. Different games reward different playstyles.

While there are many downsides to the coli having it point out early (as opposed to several hours in) that what you're doing isn't optimal and is much better than waiting until you get up to Forgotten Caves or Bamboo Falls where you've spent 7+ hours getting there.
I want to live in Theory. Everything works there.

Have you checked the Gem MP for Gene and Breed scrolls before buying an AH listing from me ending in 5g?
[quote name="Nightwind" date="2023-01-12 19:57:25" ] I'm going to be the bad guy here and point out that if you've leveled 70+ dragons who actively get stopped by the same venue so much that you never level them further using the same stat distribution every time that the game may be telling you early that what you're doing doesn't work. Real Time Strategy games will eat you alive if your APM is low and LARP games will shun you if you're too much of a jerk when you play. Different games reward different playstyles. While there are many downsides to the coli having it point out early (as opposed to several hours in) that what you're doing isn't optimal and is much better than waiting until you get up to Forgotten Caves or Bamboo Falls where you've spent 7+ hours getting there. [/quote] The problem with this argument is that even if you have absolutely optimal stats, the venue is awful (in my opinion). I have done the Scorched Forest while level-appropriate numerous times in different ways— with bad stats, with good stats and Eliminate, with good stats and no Eliminate, with good stats and a healer— and it's never been anything less than miserable. The problem is that the difficulty spikes, but there's no way to compensate around that to make it easier, which makes people feel like they're doing something wrong even if they're not. I mean, you're not wrong in that often people [i]aren't[/i] statting their dragons optimally, and it's good to catch it earlier rather than later even if catching it at all is discouraging because whoops gotta get a new team (been there, done that). But when even people who are statting optimally struggle with the stage (and I have talked to not-me new people using guides who felt this way in the past; I don't know if they still feel this way, obviously), I think it's worth people looking at and thinking about why that continues to be the case, and why other stages have grown in difficulty to match that instead of remaining easier. For example, the only reason the Sandswept Delta isn't equal levels of hard is because it level-matches the ability to equip Ambush. Without equipping Ambush— which I did the first two times I leveled, once the wrong way and once the right way— it is just as miserable a slog as SF and can function as a good roadblock because Ambush and good statting will take that difficulty away and praise you for doing the right thing. I suppose the counter for that would be that if you've made it that far slogging through on non-optimal stats, Ambush would still help, but it won't be the same kind of fix that Ambush + optimal stats is. But the Scorched Forest just has nothing to make it any less miserable, in my experience. A healer with a nicely statted team made it more survivable, but it didn't feel any faster than keeping my all-fighter teams back in the Woodland Path long enough to skip the Forest entirely (which I normally do even though it's slower). The only thing that alters the difficulty at all is the addition of Eliminate to make battles less sloggy and dangerous (because obviously if you can kill things faster you take less damage and cut down on the number of times when an enemy just… hits or crits you unavoidably to death in your first battle), and that's a pretty steep price to put on the third stage of the Coliseum when a newbie can no longer happen upon Eliminate by farming until the Blooming Grove. Though, again, my take on it is mostly that I don't necessarily expect a revamp, but just that I'd like the devs to consider not tankifying every single low-to-mid-level venue in the future. I'm not going to rehash all that because I think it's pretty irrelevant to what you're saying about the Scorched Forest itself and what it's trying to accomplish, but I did just want to mention that I personally am not expecting the SF itself to change so much as talking about my own experiences (and tangentially the experiences others new to the game have shared with me) in the hopes that huge difficulty spike tanky enemies forever does not become the norm any more than it already is.
Nightwind wrote on 2023-01-12 19:57:25:
I'm going to be the bad guy here and point out that if you've leveled 70+ dragons who actively get stopped by the same venue so much that you never level them further using the same stat distribution every time that the game may be telling you early that what you're doing doesn't work.

Real Time Strategy games will eat you alive if your APM is low and LARP games will shun you if you're too much of a jerk when you play. Different games reward different playstyles.

While there are many downsides to the coli having it point out early (as opposed to several hours in) that what you're doing isn't optimal and is much better than waiting until you get up to Forgotten Caves or Bamboo Falls where you've spent 7+ hours getting there.

The problem with this argument is that even if you have absolutely optimal stats, the venue is awful (in my opinion). I have done the Scorched Forest while level-appropriate numerous times in different ways— with bad stats, with good stats and Eliminate, with good stats and no Eliminate, with good stats and a healer— and it's never been anything less than miserable. The problem is that the difficulty spikes, but there's no way to compensate around that to make it easier, which makes people feel like they're doing something wrong even if they're not.

I mean, you're not wrong in that often people aren't statting their dragons optimally, and it's good to catch it earlier rather than later even if catching it at all is discouraging because whoops gotta get a new team (been there, done that). But when even people who are statting optimally struggle with the stage (and I have talked to not-me new people using guides who felt this way in the past; I don't know if they still feel this way, obviously), I think it's worth people looking at and thinking about why that continues to be the case, and why other stages have grown in difficulty to match that instead of remaining easier.

For example, the only reason the Sandswept Delta isn't equal levels of hard is because it level-matches the ability to equip Ambush. Without equipping Ambush— which I did the first two times I leveled, once the wrong way and once the right way— it is just as miserable a slog as SF and can function as a good roadblock because Ambush and good statting will take that difficulty away and praise you for doing the right thing. I suppose the counter for that would be that if you've made it that far slogging through on non-optimal stats, Ambush would still help, but it won't be the same kind of fix that Ambush + optimal stats is.

But the Scorched Forest just has nothing to make it any less miserable, in my experience. A healer with a nicely statted team made it more survivable, but it didn't feel any faster than keeping my all-fighter teams back in the Woodland Path long enough to skip the Forest entirely (which I normally do even though it's slower). The only thing that alters the difficulty at all is the addition of Eliminate to make battles less sloggy and dangerous (because obviously if you can kill things faster you take less damage and cut down on the number of times when an enemy just… hits or crits you unavoidably to death in your first battle), and that's a pretty steep price to put on the third stage of the Coliseum when a newbie can no longer happen upon Eliminate by farming until the Blooming Grove.

Though, again, my take on it is mostly that I don't necessarily expect a revamp, but just that I'd like the devs to consider not tankifying every single low-to-mid-level venue in the future. I'm not going to rehash all that because I think it's pretty irrelevant to what you're saying about the Scorched Forest itself and what it's trying to accomplish, but I did just want to mention that I personally am not expecting the SF itself to change so much as talking about my own experiences (and tangentially the experiences others new to the game have shared with me) in the hopes that huge difficulty spike tanky enemies forever does not become the norm any more than it already is.
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