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TOPIC | Dungeons
Would it be possible to make single player dungeons? Inside of it, you could have chests, new familiars, boss battles, traps, peaceful areas where you could heal your dragons. You could also make a multiplayer version where you could make exploration parties with your friends for even more loot. Also, the dungeons would be infinite in size and would go downwards, and you would have a choice of going forward, left, right or backwards.
Would it be possible to make single player dungeons? Inside of it, you could have chests, new familiars, boss battles, traps, peaceful areas where you could heal your dragons. You could also make a multiplayer version where you could make exploration parties with your friends for even more loot. Also, the dungeons would be infinite in size and would go downwards, and you would have a choice of going forward, left, right or backwards.
While they probably could make dungeons, and there is some speculation that this might be what Adventure Mode, which was promised a LONG time ago, but has been put on hold, is.

However, I don't see the dungeons being infinite in size, especially if a player could return to any level they wanted, that would mean a LOT Of things for the server to remember.

I would like to see something like Neoquest I and II is. It is a top down view, and you move a character or party of characters through out the land of Neopia.

They could easily adapt that type of dungeon for Sornieth, and they could even mimic 'infinite' dungeons by have it where each dungeon is randomly generated, though in order to make sure that it can't be farmed too easily, there would have to be some limiting factors to it. Steps, health having to regenerate over time etc.. Otherwise I could see it being way to easily farmed, and the rewards given pretty much becoming worthless very quickly.

While they probably could make dungeons, and there is some speculation that this might be what Adventure Mode, which was promised a LONG time ago, but has been put on hold, is.

However, I don't see the dungeons being infinite in size, especially if a player could return to any level they wanted, that would mean a LOT Of things for the server to remember.

I would like to see something like Neoquest I and II is. It is a top down view, and you move a character or party of characters through out the land of Neopia.

They could easily adapt that type of dungeon for Sornieth, and they could even mimic 'infinite' dungeons by have it where each dungeon is randomly generated, though in order to make sure that it can't be farmed too easily, there would have to be some limiting factors to it. Steps, health having to regenerate over time etc.. Otherwise I could see it being way to easily farmed, and the rewards given pretty much becoming worthless very quickly.

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Let them Serve the Deities
Let them Exist in peace!
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@Jemadar Ahh, Neoquest. Those were good times. I'd also love to see that here.

But yeah, infinitely farmable with no artificial constraints? You just described the Coli. But things we get from the Coli aren't worthless. It's true that some things in certain venues are more valuable than others. (See: If I see another Depin familiar I will just die.) But Baldwin's cauldron is a thing in those extreme instances.
@Jemadar Ahh, Neoquest. Those were good times. I'd also love to see that here.

But yeah, infinitely farmable with no artificial constraints? You just described the Coli. But things we get from the Coli aren't worthless. It's true that some things in certain venues are more valuable than others. (See: If I see another Depin familiar I will just die.) But Baldwin's cauldron is a thing in those extreme instances.
It takes Twelve Years for one Imperial pair to produce a Primal-eyed offspring of a specific sex. Goal-based breeding is dead.

Yeah, I loved Neoquest I and II. They were fun, and I LOVE exploring. It would have been even better with random 'loot' encounters, even if it were only useable in the games themselves and not for the site.

What I was more thinking is that, while yes, the coli is technically infinitely farmable, there is still a health system that if you lose all, you have to restart over, you occasionally run into a battle you can't beat with your current set up (ie low health usually), this would be something you could see a chest, head for it, grab it, restart, see a chest, grab it, restart, unless every chest was guarded by a group of monsters.

With dungeons you don't have to fight monsters every step of the way so you could be collecting a lot of good loot before you run into monsters that might force you to restart. At least in the coli, you must fight for all your loot, while in a dungeon that isn't necessarily so.

While Baldwin's cauldron is good at taking stuff out, unfortunately, because it is one item every 30 minutes, it is a slow trickle, that might not be able to help much due to it being used to get chest and coli junk out of the system.

As for constraints, it doesn't even have to be time limited restraints, but like Neoquest where when you were low on health you had to 'hide' and move around and let your health go up, OR use healing potion, otherwise you could be 'killed' and sent back to the beginning due to random monster encounters. (hey maybe this could be a use for those healing potions most people have dozens of stacks of?)

Yeah, I loved Neoquest I and II. They were fun, and I LOVE exploring. It would have been even better with random 'loot' encounters, even if it were only useable in the games themselves and not for the site.

What I was more thinking is that, while yes, the coli is technically infinitely farmable, there is still a health system that if you lose all, you have to restart over, you occasionally run into a battle you can't beat with your current set up (ie low health usually), this would be something you could see a chest, head for it, grab it, restart, see a chest, grab it, restart, unless every chest was guarded by a group of monsters.

With dungeons you don't have to fight monsters every step of the way so you could be collecting a lot of good loot before you run into monsters that might force you to restart. At least in the coli, you must fight for all your loot, while in a dungeon that isn't necessarily so.

While Baldwin's cauldron is good at taking stuff out, unfortunately, because it is one item every 30 minutes, it is a slow trickle, that might not be able to help much due to it being used to get chest and coli junk out of the system.

As for constraints, it doesn't even have to be time limited restraints, but like Neoquest where when you were low on health you had to 'hide' and move around and let your health go up, OR use healing potion, otherwise you could be 'killed' and sent back to the beginning due to random monster encounters. (hey maybe this could be a use for those healing potions most people have dozens of stacks of?)

Let them Fight
Let them Serve the Deities
Let them Exist in peace!
Dragons needed --->
Breed Characteristic Apparel!

Cuckoo Breed and Mutations!

Change Unnamed in YOUR dragon's profile!
@Jemadar Oh, I misunderstood, then. I was only thinking about time constraints. (alone or as a regen health over time thing.) In that case, I agree that either a time or health constraint would need to be necessary, but having items like potions or some manner of treasure sink that would allow you to continue without waiting would be pretty excellent.

Sorry, I know this is all just random ideas getting spewed out without any real organization. Thank you for your patience with me.
@Jemadar Oh, I misunderstood, then. I was only thinking about time constraints. (alone or as a regen health over time thing.) In that case, I agree that either a time or health constraint would need to be necessary, but having items like potions or some manner of treasure sink that would allow you to continue without waiting would be pretty excellent.

Sorry, I know this is all just random ideas getting spewed out without any real organization. Thank you for your patience with me.
It takes Twelve Years for one Imperial pair to produce a Primal-eyed offspring of a specific sex. Goal-based breeding is dead.

No worries :)

Yeah, time constraints aren't something I am that fond of in games, because most of the time it ends up being 'spend 5 minutes clicking this button then wait for 10 hours to click it another 5 minutes'.

But things that can be regenerated quickly over time, or something that can have a 'sink' aspect to get rid of items or treasure would be great.

No worries. You have probably seen some of my random idea dumps :D That is how suggestions get better :)

No worries :)

Yeah, time constraints aren't something I am that fond of in games, because most of the time it ends up being 'spend 5 minutes clicking this button then wait for 10 hours to click it another 5 minutes'.

But things that can be regenerated quickly over time, or something that can have a 'sink' aspect to get rid of items or treasure would be great.

No worries. You have probably seen some of my random idea dumps :D That is how suggestions get better :)

Let them Fight
Let them Serve the Deities
Let them Exist in peace!
Dragons needed --->
Breed Characteristic Apparel!

Cuckoo Breed and Mutations!

Change Unnamed in YOUR dragon's profile!
In regards to time constraints, one of the best ways I saw that handled was a game on Facebook (one I unfortunately had to quit due to them having limited high level quests, giving out unique rewards EACH week). It had 'energy' that once depleted you had to refresh. However, instead of it being time refreshed, you could 'grow' your own energy plants and harvest them. They had different times, such as 5 minutes, 1 hour etc.. Also, not everything was used the energy, somethings you could do without it, so you could play the game for a pretty long time, while still having the 'constraint' of needing energy. There was also a max limit on energy, but you could have plants growing in order to immediately harvest them when you ran out of energy.

I do not know if something like this would work for a browser game, but it might be interesting if it could. Have a 'farm' aspect where dragons can plant crops, and when they harvest those crops they get energy for the dungeons. Players would then be able to go as long as they wanted (as it could potentially take 5 minutes to burn off all the energy), if they run out of energy, there are other aspects to the game while they wait for the plants to grow, and having different lengths of time means that if someone is going off for the night, they can plant the longer ones and have energy waiting for them.
In regards to time constraints, one of the best ways I saw that handled was a game on Facebook (one I unfortunately had to quit due to them having limited high level quests, giving out unique rewards EACH week). It had 'energy' that once depleted you had to refresh. However, instead of it being time refreshed, you could 'grow' your own energy plants and harvest them. They had different times, such as 5 minutes, 1 hour etc.. Also, not everything was used the energy, somethings you could do without it, so you could play the game for a pretty long time, while still having the 'constraint' of needing energy. There was also a max limit on energy, but you could have plants growing in order to immediately harvest them when you ran out of energy.

I do not know if something like this would work for a browser game, but it might be interesting if it could. Have a 'farm' aspect where dragons can plant crops, and when they harvest those crops they get energy for the dungeons. Players would then be able to go as long as they wanted (as it could potentially take 5 minutes to burn off all the energy), if they run out of energy, there are other aspects to the game while they wait for the plants to grow, and having different lengths of time means that if someone is going off for the night, they can plant the longer ones and have energy waiting for them.

Let them Fight
Let them Serve the Deities
Let them Exist in peace!
Dragons needed --->
Breed Characteristic Apparel!

Cuckoo Breed and Mutations!

Change Unnamed in YOUR dragon's profile!