
Bug Report Forums

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TOPIC | Won't work for iPads
I have an IPad and every time I go into the Fairgrounds or Coliseum it won't let me play the games or interact with the page. I can only click on my Clan Profile picture to help me exit the page I'm stuck on. None of the side buttons (Dragon Lair, Nesting Grounds, Forums, Ect.) will work for me when this occurs.
I hope this is something that can be fixed in the future.
I have an IPad and every time I go into the Fairgrounds or Coliseum it won't let me play the games or interact with the page. I can only click on my Clan Profile picture to help me exit the page I'm stuck on. None of the side buttons (Dragon Lair, Nesting Grounds, Forums, Ect.) will work for me when this occurs.
I hope this is something that can be fixed in the future.
@Cheezit1x1 I think the problem is unique to you, most aspects of the site are accessible via mobile. Clear your mobile cache and see if the problem clears up.
@Cheezit1x1 I think the problem is unique to you, most aspects of the site are accessible via mobile. Clear your mobile cache and see if the problem clears up.
Thank you but it didn't work. I guess I'll have to play this on another devise. Thank you again.
Thank you but it didn't work. I guess I'll have to play this on another devise. Thank you again.
@Cheezit1x1 can you try it on a different mobile browser from the same device? The site should work fine on iPad, so perhaps whatever is causing it to act up has a source and can be fixed :)
@Cheezit1x1 can you try it on a different mobile browser from the same device? The site should work fine on iPad, so perhaps whatever is causing it to act up has a source and can be fixed :)
@chespin Thank you! I was able to finally access the coliseum. You were right I just needed to use a different browser.
@chespin Thank you! I was able to finally access the coliseum. You were right I just needed to use a different browser.
Locking this thread as this issue seems fixed. :)
Locking this thread as this issue seems fixed. :)