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Yes hello fellow Supernatural fan here. :v
HhHH i really need to get caught up with the second part of season 10.
*aggressively avoids reading most posts because SPOILERS*
Yes hello fellow Supernatural fan here. :v
HhHH i really need to get caught up with the second part of season 10.
*aggressively avoids reading most posts because SPOILERS*

Holy awesome episode batman! That episode was one of the best I've seen, like wowzas. The whole thing was just a treasure and the ending scene? BEST! It's so now canon that Dean "manly man" Winchester likes Taylor swift I will treasure that moment forever xD

Holy awesome episode batman! That episode was one of the best I've seen, like wowzas. The whole thing was just a treasure and the ending scene? BEST! It's so now canon that Dean "manly man" Winchester likes Taylor swift I will treasure that moment forever xD