
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | So how many eggs so far?
0. xD Glademom give me patience, grinding the coliseum is becoming a chore.
0. xD Glademom give me patience, grinding the coliseum is becoming a chore.



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9?? Flipping heck, that's some luck
9?? Flipping heck, that's some luck
Two, both from chests. Hatched one, holding onto the other until I decide what to do.
Two, both from chests. Hatched one, holding onto the other until I decide what to do.
all I want for christmas is a nocturne egg.... :( no luck thus far lol
all I want for christmas is a nocturne egg.... :( no luck thus far lol
5 so far (in just over 1k chests D:) aaaa
Sold one, keeping the rest to hatch on xmas, new years or just to sell after the event.
5 so far (in just over 1k chests D:) aaaa
Sold one, keeping the rest to hatch on xmas, new years or just to sell after the event.
... 7.

4 of them are sitting in my hoard.

But the best of luck to those who have not yet gotten a sweet sweet bat baby egg.
... 7.

4 of them are sitting in my hoard.

But the best of luck to those who have not yet gotten a sweet sweet bat baby egg.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - lightning_banner.png
Listen to the Thunder
Hear Us Roar
Zh duh wkh Fodq ri wkh Vfuhdplqj Vwrup
@MissPersephone @Ciphers

you two are so lucky :o
@MissPersephone @Ciphers

you two are so lucky :o
Hamda's Leveling Service
Yes. Yes they are XD
Yes. Yes they are XD
None via scavenging
I've opened 256 chests and have only found one egg through them
None via scavenging
I've opened 256 chests and have only found one egg through them
3DS Friend Code: 5300-9941-4980
#UnnamedIsValid .:. Nature Sales Thread .:. Strider Subspecies
Zero. Zip. Nada.....

Then again, I have noticed that if you have maxed out scavenging/digging levels then the less chance you get anything. The most chests I've gotten in one day is 7 (and that was when we had all the extra turns, too). And, with work no coli time. But, I am hopeful! Soon!!! Please? hahahah

I did cave and buy a little Nocturn girl from the AH tho... does that count? XD
Zero. Zip. Nada.....

Then again, I have noticed that if you have maxed out scavenging/digging levels then the less chance you get anything. The most chests I've gotten in one day is 7 (and that was when we had all the extra turns, too). And, with work no coli time. But, I am hopeful! Soon!!! Please? hahahah

I did cave and buy a little Nocturn girl from the AH tho... does that count? XD