[color="red"]*Note: This is the new thread for Helleboars. The original thread created by ClovenHeart is [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/3306105/1#post_3306105]here[/url]* [/color]
[center][b][color=#77493F][size=3][u]Lore[/u] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/adopt/3402379/1#post_58562419]Rules & Information[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/adopt/3402379/1#post_58562420]Truffle Guide [/url]| [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/adopt/3402379/1#post_58562421]Boar Catalog[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/adopt/3402379/1#post_58562423]Prizes [/url]| [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/adopt/3402379/1#post_58562424]Credits[/url]
[img alt="Banner of Helleboars with white and black truffle mushroom motifs"]https://i.imgur.com/SrxGwNn.png[/img][/size][/color][/b][/center]
[size=4][color=#5d310e]On the outskirts of the festivities, along the treeline, you see a banner stating "Boar Adoption Event! Follow Signs"... the letters at the end looked a bit scrunched up, but you figured it looked interesting enough, so you decided to check it out.
At the end of the trail, you find a clearing filled with boars of all shapes and sizes! As you enter, a woodsy Tundra comes up to you with a basket in hand.[/size][/color]
[size=4][color=#395046][i]Welcome to my little glade! I'm guessing you saw the banner, and you're here to adopt some of these sweet little friends.[/color][/i]
[font=Verdana][color=#5d310e]She holds out her basket, which is full of different truffles.[/font][/color]
[color=#395046][i]Here, all you need is a few of these, and some of these lovelies will follow you home![/size][/color][/i][/center]
[center][img alt="Row of boars running to the left"]https://i.imgur.com/49CCxpA.png[/img][/center]
*Note: This is the new thread for Helleboars. The original thread created by ClovenHeart is here*
On the outskirts of the festivities, along the treeline, you see a banner stating "Boar Adoption Event! Follow Signs"... the letters at the end looked a bit scrunched up, but you figured it looked interesting enough, so you decided to check it out.
At the end of the trail, you find a clearing filled with boars of all shapes and sizes! As you enter, a woodsy Tundra comes up to you with a basket in hand.
Welcome to my little glade! I'm guessing you saw the banner, and you're here to adopt some of these sweet little friends.
She holds out her basket, which is full of different truffles.
Here, all you need is a few of these, and some of these lovelies will follow you home!
Rules & Information

To get boars, send your order of boar-attracting truffles & payment by PM to one of our message catchers.
If you'd like to buy truffles for someone else, please make sure to specify that in your message, as well as their username & any note you'd like to include for the recipient.
There are three kinds of truffles, regular black truffles, special white truffles, and mystic Arcane truffles! Each truffle have different chances of attracting regular or special boars. Please see our Truffle Guide to know how different truffle bring in different boars.
Each truffle bought will earn you tickets into our mini raffle! Read the post below this for ticket amounts. The top three users will be given the opportunity to choose a prize. You can find more details in the Prizes post.
Profits will be split between the Nature Dominance bank, the Helleboars Grove bank, and everyone who worked on this event (message catchers, organizers, & artists)
We will open during Nature pushes, and will alert everyone on the pinglist to future openings.
Add yourself to our pinglist below!
For important updates & alerts for future openings
For daily pings during our opening week
Direct-buy Option
Don't like the RNG? Or just want specific boars to complete your collection? Great news! You can Direct-buy a boar or two, regardless of their retired/limited run status. Just send us a PM with the payment and kindly let us know which boar(s) you would like.
Boars of regular rarity: 40kt/g each
Boars of special rarity: 90kt/g each
We are only accepting gems/treasure for Direct-Buy Boars.
Boar Trading
Trading boars is allowed, with a few regulations;
- Boars are not to be resold
- 3 duplicates of the same boar can be exchanged for 1 new boar from the same set and rarity. All this requires is you editing it in your tracker sheet, we trust you not to abuse this feature!
- Boars can be traded with other players for other boars, adoptables or art (just not for treasure/FR items)
- feel free to use this thread to post your trades while the event is open!
Rules & Information

To get boars, send your order of boar-attracting truffles & payment by PM to one of our message catchers.
If you'd like to buy truffles for someone else, please make sure to specify that in your message, as well as their username & any note you'd like to include for the recipient.
There are three kinds of truffles, regular black truffles, special white truffles, and mystic Arcane truffles! Each truffle have different chances of attracting regular or special boars. Please see our Truffle Guide to know how different truffle bring in different boars.
Each truffle bought will earn you tickets into our mini raffle! Read the post below this for ticket amounts. The top three users will be given the opportunity to choose a prize. You can find more details in the Prizes post.
Profits will be split between the Nature Dominance bank, the Helleboars Grove bank, and everyone who worked on this event (message catchers, organizers, & artists)
We will open during Nature pushes, and will alert everyone on the pinglist to future openings.
Add yourself to our pinglist below!
For important updates & alerts for future openings
For daily pings during our opening week
Direct-buy Option
Don't like the RNG? Or just want specific boars to complete your collection? Great news! You can Direct-buy a boar or two, regardless of their retired/limited run status. Just send us a PM with the payment and kindly let us know which boar(s) you would like.
Boars of regular rarity: 40kt/g each
Boars of special rarity: 90kt/g each
We are only accepting gems/treasure for Direct-Buy Boars.
Boar Trading
Trading boars is allowed, with a few regulations;
- Boars are not to be resold
- 3 duplicates of the same boar can be exchanged for 1 new boar from the same set and rarity. All this requires is you editing it in your tracker sheet, we trust you not to abuse this feature!
- Boars can be traded with other players for other boars, adoptables or art (just not for treasure/FR items)
- feel free to use this thread to post your trades while the event is open!
[center][b][color=#77493F][size=3][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/adopt/3402379/1#post_3402379]Lore [/url]| [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/adopt/3402379/1#post_58562419]Rules & Information[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/adopt/3402379/1#post_58562420]Truffle Guide [/url]| [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/adopt/3402379/1#post_58562421]Boar Catalog[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/adopt/3402379/1#post_58562423]Prizes [/url]| [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/adopt/3402379/1#post_58562424]Credits[/url][/color][/size][/center]
[center][color="#6394DD"][size=7]Truffle Guide[/size][/color][/center]
[columns][img alt="Horizontal divider of boar tracks in mud"]https://i.imgur.com/H37PWBc.png[/img]
[img alt="Black Truffle Mushroom"]https://i.imgur.com/OumPwrp.png[/img][br][br][br]
[img alt="White Truffle Mushroom"]https://i.imgur.com/6ZJxcjp.png[/img][br][br]
[img alt="Mystic Arcane Truffle Mushroom"]https://i.imgur.com/6YSItkR.png[/img]
[nextcol] [size=4]Regular black truffles are 15kt/g each, and can attract 1 or 2 boars. They have a 75% of regular boars following, and a 25% chance of special boars following. When purchased, they give 1 ticket each.
Special white truffles are 30kt/g each, and can attract 1 or 2 boars. They have a 50% chance of both regular and special boars following. When purchased, they give 2 tickets each.
Mystic Arcane truffles are 80kt/g each, and can attract only 1 boar, which is guaranteed to be a special boar. When purchased, they give 4 tickets each.[/size]
[center][color=#236925][size=4][b]Alternative Payment[/b][/size][/color]
[size=4]We also accept alternative forms of payment! See below for details[/size][/center]
[columns][img alt="Horizontal divider of boar tracks in mud"]https://i.imgur.com/H37PWBc.png[/img]
[center][item=Gilded decorative chest]
[item=Prismatic Token]
[item=Unhatched Nocturne Egg]
[img alt="Unhatched Elemental Egg"]https://64.media.tumblr.com/e00c94c515ab629e767e2417befafae4/13e13b1b79d48ac1-bb/s250x250_c1/ca7cbf2e0445fb3f33f678a004644a5b9ec7bd3f.gif[/img]
[item=Unhatched Bogsneak Egg][/center]
[size=4]1 Gilded decorative chest gets you either 2 regular black truffles OR 1 special white truffle.
1 Prismatic token gets you either 5 regular black truffles OR 3 special white truffles OR 1 mystic Arcane truffles.
1 Unhatched Nocturne Egg gets you either 15 regular black truffles OR 7 special white truffles OR 2 mystic Arcane truffles.
1 Unhatched Elemental Egg gets you either 15 regular black truffles OR 7 special white truffles OR 2 mystic Arcane truffles.
1 Unhatched Bogsneak Egg gets you either 16 regular black truffles OR 8 special white truffles OR 3 mystic Arcane truffles.
[img alt=""]https://i.imgur.com/49CCxpA.png[/img]
@Rifter @Golden @PtolemyII @sleepy @romeow @chamilet @danijust @tigressRising @Polyhymnia @urbancountry26 @SingingDragon @Neptunelycan @alyblaith @aredshroom @nebuloous @queerhyena @SilentWanderer @Doozie @SatyrGatyr @SolarCABLU @rockss @valerianroot @ShampooSuds @Plante @Bexster94 @Draugwen @SillyFilly @HappyGargoyle @ZimeBelle @Zabella @eeep @Inept @Caprikin @Rattification @Graceling13 @Dracobkhan @NerdMom @KittehMei @acherontian @Pinopsida @Reithya @mousewife @kilorechoy @PinkDrink @aesthera @Darciandhermoths @sunlightdruid @FeralChimera @Delibird
Hello fellow Boar collectors!
Yes, you are seeing a new thread hosted by me. I'm fully taking over the thread since it's easier to host and make changes to the thread this way. Additionally, I've also moved the google sheet pinglist into an FR pinglist to make it easier for people to keep track of this way. I'll be removing the google sheet pinglist end of next week so join our FR Pinglist if you want to be up-to-date about our Helleboars!
Add yourself to our pinglist below!
For important updates & alerts for future openings
For daily pings during our opening week
I'm letting you know that we are opening for the upcoming week in line with Nature's conquest week (starting tomorrow/next rollover onwards). Unfortunately, no new boars this time but we have plenty of flower-themed boars to collect :D
- New thread hosted by me (yay)
- Add yourself to FR pinglist
-Google sheets pinglist removed next week
-Helleboars opening 1 sleep away
[size=1]@Rifter @Golden @PtolemyII @sleepy @romeow @chamilet @danijust @tigressRising @Polyhymnia @urbancountry26 @SingingDragon @Neptunelycan @alyblaith @aredshroom @nebuloous @queerhyena @SilentWanderer @Doozie @SatyrGatyr @SolarCABLU @rockss @valerianroot @ShampooSuds @Plante @Bexster94 @Draugwen @SillyFilly @HappyGargoyle @ZimeBelle @Zabella @eeep @Inept @Caprikin @Rattification @Graceling13 @Dracobkhan @NerdMom @KittehMei @acherontian @Pinopsida @Reithya @mousewife @kilorechoy @PinkDrink @aesthera @Darciandhermoths @sunlightdruid @FeralChimera @Delibird [/size]
Apologies for the double ping while we are transitioning between pinglist systems.
[size=4][font=Verdana][color=#5d310e]Isn't that Timbra? You thought to yourself as you approach a clearing with boars running around and Timbra the tundra standing playing with some of the boars.[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#395046][i]“Welcome my friend! The boars are back in the area. There doesn't seem to be any new boars around but the boars here are keen to follow someone for a new adventure. So grab a truffle and see which of them shall join you on your adventure!” [/color][/i]
[center][size=4][b]Helleboars are back, baby~[/b][/size][/center]
Check out who's online for faster track to boars on [url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zOy4Qqs3wOWDBnwmx_hrjPtgWOJ1nKz8kuHTK3Ur080/edit#gid=0]this spreadsheet![/url]. If no one's online, feel free to send to [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/msgs/new?to=Neptunelycan]Me [/url]or any other folks that are accepting orders and the boars will be sent your way as soon as possible.
[img alt="Row of boars running to the right"]https://i.imgur.com/oQ26ayY.png[/img]
@Helleboars (Updates & Opening)
@Rifter @Golden @PtolemyII @sleepy @romeow @chamilet @danijust @tigressRising @Polyhymnia @urbancountry26 @SingingDragon @Neptunelycan @alyblaith @aredshroom @nebuloous @queerhyena @SilentWanderer @Doozie @SatyrGatyr @SolarCABLU @rockss @valerianroot @ShampooSuds @Plante @Bexster94 @Draugwen @SillyFilly @HappyGargoyle @ZimeBelle @Zabella @eeep @Inept @Caprikin @Rattification @Graceling13 @Dracobkhan @NerdMom @KittehMei @acherontian @Pinopsida @Reithya @mousewife @kilorechoy @PinkDrink @aesthera @Darciandhermoths @sunlightdruid @FeralChimera @Delibird
Apologies for the double ping while we are transitioning between pinglist systems.
Isn't that Timbra? You thought to yourself as you approach a clearing with boars running around and Timbra the tundra standing playing with some of the boars.
“Welcome my friend! The boars are back in the area. There doesn't seem to be any new boars around but the boars here are keen to follow someone for a new adventure. So grab a truffle and see which of them shall join you on your adventure!”
Helleboars are back, baby~
Check out who's online for faster track to boars on
this spreadsheet!. If no one's online, feel free to send to
Me or any other folks that are accepting orders and the boars will be sent your way as soon as possible.
@pinglist-46904[center][size=1]@Pinopsida @Golden @CaityJay @chamilet @kilorechoy @rockss @aesthera @Darciandhermoths @Drakenhart [/size]
[font=Verdana][size=5][color=#5d310e]Timbra readjusts the signs along the path and tightens the banner, signaling a new day of boar adoptions.[/font]
Check out who's online for faster track to boars on [url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zOy4Qqs3wOWDBnwmx_hrjPtgWOJ1nKz8kuHTK3Ur080/edit#gid=0]this spreadsheet![/url]. If no one's online, feel free to send to folks that are accepting orders and the boars will be sent your way as soon as possible.
Do note that orders from the previous may have not been sent out due to timezone differences or IRL commitments. We will get to them as soon as we can.
@Helleboars (Daily Ping)
Check out who's online for faster track to boars on
this spreadsheet!. If no one's online, feel free to send to folks that are accepting orders and the boars will be sent your way as soon as possible.
Do note that orders from the previous may have not been sent out due to timezone differences or IRL commitments. We will get to them as soon as we can.
As usual, I'm here for a few hours (starting now) to send out orders (and send out yesterday's orders). :D
As usual, I'm here for a few hours (starting now) to send out orders (and send out yesterday's orders). :D