[center][img alt="A wooden booth covered with white cloth that reads 'Chu's Knick-Knacks'. There is a tiered wooden display shelf with badges themed after Sornieth's flight elements. At the bottom is a sign that reads: 'Special: Buy the set, get a free cookie! *while supplies last"]https://i.imgur.com/1gySoXt.png[/img]
[size=4][color=#8d1a29]Across Sornieth, a magical collection of cherry blossoms have sprouted, each one taking on qualities of their respective element~[/color][/size]
[emoji=wind rune size=1][color=transparent]__[/color][emoji=water rune size=1][color=transparent]__[/color][emoji=shadow rune size=1][color=transparent]__[/color][emoji=plague rune size=1][color=transparent]__[/color][emoji=nature rune size=1][color=transparent]__[/color][emoji=lightning rune size=1][color=transparent]__[/color][emoji=light rune size=1][color=transparent]__[/color][emoji=ice rune size=1][color=transparent]__[/color][emoji=fire rune size=1][color=transparent]__[/color][emoji=earth rune size=1][color=transparent]__[/color][emoji=arcane rune size=1]
[columns][color=transparent]__[/color]Each badge is [b][color=#8d1a29]15kt/g[/color][/b] or you can grab the whole set for [b][color=#8d1a29]150kt/g[/color][/b]. The whole set comes with a complimentary cookie!
[center][img alt="A cherry blossom shaped cookie decorated with pink royal icing."]https://i.imgur.com/TWptiGm.png[/img][/center]
[color=transparent]__[/color]To claim a badge, [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/msgs/new?to=Chuchuana][b][color=#8d1a29]send me a PM[/color][/b][/url] with payment and a note of which badge(s) you would like! I'll reply with an image code or you're welcome to help yourself~[nextcol][img alt="A cherry blossom-shaped pinwheel spinning on a grassy hillside."]https://imgur.com/p0RZhIq.png[/img][color=transparent]__[/color][img alt="A branch of cherry blossoms over a small pool of water."]https://imgur.com/VlJBGrl.png[/img][color=transparent]__[/color][img alt="A branch of cherry blossoms in front of a crescent moon with a starry, dark purple backdrop."]https://imgur.com/epWKZJI.png[/img]
[center][img alt="A small cluster of cherry blossoms inside of a rib cage."]https://imgur.com/ZkQhOca.png[/img][color=transparent]__[/color][img alt="A bunch of cherry blossoms surrounded by big green leaves."]https://imgur.com/GVvZdOO.png[/img][color=transparent]__[/color][img alt="A metallic, mechanical-like cherry blossom with hanging wires."]https://imgur.com/HX3GIXh.png[/img]
[img alt="A branch of cherry blossoms with golden rays of light."]https://imgur.com/7X6VSSb.png[/img][color=transparent]__[/color][img alt="A snowflake with a pink cherry blossom shape in the center."]https://imgur.com/PNJMA3Z.png[/img][color=transparent]__[/color][img alt="A branch of cherry blossoms emerging from a pile of ash and embers."]https://imgur.com/LRwgPiB.png[/img]
[img alt="A cherry blossom carved out of a rock."]https://imgur.com/9TXGRrd.png[/img][color=transparent]__[/color][img alt="A pink spell circle embellished with cherry blossom petals."]https://imgur.com/4cXP2U0.png[/img][/center]
Across Sornieth, a magical collection of cherry blossoms have sprouted, each one taking on qualities of their respective element~
__Each badge is 15kt/g or you can grab the whole set for 150kt/g. The whole set comes with a complimentary cookie!
__To claim a badge, send me a PM with payment and a note of which badge(s) you would like! I'll reply with an image code or you're welcome to help yourself~
____ ____ __
[center][img alt=”A tree branch that curves back on itself is covered in a variety of produce. Pink petals fall all around it, and there is a brown tundra dragon wearing a green gardening hat and covered in vines behind the branch.]https://i.imgur.com/ntm7wzF.png[/img][/center]
Large fruits are spread across a twisting branch. From behind his wares, a Tundra greets you.
[quote name=Abram]Hello, welcome to my stall. My clan and I have been working hard in carefully controlled greenhouses to bring the bounty of produce from every element here for you today! Feel free to browse and let me know what you're interested in. I'm also happy to share about each fruit, if you're interested.[/quote][/columns]
[center]Each badge costs [b]15kt/g[/b], but if you buy the whole set, it’s [b]150kt/g[/b][/center]
[columns][color=transparent]xxxxxxxx[nextcol][img alt="Two cindershrooms, orange and red capped mushrooms with tan stems and spark-like spores floating off of them."]https://i.imgur.com/2GuVX6G.png[/img]
[img alt="Half of a sunbeam fig with red rind, yellow pith, and juicy fruit that ranges from orange to red."]https://i.imgur.com/QZIPg6V.png[/img]
[center]Sunbeam Fig[/center][nextcol]
[img alt="A whole watermelon with a red and orange rind, as well as a slice with pale green pith, black seeds, and bright green fruit. "]https://i.imgur.com/lAU3g63.png[/img]
[img alt="A cater fruit, which looks much like a dragon fruit, which is red but fades to blue towards the bottom and has small green leaves sticking up from layering segments."]https://i.imgur.com/Jk8dXUq.png[/img]
[center]Cater Fruit[/center][/columns]
[columns][color=transparent]xxxxxxx[nextcol][img alt="An engineered superberry; a purple strawberry-like fruit with dark green leaves and a light purple shine."]https://i.imgur.com/3hKFOwT.png[/img]
[center]Engineered Superberry[/center][nextcol]
[img alt="A pair of aether cherries attached with a green stem. They are a purple fruit with dark pink lines and juice dripping from the bottom."]https://i.imgur.com/MZcg5Hp.png[/img]
[center]Aether Cherries[/center][nextcol]
[img alt="A single subterranean clover leaf which is purple and flecked with light blue and purple."]https://i.imgur.com/1QGoc00.png[/img]
[center]Subterranean Clover[/center][nextcol]
[img alt="Two leechroot mushrooms with pale purple stems and dark purple spotting on the caps."]https://i.imgur.com/x8AN7zY.png[/img]
[center]Leechroot Mushroom[/center][/columns]
[columns][color=transparent]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[nextcol][img alt="A single aer sprite, which is a dandelion-like seed with a translucent green pappus and dark green seed at the end of a stalk."]https://i.imgur.com/aqXBbVF.png[/img]
[center]Aer Sprite[/center][nextcol]
[img alt="Two tundra cacti with dark green leaves at the top and a cap of snow. The light green body is spotted with yellow."]https://i.imgur.com/mSa61kO.png[/img]
[center]Tundra Cactus[/center][nextcol]
[img alt="A stonecorn which is a completely grey acorn with small cracks and a knobby stem."]https://i.imgur.com/swbkk2A.png[/img]
[Size=4]To order, simply send me a message or CR with payment along with which badges you would like to buy! If there are any issues with the order, I will message back to let you know.
[*]Mixed payments are perfectly fine.
[*]10% of all gems earned will go towards nature dominance.
[*]Tips are welcome! Specify if you want them to go to Nat Dom or the artist ^-^
[*]Feel free to display the badges anywhere on site and adjust them if you’d like.
[*]If you rather pay in fodder dragons, ping or message me and we can discuss that option.
[*]If your order isn't delivered/acknowledged within 24 hours, ping me or send another message!
[quote name=Abram][columns][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/80297959][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/portraits/802980/80297959p.png[/img][/url][nextcol][color=transparent]xx[nextcol][size=4]You want to learn more about these fruits and why we chose them? Of course! I’d be happy to talk about them.[/quote]
[quote name=Abram][columns][item=cindershroom][nextcol]These are cindershrooms from the Ashfall Waste, home of the fire flight. Pay no mind to the spores floating off of them; they look like sparks, but they’re harmless.[nextcol][img alt="Two cindershrooms, orange and red capped mushrooms with tan stems and spark-like spores floating off of them."]https://i.imgur.com/2GuVX6G.png[/img][/columns][/quote]
[quote name=Abram][columns][img alt="Half of a sunbeam fig with red rind, yellow pith, and juicy fruit that ranges from orange to red."]https://i.imgur.com/QZIPg6V.png[/img][nextcol]This is a sunbeam fig, aptly named since they’re from the Sunbeam Ruins, home of the light flight. These fruits need tons of sunlight to grow, so we made sure to grow them with no shade.[nextcol][item=sunbeam fig][/columns][/quote]
[quote name=Abram][columns][item=watermelon][nextcol]This is a watermelon from the Sea of a Thousand Currents, home of the water flight. We had to work hard to cultivate these underwater since that’s the only place they’ll grow. We cut out a little slice for you to see the verdant colour of the melon’s flesh. [nextcol][img alt="A whole watermelon with a red and orange rind, as well as a slice with pale green pith, black seeds, and bright green fruit. "]https://i.imgur.com/lAU3g63.png[/img][/quote]
[quote name=Abram][columns][img alt="A cater fruit, which looks much like a dragon fruit, which is red but fades to blue towards the bottom and has small green leaves sticking up from layering segments."]https://i.imgur.com/Jk8dXUq.png[/img][nextcol]This cater fruit is from our very own Viridian Labyrinth, home of the nature flight. It’s originally found from the recently discovered catercroaks, but we find them delicious![nextcol][item=cater fruit][/columns][/quote]
[quote name=Abram][columns][item=engineered superberry][nextcol]This engineered superberry is from the Shifting Expanse, home (and workplace!) of lightning dragons. We aren’t sure exactly how they made this so perfect, but it’s impossibly good and we managed to cultivate them too.[nextcol][img alt="An engineered superberry; a purple strawberry-like fruit with dark green leaves and a light purple shine."]https://i.imgur.com/3hKFOwT.png[/img][/columns][/quote]
[quote name=Abram][columns][img alt="A pair of aether cherries attached with a green stem. They are a purple fruit with dark pink lines and juice dripping from the bottom."]https://i.imgur.com/MZcg5Hp.png[/img][nextcol]These are aether cherries from the Starfall Isles, home of the arcane flight. Not only are they magically delicious, but their juice is a handy dye.[nextcol][item=aether cherries][/columns][/quote]
[quote name=Abram][columns][item=subterranean clover][nextcol]This is a subterranean clover from the Tangled Wood, home of the shadow flight. They can only grow in absolute darkness, so we had to make a special greenhouse just for them to keep the plants from shrivelling up.[nextcol][img alt="A single subterranean clover leaf which is purple and flecked with light blue and purple."]https://i.imgur.com/1QGoc00.png[/img][/columns][/quote]
[quote name=Abram][columns][img alt="Two leechroot mushrooms with pale purple stems and dark purple spotting on the caps."]https://i.imgur.com/x8AN7zY.png[/img][nextcol]These are leechroot mushrooms, a parasitic fungus from the Scarred Wasteland where our sister flight, plague, lives. We grew some common trees intentionally to cultivate these on, since they sicken their host.[nextcol][item=leechroot mushroom][/columns][/quote]
[quote name=Abram][columns][item=aer sprite][nextcol]Here’s an aer sprite from the Windswept Plateau, home of the wind flight. Though it sounds like a familiar name, it’s really a seed with a parachute that we originally collected from aer phantoms. They have a lovely little glow to them at night. [nextcol][img alt="A single aer sprite, which is a dandelion-like seed with a translucent green pappus and dark green seed at the end of a stalk."]https://i.imgur.com/aqXBbVF.png[/img][/columns][/quote]
[quote name=Abram][columns][img alt="Two tundra cacti with dark green leaves at the top and a cap of snow. The light green body is spotted with yellow."]https://i.imgur.com/mSa61kO.png[/img][nextcol]These are tundra cacti from the Southern Icefield, home of the ice flight. We had to really chill the greenhouse where we grew these, and it just didn’t feel right to bring them here without a little snow on top.[nextcol][item=tundra cactus][/columns][/quote]
[quote name=Abram][columns][item=stonecorn][nextcol]This isn’t a rock, it’s a stonecorn from Dragonhome, home of the earth flight. Don’t let their look deceive you, this is far more pleasant to chew on than a handful of gravel. (No matter what Marva might tell you.)[nextcol][img alt="A stonecorn which is a completely grey acorn with small cracks and a knobby stem."]https://i.imgur.com/swbkk2A.png[/img][/columns][/quote]
Large fruits are spread across a twisting branch. From behind his wares, a Tundra greets you.
Abram wrote:
Hello, welcome to my stall. My clan and I have been working hard in carefully controlled greenhouses to bring the bounty of produce from every element here for you today! Feel free to browse and let me know what you're interested in. I'm also happy to share about each fruit, if you're interested.
Each badge costs 15kt/g, but if you buy the whole set, it’s 150kt/g
Sunbeam Fig
Cater Fruit
Engineered Superberry
Aether Cherries
Subterranean Clover
Leechroot Mushroom
Aer Sprite
Tundra Cactus
To order, simply send me a message or CR with payment along with which badges you would like to buy! If there are any issues with the order, I will message back to let you know.
Mixed payments are perfectly fine.
10% of all gems earned will go towards nature dominance.
Tips are welcome! Specify if you want them to go to Nat Dom or the artist ^-^
Feel free to display the badges anywhere on site and adjust them if you’d like.
If you rather pay in fodder dragons, ping or message me and we can discuss that option.
If your order isn't delivered/acknowledged within 24 hours, ping me or send another message!
Abram wrote:
You want to learn more about these fruits and why we chose them? Of course! I’d be happy to talk about them.
Abram wrote:
Though the spores of the Cindershroom indeed look like smoldering cinders, it's mostly harmless.
These are cindershrooms from the Ashfall Waste, home of the fire flight. Pay no mind to the spores floating off of them; they look like sparks, but they’re harmless.
Abram wrote:
This is a sunbeam fig, aptly named since they’re from the Sunbeam Ruins, home of the light flight. These fruits need tons of sunlight to grow, so we made sure to grow them with no shade.
Sunbeam Fig
Sunbeam fig trees will only produce fruit when exposed to long periods of direct sunlight.
Abram wrote:
Though it has a land-growing cousin, this melon is cultivated exclusively in the Sea of a Thousand Currents.
This is a watermelon from the Sea of a Thousand Currents, home of the water flight. We had to work hard to cultivate these underwater since that’s the only place they’ll grow. We cut out a little slice for you to see the verdant colour of the melon’s flesh.
Abram wrote:
This cater fruit is from our very own Viridian Labyrinth, home of the nature flight. It’s originally found from the recently discovered catercroaks, but we find them delicious!
Cater Fruit
This fruit is for Catercroaks, not dragons!
Abram wrote:
Engineered Superberry
When science and magic collide, the sky is the limit and anything is possible - this strawberry is blue! Blue I say!
This engineered superberry is from the Shifting Expanse, home (and workplace!) of lightning dragons. We aren’t sure exactly how they made this so perfect, but it’s impossibly good and we managed to cultivate them too.
Abram wrote:
These are aether cherries from the Starfall Isles, home of the arcane flight. Not only are they magically delicious, but their juice is a handy dye.
Aether Cherries
The juice from this tart cherry is often used as dye for ornamentations.
Abram wrote:
Subterranean Clover
This clover grows only in absolute darkness. It shrivels quickly when exposed to sunlight.
This is a subterranean clover from the Tangled Wood, home of the shadow flight. They can only grow in absolute darkness, so we had to make a special greenhouse just for them to keep the plants from shrivelling up.
Abram wrote:
These are leechroot mushrooms, a parasitic fungus from the Scarred Wasteland where our sister flight, plague, lives. We grew some common trees intentionally to cultivate these on, since they sicken their host.
Leechroot Mushroom
Healthy plants are rare in the Plaguebringer's domain. These mushrooms assure they won't be that way for long.
Abram wrote:
Aer Sprite
A gust of aer sprites can sometimes be confused for a swarm of fireflies in the right light.
Here’s an aer sprite from the Windswept Plateau, home of the wind flight. Though it sounds like a familiar name, it’s really a seed with a parachute that we originally collected from aer phantoms. They have a lovely little glow to them at night.
Abram wrote:
These are tundra cacti from the Southern Icefield, home of the ice flight. We had to really chill the greenhouse where we grew these, and it just didn’t feel right to bring them here without a little snow on top.
Tundra Cactus
It may seem odd to find cacti in the tundra, until you consider it's just a colder sort of desert.
Abram wrote:
Although mistaken for pebbles on a regular basis, these acorns are definitely not made of rock and are actually quite tasty!
This isn’t a rock, it’s a stonecorn from Dragonhome, home of the earth flight. Don’t let their look deceive you, this is far more pleasant to chew on than a handful of gravel. (No matter what Marva might tell you.)
[center][b][color=634343][size=5]ELEMENTAL CAT HEAD PILLOW PLUSHIES[/size][/color][/b]
[img alt=a tree with all the badges displayed on it like apples]https://i.imgur.com/Ox4iyKh.png[/img]
[size=4][color=634343][b]10g/kt[/b] each or [b]100g/kt[/b] for the whole set.[/color][/size]
[size=4][b][color=634343]To get them, sent me a [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/msgs/new?to=Kieren]private message[/url] with the payment and info which badges you're buying. Once you do feel free to just take them, self service and all :3[/color][/b][/size]
[columns][img alt="A small waterfall with blossoms falling around it."]https://i.imgur.com/yiy3pb1.png[/img][nextcol][columns][img]https://i.imgur.com/t1eD7rD.png[/img]
[center][b][color=634343][size=3]WIND[/size][/color][/b][/center][nextcol][img alt="A pale pink sakura blossom."]https://i.imgur.com/SLhgSh9.png[/img][/columns][/columns]
To get them, sent me a private message with the payment and info which badges you're buying. Once you do feel free to just take them, self service and all :3
[center][img alt="A horizontal divider of pink petals blowing past a central sakura flower."]https://i.imgur.com/ah9qkIc.png[/img]
[size=7][size=4][font=gabriola][b][color=#573e3e]teddy's Pixel Butterflies[/size]
[center][img alt="Tree display with pixel art butterflies."]https://images2.imgbox.com/da/a4/wU1qsYyY_o.png[/img]
[font=Veranda][color=#573e3e][size=6][i]Hi there![/size]
[size=5]These friends have been fluttering around here for a while, and I think they're getting bored of the same old scenery.
Ping or PM me, @teddy2008 and tell me the number of badges you're buying. Any payment method is fine, then grab your badges from the codes below. Please don't take them unless you've paid.[/size][/center]
[br][center][img alt="A horizontal divider of pink petals blowing past a central sakura flower."]https://i.imgur.com/ah9qkIc.png[/img]
[size=5][b][font=arial][color=#611881]20kt or 12 levels[/b]
[img alt="Butterfly with blue, green, and white wings that look like the Earth and a yellow body."]https://images2.imgbox.com/95/b6/cQxJ8txV_o.png[/img]
[code][img alt="Butterfly with blue, green, and white wings that look like the Earth and a yellow body."]https://images2.imgbox.com/95/b6/cQxJ8txV_o.png[/img][/code]
[img alt="A horizontal divider of pink petals blowing past a central sakura flower."]https://i.imgur.com/ah9qkIc.png[/img]
[size=5][b][font=arial][color=#611881]15kt or 9 levels each[/b]
[img alt="Black butterfly with green spots and white wing tips."]https://images2.imgbox.com/10/6f/1YsbIsuc_o.png[/img] [img alt="Lavender and red butterfly with blue wing tips."]https://images2.imgbox.com/18/55/1XNFwFND_o.png[/img]
[code][img alt="Black butterfly with green spots and white wing tips."]https://images2.imgbox.com/10/6f/1YsbIsuc_o.png[/img][/code]
[code][img alt="Lavender and red butterfly with blue wing tips."]https://images2.imgbox.com/18/55/1XNFwFND_o.png[/img][/code]
[img alt="Butterfly that fades from yellow to orange with a red body."]https://images2.imgbox.com/26/ed/KqDifqHo_o.png[/img][img alt="Yellow and orange butterfly with blue markings."]https://images2.imgbox.com/bd/d3/cfOM2ULU_o.png[/img][img alt="White caterpillar with spots that are yellow, orange, and red."]https://images2.imgbox.com/e4/2d/iZtjvnf9_o.png[/img]
[code][img alt="Butterfly that fades from yellow to orange with a red body."]https://images2.imgbox.com/26/ed/KqDifqHo_o.png[/img][/code]
[code][img alt="Yellow and orange butterfly with blue markings."]https://images2.imgbox.com/bd/d3/cfOM2ULU_o.png[/img][/code]
[code][img alt="White caterpillar with spots that are yellow, orange, and red."]https://images2.imgbox.com/e4/2d/iZtjvnf9_o.png[/img][/code]
[img alt="Red butterfly with gold and purple markings."]https://images2.imgbox.com/d1/4f/JxOPbK33_o.png[/img][img alt="Magenta butterfly with gold markings."]https://images2.imgbox.com/0a/57/sjhVBdon_o.png[/img][img alt="Magenta butterfly with gold and purple markings."]https://images2.imgbox.com/de/cf/qpuRV429_o.png[/img][img alt="Caterpillar with purple, orange, and yellow stripes and purple spots."]https://images2.imgbox.com/33/c2/Px57HzCF_o.png[/img]
[code][img alt="Red butterfly with gold and purple markings."]https://images2.imgbox.com/d1/4f/JxOPbK33_o.png[/img][/code]
[code][img alt="Magenta butterfly with gold markings."]https://images2.imgbox.com/0a/57/sjhVBdon_o.png[/img][/code]
[code][img alt="Magenta butterfly with gold and purple markings."]https://images2.imgbox.com/de/cf/qpuRV429_o.png[/img][/code]
[code][img alt="Caterpillar with purple, orange, and yellow stripes and purple spots."]https://images2.imgbox.com/33/c2/Px57HzCF_o.png[/img][/code]
[br][center][img alt="A horizontal divider of pink petals blowing past a central sakura flower."]https://i.imgur.com/ah9qkIc.png[/img][/center]
These friends have been fluttering around here for a while, and I think they're getting bored of the same old scenery.
Ping or PM me, @teddy2008 and tell me the number of badges you're buying. Any payment method is fine, then grab your badges from the codes below. Please don't take them unless you've paid.
20kt or 12 levels
[img alt="Butterfly with blue, green, and white wings that look like the Earth and a yellow body."]https://images2.imgbox.com/95/b6/cQxJ8txV_o.png[/img]
15kt or 9 levels each
[img alt="Black butterfly with green spots and white wing tips."]https://images2.imgbox.com/10/6f/1YsbIsuc_o.png[/img]
[img alt="Lavender and red butterfly with blue wing tips."]https://images2.imgbox.com/18/55/1XNFwFND_o.png[/img]
[img alt="Butterfly that fades from yellow to orange with a red body."]https://images2.imgbox.com/26/ed/KqDifqHo_o.png[/img]
[img alt="Yellow and orange butterfly with blue markings."]https://images2.imgbox.com/bd/d3/cfOM2ULU_o.png[/img]
[img alt="White caterpillar with spots that are yellow, orange, and red."]https://images2.imgbox.com/e4/2d/iZtjvnf9_o.png[/img]
[img alt="Red butterfly with gold and purple markings."]https://images2.imgbox.com/d1/4f/JxOPbK33_o.png[/img]
[img alt="Magenta butterfly with gold markings."]https://images2.imgbox.com/0a/57/sjhVBdon_o.png[/img]
[img alt="Magenta butterfly with gold and purple markings."]https://images2.imgbox.com/de/cf/qpuRV429_o.png[/img]
[img alt="Caterpillar with purple, orange, and yellow stripes and purple spots."]https://images2.imgbox.com/33/c2/Px57HzCF_o.png[/img]
[img alt="A wooden booth with a pale pink canopy and tablecloth, with sakura petals falling all around it. The main sign on the top says: Badge Stand. Two smaller signs on either side of a tiered display read: Hello Friends. There are simple black pixel drawings of various animals, with white eyes and some pink noses, arranged on the display. An A-frame stand up chalkboard on the ground reads: Sale! Buy 2 for the price of 2."]https://i.imgur.com/Q4hSwqF.png[/img]
[size=4]Wow! A booth full of anatomically dubious, two-dimensional, mostly black and white creatures! They have unusually blocky edges and might be made of some sort of void considering how their bodies reflect back absolutely no light. Super weird. Anyway, they want to go home with you.
In order to bring your new friends home, you will need to send 2kt/g for each creature to alyblaith (PM or CR) to cover the cost of the cloning technology. Once you've done so, you get to take [i]both sizes[/i] - get 2 for the price of 2!
You can sign up on the pinglist to be notified if any more creatures from the void appear! Or other things, I guess.[/size]
[size=4][u]Shop terms:[/u][/center]
[*] Once you send in payment, you can take your badges immediately. I might not respond to you for several days because I signed up to do so many things lmao
[*]Once you have purchased the rights to use these, you may use them anywhere on Flight Rising without needing to credit me. Do not claim them as your own work (draw them some friends instead).
[*]You are [u]encouraged[/u] to save them to your computer or other device in case hosting goes down. I would prefer it doesn't, but this is the internet. No guarantees.
[*]You are welcome to re-caption them for your personal use, provided the captions are accurate, lore-related, or intended for humor. You may remove the captions if you want to include the badges in your signature but are running into character limits. Otherwise, please don't remove the captions - these aren't very parse-able images to begin with, and the small details may genuinely be inaccessible on the smaller sizes without descriptions to help.
[*]Please don't take / use badges you haven't paid for. *Especially* not other people's badges, but also preferably not these ones! The codes are publicly available so you can feel free to change your mind about which size(s) to use.
[*] 2kt / 2g gets you *both sizes* of the same badge! (Why say it once when you could say it twice for twice the clarity.)
[*] If you do something cool with your lil guys, please feel free to ping, PM, profile comment, etc.. I want to know how they're getting on in their new environments!
[img alt="An inexpertly drawn sitting cat in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes and pink nose."]https://i.imgur.com/zMcQtfC.png[/img][img alt="An inexpertly drawn sitting cat in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes and pink nose."]https://i.imgur.com/dgZaCVb.png[/img]
Smaller[code][img alt="An inexpertly drawn sitting cat in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes and pink nose."]https://i.imgur.com/zMcQtfC.png[/img][/code]Bigger[code][img alt="An inexpertly drawn sitting cat in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes and pink nose."]https://i.imgur.com/dgZaCVb.png[/img][/code]
[img alt="An inexpertly drawn giraffe in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes."]https://i.imgur.com/xuNQpDM.png[/img][img alt="An inexpertly drawn giraffe in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes."]https://i.imgur.com/PsSJSe1.png[/img]
Smaller[code][img alt="An inexpertly drawn giraffe in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes."]https://i.imgur.com/xuNQpDM.png[/img][/code]Bigger[code][img alt="An inexpertly drawn giraffe in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes."]https://i.imgur.com/PsSJSe1.png[/img][/code]
[img alt="An inexpertly drawn very fat rat in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes and pink nose."]https://i.imgur.com/9H78ewI.png[/img][img alt="An inexpertly drawn very fat rat in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes and pink nose."]https://i.imgur.com/Fk2qdWx.png[/img]
Smaller[code][img alt="An inexpertly drawn very fat rat in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes and pink nose."]https://i.imgur.com/9H78ewI.png[/img][/code]Bigger[code][img alt="An inexpertly drawn very fat rat in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes and pink nose."]https://i.imgur.com/Fk2qdWx.png[/img][/code]
[img alt="An inexpertly drawn... borzoi?... in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes and pink nose."]https://i.imgur.com/tQB69Na.png[/img][img alt="An inexpertly drawn... borzoi?... in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes and pink nose."]https://i.imgur.com/sgEjDel.png[/img]
Smaller[code][img alt="An inexpertly drawn... borzoi?... in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes and pink nose."]https://i.imgur.com/tQB69Na.png[/img][/code]Bigger[code][img alt="An inexpertly drawn... borzoi?... in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes and pink nose."]https://i.imgur.com/sgEjDel.png[/img][/code]
[img alt="An inexpertly drawn crow in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes."]https://i.imgur.com/aBl8yKL.png[/img][img alt="An inexpertly drawn crow in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes."]https://i.imgur.com/vbRuw7l.png[/img]
Smaller[code][img alt="An inexpertly drawn crow in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes."]https://i.imgur.com/aBl8yKL.png[/img][/code]Bigger[code][img alt="An inexpertly drawn crow in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes."]https://i.imgur.com/vbRuw7l.png[/img][/code]
[img alt="An inexpertly drawn goldfish in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes."]https://i.imgur.com/LLE45F2.png[/img][img alt="An inexpertly drawn goldfish in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes."]https://i.imgur.com/Y28Ltv7.png[/img]
Smaller[code][img alt="An inexpertly drawn goldfish in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes."]https://i.imgur.com/LLE45F2.png[/img][/code]Bigger[code][img alt="An inexpertly drawn goldfish in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes."]https://i.imgur.com/Y28Ltv7.png[/img][/code]
[img alt="An inexpertly drawn barn owl in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes and beak set against its white heart-shaped face markings."]https://i.imgur.com/tepwoIN.png[/img][img alt="An inexpertly drawn barn owl in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes and beak set against its white heart-shaped face markings."]https://i.imgur.com/DPAOTJ2.png[/img]
Smaller[code][img alt="An inexpertly drawn barn owl in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes and beak set against its white heart-shaped face markings."]https://i.imgur.com/tepwoIN.png[/img][/code]Bigger[code][img alt="An inexpertly drawn barn owl in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes and beak set against its white heart-shaped face markings."]https://i.imgur.com/DPAOTJ2.png[/img][/code]
[img alt="An inexpertly drawn cat in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes and pink nose."]https://i.imgur.com/vrPTGHY.png[/img][img alt="An inexpertly drawn cat in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes and pink nose."]https://i.imgur.com/sgVTsCG.png[/img]
Smaller[code][img alt="An inexpertly drawn cat in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes and pink nose."]https://i.imgur.com/vrPTGHY.png[/img][/code]Bigger[code][img alt="An inexpertly drawn cat in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes and pink nose."]https://i.imgur.com/sgVTsCG.png[/img][/code]
[img alt="An inexpertly drawn mouse in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes and pink nose."]https://i.imgur.com/4caPP8A.png[/img][img alt="An inexpertly drawn mouse in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes and pink nose."]https://i.imgur.com/36n4iS1.png[/img]
Smaller[code][img alt="An inexpertly drawn mouse in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes and pink nose."]https://i.imgur.com/4caPP8A.png[/img][/code]Bigger[code][img alt="An inexpertly drawn mouse in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes and pink nose."]https://i.imgur.com/36n4iS1.png[/img][/code]
[img alt="An inexpertly drawn canine of some kind in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes and pink nose."]https://i.imgur.com/iSinMfn.png[/img][img alt="An inexpertly drawn canine of some kind in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes and pink nose."]https://i.imgur.com/lJzm2E5.png[/img]
Smaller[code][img alt="An inexpertly drawn canine of some kind in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes and pink nose."]https://i.imgur.com/iSinMfn.png[/img][/code]Bigger[code][img alt="An inexpertly drawn canine of some kind in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes and pink nose."]https://i.imgur.com/lJzm2E5.png[/img][/code]
Wow! A booth full of anatomically dubious, two-dimensional, mostly black and white creatures! They have unusually blocky edges and might be made of some sort of void considering how their bodies reflect back absolutely no light. Super weird. Anyway, they want to go home with you.
In order to bring your new friends home, you will need to send 2kt/g for each creature to alyblaith (PM or CR) to cover the cost of the cloning technology. Once you've done so, you get to take both sizes - get 2 for the price of 2!
You can sign up on the pinglist to be notified if any more creatures from the void appear! Or other things, I guess.
Once you send in payment, you can take your badges immediately. I might not respond to you for several days because I signed up to do so many things lmao
Once you have purchased the rights to use these, you may use them anywhere on Flight Rising without needing to credit me. Do not claim them as your own work (draw them some friends instead).
You are encouraged to save them to your computer or other device in case hosting goes down. I would prefer it doesn't, but this is the internet. No guarantees.
You are welcome to re-caption them for your personal use, provided the captions are accurate, lore-related, or intended for humor. You may remove the captions if you want to include the badges in your signature but are running into character limits. Otherwise, please don't remove the captions - these aren't very parse-able images to begin with, and the small details may genuinely be inaccessible on the smaller sizes without descriptions to help.
Please don't take / use badges you haven't paid for. *Especially* not other people's badges, but also preferably not these ones! The codes are publicly available so you can feel free to change your mind about which size(s) to use.
2kt / 2g gets you *both sizes* of the same badge! (Why say it once when you could say it twice for twice the clarity.)
If you do something cool with your lil guys, please feel free to ping, PM, profile comment, etc.. I want to know how they're getting on in their new environments!
[img alt="An inexpertly drawn sitting cat in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes and pink nose."]https://i.imgur.com/zMcQtfC.png[/img]
[img alt="An inexpertly drawn sitting cat in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes and pink nose."]https://i.imgur.com/dgZaCVb.png[/img]
[img alt="An inexpertly drawn giraffe in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes."]https://i.imgur.com/xuNQpDM.png[/img]
[img alt="An inexpertly drawn giraffe in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes."]https://i.imgur.com/PsSJSe1.png[/img]
[img alt="An inexpertly drawn very fat rat in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes and pink nose."]https://i.imgur.com/9H78ewI.png[/img]
[img alt="An inexpertly drawn very fat rat in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes and pink nose."]https://i.imgur.com/Fk2qdWx.png[/img]
[img alt="An inexpertly drawn... borzoi?... in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes and pink nose."]https://i.imgur.com/tQB69Na.png[/img]
[img alt="An inexpertly drawn... borzoi?... in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes and pink nose."]https://i.imgur.com/sgEjDel.png[/img]
[img alt="An inexpertly drawn crow in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes."]https://i.imgur.com/aBl8yKL.png[/img]
[img alt="An inexpertly drawn crow in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes."]https://i.imgur.com/vbRuw7l.png[/img]
[img alt="An inexpertly drawn goldfish in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes."]https://i.imgur.com/LLE45F2.png[/img]
[img alt="An inexpertly drawn goldfish in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes."]https://i.imgur.com/Y28Ltv7.png[/img]
[img alt="An inexpertly drawn barn owl in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes and beak set against its white heart-shaped face markings."]https://i.imgur.com/tepwoIN.png[/img]
[img alt="An inexpertly drawn barn owl in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes and beak set against its white heart-shaped face markings."]https://i.imgur.com/DPAOTJ2.png[/img]
[img alt="An inexpertly drawn cat in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes and pink nose."]https://i.imgur.com/vrPTGHY.png[/img]
[img alt="An inexpertly drawn cat in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes and pink nose."]https://i.imgur.com/sgVTsCG.png[/img]
[img alt="An inexpertly drawn mouse in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes and pink nose."]https://i.imgur.com/4caPP8A.png[/img]
[img alt="An inexpertly drawn mouse in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes and pink nose."]https://i.imgur.com/36n4iS1.png[/img]
[img alt="An inexpertly drawn canine of some kind in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes and pink nose."]https://i.imgur.com/iSinMfn.png[/img]
[img alt="An inexpertly drawn canine of some kind in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes and pink nose."]https://i.imgur.com/lJzm2E5.png[/img]