
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | Nat Dom: Sakura Popup Badge Buy!
A pastel header titled 'Sakura Popup: Badge Buy.' There's a partly cloudy sky behind a white canvas tent, with some curly cherry branches framing the title.
Along a tranquil stream glittering with pink cherry blossom petals in the Gladeveins, you find a bustling hubbub of activity. White tarps, decorated trees, baked goods and produce stands-- it's a farmer's market!

Here you'll find lair-grown produce, claw-crafted trinkets and art, and freshly-baked pastries! Keep scrolling along to see the wares(badges) on offer!

A horizontal divider of pink petals blowing past a central sakura flower.
A pastel header titled 'Sakura Popup: Badge Buy.' There's a partly cloudy sky behind a white canvas tent, with some curly cherry branches framing the title.
Along a tranquil stream glittering with pink cherry blossom petals in the Gladeveins, you find a bustling hubbub of activity. White tarps, decorated trees, baked goods and produce stands-- it's a farmer's market!

Here you'll find lair-grown produce, claw-crafted trinkets and art, and freshly-baked pastries! Keep scrolling along to see the wares(badges) on offer!

A horizontal divider of pink petals blowing past a central sakura flower.
*hands you a baby* A sleeping aether bb that I drew.
[center][font=arial][size=4][b][url=] [color=#8a0249]RULES[/url] | [url=][color=#8a0249]VENDORS[/url] | [url=][color=#8a0249]STAMP RALLY[/url] | [url=][color=#8a0249]CREDITS[/url][/b][/font][/size][/center] [img alt="A blooming cherry blossom branch titled RULES."][/img] [columns] [nextcol][img alt="A small waterfall with blossoms falling around it."][/img] [nextcol] [columns][img alt="Cherry blossom bullet point."][/img] [nextcol]‏‏‎[img][/img] [nextcol][font=arial][size=5][color=#38530D]Each vendor is selling badges for gems and/or treasure! [/columns] [columns][img alt="Pink petal bullet point."][/img] [nextcol]‏‏‎[img][/img] ‎[nextcol][font=arial][size=5][color=#573e3e]In most cases, simply ping(@) the vendor in the thread or PM(private message) the vendor with your order, then send them the required currency--check each vendor's rules to see which method and currency they prefer![/columns] [columns][img alt="Pink petal bullet point."][/img] [nextcol]‏‏‎[img][/img] [nextcol][font=arial][size=5][color=#38530D]All vendors reserve the right to do anything to their artwork at anytime during the week.[/columns] [columns][img alt="Cherry blossom bullet point."][/img] [nextcol][img][/img] ‎[nextcol][font=arial][size=5][color=#573e3e]Any questions or concerns? Feel free to ping me or the vendor![/columns] [nextcol][/columns]

A blooming cherry blossom branch titled RULES.
A small waterfall with blossoms falling around it.
Cherry blossom bullet point. ‏‏‎UfHl5Xb.png Each vendor is selling badges for gems and/or treasure!

Pink petal bullet point. ‏‏‎UfHl5Xb.png
In most cases, simply ping(@) the vendor in the thread or PM(private message) the vendor with your order, then send them the required currency--check each vendor's rules to see which method and currency they prefer!

Pink petal bullet point. ‏‏‎UfHl5Xb.png All vendors reserve the right to do anything to their artwork at anytime during the week.

Cherry blossom bullet point. UfHl5Xb.png
Any questions or concerns? Feel free to ping me or the vendor!
*hands you a baby* A sleeping aether bb that I drew.
[center][font=arial][size=4][b][url=] [color=#8a0249]RULES[/url] | [url=][color=#8a0249]VENDORS[/url] | [url=][color=#8a0249]STAMP RALLY[/url] | [url=][color=#8a0249]CREDITS[/url][/b][/font][/size] [img alt="A horizontal divider of pink petals blowing past a central sakura flower."][/img] [img alt="Vendors"][/img] [columns][img alt="A small waterfall with blossoms falling around it."][/img][nextcol][color=transparent]_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _[/color][center][font=Verdana][size=5][color=#573e3e] [url=] [img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][url=][img][/img][url=][img alt="An inexpertly drawn sitting cat in flat black. The only visible details are its eyes and pink nose."][/img][/url][url=][img alt=Maidens Blush Bookmark][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][img alt="A gust of wind blowing sakura petals up and around."][/img][/columns]


A horizontal divider of pink petals blowing past a central sakura flower.

A small waterfall with blossoms falling around it. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A gust of wind blowing sakura petals up and around.
*hands you a baby* A sleeping aether bb that I drew.
[center][font=arial][size=4][b][url=] [color=#8a0249]RULES[/url] | [url=][color=#8a0249]VENDORS[/url] | [url=][color=#8a0249]STAMP RALLY[/url] | [url=][color=#8a0249]CREDITS[/url][/b][/font][/size] [img alt="A horizontal divider of pink petals blowing past a central sakura flower."][/img] [img alt="Stamp Rally"][/img] [center]STAMP RALLY? OH YEAH! Buy at least one badge from each participating vendor to fill out your (imaginary) stamp card, then redeem it for this fabulous prize: a picture of a completed stamp card! (We won’t be verifying these purchases, it would be too much hassle, so, honor system!) [img alt= “A sakura popup themed stamp rally card with 9 stamps on it.”][/img] [code] [img alt= “A sakura popup themed stamp rally card with 9 stamps on it.”][/img] [/code] [/center] [img alt="A horizontal divider of pink petals blowing past a central sakura flower."][/img]


A horizontal divider of pink petals blowing past a central sakura flower.

Stamp Rally
Buy at least one badge from each participating vendor to fill out your (imaginary) stamp card, then redeem it for this fabulous prize: a picture of a completed stamp card!

(We won’t be verifying these purchases, it would be too much hassle, so, honor system!)

[img alt= “A sakura popup themed stamp rally card with 9 stamps on it.”][/img]

A horizontal divider of pink petals blowing past a central sakura flower.
*hands you a baby* A sleeping aether bb that I drew.
A horizontal divider of pink petals blowing past a central sakura flower.


Credit to HeadlessKing and SoftFrogger in Plague for allowing me to riff on their RotCon Artist Alley event! This is such a cute and fun idea!
Many thanks to the participating artists, and to Alyblaith and Chuchuana for the gorgeous headers and borders!

A horizontal divider of pink petals blowing past a central sakura flower.
A horizontal divider of pink petals blowing past a central sakura flower.


Credit to HeadlessKing and SoftFrogger in Plague for allowing me to riff on their RotCon Artist Alley event! This is such a cute and fun idea!
Many thanks to the participating artists, and to Alyblaith and Chuchuana for the gorgeous headers and borders!

A horizontal divider of pink petals blowing past a central sakura flower.
*hands you a baby* A sleeping aether bb that I drew.
holding just in case
holding just in case
*hands you a baby* A sleeping aether bb that I drew.
[center][img alt="A horizontal divider of pink petals blowing past a central sakura flower."][/img] [color=8a0249]Ferncurl's Mochi Stand[/color] [img][/img] (i know it's blank, shhhhhh it's been a busy month) [url=][img][/img][/url] A rainbowy Auraboa hatchling covered in rice flour waves excitedly at you, her crest puffed out with happiness. Behind her, a garishly-pink Aether male is frantically taking inventory. "Hello, would you like to try my mochi? I made lots! And--and Uncle Prima has some... old firecrackers?" ---------------- [b][color=8a0249]Elemental Mochi:[/color] 15kt/g each, 150kt/g for the whole set[/b] [img][/img] Fire [img][/img] Wind [img][/img] Earth [img][/img] Water [img][/img] Shadow [img][/img] Ice [img][/img] Light [img][/img] Plague [img][/img] Lightning [img][/img] Arcane [img][/img] Nature ------ [b][color=8a0249]Flavored Mochi:[/color] 20kt/g each[/b] [img][/img]Matcha [img][/img] Ube ------ [b][color=8a0249]Rainbow Mochi:[/color] 20kt/g each, 50kt/g for the whole set[/b] [img][/img] Classic [img][/img] Trans Flag [img][/img] Supercolor --------------- [b]Year of the Wood Dragon firecrackers: 10kt each, 50kt/g for the whole set[/b] [img][/img]Dragon [img][/img]Gingko [img][/img] Coin [img][/img] Clouds [img][/img] Vines [img][/img] Luck ---------------- HOW TO BUY [img alt="Cherry blossom bullet point."][/img]PM me with the names of the badges you're purchasing, or the sets, and send payment along with the message! If you're not comfortable with PMs, pinging me here is fine too, then you can send a CR with payment. [img alt="Cherry blossom bullet point."][/img] [img alt="Cherry blossom bullet point."][/img]I prefer treasure, when possible. Mixed payments are welcome, too![img alt="Cherry blossom bullet point."][/img] [img alt="Cherry blossom bullet point."][/img]Feel free to use the badges for anything on-site.[img alt="Cherry blossom bullet point."][/img] [code] @bluecrysto Popup Badge Order Badges: Payment: [/code] [img alt="A horizontal divider of pink petals blowing past a central sakura flower."][/img][/center]
A horizontal divider of pink petals blowing past a central sakura flower.

Ferncurl's Mochi Stand

(i know it's blank, shhhhhh it's been a busy month)

93625682p.png A rainbowy Auraboa hatchling covered in rice flour waves excitedly at you, her crest puffed out with happiness. Behind her, a garishly-pink Aether male is frantically taking inventory.

"Hello, would you like to try my mochi? I made lots! And--and Uncle Prima has some... old firecrackers?"

Elemental Mochi: 15kt/g each, 150kt/g for the whole set

MRMA6cJ.png Fire XaWPUCM.png Wind Q96aamH.png Earth
jr7Ppld.png Water yRx7I3v.png Shadow 7I11Bsi.png Ice
LbkK1lR.png Light mMYmqCX.png Plague 81doHXp.png Lightning 5Px34G5.png Arcane DNCnl4D.png Nature

Flavored Mochi: 20kt/g each

349x7Yv.pngMatcha FHdyQSA.png Ube

Rainbow Mochi: 20kt/g each, 50kt/g for the whole set

X5s24n8.png Classic JFScfrN.png Trans Flag QsaRCqn.png Supercolor

Year of the Wood Dragon firecrackers: 10kt each, 50kt/g for the whole set

szqsdqB.pngDragon pvZb58D.pngGingko L6WRrLl.png Coin
ZfN5T81.png Clouds PWl4Uut.png Vines xmeAlKX.png Luck


Cherry blossom bullet point.PM me with the names of the badges you're purchasing, or the sets, and send payment along with the message! If you're not comfortable with PMs, pinging me here is fine too, then you can send a CR with payment. Cherry blossom bullet point.

Cherry blossom bullet point.I prefer treasure, when possible. Mixed payments are welcome, too!Cherry blossom bullet point.

Cherry blossom bullet point.Feel free to use the badges for anything on-site.Cherry blossom bullet point.
@bluecrysto Popup Badge Order Badges: Payment:

A horizontal divider of pink petals blowing past a central sakura flower.
*hands you a baby* A sleeping aether bb that I drew.
[center][img alt="A horizontal divider of pink petals blowing past a central sakura flower."][/img] [img alt="Booth at a farmer's market. The sign reads Pop's Pop-up Bakery. In the stall there are baked goods pasted on Flight Rising familiars. An Imperial hovers in front of the booth. Everything has cherry blossom themeing"][/img] [size=7][font=Gabriola][b]"[color=634343]Welcome to Pop's Pop-up Bakery![/color]"[/b][/font][/size] [img alt="Cherry blossom bullet point."][/img] An Imperial greets you, decked head to toe in branches of vibrant pink cherry blossoms. Her nametag reads 'Legumi' [size=6][font=Gabriola][b]"[color=634343]Come take a closer look at today's stock! Fresh baked this morning![/color]"[/b][/font][/size] [img alt="Close up images of the Flight Rising familiar themed baked good badges"][/img] [size=6][font=Gabriola][b]"[color=634343]Incase you're having trouble figuring out who's who, I'll give you a quick run down:[/color]"[/b][/font][/size] [quote=Legumi] [size=7][font=Gabriola][b][color=634343]Badge Details[/color][/b][/font][/size] [item=Alstroemeria Fox] [item=Petal Jumper] [item=Cherry Blossom Strangler] [b]1a[/b] Tart | [b]1b[/b] Sugar Cookie | [b]1c[/b] Danish [item=Plumed Springtail] [item=Barkbite Strangler] [b]2a[/b] Pie | [b]2b[/b] Éclair [item=Cherry Blossom Caterpillar] [item=Sakura Owl] [item=Sweetheart Swan] [b]3a[/b] Doughnut | [b]3b[/b] Cake | [b]3c[/b] Cupacake [color=transparent]_____[/color] [/quote] [size=6][font=Gabriola][b]"[color=634343]Prices are just on the signs![/color]"[/b][/font][/size] The boards decorating the booth shows the price per badge in different currencies. The chalk board out front touts the weekly sale and other important information. [quote=Legumi] [size=7][font=Gabriola][b][color=634343]Prices[/color][/b][/font][/size] [size=4][img alt="Cherry blossom bullet point."][/img] Individual Badge : 20kt/20g/14 lvls ea.[img alt="Cherry blossom bullet point."][/img] [img alt="Cherry blossom bullet point."][/img] Full Set/8 Badges : 120kt/120g/80 lvls [img alt="Cherry blossom bullet point."][/img] [img alt="Cherry blossom bullet point."][/img] 10% of proceeds to Nature Dominance! [img alt="Cherry blossom bullet point."][/img][/size] [color=transparent]_____[/color] [/quote] [img alt="A horizontal divider of pink petals blowing past a central sakura flower."][/img] [columns] [img alt="A pale pink sakura blossom."][/img][color=transparent]_____[/color] [nextcol]Hi all! Welcome to Nature's Pop-up market! really excited to be trying something different this push! I even tried some like lore and scene setting (though nothing too in depth it's not my wheel-house). Please enjoy these familiar themed treats [b]only available for this push![/b][/columns] [img alt="A horizontal divider of pink petals blowing past a central sakura flower."][/img] [columns][img alt="A watercolor painted sakura tree stands among some grasses, blooming with bright pink blossoms which are dropping petals."][/img][color=transparent]_____[/color][nextcol][size=7][font=Gabriola][b][color=634343]How to Buy[/color][/b][/font][/size] [img alt="Cherry blossom bullet point."][/img] Fill out the order form and post it to the forum [img alt="Cherry blossom bullet point."][/img] Send payment to me (@popvip) via CR [img alt="Cherry blossom bullet point."][/img] I will send you the badge(s) via PM [/columns] [img alt="A horizontal divider of pink petals blowing past a central sakura flower."][/img] [size=7][font=Gabriola][b][color=634343]The Form[/color][/b][/font][/size] [left][code] @popvip Popup Badge Order Badges: (ex. 1a and 2b) [/code][/left] [img alt="A horizontal divider of pink petals blowing past a central sakura flower."][/img]
A horizontal divider of pink petals blowing past a central sakura flower.

Booth at a farmer's market. The sign reads Pop's Pop-up Bakery. In the stall there are baked goods pasted on Flight Rising familiars. An Imperial hovers in front of the booth. Everything has cherry blossom themeing

"Welcome to Pop's Pop-up Bakery!"

Cherry blossom bullet point.

An Imperial greets you, decked head to toe in branches of vibrant pink cherry blossoms. Her nametag reads 'Legumi'

"Come take a closer look at today's stock! Fresh baked this morning!"

Close up images of the Flight Rising familiar themed baked good badges

"Incase you're having trouble figuring out who's who,
I'll give you a quick run down:

Legumi wrote:

Badge Details

Alstroemeria Fox Petal Jumper Cherry Blossom Strangler
1a Tart | 1b Sugar Cookie | 1c Danish

Plumed Springtail Barkbite Strangler
2a Pie | 2b Éclair

Cherry Blossom Caterpillar Sakura Owl Sweetheart Swan
3a Doughnut | 3b Cake | 3c Cupacake

"Prices are just on the signs!"

The boards decorating the booth shows the price per badge in different currencies. The chalk board out front touts the weekly sale and other important information.

Legumi wrote:


Cherry blossom bullet point. Individual Badge : 20kt/20g/14 lvls ea.Cherry blossom bullet point.

Cherry blossom bullet point. Full Set/8 Badges : 120kt/120g/80 lvls Cherry blossom bullet point.

Cherry blossom bullet point. 10% of proceeds to Nature Dominance! Cherry blossom bullet point.


A horizontal divider of pink petals blowing past a central sakura flower.

A pale pink sakura blossom._____ Hi all! Welcome to Nature's Pop-up market! really excited to be trying something different this push! I even tried some like lore and scene setting (though nothing too in depth it's not my wheel-house).

Please enjoy these familiar themed treats only available for this push!

A horizontal divider of pink petals blowing past a central sakura flower.

A watercolor painted sakura tree stands among some grasses, blooming with bright pink blossoms which are dropping petals._____ How to Buy
Cherry blossom bullet point. Fill out the order form and post it to the forum

Cherry blossom bullet point. Send payment to me (@popvip) via CR

Cherry blossom bullet point. I will send you the badge(s) via PM

A horizontal divider of pink petals blowing past a central sakura flower.

The Form
@popvip Popup Badge Order Badges: (ex. 1a and 2b)

A horizontal divider of pink petals blowing past a central sakura flower.
jt3PpxV.png 4fcaX7T.png
[img alt="A horizontal divider of pink petals blowing past a central sakura flower."][/img] [img alt="Mimouri tends to her tree stall which holding 8 different designs of pressed flower bookmarks."][/img] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [size=4]Hi there! I have made a ton of these bookmarks from the flowers I collect during my off time. Come by and get some of these pretty flower bookmarks![/size] [/columns] [img alt="A horizontal divider of pink petals blowing past a central sakura flower."][/img] [center][size=6][b]Mimouri's Flower Bookmarks[/b][/size] [size=4]15kt/g each, or 120kt/g for the whole set[/size][/center] [columns][img alt="Cherry blossom bullet point."][/img][img alt="Cherry blossom bullet point."][/img][img alt="Cherry blossom bullet point."][/img][img alt="Cherry blossom bullet point."][/img][nextcol] [center]Maiden's Blush[/center][item=Maidens Blush] [nextcol] [center]Golden Milkweed[/center][item=Golden Milkweed] [nextcol][center]Frosted Violets[/center][item=Frosted Violets] [nextcol][center]Satin Violets[/center][item=Satin Violets] [nextcol] [img alt="Cherry blossom bullet point."][/img][img alt="Cherry blossom bullet point."][/img][img alt="Cherry blossom bullet point."][/img][img alt="Cherry blossom bullet point."][/img][/columns] [quote=Flower Bookmark][columns][img alt="Cherry blossom bullet point."][/img][img alt="Apple blossom bullet point."][/img][nextcol] [img alt="Maidens Blush Bookmark"][/img] [img alt="Lucky Star Bookmark"][/img] [nextcol] [img alt="Golden Milkweed Bookmark"][/img] [img alt="Sanddrift Aconite Bookmark"][/img][nextcol] [img alt="Frosted Violet Bookmark"][/img] [img alt="Lace Lantana Bookmark"][/img][nextcol][img alt="Satin Violet Bookmark"][/img] [img alt="Royal Lantana Bookmark"][/img][nextcol] [img alt="Apple blossom bullet point."][/img][img alt="Cherry blossom bullet point."][/img] [/columns][/quote] [columns][img alt="Apple blossom bullet point."][/img][img alt="Apple blossom bullet point."][/img][img alt="Apple blossom bullet point."][/img][img alt="Apple blossom bullet point."][/img] [nextcol] [item=Lucky Star] [center]Lucky Star[/center] [nextcol] [item=Sanddrift Aconite] [center]Sanddrift Aconite [/center] [nextcol] [item=Lace Lantana] [center]Lace Lantana[/center] [nextcol] [item=Royal Lantana] [center]Royal Lantana[/center] [nextcol] [img alt="Apple blossom bullet point."][/img][img alt="Apple blossom bullet point."][/img][img alt="Apple blossom bullet point."][/img][img alt="Apple blossom bullet point."][/img][/columns] [rule] [size=5]How to Get Badges [/size][size=4][img alt="Cherry blossom bullet point."][/img] Fill up the order form below to order. Post your order in the forum/PM me [img alt="Cherry blossom bullet point."][/img] Send payment via [url=]PM[/url] or CR. [img alt="Cherry blossom bullet point."][/img] Badges will be sent via PM [/size] [quote=Order Form] @Neptunelycan Sakura Pop Up- Badge Buy [b]Flower Name of the Badge you want:[/b] Maidens Blush | Golden Milkweed | Frosted Violets | Satin Violets Lucky Star | Sanddrift Aconite | Sanddrift Aconite | Royal Lantana (Remove/Strikethrough the names of the ones you don't need. These options follow the order shown above.) [/quote] [img alt="A horizontal divider of pink petals blowing past a central sakura flower."][/img]
A horizontal divider of pink petals blowing past a central sakura flower.
Mimouri tends to her tree stall which holding 8 different designs of pressed flower bookmarks.
91687671p.png Hi there!
I have made a ton of these bookmarks from the flowers I collect during my off time.
Come by and get some of these pretty flower bookmarks!
A horizontal divider of pink petals blowing past a central sakura flower.
Mimouri's Flower Bookmarks
15kt/g each, or 120kt/g for the whole set
Cherry blossom bullet point.Cherry blossom bullet point.Cherry blossom bullet point.Cherry blossom bullet point.
Maidens Blush
Golden Milkweed
Frosted Violets
Satin Violets
Cherry blossom bullet point.Cherry blossom bullet point.Cherry blossom bullet point.Cherry blossom bullet point.
Flower Bookmark wrote:
Cherry blossom bullet point.Apple blossom bullet point. Maidens Blush Bookmark
Lucky Star Bookmark
Golden Milkweed Bookmark
Sanddrift Aconite Bookmark
Frosted Violet Bookmark
Lace Lantana Bookmark
Satin Violet Bookmark
Royal Lantana Bookmark
Apple blossom bullet point.Cherry blossom bullet point.
Apple blossom bullet point.Apple blossom bullet point.Apple blossom bullet point.Apple blossom bullet point. Lucky Star
Sanddrift Aconite
Lace Lantana
Royal Lantana
Apple blossom bullet point.Apple blossom bullet point.Apple blossom bullet point.Apple blossom bullet point.

How to Get Badges
Cherry blossom bullet point. Fill up the order form below to order. Post your order in the forum/PM me
Cherry blossom bullet point. Send payment via PM or CR.
Cherry blossom bullet point. Badges will be sent via PM

Order Form wrote:
Sakura Pop Up- Badge Buy
Flower Name of the Badge you want:
Maidens Blush | Golden Milkweed | Frosted Violets | Satin Violets
Lucky Star | Sanddrift Aconite | Sanddrift Aconite | Royal Lantana

(Remove/Strikethrough the names of the ones you don't need. These options follow the order shown above.)
A horizontal divider of pink petals blowing past a central sakura flower.
A watercolor picture of a sakura tree in bloom, with text: Nature's Flowerfall Festival, March 2024.
[center][img alt="A large tree that has doves wearing flower-shaped collars perched among its branches and roots. Banners are wrapped around the tree, reading 'Wisp's Flower doves'. Wisp himself is in the bottom right corner."][/img][/center] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][color=transparent]xxxxxx[/color][nextcol][quote=Wisp]Alright, let's see! Sprig...meteor...breeze..mhm..everyone's accounted for! ..hold on who's that how'd a pigeon get here?? Oh, a customer! I have some little flower dove friends here looking for a new home; take a look around! They don't bite. (Atleast...most of them don't..)[/quote][/columns] [img alt="A horizontal divider of pink petals blowing past a central sakuraflower."][/img] [center][font=Monotype Corsiva][size=7][size=5][color=#B37E8A]D[/color][color=#C995A1]o[/color][color=#E0ACB8]v[/color][color=#C995A1]e[/color][color=#B37E8A]s[/color][/size][/size][/font] 10kt/g each 110kt/g for full set[/center] [columns][font=Century Gothic][img alt="A dove with a light green, flower-shaped collar."][/img] [color=transparent]xxxx[/color][emoji=wind rune] Breeze [img alt="A dove with a teal, flower-shaped collar."][/img] [color=transparent]xxxx[/color][emoji=lightning rune] Spark[nextcol][img alt="A dove with a dark blue, flower-shaped collar."][/img] [color=transparent]xxxx[/color][emoji=water rune] Wave [img alt="A dove with a yellow, flower-shaped collar."][/img] [color=transparent]xxx[/color][emoji=light rune] Illumine[nextcol] [img alt="A dove with a purple, flower-shaped collar."][/img] [color=transparent]xxxx[/color][emoji=shadow rune] Gloom [img alt="A dove with a light blue, flower-shaped collar."][/img] [color=transparent]xxxxx[/color][emoji=ice rune] Hail[nextcol] [img alt="A dove with a red, flower-shaped collar."][/img] [color=transparent]xxxx[/color][emoji=plague rune] Blight [img alt="A dove with an orange, flower-shaped collar."][/img] [color=transparent]xxxx[/color][emoji=fire rune] Flare[nextcol] [img alt="A dove with a dark green, flower-shaped collar."][/img] [color=transparent]xxxx[/color][emoji=nature rune] Sprig [img alt="A dove with a brown, flower-shaped collar."][/img] [color=transparent]xxxx[/color][emoji=earth rune] Dusty[/columns] [center][img alt="A dove with a pink, flower-shaped collar."][/img] [emoji=arcane rune] Meteor [img alt="A horizontal divider of pink petals blowing past a central sakuraflower."][/img] [center][font=Monotype Corsiva][size=7][size=5][color=#B37E8A]B[/color][color=#C995A1]o[/color][color=#E0ACB8]n[/color][color=#C995A1]u[/color][color=#B37E8A]s[/color][/size][/size][/font] If you buy any 2 doves, you can grab this guy for free! [img alt="A Brilliant Gryphlet familiar loafing."][/img] [code][img][/img][/code] [img alt="A horizontal divider of pink petals blowing past a central sakuraflower."][/img] [center][font=Monotype Corsiva][size=7][size=5][color=#B37E8A]O[/color][color=#BC8793]r[/color][color=#C5909C]d[/color][color=#CE99A5]e[/color][color=#D7A2AE]r[/color] [color=#D7A2AE]F[/color][color=#CE99A5]o[/color][color=#C5909C]r[/color][color=#BC8793]m[/color][/size][/size][/font][/center] Send orders via PM or thread! Orders will be delivered through PM Attach payment in the PM or via CR[columns][color=transparent]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/color][nextcol][center][quote][b]Flowerfall Badge Order[/b] Username: Doves ordering: (name/element of dove, ex. Breeze, water)[/quote][/center]
A large tree that has doves wearing flower-shaped collars perched among its branches and roots. Banners are wrapped around the tree, reading 'Wisp's Flower doves'. Wisp himself is in the bottom right corner.
97274622.png xxxxxx
Wisp wrote:
Alright, let's see! Sprig...meteor...breeze..mhm..everyone's accounted for! ..hold on who's that how'd a pigeon get here??

Oh, a customer! I have some little flower dove friends here looking for a new home; take a look around! They don't bite. (Atleast...most of them don't..)

A horizontal divider of pink petals blowing past a central sakuraflower.
10kt/g each
110kt/g for full set
A dove with a light green, flower-shaped collar.
xxxx Breeze
A dove with a teal, flower-shaped collar.
xxxx Spark
A dove with a dark blue, flower-shaped collar.
xxxx Wave
A dove with a yellow, flower-shaped collar.
xxx Illumine
A dove with a purple, flower-shaped collar.
xxxx Gloom
A dove with a light blue, flower-shaped collar.
xxxxx Hail
A dove with a red, flower-shaped collar.
xxxx Blight
A dove with an orange, flower-shaped collar.
xxxx Flare
A dove with a dark green, flower-shaped collar.
xxxx Sprig
A dove with a brown, flower-shaped collar.
xxxx Dusty
A dove with a pink, flower-shaped collar.

A horizontal divider of pink petals blowing past a central sakuraflower.

If you buy any 2 doves, you can grab this guy for free!

A Brilliant Gryphlet familiar loafing.

A horizontal divider of pink petals blowing past a central sakuraflower.
Order Form
Send orders via PM or thread! Orders will be delivered through PM
Attach payment in the PM or via CR
Flowerfall Badge Order
Doves ordering: (name/element of dove, ex. Breeze, water)
gDuEgjD.png 3mKLCwL.png