Y'know when you get a dragon that you're [i]really[/i] excited to use in your lair? In this case, a dragon with a nice ancestry?
well, here's Kishin, a g2 imperial.
I am SUPER excited to include him into my lore as an emperor, because of COURSE a circus would have an emperor as an attraction, right?
Yeah, tbh I scattered him once and loath the idea of saving up again. It's really funny, because I get sad that he's not "ready" to be finished but then I never save up bc, even though it's only a few days of g&g, that's time that I don't really have at this point in the year. It's an amazing feeling, especially considering that I'm a g1 lair outside of him and they've now all entered a limbo of "i don't really wanna save up" all because of THIS guy.
Yeah idk, just wanted to say this. I know there's no push to do anything on this game in a set timeline, but it still kinda sucks lol
Y'know when you get a dragon that you're
really excited to use in your lair? In this case, a dragon with a nice ancestry?
well, here's Kishin, a g2 imperial.
I am SUPER excited to include him into my lore as an emperor, because of COURSE a circus would have an emperor as an attraction, right?
Yeah, tbh I scattered him once and loath the idea of saving up again. It's really funny, because I get sad that he's not "ready" to be finished but then I never save up bc, even though it's only a few days of g&g, that's time that I don't really have at this point in the year. It's an amazing feeling, especially considering that I'm a g1 lair outside of him and they've now all entered a limbo of "i don't really wanna save up" all because of THIS guy.
Yeah idk, just wanted to say this. I know there's no push to do anything on this game in a set timeline, but it still kinda sucks lol
no i understand so much lmao. i also have my own g2 imp i scattered
it took me 2 years to farm 5 scatter scrolls, lol. not for lack of ability - g&g + other money making methods gets that 350g in abt a week for me, if i'm trying to dedicate myself - buttttt i'm often not. and i have other projects i wanna work on, too. things that helped me out:
she lived in my hibden for the longest time, so i didn't feel "forced" to work on those scatters. i just did it whenever i felt like it, basically, when i had the funds available.
pacing with other projects helps, too. if you don't live in the ah/fairgrounds/coli it can get p tiring p quick trying to scrounge up funds for 1 (one) project that isn't even guaranteed to look good. i finished something like ... 6? 7? other g1s in that time too. don't feel like you have to dedicate yourself to the rng's holy scatter grind.
another thing: if you don't really have the funds to spend on scatter scrolls constantly, don't hope for any specific combos/ranges too hard. the chances are really, really slim to get anything specific.
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3370373/1]prism[/url] comes to mind. i pity his owner every single day.
edit: grammr
no i understand so much lmao. i also have my own g2 imp i scattered
it took me 2 years to farm 5 scatter scrolls, lol. not for lack of ability - g&g + other money making methods gets that 350g in abt a week for me, if i'm trying to dedicate myself - buttttt i'm often not. and i have other projects i wanna work on, too. things that helped me out:
she lived in my hibden for the longest time, so i didn't feel "forced" to work on those scatters. i just did it whenever i felt like it, basically, when i had the funds available.
pacing with other projects helps, too. if you don't live in the ah/fairgrounds/coli it can get p tiring p quick trying to scrounge up funds for 1 (one) project that isn't even guaranteed to look good. i finished something like ... 6? 7? other g1s in that time too. don't feel like you have to dedicate yourself to the rng's holy scatter grind.
another thing: if you don't really have the funds to spend on scatter scrolls constantly, don't hope for any specific combos/ranges too hard. the chances are really, really slim to get anything specific.
prism comes to mind. i pity his owner every single day.
edit: grammr
I feel that 8'3
About 7? years later and he's finally at a spot I'm happy with.
Scatters eat up so much that you feel like you have a lot that can honestly get you a lot (pretty g1s, genes, other dragons you want etc), but suddenly 5 scatters later and you're completely broke.
I wish you the best of luck <3 ;U; Hopefully the RNG gods are kind early on!
I feel that 8'3
About 7? years later and he's finally at a spot I'm happy with.
Scatters eat up so much that you feel like you have a lot that can honestly get you a lot (pretty g1s, genes, other dragons you want etc), but suddenly 5 scatters later and you're completely broke.
I wish you the best of luck <3 ;U; Hopefully the RNG gods are kind early on!