Man, I almost want a dragon for each of your pairs, they are so pretty.
May I reserved a Mossy Gargoyle with Antique/Antique/Moss, in case it happens again?
Man, I almost want a dragon for each of your pairs, they are so pretty.
May I reserved a Mossy Gargoyle with Antique/Antique/Moss, in case it happens again?
Just bought River, my second dragon from your hatchery! He's stunning, thank you so much.
Just bought River, my second dragon from your hatchery! He's stunning, thank you so much.
/cries… too poor right now. Beautiful hatches!
/cries… too poor right now. Beautiful hatches!
@ceruloryx Sure thing!
@AsylumBat No problem ^^
@DragonflightFae LOL I appreciate your appreciation!
@Naiyen Absolutely, and thank you for liking my pairs!!
@KallyPaige Noted
@dragonbirds Thank you so much! [emoji=familiar heart size=1]
@Redfern LOL I feel that, thank you!
ceruloryx Sure thing!
AsylumBat No problem ^^
DragonflightFae LOL I appreciate your appreciation!
Naiyen Absolutely, and thank you for liking my pairs!!
KallyPaige Noted
dragonbirds Thank you so much!
Redfern LOL I feel that, thank you!
I gotta reserve the bean-
I gotta reserve the bean-
Do you want me to reserve a female with eel and flecks?