
Forum Games

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TOPIC | OW! MY EYES! from the lair above you
@Taisgrek The green and purple burn my eyes a bit! They are a cutie tho :3 [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center]

The green and purple burn my eyes a bit! They are a cutie tho :3
@SirensAura [center][img][/img][/center] It was tough finding someone eye-burning enough but Sundae definitely hits the spot!
It was tough finding someone eye-burning enough but Sundae definitely hits the spot!
+0 FR Time

I'm responding to your forum post I promise I'm just a slow typist!
@Lollich0p I almost picked Refract, but they've been chosen too many times lol. Prion's colors definitely hit me with "Spell of Instant Eye Ache" but that might be because I'm terribly biased against aggressive yellow-ish colors. [url=][img][/img][/url]
@Lollich0p I almost picked Refract, but they've been chosen too many times lol. Prion's colors definitely hit me with "Spell of Instant Eye Ache" but that might be because I'm terribly biased against aggressive yellow-ish colors.

@ProphetPaws Was looking through your lair for any dragons bright enough to potentiall go on this thread, and MONSTERXD's tert almost immediately jumped out at me. that name is perfect btw, lol [url=][img][/img][/url]

Was looking through your lair for any dragons bright enough to potentiall go on this thread, and MONSTERXD's tert almost immediately jumped out at me. that name is perfect btw, lol
Phantom ~ She/Her ~ Ace ~ Formerly ThePhantomWolf/Shiromori
+2 FR Time ~ Final Fantasy and Touhou are my life
Terra%20-%20Victory%20(Front).gifSabin%20-%20Walk%20(Front).gifEdgar%20-%20Finger.gif Terra%20-%20Esper%20-%20Blink%20(Front).gif Setzer%20-%20Finger.gifCeles%20-%20Wink.gifMaria%20-%20Sing.gifLocke%20-%20Laugh.gifRelm%20-%20Wave%20(Front).gif
@gabbiani [url=][img][/img][/url] Immediately stands out. Extremely vibrant.


Immediately stands out. Extremely vibrant.
@LadyChipmunk [url=][img][/img][/url] With so many pastel and neutral dragons in your lair, Ariana really stands out! With her radioactive and pattern heavy genes, she's a very loud dragon.
With so many pastel and neutral dragons in your lair, Ariana really stands out! With her radioactive and pattern heavy genes, she's a very loud dragon.

This dragon is displaying an animated effect: Puttin' on the ritz! Applies bright animated glitter spots to just the body of one dragon. Like apparel, skins, and scenes, effects are purely cosmetic items that can be added and removed from dragons at any time.
Press this button to play this dragon's animated effect. Press this button to pause this dragon's animated effect.
This dragon is showing off…
Effect: Glitz
Effect: Glitz
ripGPU is displayed as a fallback image due to an error while loading Effect: Glitz effect.

This effect (frying my phone). This skin. These genes and colors.
The eyeburn in this dragon is real in the most amazing way.

This dragon is displaying an animated effect: Puttin' on the ritz! Applies bright animated glitter spots to just the body of one dragon. Like apparel, skins, and scenes, effects are purely cosmetic items that can be added and removed from dragons at any time.
Press this button to play this dragon's animated effect. Press this button to pause this dragon's animated effect.
This dragon is showing off…
Effect: Glitz
Effect: Glitz
ripGPU is displayed as a fallback image due to an error while loading Effect: Glitz effect.

This effect (frying my phone). This skin. These genes and colors.
The eyeburn in this dragon is real in the most amazing way.
Me Fandragons
@LadyDiscord [url=][img][/img][/url] You got a good number of eyeburners but this lady here was the prettiest and the one that hurt my eyes the most XD


You got a good number of eyeburners but this lady here was the prettiest and the one that hurt my eyes the most XD
@Yinny [url=][img][/img][/url] This guy popped out at me right away! He so bright, he stood out from the other dragons, first one I saw as soon as I opened the tab!


This guy popped out at me right away! He so bright, he stood out from the other dragons, first one I saw as soon as I opened the tab!
@MonsoonTheHybrid [url=][img][/img][/url] S o g r e e n (To the person below me: You cannot choose Eldingar, otherwise he would win every time lmao)


S o g r e e n

(To the person below me: You cannot choose Eldingar, otherwise he would win every time lmao)
Fd5cQVO.png WKtl2lb.png