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TOPIC | OW! MY EYES! from the lair above you
@Doggoz [url=][img][/img][/url] Pleasing, but also bright rainbow and [i]oh my god, so many colors. :)[/i] I didn't even see Eldingar somehow, but this guy stuck out to me despite the radioactive Gaoler you have. XD (To the person below me: I don't think I actually have any eyeburners, so PLEASE let me know which of my babies you think is!)

Pleasing, but also bright rainbow and oh my god, so many colors. :)

I didn't even see Eldingar somehow, but this guy stuck out to me despite the radioactive Gaoler you have. XD

(To the person below me: I don't think I actually have any eyeburners, so PLEASE let me know which of my babies you think is!)
81.pngKeepers of The Sanctum Hatchery
@ChampionPeril [s]I'm in my watching NBC Hannibal for the first time era now and I must say your Mind Palace tab made my heart jump with joy. I love how you chose to make dragons representing abstract themes within Hannibal's mind. It's very beautiful. BUT that's besides the topic! [/s] Glory sure has caught my attention with her vivid patterns. I love it though, sparkly dragons are kind of my thing, hehe [url=][img][/img][/url]

I'm in my watching NBC Hannibal for the first time era now and I must say your Mind Palace tab made my heart jump with joy. I love how you chose to make dragons representing abstract themes within Hannibal's mind. It's very beautiful. BUT that's besides the topic!

Glory sure has caught my attention with her vivid patterns. I love it though, sparkly dragons are kind of my thing, hehe
@ClockworkSamurai [url=][img][/img][/url] Kulfi is an adorable name for an adorable dragon with eye-hurting colors XD


Kulfi is an adorable name for an adorable dragon with eye-hurting colors XD
@Yinny [url=][img][/img][/url] I don't think it's possible for an xxx radioactive dragon to not be an eyeburner (without a fullbody skin, anyways). She does look nice though; it's just the bright greens and teals. next person: ignore hatchery tab
I don't think it's possible for an xxx radioactive dragon to not be an eyeburner (without a fullbody skin, anyways). She does look nice though; it's just the bright greens and teals.

next person: ignore hatchery tab
a922ec5c573bccc1d57aef84d78cfa19067bc414.pngWishlist || Cauldron97272468p.png99208484p.png93076402p.png

There were a few I wanted to pick for this buuut I think this fella takes the cake. It IS an xxx radioactive so that's kind of a given but still

This dragon is displaying an animated effect: Puttin' on the ritz! Applies bright animated glitter spots to just the body of one dragon. Like apparel, skins, and scenes, effects are purely cosmetic items that can be added and removed from dragons at any time.
Press this button to play this dragon's animated effect. Press this button to pause this dragon's animated effect.
This dragon is showing off…
Effect: Glitz
Effect: Glitz
Blossom is displayed as a fallback image due to an error while loading Effect: Glitz effect.

There were a few I wanted to pick for this buuut I think this fella takes the cake. It IS an xxx radioactive so that's kind of a given but still

This dragon is displaying an animated effect: Puttin' on the ritz! Applies bright animated glitter spots to just the body of one dragon. Like apparel, skins, and scenes, effects are purely cosmetic items that can be added and removed from dragons at any time.
Press this button to play this dragon's animated effect. Press this button to pause this dragon's animated effect.
This dragon is showing off…
Effect: Glitz
Effect: Glitz
Blossom is displayed as a fallback image due to an error while loading Effect: Glitz effect.
Click them please -> D0fiM.gif
@BlueFriend [url=][img][/img][/url] The cerulean really pops out here.


The cerulean really pops out here.
@LadyChipmunk [url=][img][/img][/url] The radioactive is a bit of an eyeburner for me, though the dragon still looks cool (for np, feel free to pick from hibden as well those are also my permas)
The radioactive is a bit of an eyeburner for me, though the dragon still looks cool

(for np, feel free to pick from hibden as well those are also my permas)
@D4rkF0rest Behold! The ENTIRE CIRCUS! [url=][img][/img][/url]
@D4rkF0rest Behold! The ENTIRE CIRCUS!

Dom-Shop-Link.png?rlkey=ts1tscej29cs0kt4g6wt9c37d&dl=0.png 1428_150px_istoki_by_miirshroom-dbzlzj5.png Lore-Thread-Link.png?rlkey=clnaiehtq32jzyvwmgq07ek0n&dl=0.png
@istoki Rave definitely lives up to her name! [url=][img][/img][/url]

Rave definitely lives up to her name!

Water Runestone KALTEHERZ
they/it | ACST

Fluted Seashell
The archives are for the future, not only for the present

Battered Book of Fables
[center]@KalteHerz [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]VERY[/b] red[/center]

VERY red