Yeah I opened these and was just… instantly disappointed. While not something I was looking for in the game at least it could’ve been done well. But it wasn’t. I’ll say it again, the effects look cheap and the animation just… isn’t it. It feels half baked at best, maybe just thawed on the kitchen counter at worst.
I feel like animation was absolutely the wrong thing to add here, especially to a game where animation is minimal.
I was definitely hoping for some QoL like dark mode, some of the effects are pretty neat but it probably won't be for me! A lot of the effects change the dragon so dramatically, especially Pastel Pulse, which idk just does something completely different than expected, like it makes the shading on the dragon so harsh and just completely ignores genes? And it's almost near static, the effect itself is very subtle. I think with some tweaking and regular effect updates, Effects can definitely find their place here, but I have to prioritize my health and keeping hoping for dark mode :x my eyes are in pretty poor shape haha
I was definitely hoping for some QoL like dark mode, some of the effects are pretty neat but it probably won't be for me! A lot of the effects change the dragon so dramatically, especially Pastel Pulse, which idk just does something completely different than expected, like it makes the shading on the dragon so harsh and just completely ignores genes? And it's almost near static, the effect itself is very subtle. I think with some tweaking and regular effect updates, Effects can definitely find their place here, but I have to prioritize my health and keeping hoping for dark mode :x my eyes are in pretty poor shape haha
I lean right in the middle; they're kind of a 'meh' thing for me. I like the idea of it! I think we could get some really cool ones in the future, but I don't think the execution is done super well. I'm sure they're grow on me after a while, and I'll use them semi frequently like I do with everything else.
[quote name="Aequorin" date="2025-02-12 15:26:33" ]
Hello everyone! A couple reminders for everyone:
It's 100% okay if you aren't a fan of today's update. Please remember to keep your feedback constructive. What ifs/speculation and "hot takes" are inflammatory, not constructive.
If you like today's update, please remember people are allowed not to like it and they deserve a space to share their feedback as much as you deserve a space to share your excitement.
Thank you!
Thank you for saying this. I get so frustrated with people trying to silence others because they don't like something. So long as no one is being rude, we should be allowed to openly discuss our dislikes as much as others can about what they like. :/
I lean right in the middle; they're kind of a 'meh' thing for me. I like the idea of it! I think we could get some really cool ones in the future, but I don't think the execution is done super well. I'm sure they're grow on me after a while, and I'll use them semi frequently like I do with everything else.
Aequorin wrote on 2025-02-12 15:26:33:
Hello everyone! A couple reminders for everyone:
It's 100% okay if you aren't a fan of today's update. Please remember to keep your feedback constructive. What ifs/speculation and "hot takes" are inflammatory, not constructive.
If you like today's update, please remember people are allowed not to like it and they deserve a space to share their feedback as much as you deserve a space to share your excitement.
Thank you!
Thank you for saying this. I get so frustrated with people trying to silence others because they don't like something. So long as no one is being rude, we should be allowed to openly discuss our dislikes as much as others can about what they like. :/
[quote name="Loreanth" date="2025-02-12 15:31:03" ]
[quote name="Lyvenex" date="2025-02-12 14:07:35" ]
I'm swerving between "don't care" and "euuuuuuuugh" for some reason. I don't know why but it's also making me not want to play much anymore and I think I last remember feeling this way over Dusthides. At least for that I know why I was turned off from the game for a bit, I hyped myself up and was disappointed when it didn't measure up for my expectations. I had zero expectations for this. I kind of dread exploring the site and seeing people's dragons for some reason. I can turn the animations off but it's just. I don't know. It reminds me of sites that are more focused on visual flair than being fundamentally interesting, if that makes any sense? I'm gonna sleep on this for a week maybe. Who knows. I do like some of the effect previews on some of my dragons at least.
[quote name="Ius" date="2025-02-12 14:21:59" ]
Honestly I don't hate them, it just kind of feels like something I won't really see myself using. I just really hate the UI, it feels so clunky. I don't like how something that blocks the dragon appears when you hover over it, and it now takes an extra click to get to their profile, idk.
[quote name="rontgen" date="2025-02-12 14:29:19" ]
people already know that not every update is catered to them specifically, i just feel like what most people are unhappy about is the direction the site is going in if instead of doing necessary site updates when parts of the site still seem pretty old, or basic accessibility features (dark mode...) they do gif overlays on dragons. ofc you can just turn them off, but that's not really the point from what i'm gathering
[quote name="TheEnforcer" date="2025-02-12 14:38:13" ]
My reaction was "well, this is a lovely feature that nobody asked for".
I don't see what these accomplish that skins don't, and the animation doesn't fit the site's art style. As stated, they feel like Discord profile picture overlays, which is not a good look. I like cute animations. I like glitters. I like animated Neopets wearables, because they fit the site's art style. These don't work with the baseline detail of the dragons.
You guys have basically summed up my thoughts on this update, yeah. It's not JUST about the effects looking bad (though, admittedly, it does not help) it's kind of a dread/worry about what comes next after this. IF the devs were willing to make THIS... what else will they do?
And also, personally for me, my 'tism doesn't like not using features. I already get anxious about people judging me because I don't really use skins and accents at all, I really didn't need another source of anxiety. (yes, I know this is a skill issue, I'm mostly just venting lol)
Also also, for the people who say 'just turn it off' I can't turn it off for other people's dragons lol. I still have to share this site with people who DO use them. (again, not [i]really[/i] complaining, I care less about what other people do with their dragons, as long as they're happy, I can cope and seethe quietly in my corner)
Hard agree on all this - as someone who isn't a huge fan of skins either it sorta feels like skins 2 but worse? Happy for people who like it and all but for me it's something I will not use and does kinda feel like a weird use of dev time when a lot of other features have been in progress for so long. If it's something the site wants to lean more into in future that concerns me as it will likely be at the expense of features I would actually use and enjoy, and especially when they don't seem to be working properly at all right now it feels like a miss.
Loreanth wrote on 2025-02-12 15:31:03:
Lyvenex wrote on 2025-02-12 14:07:35:
I'm swerving between "don't care" and "euuuuuuuugh" for some reason. I don't know why but it's also making me not want to play much anymore and I think I last remember feeling this way over Dusthides. At least for that I know why I was turned off from the game for a bit, I hyped myself up and was disappointed when it didn't measure up for my expectations. I had zero expectations for this. I kind of dread exploring the site and seeing people's dragons for some reason. I can turn the animations off but it's just. I don't know. It reminds me of sites that are more focused on visual flair than being fundamentally interesting, if that makes any sense? I'm gonna sleep on this for a week maybe. Who knows. I do like some of the effect previews on some of my dragons at least.
Ius wrote on 2025-02-12 14:21:59:
Honestly I don't hate them, it just kind of feels like something I won't really see myself using. I just really hate the UI, it feels so clunky. I don't like how something that blocks the dragon appears when you hover over it, and it now takes an extra click to get to their profile, idk.
rontgen wrote on 2025-02-12 14:29:19:
people already know that not every update is catered to them specifically, i just feel like what most people are unhappy about is the direction the site is going in if instead of doing necessary site updates when parts of the site still seem pretty old, or basic accessibility features (dark mode...) they do gif overlays on dragons. ofc you can just turn them off, but that's not really the point from what i'm gathering
TheEnforcer wrote on 2025-02-12 14:38:13:
My reaction was "well, this is a lovely feature that nobody asked for".
I don't see what these accomplish that skins don't, and the animation doesn't fit the site's art style. As stated, they feel like Discord profile picture overlays, which is not a good look. I like cute animations. I like glitters. I like animated Neopets wearables, because they fit the site's art style. These don't work with the baseline detail of the dragons.
You guys have basically summed up my thoughts on this update, yeah. It's not JUST about the effects looking bad (though, admittedly, it does not help) it's kind of a dread/worry about what comes next after this. IF the devs were willing to make THIS... what else will they do?
And also, personally for me, my 'tism doesn't like not using features. I already get anxious about people judging me because I don't really use skins and accents at all, I really didn't need another source of anxiety. (yes, I know this is a skill issue, I'm mostly just venting lol)
Also also, for the people who say 'just turn it off' I can't turn it off for other people's dragons lol. I still have to share this site with people who DO use them. (again, not
really complaining, I care less about what other people do with their dragons, as long as they're happy, I can cope and seethe quietly in my corner)
Hard agree on all this - as someone who isn't a huge fan of skins either it sorta feels like skins 2 but worse? Happy for people who like it and all but for me it's something I will not use and does kinda feel like a weird use of dev time when a lot of other features have been in progress for so long. If it's something the site wants to lean more into in future that concerns me as it will likely be at the expense of features I would actually use and enjoy, and especially when they don't seem to be working properly at all right now it feels like a miss.
My only gripe with the update was the 4 hours maintenance. I did joke around knowing the reflection scroll took a 3 hour maintenance that it was probably something like that, or maybe Coli PVP, which I miss [emoji=imperial tongue size=1]
I turned it off immediately since I don't like when petsites have animations, so I'm glad for the toggle on-site instead of relying on us needing to turn off the feature on our device or browser. It's good to see people like it; more for them, I won't use them, so my dragon cash is safe for now!
My only gripe with the update was the 4 hours maintenance. I did joke around knowing the reflection scroll took a 3 hour maintenance that it was probably something like that, or maybe Coli PVP, which I miss
I turned it off immediately since I don't like when petsites have animations, so I'm glad for the toggle on-site instead of relying on us needing to turn off the feature on our device or browser. It's good to see people like it; more for them, I won't use them, so my dragon cash is safe for now!
[quote name="Halszkaraptor" date="2025-02-12 15:36:33" ]
[quote name="Ogerpon" date="2025-02-12 15:10:06" ]
[quote name="Halszkaraptor" date="2025-02-12 15:07:29" ]
I'm confused about this. At least the ones I've tried worked fine with my linebreaking veilspun with multigaze? So I'm not seeing how special eyes and linebreaking genes are incompatible with them?
The effects themselves are just.... eh.
Someone posted this
Plague Primal, Shardflank Tert.
[effect dragon=61860163]
Here's mine that I was viewing, with the flecks effect (if'n I copy pasted it right...). It sounds like to me there's some kinks that still need to be worked out rather than a blanket no special eyes/no linebreaker terts across the board sort of deal. Which for a brand new feature I'll give them a pass, bug always happen when stuff goes live.
....wait, so they've made a feature which essentially negates other features?
Right, deleting my post that was cautiously optimistic. This is an extremely odd choice. There are a lot of users who collect special eyes or ancients with line breaking terts. So strange.
Halszkaraptor wrote on 2025-02-12 15:36:33:
Ogerpon wrote on 2025-02-12 15:10:06:
Halszkaraptor wrote on 2025-02-12 15:07:29:
I'm confused about this. At least the ones I've tried worked fine with my linebreaking veilspun with multigaze? So I'm not seeing how special eyes and linebreaking genes are incompatible with them?
The effects themselves are just.... eh.
Someone posted this
Plague Primal, Shardflank Tert.

Here's mine that I was viewing, with the flecks effect (if'n I copy pasted it right...). It sounds like to me there's some kinks that still need to be worked out rather than a blanket no special eyes/no linebreaker terts across the board sort of deal. Which for a brand new feature I'll give them a pass, bug always happen when stuff goes live.
....wait, so they've made a feature which essentially negates other features?
Right, deleting my post that was cautiously optimistic. This is an extremely odd choice. There are a lot of users who collect special eyes or ancients with line breaking terts. So strange.
...signature loading....
I quite like these but the gem MP dominance was very questionable. Especially not all of them are as detailed as Beryl Plunge (like Glitz, which is just glitter with a rainbow transition clipped over it)
I do appreciate they made the treasure ones very cheap (30kt) and that some gem items were made cheaper than others at the very least (albeit only be -25g)
Some of them feel a bit too unconventional (specifically just Sunrise, Moonrise)
Still bought 2 of the gem MP ones though because they’re pretty and I love some of these animations and effects, but the mp ratio isn’t good
I quite like these but the gem MP dominance was very questionable. Especially not all of them are as detailed as Beryl Plunge (like Glitz, which is just glitter with a rainbow transition clipped over it)
I do appreciate they made the treasure ones very cheap (30kt) and that some gem items were made cheaper than others at the very least (albeit only be -25g)
Some of them feel a bit too unconventional (specifically just Sunrise, Moonrise)
Still bought 2 of the gem MP ones though because they’re pretty and I love some of these animations and effects, but the mp ratio isn’t good
echoing basically everyone else here but: to me it seems like a very strange selection to launch with. i see potential in the butterflies, but the full-body/all-over ones remind me of the free photo editing sites i used to use as a kid. or, like, snapchat filters (oh man, what if players will be able to create their own effects like umas lksdgjkgh). i guess i don't get the thinking. we have so many "in motion" apparel pieces that people absolutely LOVE (ie: flowerfalls, summer swelter and co., candles, auras, etc), and the butterfly effect seem like a thoughtful cousin to that category, but the full-body shimmers? the goofy wibble-wobble ghosts? huh...
(and then they're in the gem mp..............)
echoing basically everyone else here but: to me it seems like a very strange selection to launch with. i see potential in the butterflies, but the full-body/all-over ones remind me of the free photo editing sites i used to use as a kid. or, like, snapchat filters (oh man, what if players will be able to create their own effects like umas lksdgjkgh). i guess i don't get the thinking. we have so many "in motion" apparel pieces that people absolutely LOVE (ie: flowerfalls, summer swelter and co., candles, auras, etc), and the butterfly effect seem like a thoughtful cousin to that category, but the full-body shimmers? the goofy wibble-wobble ghosts? huh...
(and then they're in the gem mp..............)
fr +2
saga hwæt ic hatte
I'll put this at the top:
I do not HATE effects. They aren't my favorite thing, and coming back to this rather than any other majorly requested feature is a bit disheartening, but I do think they have some great potential and could be fun after a bit of polish and feedback. It's not my first choice, I would've never expected it, and I would've preferred other options, but an update is an update and that's still nice.
I will never dislike the devs and I sincerely hope this doesn't come off as too harsh. This thread is just a good space to throw the disappointment so nowhere else catches it ^^
My first reaction was "okay, I'm not using this at all", because I don't really care for most of the effects we got (I like beryl dive but it's way too opaque), and it doesn't help that I can't see any of them animating. I'm sensitive to animations, so I can't really enjoy this update regardless :/ I don't see why this was considered for implementation to be honest, FR doesn't strike me as a site that needs animation or more effects on dragons. I think we've got plenty of customization already.
The subtle effects are growing on me, especially while static. They're very situational, especially because they're all rainbow, but they do look nice on the right dragon.
I think this has plenty of potential, but it's a bit of a rough launch unfortunately.
I'm also obviously sad that 8/11 of the effects are gem mp.
On the more negative side, I'm very upset that this release was a bit unfinished. As others have said, it feels like the concerns with pastel and eyes/linebreakers have been just.. Brushed off. I understand site limitations, but when this has happened with so many errors lately, it's just getting to me. I'm still upset that Button aberration hasn't even been acknowledged..
I think the amount of errors and bugs every update has just gotten to the point where I'm losing hope in certain things getting fixed or addressed. The backlog is massive and I'd love if the devs could step back, breathe, and take some time to work on those rather than new content.
One fix update and one content update a month would be ideal, and I think the community would be more than happy with less content if it meant the pile™ were worked on, because we've been begging for exactly that for a long time now.
The amount of time and effort put into this update leaves a bad taste in my mouth when I think about all of the other things that time could have been spent on. I think about the future time that will be spent on more of these rather than anything more desired.. it just leaves me disappointed. (I don't know if that's considered a what if, and I apologize if it is!)
I'm of course still happy for any update, and I hope that this doesn't come off as too negative ;0;
Devs, we love you, and we love all of the work you do, but I don't think the negativity will lessen until the bug/feature backlog is given some TLC :c
QoL additions, please, I'm on my hands and knees begging for hatchling dressing room and dark mode
I LOVE that others enjoy it, and I'm very happy for them! I sincerely hope that everyone who likes this update has a pleasant time <3
I will be very much looking forward to future effects, and hope things improve with time!
(Fish, bird, or glitch effects will change my mind on these immediately)
I'll put this at the top:
I do not HATE effects. They aren't my favorite thing, and coming back to this rather than any other majorly requested feature is a bit disheartening, but I do think they have some great potential and could be fun after a bit of polish and feedback. It's not my first choice, I would've never expected it, and I would've preferred other options, but an update is an update and that's still nice.
I will never dislike the devs and I sincerely hope this doesn't come off as too harsh. This thread is just a good space to throw the disappointment so nowhere else catches it ^^
My first reaction was "okay, I'm not using this at all", because I don't really care for most of the effects we got (I like beryl dive but it's way too opaque), and it doesn't help that I can't see any of them animating. I'm sensitive to animations, so I can't really enjoy this update regardless :/ I don't see why this was considered for implementation to be honest, FR doesn't strike me as a site that needs animation or more effects on dragons. I think we've got plenty of customization already.
The subtle effects are growing on me, especially while static. They're very situational, especially because they're all rainbow, but they do look nice on the right dragon.
I think this has plenty of potential, but it's a bit of a rough launch unfortunately.
I'm also obviously sad that 8/11 of the effects are gem mp.
On the more negative side, I'm very upset that this release was a bit unfinished. As others have said, it feels like the concerns with pastel and eyes/linebreakers have been just.. Brushed off. I understand site limitations, but when this has happened with so many errors lately, it's just getting to me. I'm still upset that Button aberration hasn't even been acknowledged..
I think the amount of errors and bugs every update has just gotten to the point where I'm losing hope in certain things getting fixed or addressed. The backlog is massive and I'd love if the devs could step back, breathe, and take some time to work on those rather than new content.
One fix update and one content update a month would be ideal, and I think the community would be more than happy with less content if it meant the pile™ were worked on, because we've been begging for exactly that for a long time now.
The amount of time and effort put into this update leaves a bad taste in my mouth when I think about all of the other things that time could have been spent on. I think about the future time that will be spent on more of these rather than anything more desired.. it just leaves me disappointed. (I don't know if that's considered a what if, and I apologize if it is!)
I'm of course still happy for any update, and I hope that this doesn't come off as too negative ;0;
Devs, we love you, and we love all of the work you do, but I don't think the negativity will lessen until the bug/feature backlog is given some TLC :c
QoL additions, please, I'm on my hands and knees begging for hatchling dressing room and dark mode
I LOVE that others enjoy it, and I'm very happy for them! I sincerely hope that everyone who likes this update has a pleasant time <3
I will be very much looking forward to future effects, and hope things improve with time!
(Fish, bird, or glitch effects will change my mind on these immediately)
if you can see this, you're cool
trans rights!!

I have mix feelings about this, but firstly came to mind is what the gods are up too? Yes i would imagine fr having some sort of animation or movement later on for dragons but this just feels off. We do have animation on our familiars - for col! So can we have something similar? These are just added effects just make them have a environmental feel which doesn’t fit well with col. i was more hoping like fancy one of a kind apparel animation instead of effects. Plus these effects doesn’t fit well with fr style art - like the waves effects are just ridiculous.
I see this as a desperate update for more site interaction or a money grab. (Since everything is getting tough out there!) Or it can just be that they trying to pull away from many other site pets games and class fr unique. Since i haven’t really seen anything like this done before.
Please be mindful tho, team are trying there best to make fr fun for all of us.
I have mix feelings about this, but firstly came to mind is what the gods are up too? Yes i would imagine fr having some sort of animation or movement later on for dragons but this just feels off. We do have animation on our familiars - for col! So can we have something similar? These are just added effects just make them have a environmental feel which doesn’t fit well with col. i was more hoping like fancy one of a kind apparel animation instead of effects. Plus these effects doesn’t fit well with fr style art - like the waves effects are just ridiculous.
I see this as a desperate update for more site interaction or a money grab. (Since everything is getting tough out there!) Or it can just be that they trying to pull away from many other site pets games and class fr unique. Since i haven’t really seen anything like this done before.
Please be mindful tho, team are trying there best to make fr fun for all of us.