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TOPIC | [TOOL] DOM Shop Calculator
Hello! :)
Just my personal feedback here: I would definitely remove the setting for the max number of skins possible! I was going to place my order with multiple thing until I realized that I couldn't order more than 18 and 2 respectively. Since I always buy multiple copies of each skin/accent, I end up having to count them on the side now as the calculator doesn't allow it ^^'
Hello! :)
Just my personal feedback here: I would definitely remove the setting for the max number of skins possible! I was going to place my order with multiple thing until I realized that I couldn't order more than 18 and 2 respectively. Since I always buy multiple copies of each skin/accent, I end up having to count them on the side now as the calculator doesn't allow it ^^'
Living Fossils Hatchery
Pixel Cat's End profile
[quote name="@The8thHorcrux" date="2024-08-31 16:18:16" ] @/Rowdy Hello! :) Just my personal feedback here: I would definitely remove the setting for the max number of skins possible! I was going to place my order with multiple thing until I realized that I couldn't order more than 18 and 2 respectively. Since I always buy multiple copies of each skin/accent, I end up having to count them on the side now as the calculator doesn't allow it ^^' [/quote] AHHH that's a good point I didn't think about! And this is why feedback is so important haha. I've removed the max input settings, website should update within a few minutes, will be on version 6.1.1 in top-right
@The8thHorcrux wrote on 2024-08-31 16:18:16:
Hello! :)
Just my personal feedback here: I would definitely remove the setting for the max number of skins possible! I was going to place my order with multiple thing until I realized that I couldn't order more than 18 and 2 respectively. Since I always buy multiple copies of each skin/accent, I end up having to count them on the side now as the calculator doesn't allow it ^^'

AHHH that's a good point I didn't think about! And this is why feedback is so important haha. I've removed the max input settings, website should update within a few minutes, will be on version 6.1.1 in top-right
She|Her - Ace - FRT(0) | Lore
Oops just saw your answer! Thank you very much for considering, highly appreciated <3
Oops just saw your answer! Thank you very much for considering, highly appreciated <3
Living Fossils Hatchery
Pixel Cat's End profile
Updated! Version 6.1.2

- Chorus/Choir (modern/veilspuns)
- Mosaic/Breakup expansion (aberration, banescale, dusthide, veilspun)
- Cherub/Seraph expansion (dusthide, veilspun)
- Thorns expansion (banescale, dusthide, gaoler, sandsurge)

You should see version 6.1.2 in the very top-left corner for this update. If you don't see the changes you may need to do a 'hard refresh' for your browser. CTRL+SHIFT+R or CTRL + F5 (Opt + Cmd + E on Mac).

If you see any typos, missing genes, or incorrect prices, please let me know so I can fix it ASAP!

@DOM Discount Calc

Updated! Version 6.1.2

- Chorus/Choir (modern/veilspuns)
- Mosaic/Breakup expansion (aberration, banescale, dusthide, veilspun)
- Cherub/Seraph expansion (dusthide, veilspun)
- Thorns expansion (banescale, dusthide, gaoler, sandsurge)

You should see version 6.1.2 in the very top-left corner for this update. If you don't see the changes you may need to do a 'hard refresh' for your browser. CTRL+SHIFT+R or CTRL + F5 (Opt + Cmd + E on Mac).

If you see any typos, missing genes, or incorrect prices, please let me know so I can fix it ASAP!

@DOM Discount Calc

She|Her - Ace - FRT(0) | Lore
Updated! Version 6.1.3

Apologies for the delay, I've been sick

- Everlux added: breed change & all genes
- Gaoler expansion: checkers/chess, varnish/lacquer, lionfish/noxtide, whiskers

You should see version 6.1.3 in the very top-left corner for this update. If you don't see the changes you may need to do a 'hard refresh' for your browser. CTRL+SHIFT+R or CTRL + F5 (Opt + Cmd + E on Mac).

If you see any typos, missing genes, or incorrect prices, please let me know so I can fix it ASAP!

@DOM Discount Calc

Updated! Version 6.1.3

Apologies for the delay, I've been sick

- Everlux added: breed change & all genes
- Gaoler expansion: checkers/chess, varnish/lacquer, lionfish/noxtide, whiskers

You should see version 6.1.3 in the very top-left corner for this update. If you don't see the changes you may need to do a 'hard refresh' for your browser. CTRL+SHIFT+R or CTRL + F5 (Opt + Cmd + E on Mac).

If you see any typos, missing genes, or incorrect prices, please let me know so I can fix it ASAP!

@DOM Discount Calc

She|Her - Ace - FRT(0) | Lore
@Rowdy It seems like you have Flair listed twice. but no Silkspot. Otherwise the Everlux genes look good!
@Rowdy It seems like you have Flair listed twice. but no Silkspot. Otherwise the Everlux genes look good!
[quote name="@Airashii" date="2024-11-23 04:34:53" ] @/Rowdy It seems like you have Flair listed twice. but no Silkspot. Otherwise the Everlux genes look good! [/quote] Thank you!! Should be fixed now
@Airashii wrote on 2024-11-23 04:34:53:
@/Rowdy It seems like you have Flair listed twice. but no Silkspot. Otherwise the Everlux genes look good!

Thank you!! Should be fixed now
She|Her - Ace - FRT(0) | Lore
Updated! Version 6.1.4

Sorry. Wasn't active when this update came up and then simply Did Not Feel Like It during notn.

- Veilspun additions: jaguar/rosette, wrought/spire, and contour added

You should see version 6.1.4 in the very top-left corner for this update. If you don't see the changes you may need to do a 'hard refresh' for your browser. CTRL+SHIFT+R or CTRL + F5 (Opt + Cmd + E on Mac).

If you see any typos, missing genes, or incorrect prices, please let me know so I can fix it ASAP!

@DOM Discount Calc
Updated! Version 6.1.4

Sorry. Wasn't active when this update came up and then simply Did Not Feel Like It during notn.

- Veilspun additions: jaguar/rosette, wrought/spire, and contour added

You should see version 6.1.4 in the very top-left corner for this update. If you don't see the changes you may need to do a 'hard refresh' for your browser. CTRL+SHIFT+R or CTRL + F5 (Opt + Cmd + E on Mac).

If you see any typos, missing genes, or incorrect prices, please let me know so I can fix it ASAP!

@DOM Discount Calc
She|Her - Ace - FRT(0) | Lore
Updated! Version 6.1.5

- Gecko Gene Expansion: gecko tertiary added to all breeds

You should see version 6.1.5 in the very top-left corner for this update. If you don't see the changes you may need to do a 'hard refresh' for your browser. CTRL+SHIFT+R or CTRL + F5 (Opt + Cmd + E on Mac).

If you see any typos, missing genes, or incorrect prices, please let me know so I can fix it ASAP!

@DOM Discount Calc
Updated! Version 6.1.5

- Gecko Gene Expansion: gecko tertiary added to all breeds

You should see version 6.1.5 in the very top-left corner for this update. If you don't see the changes you may need to do a 'hard refresh' for your browser. CTRL+SHIFT+R or CTRL + F5 (Opt + Cmd + E on Mac).

If you see any typos, missing genes, or incorrect prices, please let me know so I can fix it ASAP!

@DOM Discount Calc
She|Her - Ace - FRT(0) | Lore
Hello there! I just wanted to let you know that only 6 breed changes are showing up in your calculator.

These breeds are missing:

Thank you so so much for this amazing tool!
Hello there! I just wanted to let you know that only 6 breed changes are showing up in your calculator.

These breeds are missing:

Thank you so so much for this amazing tool!