[columns][color=transparent]_____________________________________[/color][font=Book Antiqua][size=7][size=3][b]Viridian Guardians[/b][/size][/font]
[right][size=4][color=Gray][i]A Nature Subspecies[/i][/color][/size]
[center][emoji=flowering tree size=1] Intro - [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3378911#post_57924070]Lore[/url] - [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3378911#post_57924071]Requirements[/url] - [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3378911#post_57924072]Registry[/url] - [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3378911#post_57924074]Badges[/url] - [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3378911#post_57924087]Linked Forums[/url] [emoji=flowering tree size=1][/center]
[center][size=3]( [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/3379637/1#post_3379637]Visit the Gaoler Greenhouse[/url] - [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/3379637#post_57944439]Registered Gardeners[/url])[/size][/center]
[nextcol][size=4]I have been in love with what I called "flower gaolers" (I know they don't rhyme, but they do in my head!) and, prior to the creation of this subspecies, even found a small family of them!
It all began with [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/79658668]Grover[/url], my clan's terrarium guardian. It was developed while we were located in the Southern Icefields in order to accommodate dragons who couldn't live in the harsh conditions, and it needed someone to keep it alive. Grover stepped up to the job shortly after deciding to become a permanent member, dedicating his life and body to protecting it and its' residents.
The terrarium, now called the [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/lair/630394/2276442]Roots[/url], has come to house many more dragons since, and is still a big part of the clan today.
[size=4]Making a dedicated space to say my thanks to [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/2725086/1#post_2725086]Galopa's Old Oaks[/url] and the folks in the discord server. Certainly the best thing that has happened to me on FR; you have [i]all[/i] been a joy to be around, and thanks for enduring me [emoji=familiar heart size=1]
[center][size=5][font=Book Antiqua][b]I am subscribed to this forum, but pings are encouraged
as I lose notifications often![/b][/font][/size][/center]
[center][size=4][font=Book Antiqua][color=grey]For general updates to the forum![/color][/size][/font][/center]
[center][size=4][font=Book Antiqua][color=grey]For lore & new variation updates![/color][/size][/font][/center]
[center][size=3][font=Book Antiqua][color=grey]For general updates to the Greenhouse![/color][/size][/font][/center]
[center][font=Book Antiqua][size=5][b]Notable Events[/b][/size]
Registered to the [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/gde/1759291/1]Nature Subspecies Hub[/url] ([url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/gde/1759291/2#post_17865761]entry here[/url]) on Dec 8, 2024.
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3378911/3#post_58321254]Blushing Viridian Guardians[/url] were discovered on January 24, 2025.[/font][/center]
[right][size=2][b]Credits ---[/b]
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/2590236#post_2590236]Free to Use Pixel Sprites[/url] by [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/clan-profile/245818]DogiCrimson[/url]
[url=https://dragonmim.github.io/bbcode-companion]BBCode Companion[/url]
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/2386835#post_2386835][FREE] FR Art Cutouts + Dividers[/url] by [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/clan-profile/121390]Grizzel[/url]
Vertical Coli Column by oopsiespooks[/size][/right]
I have been in love with what I called "flower gaolers" (I know they don't rhyme, but they do in my head!) and, prior to the creation of this subspecies, even found a small family of them!
It all began with Grover, my clan's terrarium guardian. It was developed while we were located in the Southern Icefields in order to accommodate dragons who couldn't live in the harsh conditions, and it needed someone to keep it alive. Grover stepped up to the job shortly after deciding to become a permanent member, dedicating his life and body to protecting it and its' residents.
The terrarium, now called the Roots, has come to house many more dragons since, and is still a big part of the clan today.
Making a dedicated space to say my thanks to Galopa's Old Oaks and the folks in the discord server. Certainly the best thing that has happened to me on FR; you have all been a joy to be around, and thanks for enduring me
I am subscribed to this forum, but pings are encouraged
as I lose notifications often!
[columns][color=transparent]__________________________________________[/color][font=Book Antiqua][size=7][size=3][b]Subspecies Lore[/b][/size][/font]
[right][size=4][color=Gray][i]Writings for the Viridian Guardians[/i][/color][/size]
[center][emoji=flowering tree size=1] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3378911/1#post_3378911]Intro[/url] - [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3378911#post_57924070]Lore[/url] - Requirements - [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3378911#post_57924072]Registry[/url] - [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3378911#post_57924074]Badges[/url] - [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3378911#post_57924087]Linked Forums[/url] [emoji=flowering tree size=1][/center]
[center][size=3]( [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/3379637/1#post_3379637]Visit the Gaoler Greenhouse[/url] - [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/3379637#post_57944439]Registered Gardeners[/url])[/size][/center]
[b]Any with Viridian Guardians are welcome to use this as a guideline for their lore, as well as alter it as much as they see fit to work better with their own visions! [/b]
These are just my absentminded writings and ideas, and I am welcome to folks wishing to expand even more upon it (of which I might add here, which I will ask to use first and then credit appropriately if given permission). [u]Lore is also not required for the subspecies, and can be dismissed entirely[/u] if that is preferred [emoji=familiar heart size=1]
[*] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/wiki/wiki/article/gaoler-dragons]Gaoler Encyclopaedia Page[/url]
[*] [url=https://flightrising.fandom.com/wiki/Nature_Flight]Nature Flight FRwiki Page[/url]
[*] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/gde/2662548#post_2662548]Sornieth Floriography Guide v3[/url]
Rough Ideas;
Outcasts rejected by the Icewarden and taken in by the Gladekeeper, who nurtured them and brought them new life as the Viridian Guardians.
Since being reclaimed by the Gladekeeper, they are [b]no longer wholly dragon[/b]. The gift bestowed upon them altered their genetic makeup, becoming part plant and part dragon, and most of their "regular" functions have changed to make them more effective at their duties. This process can happen at varying rates, most often over the course of a full year, and depends on the dragon as to how much of their original body that it takes over.
They are assigned orders to protect all kinds of nature and their respective ecosystems, including any outside the Viridian Labyrinth. The Viridian Guardians are found all over Sornieth and spread amongst clans, often taking up jobs like groundskeepers, botanists, farmers, gardeners, florists, and when needed, warriors. So long as they are protecting nature in one form or another, they are content.
[size=4][u][b]Visual Attributes[/b][/u][/size]
Evergreen Viridian Guardians are the most common variant found in Sornieth. They possess fur resembling tree bark, both in appearance and texture, manes made up of leaves and other shrubbery, and topped with flowers that bloom when they're hatched (or, in fewer cases, vines grow in excess where the blooms would have been). Some Evergreens, when fully grown, "tattoo" their bark with engravings of vines and depict their loyalty to the clan they serve.
[color=transparent]_____[/color] Those with [gamedb item=35005] and [gamedb item=51343] have an excess of the Gladekeeper's gift and are considered the strongest of the Evergreen variant. However, they have a key difference: those with braids are in control of their body and are able to live both as dragon and plant with ease (showing it off by braiding their vines into their manes), whereas those with thundercrack cannot control their gift, and their body is being consumed by nature with every breath.
Scorched Guardians are [i]much[/i] more in-tune with the earth and have learnt to survive in less-than-ideal circumstances. Their coat loses the bark-like texture and instead feels like incredibly coarse hair, and depending on their tertiary, can have spines hidden underneath, poking through if their coat is trimmed regularly. Their manes are often made up of wispy desert flora that [i]looks[/i] soft but prickles gently when touched.
Guardians may even resemble Sornieth's varying wildlife, which can affect their looks and behaviour further than those that are listed in these notes. For example, [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/73705660]Rhodantha[/url], who is a Scorched variant (taking general inspiration from real life cacti and desert flora to determine her attributes, likes & dislikes); she is generally very lax, enjoys basking in the sun while on duty and in her offtime, and sleeps in a bed of loam (of which she can absorb nutrients from while resting).
[size=4][u][b]Personalities and Behaviours[/b][/u][/size]
Since the discovery of the Blushing variant, there has been constant ongoing research into the existing and new variant behaviours, life cycles, and other aspects of their existence:
[color=transparent]___[/color][emoji=flowering tree size=1] Evergreens are the most self-sustaining, being able to operate year-round despite the changes in seasons and harshest conditions. They are also the most reliable overall, being hard-working and also open to taking other Viridian Guardians under their wing.
[color=transparent]___[/color][emoji=sun size=1] Scorched Guardians can work all year round, but struggle in the colder seasons when they are susceptible to frostbite- simple clothing such as burlap cloaks help them fend off the harsh weather. Despite this, they are incredibly resilient and enjoy company of other Scorched Guardians, even though they are relatively difficult to come across.
[color=transparent]___[/color][emoji=pink gem 2 size=1] Blushing Guardians are picky beasts, preferring a mild climate and little weather disturbances due to how delicate their blossoms are. They are the most deceiving of the variants, as they are stunningly beautiful and often play coy to get what they want, meaning they don't tend to get along with others of their variant (but very much enjoy toying with Evergreens, some even getting out of their duties as a result).
Any with Viridian Guardians are welcome to use this as a guideline for their lore, as well as alter it as much as they see fit to work better with their own visions!
These are just my absentminded writings and ideas, and I am welcome to folks wishing to expand even more upon it (of which I might add here, which I will ask to use first and then credit appropriately if given permission). Lore is also not required for the subspecies, and can be dismissed entirely if that is preferred
Outcasts rejected by the Icewarden and taken in by the Gladekeeper, who nurtured them and brought them new life as the Viridian Guardians.
Since being reclaimed by the Gladekeeper, they are no longer wholly dragon. The gift bestowed upon them altered their genetic makeup, becoming part plant and part dragon, and most of their "regular" functions have changed to make them more effective at their duties. This process can happen at varying rates, most often over the course of a full year, and depends on the dragon as to how much of their original body that it takes over.
They are assigned orders to protect all kinds of nature and their respective ecosystems, including any outside the Viridian Labyrinth. The Viridian Guardians are found all over Sornieth and spread amongst clans, often taking up jobs like groundskeepers, botanists, farmers, gardeners, florists, and when needed, warriors. So long as they are protecting nature in one form or another, they are content.
Visual Attributes
Evergreen Viridian Guardians are the most common variant found in Sornieth. They possess fur resembling tree bark, both in appearance and texture, manes made up of leaves and other shrubbery, and topped with flowers that bloom when they're hatched (or, in fewer cases, vines grow in excess where the blooms would have been). Some Evergreens, when fully grown, "tattoo" their bark with engravings of vines and depict their loyalty to the clan they serve. _____ Those with Tertiary Gaoler Gene: Braids and Tertiary Gaoler Gene: Thundercrack have an excess of the Gladekeeper's gift and are considered the strongest of the Evergreen variant. However, they have a key difference: those with braids are in control of their body and are able to live both as dragon and plant with ease (showing it off by braiding their vines into their manes), whereas those with thundercrack cannot control their gift, and their body is being consumed by nature with every breath.
Scorched Guardians are much more in-tune with the earth and have learnt to survive in less-than-ideal circumstances. Their coat loses the bark-like texture and instead feels like incredibly coarse hair, and depending on their tertiary, can have spines hidden underneath, poking through if their coat is trimmed regularly. Their manes are often made up of wispy desert flora that looks soft but prickles gently when touched.
Guardians may even resemble Sornieth's varying wildlife, which can affect their looks and behaviour further than those that are listed in these notes. For example, Rhodantha, who is a Scorched variant (taking general inspiration from real life cacti and desert flora to determine her attributes, likes & dislikes); she is generally very lax, enjoys basking in the sun while on duty and in her offtime, and sleeps in a bed of loam (of which she can absorb nutrients from while resting).
Personalities and Behaviours
Since the discovery of the Blushing variant, there has been constant ongoing research into the existing and new variant behaviours, life cycles, and other aspects of their existence:
___ Evergreens are the most self-sustaining, being able to operate year-round despite the changes in seasons and harshest conditions. They are also the most reliable overall, being hard-working and also open to taking other Viridian Guardians under their wing. ___ Scorched Guardians can work all year round, but struggle in the colder seasons when they are susceptible to frostbite- simple clothing such as burlap cloaks help them fend off the harsh weather. Despite this, they are incredibly resilient and enjoy company of other Scorched Guardians, even though they are relatively difficult to come across. ___ Blushing Guardians are picky beasts, preferring a mild climate and little weather disturbances due to how delicate their blossoms are. They are the most deceiving of the variants, as they are stunningly beautiful and often play coy to get what they want, meaning they don't tend to get along with others of their variant (but very much enjoy toying with Evergreens, some even getting out of their duties as a result).
A scroll that will change the primary gene of one Gaoler dragon to Phantom. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
Primary Gaoler Gene: Pinstripe
Specialty Items
A scroll that will change the primary gene of one Gaoler dragon to Pinstripe. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
Primary Gaoler Gene: Ripple
Specialty Items
A scroll that will change the primary gene of one Gaoler dragon to Ripple. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
Primary Gaoler Gene: Tapir
Specialty Items
A scroll that will change the primary gene of one Gaoler dragon to Tapir. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
Primary Gaoler Gene: Varnish
Specialty Items
A scroll that will change the primary gene of one Gaoler dragon to Varnish. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
A scroll that will change the secondary gene of one Gaoler dragon to Edged. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
Secondary Gaoler Gene: Flair
Specialty Items
A scroll that will change the secondary gene of one Gaoler dragon to Flair. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
Secondary Gaoler Gene: Peregrine
Specialty Items
A scroll that will change the secondary gene of one Gaoler dragon to Peregrine. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
Secondary Gaoler Gene: Spirit
Specialty Items
A scroll that will change the secondary gene of one Gaoler dragon to Spirit. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
A scroll that will change the tertiary gene of one Gaoler dragon to Blossom. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
Tertiary Gaoler Gene: Braids
Specialty Items
A scroll that will change the tertiary gene of one Gaoler dragon to Braids. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
Tertiary Gaoler Gene: Branches
Specialty Items
A scroll that will change the tertiary gene of one Gaoler dragon to Branches. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
Tertiary Gaoler Gene: Thundercrack
Specialty Items
A scroll that will change the tertiary gene of one Gaoler dragon to Thundercrack. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
A scroll that will change the primary gene of one Gaoler dragon to Pinstripe. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
Primary Gaoler Gene: Ripple
Specialty Items
A scroll that will change the primary gene of one Gaoler dragon to Ripple. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
Primary Gaoler Gene: Tapir
Specialty Items
A scroll that will change the primary gene of one Gaoler dragon to Tapir. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
Primary Gaoler Gene: Varnish
Specialty Items
A scroll that will change the primary gene of one Gaoler dragon to Varnish. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
A scroll that will change the secondary gene of one Gaoler dragon to Blaze. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
Secondary Gaoler Gene: Flair
Specialty Items
A scroll that will change the secondary gene of one Gaoler dragon to Flair. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
Secondary Gaoler Gene: Peregrine
Specialty Items
A scroll that will change the secondary gene of one Gaoler dragon to Peregrine. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
Secondary Gaoler Gene: Spirit
Specialty Items
A scroll that will change the secondary gene of one Gaoler dragon to Spirit. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
A scroll that will change the tertiary gene of one Gaoler dragon to Blossom. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
Tertiary Gaoler Gene: Branches
Specialty Items
A scroll that will change the tertiary gene of one Gaoler dragon to Branches. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
Tertiary Gaoler Gene: Thorns
Specialty Items
A scroll that will change the tertiary gene of one Gaoler dragon to Thorns. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
A scroll that will change the primary gene of one Gaoler dragon to Pinstripe. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
Primary Gaoler Gene: Ripple
Specialty Items
A scroll that will change the primary gene of one Gaoler dragon to Ripple. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
Primary Gaoler Gene: Tapir
Specialty Items
A scroll that will change the primary gene of one Gaoler dragon to Tapir. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
Primary Gaoler Gene: Varnish
Specialty Items
A scroll that will change the primary gene of one Gaoler dragon to Varnish. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
A scroll that will change the secondary gene of one Gaoler dragon to Clouded. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
Secondary Gaoler Gene: Edged
Specialty Items
A scroll that will change the secondary gene of one Gaoler dragon to Edged. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
Secondary Gaoler Gene: Myrid
Specialty Items
A scroll that will change the secondary gene of one Gaoler dragon to Myrid. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
Secondary Gaoler Gene: Rosette
Specialty Items
A scroll that will change the secondary gene of one Gaoler dragon to Rosette. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
Secondary Gaoler Gene: Spirit
Specialty Items
A scroll that will change the secondary gene of one Gaoler dragon to Spirit. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
A scroll that will change the tertiary gene of one Gaoler dragon to Blossom. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
Tertiary Gaoler Gene: Branches
Specialty Items
A scroll that will change the tertiary gene of one Gaoler dragon to Branches. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
Tertiary Gaoler Gene: Pinions
Specialty Items
A scroll that will change the tertiary gene of one Gaoler dragon to Pinions. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
REGISTRY OPEN as of november 23, 2024 (still under some construction but in a state i am happy with!)
— Rules
One form per Gaoler.
Only submit those affiliated with your clan.
Both adult and hatchlings can be submitted.
You can post as many submissions as you like!
Any Gaoler that fits a variant's requirements can sign up, no matter where they come from or what flight they're aligned with.
— Key
= Generation 1.
= Permababy.
Copy and paste the form below into a forum reply, fill it in, and submit in the forum! Feel free to message me here or via PMs if you have any questions
FR Username & ID: oopsiespooks #630394 Dragon Name & ID: Grover #79658668 Dragon Link:https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/79658668 Generation (if known): G2+ (this does not need to be counted!) Guardian Variant: Evergreen
Disclaimer: I will remove any submitted Gaolers from the registry if they no longer fit the requirements for their variant.
[columns][color=transparent]_____________________________________________[/color][font=Book Antiqua][size=7][size=3][b]Linked Forums[/b][/size][/font]
[right][size=3][color=Gray][i]Badges to show who we're a part of![/i][/color][/size]
[center][emoji=flowering tree size=1] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3378911/1#post_3378911]Intro[/url] - [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3378911#post_57924070]Lore[/url] - [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3378911#post_57924071]Requirements[/url] - [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3378911#post_57924072]Registry[/url] - [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3378911#post_57924074]Badges[/url] - Linked Forums [emoji=flowering tree size=1][/center]
[center][size=3]( [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/3379637/1#post_3379637]Visit the Gaoler Greenhouse[/url] - [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/3379637#post_57944439]Registered Gardeners[/url])[/size][/center]
[center]Feel free to send me a message if you'd like one of your forums to be affiliated with the Viridian Guardians, especially for lore or other interesting purposes :3c[/center]
(Not affiliated)[/center]
Feel free to send me a message if you'd like one of your forums to be affiliated with the Viridian Guardians, especially for lore or other interesting purposes :3c
[center][size=4][b]PINGS: @pinglist-40760[/b][/size][/center]
[center]As the forum is now in a state I am happy with, I'm considering it ready to go!
I'll continue to work on finalising lore and creating bio resources over the holidays,
as well as doing some gene projects that'll end up being part of the subspecies (and maybe g1 breeding pairs if I have the treasure to sink into it)! [emoji=new friend size=1][/center]
As the forum is now in a state I am happy with, I'm considering it ready to go!
I'll continue to work on finalising lore and creating bio resources over the holidays,
as well as doing some gene projects that'll end up being part of the subspecies (and maybe g1 breeding pairs if I have the treasure to sink into it)!
thanks for submitting awen, he has been registered as an evergreen! [emoji=flowering tree size=1]
feel free to add the corresponding badge to his bio, if you'd like to!