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TOPIC | The Stories of Clan Yonder
Awww The Hatchling Clan! They're all so cute, just little pals trying to survive in the big world. Hex's little feisty attitude has already stolen my heart, she's like a little cat.
Awww The Hatchling Clan! They're all so cute, just little pals trying to survive in the big world. Hex's little feisty attitude has already stolen my heart, she's like a little cat.
unEaUkh.png - She/they/xe
- Tales of Eotera (Lore Thread)

The hatchling clan will always have a place in my heart, and Hex is the reason I have such a soft spot for mirrors with a black basic primary, when usually I try to avoid basic genes. She was the very first dragon of the group, and I fell in love with how it made her face look like a skull. Most clans I have end up with a grayscale (or partially grayscale) F pose mirror as a callback to her. (Glacier is the closest I have come in Chasing Immortality. Balance was it in Beneath the Boughs). Also, it was a true delight to be able to bring back Ivorn for a time in The Stories of Windkeep Tower.

The hatchling clan will always have a place in my heart, and Hex is the reason I have such a soft spot for mirrors with a black basic primary, when usually I try to avoid basic genes. She was the very first dragon of the group, and I fell in love with how it made her face look like a skull. Most clans I have end up with a grayscale (or partially grayscale) F pose mirror as a callback to her. (Glacier is the closest I have come in Chasing Immortality. Balance was it in Beneath the Boughs). Also, it was a true delight to be able to bring back Ivorn for a time in The Stories of Windkeep Tower.
b7742e507b7cf8e2cd71c4f2ffd5a17c3b9f9e2e.png 7ae5f576df9583faed137e7e0ca37146ab2a57b6.pnga6562add08eab1563b3f067ebd5e56834bb18267.png 5d03c6fa9f7844652e24d4754fa7a84f0ac7bbc1.png
----- [center][url=]Previous[/url][/center] ----- [center][img][/img] [b][u]Chapter 2: Sole Survivor[/u][/b][/center] ----- [center][img],23723,23726,23722&xt=dressing.png[/img][/center] Eli’s eyes blinked open, the scent of residual arcane energy still filling the air. It was stronger this time, the only indicator that his interaction with The Arcanist was not a dream induced by the sheer power of the magic harnessed to send Fenn and Elric away. The sounds of battle had stopped, and morning light filtered through the small windows at the top of the room. It was time to leave this sanctum and assess the damages to Clan Sonder. Taking a deep breath, he opened the door with a creak, and stepped outside. The building was rubble around him, nothing remained. Looking around, Eli was surprised to see that most of the buildings had been reduced to rubble. He moved carefully at first, in case there were any lingering mirrors pilfering or scouting for survivors, but it soon became clear he was the only living organism left in the city. Eli scoured the ruins, hoping to find survivors, but all he found was bodies. He wrote their names in a singed book he had stumbled across. It was unfair, the sole survivor being a tundra whose memory was certain to fade. He had to be sure the memory of his clan lived on, that he would carry their memories forever. It took weeks, going through each and every building, finding all the bodies, writing the names and stories of each one, giving them proper burials with makeshift gravestones. Some dragons were strangers to him, and all he could do was write a physical description. One day, he stumbled across a miracle. He could scarcely believe when he saw it, a single egg, floating just a few inches off the ground. It was so much lower, so much dimmer, than it should have been, but it was alive. Eli’s heart almost leapt out of his chest. He was not the only survivor. He was still the only one to carry the memory of the clan, but there was another life saved, somehow having avoided being smashed like the other eggs surrounding it. Eli put it in a bag slung over his shoulder, which he had used to carry any important historical relics he had uncovered. He had to remove some to make room, but an egg was more important than physical objects, no matter their historical significance. He would raise the child to learn of their birth clan, he would bring them to safety. It was a couple days later that his work was finished in the ruins. He had filled several journals with information about Clan Sonder that he could not bear to lose. Eli had not planned on surviving, so long as the princess and her guard made an escape, but it was clear what the Arcanist had demanded of him. Now, with a precious life in tow, his mind was made up. He would make his way over to the Windswept Plateau, and find where Fenn and Elric had set up. There was just one more thing to do before he left his old home behind forever. The tundra unrolled a Scroll of Renaming, and penned a new name – Sacredscream. That way, even if he lost his books and his memory faded entirely, his name would be a remembrance for every scream he had heard dying as he huddled in safety. The memory of this clan would live on as long as his name did, and given what The Arcanist had said to him, it appeared this would not be the only clan he would carry the memory of alone. ----- [center][url=]Next[/url][/center] ----- [center]@pinglist-26952[/center] ----- I remember being so excited when I got the arcane egg from scavenging! It was my very first unhatched egg, and I remember scavenging in arcane in the hopes that I could get an unhatched arcane egg for this purpose, and I got one on one of my first days on the site! If you are wondering why I decided to put his clan in arcane, I remember immediately regretting it after I chose wind and got started, and wished I had chosen arcane instead. This was my way of making my clan still "from" arcane. By the time I learned that I got a free flight change, I had grown attached to wind, and I am very glad I ended up there. Out of all the flights it felt like home, but Clan Sonder has always been a nod to that moment of regret. Perhaps I will do something with the ruins of Clan Sonder when I do a proper arcane locke someday...

Chapter 2: Sole Survivor


Eli’s eyes blinked open, the scent of residual arcane energy still filling the air. It was stronger this time, the only indicator that his interaction with The Arcanist was not a dream induced by the sheer power of the magic harnessed to send Fenn and Elric away.

The sounds of battle had stopped, and morning light filtered through the small windows at the top of the room. It was time to leave this sanctum and assess the damages to Clan Sonder. Taking a deep breath, he opened the door with a creak, and stepped outside. The building was rubble around him, nothing remained. Looking around, Eli was surprised to see that most of the buildings had been reduced to rubble.

He moved carefully at first, in case there were any lingering mirrors pilfering or scouting for survivors, but it soon became clear he was the only living organism left in the city. Eli scoured the ruins, hoping to find survivors, but all he found was bodies. He wrote their names in a singed book he had stumbled across. It was unfair, the sole survivor being a tundra whose memory was certain to fade. He had to be sure the memory of his clan lived on, that he would carry their memories forever.

It took weeks, going through each and every building, finding all the bodies, writing the names and stories of each one, giving them proper burials with makeshift gravestones. Some dragons were strangers to him, and all he could do was write a physical description.

One day, he stumbled across a miracle. He could scarcely believe when he saw it, a single egg, floating just a few inches off the ground. It was so much lower, so much dimmer, than it should have been, but it was alive. Eli’s heart almost leapt out of his chest. He was not the only survivor. He was still the only one to carry the memory of the clan, but there was another life saved, somehow having avoided being smashed like the other eggs surrounding it.

Eli put it in a bag slung over his shoulder, which he had used to carry any important historical relics he had uncovered. He had to remove some to make room, but an egg was more important than physical objects, no matter their historical significance. He would raise the child to learn of their birth clan, he would bring them to safety.

It was a couple days later that his work was finished in the ruins. He had filled several journals with information about Clan Sonder that he could not bear to lose.

Eli had not planned on surviving, so long as the princess and her guard made an escape, but it was clear what the Arcanist had demanded of him. Now, with a precious life in tow, his mind was made up. He would make his way over to the Windswept Plateau, and find where Fenn and Elric had set up. There was just one more thing to do before he left his old home behind forever. The tundra unrolled a Scroll of Renaming, and penned a new name – Sacredscream. That way, even if he lost his books and his memory faded entirely, his name would be a remembrance for every scream he had heard dying as he huddled in safety. The memory of this clan would live on as long as his name did, and given what The Arcanist had said to him, it appeared this would not be the only clan he would carry the memory of alone.

I remember being so excited when I got the arcane egg from scavenging! It was my very first unhatched egg, and I remember scavenging in arcane in the hopes that I could get an unhatched arcane egg for this purpose, and I got one on one of my first days on the site!

If you are wondering why I decided to put his clan in arcane, I remember immediately regretting it after I chose wind and got started, and wished I had chosen arcane instead. This was my way of making my clan still "from" arcane. By the time I learned that I got a free flight change, I had grown attached to wind, and I am very glad I ended up there. Out of all the flights it felt like home, but Clan Sonder has always been a nod to that moment of regret. Perhaps I will do something with the ruins of Clan Sonder when I do a proper arcane locke someday...
b7742e507b7cf8e2cd71c4f2ffd5a17c3b9f9e2e.png 7ae5f576df9583faed137e7e0ca37146ab2a57b6.pnga6562add08eab1563b3f067ebd5e56834bb18267.png 5d03c6fa9f7844652e24d4754fa7a84f0ac7bbc1.png
Ohh the backstory behind Sacredscream's (new) name is metal... even if it's very grim.

And I feel you about the Wind flight, I've considered vacationing to other flights but I think I'm way too used to Wind to do that. Life-long Windie it is!
Ohh the backstory behind Sacredscream's (new) name is metal... even if it's very grim.

And I feel you about the Wind flight, I've considered vacationing to other flights but I think I'm way too used to Wind to do that. Life-long Windie it is!
unEaUkh.png - She/they/xe
- Tales of Eotera (Lore Thread)

I love Sacredscream so much, he's probably my favourite of the dragons I no longer have anymore (though I love them all so much).

I miss wind, and will return someday. Though, I feel like it is very in the spirit of wind to be travelling around so much! I still consider Wind to be my home more than any other flight

I love Sacredscream so much, he's probably my favourite of the dragons I no longer have anymore (though I love them all so much).

I miss wind, and will return someday. Though, I feel like it is very in the spirit of wind to be travelling around so much! I still consider Wind to be my home more than any other flight
b7742e507b7cf8e2cd71c4f2ffd5a17c3b9f9e2e.png 7ae5f576df9583faed137e7e0ca37146ab2a57b6.pnga6562add08eab1563b3f067ebd5e56834bb18267.png 5d03c6fa9f7844652e24d4754fa7a84f0ac7bbc1.png
----- [center][url=]Previous[/url][/center] ----- [center][img][/img][/center] [center][b][u]Chapter 3: Hex's Choice[/u][/b][/center] ----- [center][img][/img][/center] “Wake up,” Hex whispered as she nudged the other members of the Hatchling Clan. [center][img][/img][/center] “Whuh?” Ivorn groaned as his eyes blinked open. One by one, the hatchlings groaned and stood up, muttering about the dispurbance. “Not so loud!” Hex hissed under her breath as she looked warily at the sleeping forms of Fenn and Elric on the other side of the house. “Now is our chance! We’ve been here long enough, let’s get moving!” [center][img][/img][/center] “But I like it here!” Lydia whined. “Ivorn, tell her we don’t want to go!” The spiral buried her face into Ivorn’s shoulder. “Uh, Lydia doesn’t want to go,” Ivorn said. “And I don’t really either. It’s nice not to have to work so hard to get food.” [center][img][/img][/center] “Let’s think about this logically,” Realm piped up, looking apologetic. “We’ve been travelling for so long, it’s safe here. Fenn and Elric are nice. We can still be the Hatchling Clan, but I think we’ve found our home.” “But-” Hex protested. “You’re outvoted,” Realm said sadly. “I’m sorry.” Hex let out a frustrated growl, not caring anymore if she woke Fenn and Elric. She leaped over the railing that separated the inside of the house from the outside and raced out into the night. The way her feet hit the grassy hills was calming, she felt like she could run forever, until she was long gone from here. Long gone from anywhere she didn’t belong. She didn’t understand what her friends saw in Fenn and Elric. They were there when Elric attacked her. Did they not see the way the two of them looked at her? Flinching away as if she was some horrid thing that would destroy them all. They pretended to be nice, they always corrected their expressions when they noticed Hex watching, but she knew the truth, and she refused to be unwanted. She had been unwanted when she hatched, alone in the Scarred Wasteland and forced to fend for her own survival. She was unwanted now, by Fenn and Elric. Now, it seemed as though she was unwanted by her friends. “Hex! Wait!” Realm’s voice could be heard on the wind just as the terrible thought crossed Hex’s mind. Hex just ran faster. She didn’t want to talk to anyone right now. She did not even turn back to look at him. With time, however, she began to tire. She may have felt like she could run forever, but her legs were still small and growing, and before too long she was forced to slow. It was then that Realm caught up with her. He had been flying, and letting the wind do most of the work for him. He was barely out of breath, which Hex thought was unfair as her lungs begged to be filled. “I’m sorry about what happened back there,” Realm said. “I know you have this idea of us going off and building our own clan, but Lydia and Ivorn, they aren’t made for travel the way you and I are. If it was just me and you, I’d follow you anywhere you wanted to go, but we have them to think about too. I know you spent a long time alone, but we’re a clan. We can’t just think about one dragon.” “They hate me,” Hex gasped. “It’s not about doing things alone, though I would like it more that way. It’s Fenn and Elric. They hate me. They’re scared of me.” “Going away won’t fix that,” Realm pointed out. “Lots of dragons are scared of plague dragons, anywhere we go, dragons will be scared of you. Remember how long it took Lydia to look you in the eye? We can travel the whole of Sornieth and you’ll still find dragons who are scared of you. But you’re strong. You’re a fighter. [i]Show[/i] Fenn and Elric that they are wrong to be scared. They are already giving you a chance, show them they were right to. And if time passes, and they are still scared of you, then both of us can leave and find somewhere else. But please, can we just stay until Ivorn and Lydia are comfortable? We can’t just abandon them.” Hex was silent for a long time, catching her breath and turning Realm’s words over in her mind. “Okay,” she said finally. “But if they keep looking at me like I’m a monster, I’m [i]going[/i] to fight them.” “That’s the Hex I know,” Realm smiled. “I still need to run a bit before I go back, I need to get these feelings out. Do you want to come with me?” Hex offered. “I’ll be flying right behind you,” Realm agreed. Hex took off, confident that her friend was right behind her. Realm had been the first friend she had met, and she knew he would follow her to the ends of Sornieth if she asked. He was not leaving her now. They ran until sunrise, not needing to say a word to each other, before returning to the house, ready to take on anything. ----- [center][url=]Next[/url][/center] ----- [center]@pinglist-26952[/center] ----- I debated whether I wanted to keep Fenn and Elric's initial aversion to the plague flight as strong as it was in my head when I created the lore, since it came from a lot of problematic tropes in media of having an "inherently evil" group, and Plague occupied that space in my mind for a little while (it's one of the reasons why I leaned so hard in unpacking the Nature vs Plague conflict in Beneath the Boughs, because I was trying to counter that idea). In the end, I decided to keep it in because a) it's a good character flaw and will provide a good opportunity for character growth for Fenn and Elric, and b) it seems like a good way to acknowledge my own personal growth since then, since I have changed a lot since those days. I obviously will be writing it with way more nuance than I would have if I had written it back when this lore was happening in my head in 2016, and not actually be making plague the "evil flight," but I want some of those prejudices to be present and worked through a little bit. Besides, everything about Hex's lore was about proving herself to everyone and showing she was not evil, and she would not be who she is without that struggle (Looking back, I feel like she was very much inspired by Brambeclaw/Bramblestar from Warrior Cats and Coryn from Guardians of Ga'Hoole).

Chapter 3: Hex's Choice


“Wake up,” Hex whispered as she nudged the other members of the Hatchling Clan.

“Whuh?” Ivorn groaned as his eyes blinked open. One by one, the hatchlings groaned and stood up, muttering about the dispurbance.

“Not so loud!” Hex hissed under her breath as she looked warily at the sleeping forms of Fenn and Elric on the other side of the house. “Now is our chance! We’ve been here long enough, let’s get moving!”

“But I like it here!” Lydia whined. “Ivorn, tell her we don’t want to go!” The spiral buried her face into Ivorn’s shoulder.

“Uh, Lydia doesn’t want to go,” Ivorn said. “And I don’t really either. It’s nice not to have to work so hard to get food.”

“Let’s think about this logically,” Realm piped up, looking apologetic. “We’ve been travelling for so long, it’s safe here. Fenn and Elric are nice. We can still be the Hatchling Clan, but I think we’ve found our home.”

“But-” Hex protested.

“You’re outvoted,” Realm said sadly. “I’m sorry.”

Hex let out a frustrated growl, not caring anymore if she woke Fenn and Elric. She leaped over the railing that separated the inside of the house from the outside and raced out into the night. The way her feet hit the grassy hills was calming, she felt like she could run forever, until she was long gone from here. Long gone from anywhere she didn’t belong.

She didn’t understand what her friends saw in Fenn and Elric. They were there when Elric attacked her. Did they not see the way the two of them looked at her? Flinching away as if she was some horrid thing that would destroy them all. They pretended to be nice, they always corrected their expressions when they noticed Hex watching, but she knew the truth, and she refused to be unwanted. She had been unwanted when she hatched, alone in the Scarred Wasteland and forced to fend for her own survival. She was unwanted now, by Fenn and Elric. Now, it seemed as though she was unwanted by her friends.

“Hex! Wait!” Realm’s voice could be heard on the wind just as the terrible thought crossed Hex’s mind.

Hex just ran faster. She didn’t want to talk to anyone right now. She did not even turn back to look at him. With time, however, she began to tire. She may have felt like she could run forever, but her legs were still small and growing, and before too long she was forced to slow.

It was then that Realm caught up with her. He had been flying, and letting the wind do most of the work for him. He was barely out of breath, which Hex thought was unfair as her lungs begged to be filled.

“I’m sorry about what happened back there,” Realm said. “I know you have this idea of us going off and building our own clan, but Lydia and Ivorn, they aren’t made for travel the way you and I are. If it was just me and you, I’d follow you anywhere you wanted to go, but we have them to think about too. I know you spent a long time alone, but we’re a clan. We can’t just think about one dragon.”

“They hate me,” Hex gasped. “It’s not about doing things alone, though I would like it more that way. It’s Fenn and Elric. They hate me. They’re scared of me.”

“Going away won’t fix that,” Realm pointed out. “Lots of dragons are scared of plague dragons, anywhere we go, dragons will be scared of you. Remember how long it took Lydia to look you in the eye? We can travel the whole of Sornieth and you’ll still find dragons who are scared of you. But you’re strong. You’re a fighter. Show Fenn and Elric that they are wrong to be scared. They are already giving you a chance, show them they were right to. And if time passes, and they are still scared of you, then both of us can leave and find somewhere else. But please, can we just stay until Ivorn and Lydia are comfortable? We can’t just abandon them.”

Hex was silent for a long time, catching her breath and turning Realm’s words over in her mind. “Okay,” she said finally. “But if they keep looking at me like I’m a monster, I’m going to fight them.”

“That’s the Hex I know,” Realm smiled.

“I still need to run a bit before I go back, I need to get these feelings out. Do you want to come with me?” Hex offered.

“I’ll be flying right behind you,” Realm agreed.

Hex took off, confident that her friend was right behind her. Realm had been the first friend she had met, and she knew he would follow her to the ends of Sornieth if she asked. He was not leaving her now. They ran until sunrise, not needing to say a word to each other, before returning to the house, ready to take on anything.

I debated whether I wanted to keep Fenn and Elric's initial aversion to the plague flight as strong as it was in my head when I created the lore, since it came from a lot of problematic tropes in media of having an "inherently evil" group, and Plague occupied that space in my mind for a little while (it's one of the reasons why I leaned so hard in unpacking the Nature vs Plague conflict in Beneath the Boughs, because I was trying to counter that idea). In the end, I decided to keep it in because a) it's a good character flaw and will provide a good opportunity for character growth for Fenn and Elric, and b) it seems like a good way to acknowledge my own personal growth since then, since I have changed a lot since those days.

I obviously will be writing it with way more nuance than I would have if I had written it back when this lore was happening in my head in 2016, and not actually be making plague the "evil flight," but I want some of those prejudices to be present and worked through a little bit. Besides, everything about Hex's lore was about proving herself to everyone and showing she was not evil, and she would not be who she is without that struggle (Looking back, I feel like she was very much inspired by Brambeclaw/Bramblestar from Warrior Cats and Coryn from Guardians of Ga'Hoole).
b7742e507b7cf8e2cd71c4f2ffd5a17c3b9f9e2e.png 7ae5f576df9583faed137e7e0ca37146ab2a57b6.pnga6562add08eab1563b3f067ebd5e56834bb18267.png 5d03c6fa9f7844652e24d4754fa7a84f0ac7bbc1.png
Oh my gosh poor Hex </3 she deserves a big old hug. And I love the relationship she and Realm have even through the little amounts we've seen of it.

And taking inspiration from Warrior cats for FR dragons is 100% something I did too haha. For example, some of my first dragons included the sort of prefix-suffix names like in Warriors mixed with whatever I got from the name randomizer (Cloud-leap, Leaf-drop, Spirit-falcon, Storm-strike, and Hazel-feather is all of them I believe). I also remember old lore I had for Aarushi and Kirav that had a Squirrelflight and Ashfur vibe going on. I scrapped it for the poly group lol.
Oh my gosh poor Hex </3 she deserves a big old hug. And I love the relationship she and Realm have even through the little amounts we've seen of it.

And taking inspiration from Warrior cats for FR dragons is 100% something I did too haha. For example, some of my first dragons included the sort of prefix-suffix names like in Warriors mixed with whatever I got from the name randomizer (Cloud-leap, Leaf-drop, Spirit-falcon, Storm-strike, and Hazel-feather is all of them I believe). I also remember old lore I had for Aarushi and Kirav that had a Squirrelflight and Ashfur vibe going on. I scrapped it for the poly group lol.
unEaUkh.png - She/they/xe
- Tales of Eotera (Lore Thread)

Hex and Realm are wonderful, and I miss having Hex so much.

There is so much warrior cats inspiration in my lore, particularly the early days! A part of me is tempted, for one of my pinkerlocke clans (I am unsure which flight yet) to do a warrior cats inspired group of clans. I'm probably adapt it more to the world of flight rising (like probably letting them have more human things and letting them do more with their lives than just fighter or medicine dragon), but doing the prefix-suffix names with -star leaders and -paw apprentices and having a similar plot style to warrior cats, just as a homage to the series that meant so much to me when I was younger. I could even give leaders 9 lives in the locke and give them 9 chances to fall in the Coli before they are actually dead! (though maybe I'd reduce it to 3 or 5 to give some chance of leadership turnover). I've given it a lot of thought.

Hex and Realm are wonderful, and I miss having Hex so much.

There is so much warrior cats inspiration in my lore, particularly the early days! A part of me is tempted, for one of my pinkerlocke clans (I am unsure which flight yet) to do a warrior cats inspired group of clans. I'm probably adapt it more to the world of flight rising (like probably letting them have more human things and letting them do more with their lives than just fighter or medicine dragon), but doing the prefix-suffix names with -star leaders and -paw apprentices and having a similar plot style to warrior cats, just as a homage to the series that meant so much to me when I was younger. I could even give leaders 9 lives in the locke and give them 9 chances to fall in the Coli before they are actually dead! (though maybe I'd reduce it to 3 or 5 to give some chance of leadership turnover). I've given it a lot of thought.
b7742e507b7cf8e2cd71c4f2ffd5a17c3b9f9e2e.png 7ae5f576df9583faed137e7e0ca37146ab2a57b6.pnga6562add08eab1563b3f067ebd5e56834bb18267.png 5d03c6fa9f7844652e24d4754fa7a84f0ac7bbc1.png
----- [center][url=]Previous[/url][/center] ----- [center][img][/img] [b][u]Chapter 4: Old Friend[/u][/b][/center] ----- [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Fenn was enjoying an afternoon nap with Elric, relishing in the warmth of the sun above and the softness of the grass beneath her. Everything felt right with the world, the Hatchling Clan had officially decided to stay, which meant her dream of building a clan was coming to fruition. Soon, the nest would hatch, and their numbers would grow even more. It was a small start, but it was a start nonetheless. The fae stirred as Elric stiffened beside her. He did not rest easy, despite Fenn’s attempts to encourage him to relax and enjoy what they were building. As she raised her head and blinked open her eyes, she could see what Elric was getting so riled up about. A dragon was approaching, and Elric had already gotten to his feet and began growling as he took position standing over Fenn. [center][img],23723,23726,23722&xt=dressing.png[/img][/center] “Stand down, Elric, I am a friend,” The tundra said calmly. “Though I suppose you do not remember me. I am not sure how much of your memory the Arcanist took.” “How do you know my name? How do you know my memory is gone, do you have something to do with this?” Elric snarled, not dropping his stance. “Elric, it’s okay, we can trust him,” Fenn said calmly, brushing her tail against Elric’s leg as she got up. “You remember this man?” Elric asked. “Not entirely, but I feel something deep within my heart that says that we can trust him,” Fenn said. “Besides, if he has answers, we want him on our side.” “I am afraid I cannot give you the answers you desire, not yet. Your memories were taken for your own safety, I have already said too much,” the tundra admitted. “If the danger ever truly passes, I promise I will tell you everything.“ “That’s stupid, surely having our memories would allow us to know what dangers we are defending against,” Elric snorted. “Besides, how can I trust you if we don’t even know [i]your[/i] name.” “Ah, yes, of course you would not know my name. Apologies, that was a slip-up on my behalf,” The tundra adjusted his glasses. “I have a new name anyways. I am Sacredscream, and I am but a simple historian, here to offer my services to your new clan. Someone will have to document the humble beginnings of what I am sure will become a great and powerful clan. And this,” Sacredscream paused to open his bag to reveal a sleeping fae hatchling. “Is Solo. She needs a safe place to grow up.” [center][img][/img][/center] “Is she your daughter?” Fenn felt her heart soften. “Not biologically,” Sacredscream admitted. “But yes, she is. She is also a very important dragon, one of the sole survivors of a destroyed clan. Her survival carries their legacy.” Elric sighed and looked down at Fenn. “There’s no convincing you to be wary of this newcomer?” “Even if I did not have this feeling of trust in my heart, we cannot turn away a hatchling in need,” Fenn said. “We will give these two a home, and Clan Yonder offer them protection.” “You named your home Clan Yonder?” Sacredscream suddenly looked emotional. “Why? Is that significant?” Fenn asked. “It’s just a beautiful name, that’s all,” Sacredscream said, clearly dodging the question. There was a lot the tundra was not telling her, and Fenn could only hope that with time, he would trust them with more information. For the time being, however, his presence brought an intense feeling in Fenn, as his being here brought something important together, as if there was a piece of her missing all this time that she had not realized was gone. It was in this moment that Fenn realized that there was a great, unnameable emptiness within her, and with Sacredscream’s arrival, she felt a little more full. ----- [center][url=]Next[/url][/center] ----- [center]@pinglist-26952[/center] ----- Sacredscream has found Clan Yonder! As with my pinkerlocke, with dergtober on the horizon (tomorrow!), I will be making art posts for drawings I do of these characters! My drawing for day 1 involves Clan Yonder dragons, and I am very excited!

Chapter 4: Old Friend


Fenn was enjoying an afternoon nap with Elric, relishing in the warmth of the sun above and the softness of the grass beneath her. Everything felt right with the world, the Hatchling Clan had officially decided to stay, which meant her dream of building a clan was coming to fruition. Soon, the nest would hatch, and their numbers would grow even more. It was a small start, but it was a start nonetheless.

The fae stirred as Elric stiffened beside her. He did not rest easy, despite Fenn’s attempts to encourage him to relax and enjoy what they were building. As she raised her head and blinked open her eyes, she could see what Elric was getting so riled up about. A dragon was approaching, and Elric had already gotten to his feet and began growling as he took position standing over Fenn.

“Stand down, Elric, I am a friend,” The tundra said calmly. “Though I suppose you do not remember me. I am not sure how much of your memory the Arcanist took.”

“How do you know my name? How do you know my memory is gone, do you have something to do with this?” Elric snarled, not dropping his stance.

“Elric, it’s okay, we can trust him,” Fenn said calmly, brushing her tail against Elric’s leg as she got up.

“You remember this man?” Elric asked.

“Not entirely, but I feel something deep within my heart that says that we can trust him,” Fenn said. “Besides, if he has answers, we want him on our side.”

“I am afraid I cannot give you the answers you desire, not yet. Your memories were taken for your own safety, I have already said too much,” the tundra admitted. “If the danger ever truly passes, I promise I will tell you everything.“

“That’s stupid, surely having our memories would allow us to know what dangers we are defending against,” Elric snorted. “Besides, how can I trust you if we don’t even know your name.”

“Ah, yes, of course you would not know my name. Apologies, that was a slip-up on my behalf,” The tundra adjusted his glasses. “I have a new name anyways. I am Sacredscream, and I am but a simple historian, here to offer my services to your new clan. Someone will have to document the humble beginnings of what I am sure will become a great and powerful clan. And this,” Sacredscream paused to open his bag to reveal a sleeping fae hatchling. “Is Solo. She needs a safe place to grow up.”

“Is she your daughter?” Fenn felt her heart soften.

“Not biologically,” Sacredscream admitted. “But yes, she is. She is also a very important dragon, one of the sole survivors of a destroyed clan. Her survival carries their legacy.”

Elric sighed and looked down at Fenn. “There’s no convincing you to be wary of this newcomer?”

“Even if I did not have this feeling of trust in my heart, we cannot turn away a hatchling in need,” Fenn said. “We will give these two a home, and Clan Yonder offer them protection.”

“You named your home Clan Yonder?” Sacredscream suddenly looked emotional.

“Why? Is that significant?” Fenn asked.

“It’s just a beautiful name, that’s all,” Sacredscream said, clearly dodging the question.

There was a lot the tundra was not telling her, and Fenn could only hope that with time, he would trust them with more information. For the time being, however, his presence brought an intense feeling in Fenn, as his being here brought something important together, as if there was a piece of her missing all this time that she had not realized was gone. It was in this moment that Fenn realized that there was a great, unnameable emptiness within her, and with Sacredscream’s arrival, she felt a little more full.

Sacredscream has found Clan Yonder!

As with my pinkerlocke, with dergtober on the horizon (tomorrow!), I will be making art posts for drawings I do of these characters! My drawing for day 1 involves Clan Yonder dragons, and I am very excited!
b7742e507b7cf8e2cd71c4f2ffd5a17c3b9f9e2e.png 7ae5f576df9583faed137e7e0ca37146ab2a57b6.pnga6562add08eab1563b3f067ebd5e56834bb18267.png 5d03c6fa9f7844652e24d4754fa7a84f0ac7bbc1.png
----- [center][url=]Previous[/url][/center] ----- [center][img][/img] [b][u]Art: Flight[/u][/b][/center] ----- For the first day of Dergtober, I decided to draw the scene of Hex and Realm running around the Windswept Plateau, since the image stuck in my head so clearly. [center][img][/img][/center] ----- [center][url=]Next[/url][/center] ----- [center]@pinglist-26952[/center] -----

Art: Flight

For the first day of Dergtober, I decided to draw the scene of Hex and Realm running around the Windswept Plateau, since the image stuck in my head so clearly.

b7742e507b7cf8e2cd71c4f2ffd5a17c3b9f9e2e.png 7ae5f576df9583faed137e7e0ca37146ab2a57b6.pnga6562add08eab1563b3f067ebd5e56834bb18267.png 5d03c6fa9f7844652e24d4754fa7a84f0ac7bbc1.png