

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Wondering ( Literate fantasy rp: Open)
It was around midnight in the middle of the city. It was dead quiet and the stars was blocked out by the clouds overhead. Even the moon seemed to phase in and out of the night sky as the wind carried the clouds past and in front of the moon. Sitting outside on a street bench looking up at the sky was a handsome looking man with chopping brown hair. Some of it covering his right eye. He was dressed in a brownish brown pants, white shirt, and a brown trench coat. His right hand was nothing ,but bone. and he carried a raptor revolevor that was slightly peaking out from under the trench coat. He was about 6'6 feet tall and wore brown combat boots. He sure was dark and mysterious looking. Seeming out of place within the city and clearly not human at all.
It was around midnight in the middle of the city. It was dead quiet and the stars was blocked out by the clouds overhead. Even the moon seemed to phase in and out of the night sky as the wind carried the clouds past and in front of the moon. Sitting outside on a street bench looking up at the sky was a handsome looking man with chopping brown hair. Some of it covering his right eye. He was dressed in a brownish brown pants, white shirt, and a brown trench coat. His right hand was nothing ,but bone. and he carried a raptor revolevor that was slightly peaking out from under the trench coat. He was about 6'6 feet tall and wore brown combat boots. He sure was dark and mysterious looking. Seeming out of place within the city and clearly not human at all.
The sky above was darker than usual, black clouds swirling through the night as the stars seemed to fade in and out of existence. Usually this would not worry the witch, passed off simply as bad weather, but there had been a chain of rather unfortunate events as of late and it would be a fool’s choice to ignore this too. The murder of crows outside a bedroom window, the freezing cold even during the summer… Omens could appear at any point, the witch mused, picking at a pale fingernail while flipping through an old book of almost-illegible black scrawl. Any point before a significant event.

The book of prophecies fell to the ground, a gust of strong wind knocking it free and sending it flying across the wood. The witch sighed and took this as a sign to go outside, maybe for a walk. A moment or two to recharge under the moon would surely help… if the moon was there at all. The portal came easily, a blue swirling gate that opened up with the flick of a finger. The witch stepped through it, landing in a street with the click of leather boots, and began to walk.
The sky above was darker than usual, black clouds swirling through the night as the stars seemed to fade in and out of existence. Usually this would not worry the witch, passed off simply as bad weather, but there had been a chain of rather unfortunate events as of late and it would be a fool’s choice to ignore this too. The murder of crows outside a bedroom window, the freezing cold even during the summer… Omens could appear at any point, the witch mused, picking at a pale fingernail while flipping through an old book of almost-illegible black scrawl. Any point before a significant event.

The book of prophecies fell to the ground, a gust of strong wind knocking it free and sending it flying across the wood. The witch sighed and took this as a sign to go outside, maybe for a walk. A moment or two to recharge under the moon would surely help… if the moon was there at all. The portal came easily, a blue swirling gate that opened up with the flick of a finger. The witch stepped through it, landing in a street with the click of leather boots, and began to walk.
item_pulsating_pendant_by_dogi_crimson-dab14jb.gif hello, I’m FINALHUNT
Thrain was the name of the man sitting on the bench when he thought he saw or heard something land in the street with the sound of leather boots not to far from where he was. He didn't think much of it. It was the city and not the middle of the woods or forest. Though with how strange the weather had been lately he wondered if he should take the noise as a warning or if he should brush it off as just a citizen or animal wondering around the city.

The clouds above seemed to go darker as if rain was right around the corner. He stood up sighing as he decided to head towards the noise.
Thrain was the name of the man sitting on the bench when he thought he saw or heard something land in the street with the sound of leather boots not to far from where he was. He didn't think much of it. It was the city and not the middle of the woods or forest. Though with how strange the weather had been lately he wondered if he should take the noise as a warning or if he should brush it off as just a citizen or animal wondering around the city.

The clouds above seemed to go darker as if rain was right around the corner. He stood up sighing as he decided to head towards the noise.
There wasn’t much in the city that was worth staying for, in the witch’s opinion. Sure, the magic wasn’t too scattered, but it wasn’t exactly as concentrated as a leyline crossing either. Rare herbs were practically worth gold here, and about as hard to find as a crow’s tooth. Which was why the witch was caught off guard by a whole cluster of them growing from cracks in a building wall. With its black leaves and dully glowing flower buds, it was unmistakeable, spreading upwards like a weed. The witch knew only the name assigned to it by the general public, but that was enough to be a warning.

“Eternal Rest,”the witch murmured, voice both awed and puzzled at once. “That shouldn’t be growing here. It’s much too warm, and they don’t belong in cities. Not parts like this.” A little twinge of unease crept out from the back of the witch’s head, pale blue eyes blinking as if trying to make sense of it all. Another omen to keep in mind, then.
There wasn’t much in the city that was worth staying for, in the witch’s opinion. Sure, the magic wasn’t too scattered, but it wasn’t exactly as concentrated as a leyline crossing either. Rare herbs were practically worth gold here, and about as hard to find as a crow’s tooth. Which was why the witch was caught off guard by a whole cluster of them growing from cracks in a building wall. With its black leaves and dully glowing flower buds, it was unmistakeable, spreading upwards like a weed. The witch knew only the name assigned to it by the general public, but that was enough to be a warning.

“Eternal Rest,”the witch murmured, voice both awed and puzzled at once. “That shouldn’t be growing here. It’s much too warm, and they don’t belong in cities. Not parts like this.” A little twinge of unease crept out from the back of the witch’s head, pale blue eyes blinking as if trying to make sense of it all. Another omen to keep in mind, then.
item_pulsating_pendant_by_dogi_crimson-dab14jb.gif hello, I’m FINALHUNT
Thrain walked down the sidewalk and paused once he saw the witch there looking at the flowers growing from cracks in a building wall. He tilted his head at her as she seemed uneasy about something from how he was looking at it and decided to be friendly or at least tempting to be because his appearance didn't come off as so.

"...So...did you come from that noise I heard?" he asked her curiously not caring if she could use magic or not he was mostly just curious since the city seemed odd lately and a lot of strange events been happening so he wondered if this was another strange event or not or if she just had the ability to move through portals.
Thrain walked down the sidewalk and paused once he saw the witch there looking at the flowers growing from cracks in a building wall. He tilted his head at her as she seemed uneasy about something from how he was looking at it and decided to be friendly or at least tempting to be because his appearance didn't come off as so.

"...So...did you come from that noise I heard?" he asked her curiously not caring if she could use magic or not he was mostly just curious since the city seemed odd lately and a lot of strange events been happening so he wondered if this was another strange event or not or if she just had the ability to move through portals.
At the sudden noise from behind her, the witch’s hand dropped and she turned sharply to face the source, breath caught in her throat. The one she saw was quite terrifying, in her opinion- extremely tall, with a right hand of bone and a sense of being not-quite-human clinging to him. Swallowing hard, the witch nodded, one hand reaching out to stabilise herself by pressing against the wall. “That- that would have been me, yes.” The response came out shaky, muffled by the veils that hid the witch’s face.

It was difficult to make out her silhouette against the dark. The witch was bundled up in countless shawls and veils of dull colour over a dusty uniform from ages past, some of them covered in unique patterns that made one’s eyes hurt to look at. It gave her the appearance of being made from patchwork. From beneath, her blue eyes blinked at Thrain. Studying, calculating. Trying to figure out what he was. She shifted from foot to foot, tassels swaying on one of the shawls around her neck. Somewhere in the distance, a bell was chiming.

The witch tugged at a stem of the plant growing up the wall, snapping it off and fidgeting with it. Her hands appeared like those of a doll, with joint markings and a cool porcelain sheen. She couldn’t see the moon from here now, building roofs blocking out the comfort of the night sky. Calm down. Calm down. Let the universe work. The thought didn’t particularly comfort her as she held on tightly to the frail plant. Introductions. Right. Maybe that will help. “What’s your name? I’m Blanche.”
At the sudden noise from behind her, the witch’s hand dropped and she turned sharply to face the source, breath caught in her throat. The one she saw was quite terrifying, in her opinion- extremely tall, with a right hand of bone and a sense of being not-quite-human clinging to him. Swallowing hard, the witch nodded, one hand reaching out to stabilise herself by pressing against the wall. “That- that would have been me, yes.” The response came out shaky, muffled by the veils that hid the witch’s face.

It was difficult to make out her silhouette against the dark. The witch was bundled up in countless shawls and veils of dull colour over a dusty uniform from ages past, some of them covered in unique patterns that made one’s eyes hurt to look at. It gave her the appearance of being made from patchwork. From beneath, her blue eyes blinked at Thrain. Studying, calculating. Trying to figure out what he was. She shifted from foot to foot, tassels swaying on one of the shawls around her neck. Somewhere in the distance, a bell was chiming.

The witch tugged at a stem of the plant growing up the wall, snapping it off and fidgeting with it. Her hands appeared like those of a doll, with joint markings and a cool porcelain sheen. She couldn’t see the moon from here now, building roofs blocking out the comfort of the night sky. Calm down. Calm down. Let the universe work. The thought didn’t particularly comfort her as she held on tightly to the frail plant. Introductions. Right. Maybe that will help. “What’s your name? I’m Blanche.”
item_pulsating_pendant_by_dogi_crimson-dab14jb.gif hello, I’m FINALHUNT
Thrain looked at her watching her movements carefully as he tilted his head and glanced around slightly wondering if she fell through an invisible broken portal that would disappear as soon as you teleported in or if she teleported here herself. She seemed unstable on her feet probably side effects from a portal. Then again he was used to the effects by now and didn't seem to have unstableness from it. Though he assumed that it would take a moment to stabilize oneself after falling through a portal or even teleporting through on.

He studied her outfit as if trying to judge what time period or at the very least if she came from a warm or cold region ,but the way she was dressed appeared that she came from a colder one.

Then he studied her body language and wonder if she was terrified of him. Then again he was pretty scary looking he often forgot how terrifying he looked since he as around people that knew him or at the very least was used to seeing someone like him walking around the world. Though the arm thing was rare he only ever seen someone else have this effect on their arm only once before. But he wans't sure what would of caused it with the other person.

He had to admit he forgot himself how his happened.

He then watched as she held onto the frail plant that was growing up the side of the building.

" Are you ok....did you fall through a portal or just teleported through one?" he asked taking notice of her state.

" My name is Thrain nice to meet you Blanche" he said giving a freely smile ,but with his features a smile didn't make him seem less friendly at all since he had sharp fangs to ,but since the moon's light didn't reach him it didn't shine in the light.

( @finalhunt sorry for the delayed reply. I always forget about this site. Also thanks for joining my roleplay it's so hard finding literate roleplayers anymore. )
Thrain looked at her watching her movements carefully as he tilted his head and glanced around slightly wondering if she fell through an invisible broken portal that would disappear as soon as you teleported in or if she teleported here herself. She seemed unstable on her feet probably side effects from a portal. Then again he was used to the effects by now and didn't seem to have unstableness from it. Though he assumed that it would take a moment to stabilize oneself after falling through a portal or even teleporting through on.

He studied her outfit as if trying to judge what time period or at the very least if she came from a warm or cold region ,but the way she was dressed appeared that she came from a colder one.

Then he studied her body language and wonder if she was terrified of him. Then again he was pretty scary looking he often forgot how terrifying he looked since he as around people that knew him or at the very least was used to seeing someone like him walking around the world. Though the arm thing was rare he only ever seen someone else have this effect on their arm only once before. But he wans't sure what would of caused it with the other person.

He had to admit he forgot himself how his happened.

He then watched as she held onto the frail plant that was growing up the side of the building.

" Are you ok....did you fall through a portal or just teleported through one?" he asked taking notice of her state.

" My name is Thrain nice to meet you Blanche" he said giving a freely smile ,but with his features a smile didn't make him seem less friendly at all since he had sharp fangs to ,but since the moon's light didn't reach him it didn't shine in the light.

( @finalhunt sorry for the delayed reply. I always forget about this site. Also thanks for joining my roleplay it's so hard finding literate roleplayers anymore. )
(@midnight305 No worries, and cheers! Glad to be here.)

“Erm, teleported.” Blanche fidgeted with her hands, fingers tightly clasped together. The stem snapped in her palm, and she dropped it swiftly to the ground. The mention of falling seemed to catch her attention, and she lifted her head sharply, shawls rustling as she did so. “Why? Have there been more of them opening as of late?” That’s not a good sign. Oh, goodness. I ought to write that down. She reached back behind her to pull off another piece of Eternal Rest, careful not to injure a finger on the ridged black thorns.

The attempt at a smile was noted, and she responded with a nod. “Ah, I’m alright. Just… a little cold.” She tugged a few of the shawls tighter around her, glancing briefly at his face. It was dark here, and she could barely make out a few of his features. Were those the outline of teeth? A coldness settled firmly along her spine. “It’s my pleasure to meet you, Mr. Thrain.” An odd name, one that felt vaguely familiar, but she didn’t mind. Maybe she had seen it around somewhere. The dark did not seem as welcoming as it had been earlier. Portals, odd encounters, and now plants out of place. Perhaps I’ll meet a dragon next, she thought to herself dryly. She leaned back against the wall at a sudden weakness in her legs, careful to avoid catching on the thorny plant. The bell had gone quiet now, leaving cold silence in its wake.
(@midnight305 No worries, and cheers! Glad to be here.)

“Erm, teleported.” Blanche fidgeted with her hands, fingers tightly clasped together. The stem snapped in her palm, and she dropped it swiftly to the ground. The mention of falling seemed to catch her attention, and she lifted her head sharply, shawls rustling as she did so. “Why? Have there been more of them opening as of late?” That’s not a good sign. Oh, goodness. I ought to write that down. She reached back behind her to pull off another piece of Eternal Rest, careful not to injure a finger on the ridged black thorns.

The attempt at a smile was noted, and she responded with a nod. “Ah, I’m alright. Just… a little cold.” She tugged a few of the shawls tighter around her, glancing briefly at his face. It was dark here, and she could barely make out a few of his features. Were those the outline of teeth? A coldness settled firmly along her spine. “It’s my pleasure to meet you, Mr. Thrain.” An odd name, one that felt vaguely familiar, but she didn’t mind. Maybe she had seen it around somewhere. The dark did not seem as welcoming as it had been earlier. Portals, odd encounters, and now plants out of place. Perhaps I’ll meet a dragon next, she thought to herself dryly. She leaned back against the wall at a sudden weakness in her legs, careful to avoid catching on the thorny plant. The bell had gone quiet now, leaving cold silence in its wake.
item_pulsating_pendant_by_dogi_crimson-dab14jb.gif hello, I’m FINALHUNT
@finalhunt well I am glad to hear that. That makes me happy )

" like you teleported here on your own right not just walking or falling from a portal?" he asked again to make sure. When she asked him about falling in or if it happened often he rubbed the back of his neck slightly before glancing down. " Well um....dependings....our world has broken portals so anyone from anywhere, past, present, or future can get teleported in because of it. " He said as he watched her pull off another piece of Eternal Rest and watched as she was careful not to hurt her fingers on the black thorns of the plant. " As for more openings of late not that I recall we have a lot so it doesn't always go to notice when someone drops in since the portals are sporadic and can show up anywhere in different places"

" Oh....I keep forgetting it can be a little cold for outsiders or travelers here since we are more up north closer to the mountains" he said a she pointed in a direction plus the season did not help either. " Um I could show you to a tavern so you can get warmed up and relax a bit and get out of the cold" Thrain offered as he watched her pull the shawls closer around herself as he was trying to be friendly since he knew his features was a bit of a shock to anyone not used to seeing him.

" Oh ha ha is that a good thing or bad father named me he's name is Atryue so...maybe not so odd..." he said with a shrug of his shoulders.

He then watched as she leaned back against the wall suddenly and he stepped forward " ...Hey....are you sure your ok?" he asked her a bit worriedly wondering if it was after effects from teleporting here or something else.
@finalhunt well I am glad to hear that. That makes me happy )

" like you teleported here on your own right not just walking or falling from a portal?" he asked again to make sure. When she asked him about falling in or if it happened often he rubbed the back of his neck slightly before glancing down. " Well um....dependings....our world has broken portals so anyone from anywhere, past, present, or future can get teleported in because of it. " He said as he watched her pull off another piece of Eternal Rest and watched as she was careful not to hurt her fingers on the black thorns of the plant. " As for more openings of late not that I recall we have a lot so it doesn't always go to notice when someone drops in since the portals are sporadic and can show up anywhere in different places"

" Oh....I keep forgetting it can be a little cold for outsiders or travelers here since we are more up north closer to the mountains" he said a she pointed in a direction plus the season did not help either. " Um I could show you to a tavern so you can get warmed up and relax a bit and get out of the cold" Thrain offered as he watched her pull the shawls closer around herself as he was trying to be friendly since he knew his features was a bit of a shock to anyone not used to seeing him.

" Oh ha ha is that a good thing or bad father named me he's name is Atryue so...maybe not so odd..." he said with a shrug of his shoulders.

He then watched as she leaned back against the wall suddenly and he stepped forward " ...Hey....are you sure your ok?" he asked her a bit worriedly wondering if it was after effects from teleporting here or something else.
poke @finalhunt )
poke @finalhunt )