
Bug Report Forums

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TOPIC | Side arrows on dragon profiles
I don't know what's going on but clicking the side arrows on any dragon in my lair, sends me to one in a different tab?

Like I pressed next on Satiran, and ended up on the first one in my sales tab, when it should have been Sandfeather.
I don't know what's going on but clicking the side arrows on any dragon in my lair, sends me to one in a different tab?

Like I pressed next on Satiran, and ended up on the first one in my sales tab, when it should have been Sandfeather.
Go to edit mode, move a tab to a different position, let it save (then presumably move it back to where you wanted it to be).

Then it'll be fixed!
Go to edit mode, move a tab to a different position, let it save (then presumably move it back to where you wanted it to be).

Then it'll be fixed!
@Vendrus !!! Omg thank you so much! :D
@Vendrus !!! Omg thank you so much! :D