
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | EmperorZ™ Pet Race BSJ '24 [Heat A]
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@KungFuCutBug I adore Hootenanny so much!
@KungFuCutBug I adore Hootenanny so much!
[center][b][size=6][color=#A17A18]ANUBIS[/color][/size][/b] [url= 50021100][img][/img][/url] [b][size=4]Team Calvin[/size][/b] @TetraKataki @LunalaRose @humbeldarkmage[/center] [rule] Anubis glanced up from his bag at a very familiar face. He offered Wormwood a warm smile. “Yes, I’m playing too. It’s good to see you again.” He chuckled, looking away. He rummaged around in his satchel, mentally taking stock of everything they [i]might[/i] need. Bandages, check… gauze pads, check… poultices and various other herbs, check… one can never be too careful when dealing with an Emperor. Even a baby abomination could be dangerous and unpredictable. He didn’t know if any of it would work on the team Aberration, though. Hopefully no issues would crop up. …Calvin? Huh.


Team Calvin
@TetraKataki @LunalaRose @humbeldarkmage

Anubis glanced up from his bag at a very familiar face. He offered Wormwood a warm smile.

“Yes, I’m playing too. It’s good to see you again.”

He chuckled, looking away. He rummaged around in his satchel, mentally taking stock of everything they might need. Bandages, check… gauze pads, check… poultices and various other herbs, check… one can never be too careful when dealing with an Emperor. Even a baby abomination could be dangerous and unpredictable.

He didn’t know if any of it would work on the team Aberration, though. Hopefully no issues would crop up.

…Calvin? Huh.
Absol, They/them
+2 FR time
@Jeevas aaaa I'm so glad!! I'm having a blast writing them for sure [emoji=aberration love size=2][emoji=aberration star size=2]
@Jeevas aaaa I'm so glad!! I'm having a blast writing them for sure
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gifgenderfluid (any pronouns + ey/em)
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gifdemiro-ace lesbian

arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gifwannabe writer
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gifFR +3
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [color= 696969][b]Spirit[/b][/color] [color= 808080]she/her @KungFuCutBug[/center] Spirit's chain rattles alongside her as she drags herself forward towards the Emperor Track. A miasma of cold wafts from her bones, but she still settles herself right next to the cheering Aberration. [i]Button[/i]. That is the name of their personal monster, [i]yes[/i]. "Oursssssssss isss ssstarting well," she approvingly points out. "Yesssssssssssssss... run, Button, desssstroy them...." Button shall wrench the hopes and dreams from the claws of these other monsters. It shall make pathetic, crying fools of the lot of them. And then... yessss...... then Spirit shall treat it to a winning buffet, a meal of victors and champions dating from time immemorial...... (Do Emperors like ice cream?)
Spirit's chain rattles alongside her as she drags herself forward towards the Emperor Track. A miasma of cold wafts from her bones, but she still settles herself right next to the cheering Aberration.

Button. That is the name of their personal monster, yes.

"Oursssssssss isss ssstarting well," she approvingly points out. "Yesssssssssssssss... run, Button, desssstroy them...."

Button shall wrench the hopes and dreams from the claws of these other monsters. It shall make pathetic, crying fools of the lot of them.

And then... yessss...... then Spirit shall treat it to a winning buffet, a meal of victors and champions dating from time immemorial......

(Do Emperors like ice cream?)
@natsinabucket [quote](Do Emperors like ice cream?)[/quote] Yes. [s]The milk of the damned.[/s]
(Do Emperors like ice cream?)

Yes. The milk of the damned.
[center][size=4][font=Courier New][url=][color=dd60b6][b][Back to First Post][/b][/color][/url] [emoji=blue star size=1] [url=][color=e3b510][b][Back to Rosters][/b][/color][/url] [emoji=pink star size=1] [url=][color=37b3cc][b][Back to Hub][/b][/color][/url][/size][/font][/center] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [color=transparent]aaa[/color] [nextcol]"Err, aren't the implications of [i]hatchling emperors[/i] a little morbid?"[/columns] [columns] [color=transparent]aaa[/color]"Charmed, I don't come up with the themes, I just work here. Now let's just get back to watching those little creatures scamper along and think about literally anything else! Oops, I think that little guy's wings fell off..." [nextcol] [color=transparent]aaa[/color] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/columns] [img][/img] [b]Robin[/b] kicks off the action by using her [b]Confusing Dance[/b] ability! At her shout, [b]Erwin and Calvin's [b]paths[/b] cross and... appear to switch places? [b]Erwin gains 8 spaces[/b] while Calvin loses 8 spaces![/b] [img][/img] Not to be outdone, [b]Limina[/b] puts on a sailing hat, fixes a stony gaze at little [b]Emperor Dash[/b], and shouts a solid, encouraging remark using [b]Stone Skipper,[/b] allowing [b]Dash to beat out Erwin by 1 space and gaining a total of 5 spaces![/b] [img][/img] But the two [b]Dusthides[/b] in this heat won't take this laying down! [b]Lloyd and Qinghua[/b] give a knowing glance across the race track from each other and [b]simultaneously call a Bowling Split[/b] boosting [b]Alice and Button a whole 11 spaces![/b] [img][/img] [b]Calvin[/b] is still reeling from the dizzying call from earlier, prompting [b]Sludge[/b] to rush in and call [b]Double Time[/b], using their two heads together to encourage the little Emperor to push through the adversity [b]and gain a whole 10 spaces![/b] [img][/img] [b]Flip-Flop[/b] is happily flopping along in the middle of the pack when a massive shadow looms above it as the [b]Imperial Lilith[/b] gives a mighty roar and spurs on the Emperor's [b]Rainbow Gait![/b] Sensing all the elements in front of it, [b]Flip-Flop gains a whole 10 spaces![/b] [i]The numbers are in...[/i] [img][/img] [center][color=e86254][u][b]Looks like the next section of track is coming up![/color][/b][/u] [color=3172c1][u][b][i]Get ready for[/color][/b][/u] [color=e3b510][u][b][i]Round 2![/color][/i][/b][/u][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][img][/img] [url=][size=5][font=Courier New][color=37b3cc][b][Ability Voting Form][/b][/color][/url] [u][b]Deadline for Voting is Wednesday 6/26 13:00 FRT[/b][/u][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][url=][color=09217c][b][Courtesy Link to Element Matchups for Aether Here][/b][/color][/url][/center] [quote=Heat A Pinglist] @sharlayan @Kiranagi @aquaticFeline @LadyBlep @Starwindrider @natsinabucket @KungFuCutbug @ShinyDecidueye @DisastrousAbsol @LunalaRose @TetraKataki @humbledarkmage @mynnthia @stormdrink @dataghosts @SkyDancer10 @BoatBud @SunSprite @TrueTerror @Storia @OnceWorried @SuzyChi @NotMothman @OnnaStik [/quote]

59607377p.png aaa "Err, aren't the implications of hatchling emperors a little morbid?"

aaa"Charmed, I don't come up with the themes, I just work here. Now let's just get back to watching those little creatures scamper along and think about literally anything else! Oops, I think that little guy's wings fell off..." aaa 48264273p.png

k7cjj4W.png Robin kicks off the action by using her Confusing Dance ability! At her shout, Erwin and Calvin's paths cross and... appear to switch places? Erwin gains 8 spaces while Calvin loses 8 spaces!

k7cjj4W.png Not to be outdone, Limina puts on a sailing hat, fixes a stony gaze at little Emperor Dash, and shouts a solid, encouraging remark using Stone Skipper, allowing Dash to beat out Erwin by 1 space and gaining a total of 5 spaces!

k7cjj4W.png But the two Dusthides in this heat won't take this laying down! Lloyd and Qinghua give a knowing glance across the race track from each other and simultaneously call a Bowling Split boosting Alice and Button a whole 11 spaces!

k7cjj4W.png Calvin is still reeling from the dizzying call from earlier, prompting Sludge to rush in and call Double Time, using their two heads together to encourage the little Emperor to push through the adversity and gain a whole 10 spaces!

k7cjj4W.png Flip-Flop is happily flopping along in the middle of the pack when a massive shadow looms above it as the Imperial Lilith gives a mighty roar and spurs on the Emperor's Rainbow Gait! Sensing all the elements in front of it, Flip-Flop gains a whole 10 spaces!

The numbers are in...


Looks like the next section of track is coming up! Get ready for Round 2!
gW9SS9i.gif [Ability Voting Form]

Deadline for Voting is Wednesday 6/26 13:00 FRT
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [size=5][color=green][b]WORMWOOD[/b][/color][/size] [b]Team Calvin[/b] [size=0]@DisastrousAbsol @LunalaRose humbledarkmage[/size] [rule] "Oh! Baby three-head!" What had happened had certainly stirred things up, causing their own little terror to stumble about. Perhaps, then, it had been a good thing for him that Sludge had managed to rally the little one into making a comeback. "Goo friend did good. Helped baby three-head!" He twisted around, keeping up with the others as well as he could - they had to follow Calvin along, after all. The spiral-thing was taking in all of the sights, including the other teams present. "What science friend think of others? Friends? Not friends?"[/center]

Team Calvin

@DisastrousAbsol @LunalaRose humbledarkmage

"Oh! Baby three-head!" What had happened had certainly stirred things up, causing their own little terror to stumble about. Perhaps, then, it had been a good thing for him that Sludge had managed to rally the little one into making a comeback. "Goo friend did good. Helped baby three-head!"

He twisted around, keeping up with the others as well as he could - they had to follow Calvin along, after all. The spiral-thing was taking in all of the sights, including the other teams present. "What science friend think of others? Friends? Not friends?"
Plague Wishlist ProgramThe Soup HatcheryDusthide NecromancerplaceNecromancer Society: Plague-Watchers
[center][b]Sludge, Team Calvin [/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] @TetraKataki @DisastrousAbsol [/center] ----- "Go Calvin-!" [size=2]"Run Calvin-!"[/size]Sludge cheered on the little creature before one of its heads got distracted by their competitors. An imposing sandsurge, a spooky bogsneak, and... [size=2]"A two-head-?"[/size] "Two heads? Maybe-" [size=2]"-elder version of baby three-head?"[/size] Their own two heads chattered. How interesting nonetheless! They would love to talk to the other two-headed dragon and be friends! Oh! Wormed Wood friend is praising them! They are getting a good grade in baby three-head racing! This is normal to want and very possible to achieve! ----- (leaving the door open for inter-team rp if any of y'all want it!)
Sludge, Team Calvin
@TetraKataki @DisastrousAbsol

"Go Calvin-!" "Run Calvin-!"Sludge cheered on the little creature before one of its heads got distracted by their competitors.
An imposing sandsurge, a spooky bogsneak, and... "A two-head-?" "Two heads? Maybe-" "-elder version of baby three-head?" Their own two heads chattered.

How interesting nonetheless! They would love to talk to the other two-headed dragon and be friends!

Oh! Wormed Wood friend is praising them! They are getting a good grade in baby three-head racing! This is normal to want and very possible to achieve!

(leaving the door open for inter-team rp if any of y'all want it!)
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [color=#50B1D2]H[/color][color=#4DACD1]O[/color][color=#4BA8D0]O[/color][color=#49A3CF]T[/color][color=#479FCE]E[/color][color=#449ACD]N[/color][color=#4296CC]A[/color][color=#4091CB]N[/color][color=#3E8DCA]N[/color][color=#3C88C9]Y[/color] ([color=#50b1d2]HOOT[/color] & [color=#3a84c8]NANNY[/color]) [b]TEAM B[/b] [size=1]@natsinabucket[/size] ----- [i][Through the impeccable work of Hootenanny's dusthide companion, Button has managed to plod on ahead into first place for the time being— something the aberration is very, very proud of.][/i] [color=#50B1D2]"[/color][color=#4FB0D1]Y[/color][color=#4FAFD1]E[/color][color=#4EAED1]S[/color][color=#4EADD1]![/color] [color=#4DABD0]T[/color][color=#4CAAD0]h[/color][color=#4CA9D0]a[/color][color=#4BA8CF]t[/color][color=#4BA7CF]'[/color][color=#4AA6CF]s[/color] [color=#49A4CF]h[/color][color=#49A3CE]o[/color][color=#48A2CE]w[/color] [color=#47A0CE]t[/color][color=#479FCD]h[/color][color=#469ECD]i[/color][color=#469DCD]n[/color][color=#459CCD]g[/color][color=#459BCD]s[/color][color=#449ACC]'[/color][color=#4499CC]r[/color][color=#4398CC]e[/color] [color=#4296CB]d[/color][color=#4295CB]o[/color][color=#4194CB]n[/color][color=#4193CB]e[/color] [color=#4091CA]'[/color][color=#3F90CA]r[/color][color=#3F8FCA]o[/color][color=#3E8ECA]u[/color][color=#3E8DC9]n[/color][color=#3D8CC9]d[/color] [color=#3C8AC9]'[/color][color=#3C89C9]e[/color][color=#3B88C8]r[/color][color=#3B87C8]e[/color][color=#3A86C8]![/color][color=#3A84C8]"[/color] [color=#50b1d2]"Nanny, Nanny, look at 'em go! At this rate, we'll be winnin' in no time at all!"[/color] [color=#3a84c8]"All accordin' ta' plan! Who d'ya think'll get th' trophy at th' end, b'tween th' four of us?"[/color] [color=#50b1d2]"Y' mean they don't got a trophy fer each member a' th' winnin' team?"[/color] [color=#3a84c8]"Oh! I jus' plain fergot 'bout that option!"[/color] [color=#50b1d2]"I'm hopin' they do, personally."[/color] [color=#3a84c8]"Me too!"[/color] [color=#50B1D2]"[/color][color=#4FB0D1]W[/color][color=#4FAFD1]e[/color] [color=#4EAED1]c[/color][color=#4EADD1]o[/color][color=#4EADD1]u[/color][color=#4DACD0]l[/color][color=#4DABD0]d[/color] [color=#4CAAD0]h[/color][color=#4CA9D0]o[/color][color=#4CA9D0]s[/color][color=#4BA8D0]t[/color] [color=#4BA7CF]a[/color] [color=#4AA5CF]v[/color][color=#4AA5CF]i[/color][color=#49A4CF]c[/color][color=#49A3CF]t[/color][color=#49A3CE]'[/color][color=#48A2CE]r[/color][color=#48A1CE]y[/color] [color=#47A0CE]f[/color][color=#479FCE]e[/color][color=#479FCE]a[/color][color=#469ECD]s[/color][color=#469DCD]t[/color] [color=#459CCD]'[/color][color=#459BCD]n[/color][color=#459BCD]'[/color] [color=#4499CC]u[/color][color=#4499CC]s[/color][color=#4498CC]e[/color] [color=#4397CC]t[/color][color=#4396CC]h[/color][color=#4295CB]'[/color] [color=#4294CB]t[/color][color=#4193CB]r[/color][color=#4193CB]o[/color][color=#4192CB]p[/color][color=#4091CB]h[/color][color=#4091CA]i[/color][color=#4090CA]e[/color][color=#3F8FCA]s[/color] [color=#3F8ECA]a[/color][color=#3E8DCA]s[/color] [color=#3E8CC9]t[/color][color=#3D8BC9]h[/color][color=#3D8BC9]'[/color] [color=#3C89C9]g[/color][color=#3C89C9]o[/color][color=#3C88C9]b[/color][color=#3B87C8]l[/color][color=#3B87C8]e[/color][color=#3B86C8]t[/color][color=#3A85C8]s[/color][color=#3A85C8]![/color][color=#3A84C8]"[/color] [i][The heads erupt once more into cacophonous cackling. Out of the corner of Nanny's eye, however, ze catches sight of another aberration staring right at them, their own heads chattering amongst themselves.][/i] [color=#3a84c8]"Well, Hoot, I do d'clare we got 'rselves a fan on one a' the other teams 'ere."[/color] [color=#50b1d2]"Oh, [i]do[/i] we!?"[/color] [i][Hoot turns xyr head to the liquidy, multicolored aberration lingering by a different emperor—xe thinks that one was named Caltrop or something?—and offers a cheery wave. Might as well be a good sport if this is a friendly competition, right? Maybe if they like xem enough, xe and Nanny will be able to invite them to the party celebrating Button's win.][/i] [color=#3a84c8]"I think I mighta caught 'em starin' at our ol' boggy friend, too,"[/color] [i][Nanny adds, gesturing with their body's other hand towards Spirit.][/i] [color=#3a84c8]"I dunno if they're much a' one fer conversation, though, so I dunno if we sh'ld invite 'em along..."[/color] [color=#50b1d2]"Aw, c'mon, Nanny! This's jus' a fun lil game, right? I'm sure our teammates 'n' th' other guy's teammates know full an' well t' keep things civil! What's th' worst that c'ld happen?"[/color]
[Through the impeccable work of Hootenanny's dusthide companion, Button has managed to plod on ahead into first place for the time being— something the aberration is very, very proud of.] "YES! That's how things're done 'round 'ere!"

"Nanny, Nanny, look at 'em go! At this rate, we'll be winnin' in no time at all!"

"All accordin' ta' plan! Who d'ya think'll get th' trophy at th' end, b'tween th' four of us?"

"Y' mean they don't got a trophy fer each member a' th' winnin' team?"

"Oh! I jus' plain fergot 'bout that option!"

"I'm hopin' they do, personally."

"Me too!"

"We could host a vict'ry feast 'n' use th' trophies as th' goblets!"

[The heads erupt once more into cacophonous cackling. Out of the corner of Nanny's eye, however, ze catches sight of another aberration staring right at them, their own heads chattering amongst themselves.] "Well, Hoot, I do d'clare we got 'rselves a fan on one a' the other teams 'ere."

"Oh, do we!?" [Hoot turns xyr head to the liquidy, multicolored aberration lingering by a different emperor—xe thinks that one was named Caltrop or something?—and offers a cheery wave. Might as well be a good sport if this is a friendly competition, right? Maybe if they like xem enough, xe and Nanny will be able to invite them to the party celebrating Button's win.]

"I think I mighta caught 'em starin' at our ol' boggy friend, too," [Nanny adds, gesturing with their body's other hand towards Spirit.] "I dunno if they're much a' one fer conversation, though, so I dunno if we sh'ld invite 'em along..."

"Aw, c'mon, Nanny! This's jus' a fun lil game, right? I'm sure our teammates 'n' th' other guy's teammates know full an' well t' keep things civil! What's th' worst that c'ld happen?"
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gifgenderfluid (any pronouns + ey/em)
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gifdemiro-ace lesbian

arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gifwannabe writer
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gifFR +3
[columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [color=transparent]aaa[/color] [nextcol]"Why have so many Imperials joined in this festivity? Aren't you all put off by the idolatry and marketing of your own horrible curse? Do you really find pastel that attractive??"[/columns]
59607377p.png aaa "Why have so many Imperials joined in this festivity? Aren't you all put off by the idolatry and marketing of your own horrible curse? Do you really find pastel that attractive??"
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