
Flight Rising Discussion

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TOPIC | do flights try for 2nd/3rd dominance?
i've been playing for a good bit now and i think i'm generally familiarized with the mechanics and practices of dominance pushing, but there is one thing i'm curious about-- are there ever pushes for second or third place in dominance? obviously it's not as exciting as first place, but the discounts for second place at least would still be nice, and wouldn't take quite as much effort to push for (i think?). i imagine if these do happen they'd be mostly just in-flight, and i gather nature isn't super dominance-oriented (though i could be wrong, i'm a relative newbie) which is why i'm asking here, to see if people from other flights have perspectives to offer!
i've been playing for a good bit now and i think i'm generally familiarized with the mechanics and practices of dominance pushing, but there is one thing i'm curious about-- are there ever pushes for second or third place in dominance? obviously it's not as exciting as first place, but the discounts for second place at least would still be nice, and wouldn't take quite as much effort to push for (i think?). i imagine if these do happen they'd be mostly just in-flight, and i gather nature isn't super dominance-oriented (though i could be wrong, i'm a relative newbie) which is why i'm asking here, to see if people from other flights have perspectives to offer!
A brown Xenopus frog looking up with cute green eyes, accented with 'Lil Bud' in green text and a tiny green heart. Agender (Agender flag)
Any Pronoun (Agender flag)
Pan (Pan flag)
Polyamorous (Polyamorous flag)
Queerplatonic (Queerplatonic flag)
ADHD (ADHD flag)
System (Ampersand symbol)
Blaseball (baseball image)
Seedling (nature icon)
That's kinda how profit pushes work I think. Getting on the board is still a goal, but it doesn't matter which place because making money is more important.
That's kinda how profit pushes work I think. Getting on the board is still a goal, but it doesn't matter which place because making money is more important.
myosotis Sela, she/her, FR+3
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Technically, yes. For most flights I believe that falls under a "profit push" - placing on the board without it coming at the cost of the flight's players or community dom bank.
Technically, yes. For most flights I believe that falls under a "profit push" - placing on the board without it coming at the cost of the flight's players or community dom bank.
1f7Wab5.png x F5AeglI.png x x
< - avatar

ahzidal (captain)
they / them
ohhhh, THAT'S what a profit push is!!
ohhhh, THAT'S what a profit push is!!
A brown Xenopus frog looking up with cute green eyes, accented with 'Lil Bud' in green text and a tiny green heart. Agender (Agender flag)
Any Pronoun (Agender flag)
Pan (Pan flag)
Polyamorous (Polyamorous flag)
Queerplatonic (Queerplatonic flag)
ADHD (ADHD flag)
System (Ampersand symbol)
Blaseball (baseball image)
Seedling (nature icon)
I mean, that's what we do all the time casually
I mean, that's what we do all the time casually
Adding onto profit pushes where the goal is just to get a place (mostly), some flights also deliberately push even not during one of those! I'm in water and we frequently push for 2nd or 3rd when we just coincidentally land close to that on the board- we did that both this week and last week, and that's just kind of for fun to see if we can (and to motivate each other to get some dragon cash!)

I can't speak for other flights, but I'd assume the same is true (at least for the smaller ones, and especially for earth) where some of those pushes can be more spontaneous
Adding onto profit pushes where the goal is just to get a place (mostly), some flights also deliberately push even not during one of those! I'm in water and we frequently push for 2nd or 3rd when we just coincidentally land close to that on the board- we did that both this week and last week, and that's just kind of for fun to see if we can (and to motivate each other to get some dragon cash!)

I can't speak for other flights, but I'd assume the same is true (at least for the smaller ones, and especially for earth) where some of those pushes can be more spontaneous
in addition to all the comments above it's also very common for flights to look at the board and, if beastclans are 3rd, to go ahead and push a little bit just to make sure 3rd place is actually going to a flight instead of NPCs :) kind of an even-more-casual-than-a-profit-push thing.
in addition to all the comments above it's also very common for flights to look at the board and, if beastclans are 3rd, to go ahead and push a little bit just to make sure 3rd place is actually going to a flight instead of NPCs :) kind of an even-more-casual-than-a-profit-push thing.
That can totally happen! I remember this week when Water and Ice were having a "prom" (like an united profit push?) and Plague decided to double dom which lead to the biggest fight I've seen since last summer. So I would say Ice was aiming for the 2nd place at first, and got the 3rd place in the end cuz Plague.
That can totally happen! I remember this week when Water and Ice were having a "prom" (like an united profit push?) and Plague decided to double dom which lead to the biggest fight I've seen since last summer. So I would say Ice was aiming for the 2nd place at first, and got the 3rd place in the end cuz Plague.
Yeah, that can happen! They're placing profit pushes in Arcane. Regular profit pushes don't (usually) aim for a spot in te top 3, though it's a nice bonus. There's a placing profit push coming up at the end of July, because we're doing a joint push with Nature, who is going for dom.
Yeah, that can happen! They're placing profit pushes in Arcane. Regular profit pushes don't (usually) aim for a spot in te top 3, though it's a nice bonus. There's a placing profit push coming up at the end of July, because we're doing a joint push with Nature, who is going for dom.