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TOPIC | A pity loot system in Coli
Yeah, I made this realization when I started to grind the coli for hibden materials: There are now so many enemies in each venue that you have to fight the RNG of getting the right enemy before fighting the RNG of getting the right drops. I wouldn't mind this if there was at least some system in place where, even if I go over hundreds of battles, I can at least come out with something worth my time ;o;

I don't want the items handed to me on a silver platter, but the coli is honestly a really bad time sink that I start to feel genuine regret if I spend too much time in there with nothing to show for it. I could've done literally anything else with my time than spamming scratch and eliminate for an hour searching for a specific item. Sure, I got some food and trinkets, maybe familiars I can sell for 5 gems. But these feel so small that they're still not worth it for my time. I have no motivation to coli unless I'm training. And at that point, I might as well spend the money I make from exalting to just buy all the materials which doesn't really feel as fun, but item searching in the coli isn't fun either. So I'm kind of at an unfun crossroads.

I think any change that allows some forgiveness in RNG, even if it's still super grindy, is still better than nothing. Even if the milestones are super high, I can at least know I can eventually, slowly, passively reach my goals instead of ignoring them or just paying someone else for doing it.
Yeah, I made this realization when I started to grind the coli for hibden materials: There are now so many enemies in each venue that you have to fight the RNG of getting the right enemy before fighting the RNG of getting the right drops. I wouldn't mind this if there was at least some system in place where, even if I go over hundreds of battles, I can at least come out with something worth my time ;o;

I don't want the items handed to me on a silver platter, but the coli is honestly a really bad time sink that I start to feel genuine regret if I spend too much time in there with nothing to show for it. I could've done literally anything else with my time than spamming scratch and eliminate for an hour searching for a specific item. Sure, I got some food and trinkets, maybe familiars I can sell for 5 gems. But these feel so small that they're still not worth it for my time. I have no motivation to coli unless I'm training. And at that point, I might as well spend the money I make from exalting to just buy all the materials which doesn't really feel as fun, but item searching in the coli isn't fun either. So I'm kind of at an unfun crossroads.

I think any change that allows some forgiveness in RNG, even if it's still super grindy, is still better than nothing. Even if the milestones are super high, I can at least know I can eventually, slowly, passively reach my goals instead of ignoring them or just paying someone else for doing it.
I think I have this straight, for me and anyone else following the thread.

So yiq's suggestion is a milestone-based reward system asking players to defeat (example numbers) 10/20/30 enemies daily and giving them basic (treasure, food, maybe a common-ish familiar) rewards at each milestone. Has traits in common with the bounty board mentioned in the OP, which poses giving players a number of a certain enemy to defeat each day to claim a reward. It's short-term, giving players a reason to interact with the coliseum daily, without demanding a ton of time.

DeathbyPixelz suggestion is a similar, milestone-based reward system, using number of battles as the milestone, with the idea being that if you battle (example numbers) 100/200/300 times, you get a more complex/valuable reward proportional to the time you put in. Rather than prompting more interaction with the coliseum, it focuses on extended play and attempts to fill gaps in the coliseum's current reward/drop system by providing additional rewards (food, trinkets, familiars, etc) that a player might not have received over many battles.

Both of these provide something that the coliseum doesn't really have, which is a singular goal for engaging. Something that is finite, which doesn't necessarily require max-level dragons/access to all venues to complete. This might provide more players with a reason to use the coliseum, and reduce burnout and resentment of players who already use it. How rewards from particular venues should be addressed isn't included, but in theory, could be something invisible to players that tracks which venue a player battled in the most. In the case of Pixelz's suggestion, having a different counter per venue seems excessive, and letting a player choose which venue they wanted rewards from might be considered unfair (if, for instance, a player did 100 battles in the Training Fields and used them to get something from Forbidden Portal).
I think I have this straight, for me and anyone else following the thread.

So yiq's suggestion is a milestone-based reward system asking players to defeat (example numbers) 10/20/30 enemies daily and giving them basic (treasure, food, maybe a common-ish familiar) rewards at each milestone. Has traits in common with the bounty board mentioned in the OP, which poses giving players a number of a certain enemy to defeat each day to claim a reward. It's short-term, giving players a reason to interact with the coliseum daily, without demanding a ton of time.

DeathbyPixelz suggestion is a similar, milestone-based reward system, using number of battles as the milestone, with the idea being that if you battle (example numbers) 100/200/300 times, you get a more complex/valuable reward proportional to the time you put in. Rather than prompting more interaction with the coliseum, it focuses on extended play and attempts to fill gaps in the coliseum's current reward/drop system by providing additional rewards (food, trinkets, familiars, etc) that a player might not have received over many battles.

Both of these provide something that the coliseum doesn't really have, which is a singular goal for engaging. Something that is finite, which doesn't necessarily require max-level dragons/access to all venues to complete. This might provide more players with a reason to use the coliseum, and reduce burnout and resentment of players who already use it. How rewards from particular venues should be addressed isn't included, but in theory, could be something invisible to players that tracks which venue a player battled in the most. In the case of Pixelz's suggestion, having a different counter per venue seems excessive, and letting a player choose which venue they wanted rewards from might be considered unfair (if, for instance, a player did 100 battles in the Training Fields and used them to get something from Forbidden Portal).
Yes, thank you Pennifeather T-T Usually I’m good with words but I guess today’s not one of those times lol
Yes, thank you Pennifeather T-T Usually I’m good with words but I guess today’s not one of those times lol
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@DeathbyPixelz I do my best! Also added more, since I keep thinking about how one would address rewards depending on venue.
@DeathbyPixelz I do my best! Also added more, since I keep thinking about how one would address rewards depending on venue.
Personally, I would just far prefer lootless battles to no longer be a thing, rather than have a pity loot system for items that are probably never going to retire.

While I understand the point about not wanting to rely on others, as I am a big proponent of being able to play the game as a 'single player', I think that there does come a point where we (and this includes myself) have to accept that FR IS a game that has multiplayer aspects and one of those aspects is the economy and buying/selling from/to other players.

One of my issues with something like this would be the potential for it to basically completely devalue anything still worthwhile from the coli, because people play a LOT of battles daily.

So, depending on what can drop from the loot system (ie, will it restrict things such as elims/eggs from being able to be dropped, or will they be included?) I can see this easily tanking those items values.
Personally, I would just far prefer lootless battles to no longer be a thing, rather than have a pity loot system for items that are probably never going to retire.

While I understand the point about not wanting to rely on others, as I am a big proponent of being able to play the game as a 'single player', I think that there does come a point where we (and this includes myself) have to accept that FR IS a game that has multiplayer aspects and one of those aspects is the economy and buying/selling from/to other players.

One of my issues with something like this would be the potential for it to basically completely devalue anything still worthwhile from the coli, because people play a LOT of battles daily.

So, depending on what can drop from the loot system (ie, will it restrict things such as elims/eggs from being able to be dropped, or will they be included?) I can see this easily tanking those items values.

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[quote name="Jemadar" date="2024-06-21 16:52:11" ] Personally, I would just far prefer lootless battles to no longer be a thing, rather than have a pity loot system for items that are probably never going to retire. While I understand the point about not wanting to rely on others, as I am a big proponent of being able to play the game as a 'single player', I think that there does come a point where we (and this includes myself) have to accept that FR IS a game that has multiplayer aspects and one of those aspects is the economy and buying/selling from/to other players. One of my issues with something like this would be the potential for it to basically completely devalue anything still worthwhile from the coli, because people play a LOT of battles daily. So, depending on what can drop from the loot system (ie, will it restrict things such as elims/eggs from being able to be dropped, or will they be included?) I can see this easily tanking those items values. [/quote] While it would obviously be up to the FR team, it makes the most sense to me for a reward system like this to only include items unique to the venue you're grinding in. This is why the topic caught my eye in the first place. This is why I started spitballing ideas to track which venues players are in, too. It's not intended to be handing out free eliminate stones. It's intended to mitigate the layers of RNG that the coliseum uses. So, if something can drop from, for instance, [i]any[/i] Lightning-element monster, or can drop from all level 12+ venues, or it can be acquired through gathering (which is, admittedly, its own separate issue), it wouldn't be included in the reward pool. I also desperately want lootless battles to stop being a thing. It's an awful feeling to finish a battle, especially somewhere challenging, and get nothing for it. I will die on the "drop rates need to change" hill. ETA: Mileage may vary on availability of items that drop from both gathering and coliseum. I can see an argument for making those part of the suggested rewards as well, but again, gathering is its own circus with its own monkeys. A change there might make the argument moot.
Jemadar wrote on 2024-06-21 16:52:11:
Personally, I would just far prefer lootless battles to no longer be a thing, rather than have a pity loot system for items that are probably never going to retire.

While I understand the point about not wanting to rely on others, as I am a big proponent of being able to play the game as a 'single player', I think that there does come a point where we (and this includes myself) have to accept that FR IS a game that has multiplayer aspects and one of those aspects is the economy and buying/selling from/to other players.

One of my issues with something like this would be the potential for it to basically completely devalue anything still worthwhile from the coli, because people play a LOT of battles daily.

So, depending on what can drop from the loot system (ie, will it restrict things such as elims/eggs from being able to be dropped, or will they be included?) I can see this easily tanking those items values.
While it would obviously be up to the FR team, it makes the most sense to me for a reward system like this to only include items unique to the venue you're grinding in. This is why the topic caught my eye in the first place. This is why I started spitballing ideas to track which venues players are in, too. It's not intended to be handing out free eliminate stones. It's intended to mitigate the layers of RNG that the coliseum uses. So, if something can drop from, for instance, any Lightning-element monster, or can drop from all level 12+ venues, or it can be acquired through gathering (which is, admittedly, its own separate issue), it wouldn't be included in the reward pool.

I also desperately want lootless battles to stop being a thing. It's an awful feeling to finish a battle, especially somewhere challenging, and get nothing for it. I will die on the "drop rates need to change" hill.

ETA: Mileage may vary on availability of items that drop from both gathering and coliseum. I can see an argument for making those part of the suggested rewards as well, but again, gathering is its own circus with its own monkeys. A change there might make the argument moot.
[quote name="Almedha" date="2024-06-21 13:44:13" ] There seem to be a lot of suggestions recently to eliminate the player-run economy and make it so that everyone can get everything from the site at the time and price they want it. I feel like after 350 battles or whatever, you probably could, for example, exalt enough dragons to buy someone else's eliminate or unhatched egg. I feel like this is entirely unnecessary and probably even damaging. A pity system is kind of unnecessary because statistics is on our side. The item we want will drop for someone, and if I'm willing to grind away until it drops for me... why wouldn't I be willing to grind until I've trained an exalted enough dragons to just buy it? [/quote] Exactly this. No support.
Almedha wrote on 2024-06-21 13:44:13:
There seem to be a lot of suggestions recently to eliminate the player-run economy and make it so that everyone can get everything from the site at the time and price they want it.

I feel like after 350 battles or whatever, you probably could, for example, exalt enough dragons to buy someone else's eliminate or unhatched egg. I feel like this is entirely unnecessary and probably even damaging. A pity system is kind of unnecessary because statistics is on our side. The item we want will drop for someone, and if I'm willing to grind away until it drops for me... why wouldn't I be willing to grind until I've trained an exalted enough dragons to just buy it?
Exactly this. No support.
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At a glance I'm not outright against a system like this because I dislike RNG on principle (I think its a cheap gimmick over challenge or dedication), but I don't think it's necessary specifically for FR since everything on FR can be traded.

With WoW, the reason you need a system like that is because gear is bound, either to you, or to the raid participants. You can't work through other systems to obtain gold for a piece of gear from a mythic raid, but on FR if the Coli RNG is being awful, you can do the fairgrounds, or exalt dragons, or sell Baldwin mats to gather gold to purchase from someone else.

Now, on that note I absolutely support a bounty system that would guarantee the drops from a specific mobs after killing it x times, completable once per day (or week, or month, etc). Coli venues are bloated these days, and heaven forbid you need a drop from a mob that's only in 4 of the 40 enemy arrangements, and end up with lootless battles against them
At a glance I'm not outright against a system like this because I dislike RNG on principle (I think its a cheap gimmick over challenge or dedication), but I don't think it's necessary specifically for FR since everything on FR can be traded.

With WoW, the reason you need a system like that is because gear is bound, either to you, or to the raid participants. You can't work through other systems to obtain gold for a piece of gear from a mythic raid, but on FR if the Coli RNG is being awful, you can do the fairgrounds, or exalt dragons, or sell Baldwin mats to gather gold to purchase from someone else.

Now, on that note I absolutely support a bounty system that would guarantee the drops from a specific mobs after killing it x times, completable once per day (or week, or month, etc). Coli venues are bloated these days, and heaven forbid you need a drop from a mob that's only in 4 of the 40 enemy arrangements, and end up with lootless battles against them
I will say I'm not completely against this.

But also, the amount of time it takes with a level 25 dragon to do for example 50 battles in Training Fields vs. 50 battles in Forbidden Portal or a higher level venue is... vastly different.

So I don't know that I feel like just flat battle number would be the way to go, because in that case, what's to stop folks from just spamming the system in the lower level venues with their high level dragons?

Not sure where I am going with this but also don't know that I really saw it being addressed anywhere either.

edit to add - plz dont ping me
I will say I'm not completely against this.

But also, the amount of time it takes with a level 25 dragon to do for example 50 battles in Training Fields vs. 50 battles in Forbidden Portal or a higher level venue is... vastly different.

So I don't know that I feel like just flat battle number would be the way to go, because in that case, what's to stop folks from just spamming the system in the lower level venues with their high level dragons?

Not sure where I am going with this but also don't know that I really saw it being addressed anywhere either.

edit to add - plz dont ping me
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I agree with making lootless battles a thing of the past. And I prefer a suggestion I've seen on other threads - a "lure." An item that increases your odds of a certain enemy spawning, but does not guarantee. That should help with the opponent diluting people are mentioning.
I agree with making lootless battles a thing of the past. And I prefer a suggestion I've seen on other threads - a "lure." An item that increases your odds of a certain enemy spawning, but does not guarantee. That should help with the opponent diluting people are mentioning.
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